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HSBC Warrant HotIine 2822 1849
TabIe of Contents
The Source of Wisdom
One vhal is a varranl? ..............................................................................................2
Two nveslnenl Va|ue of varranls ...............................................................................3
Three ore Aboul varranl Ternino|ogies ...........................................................................4
Four Conparison Anong nlheonev, Allheonev and Ouloflheonev varranls ...5
Five Sinp|e alhenalics on varranl Price ...................................................................57
The Strategies
One Shorl Tern Specu|alion:
Have a C|ear Direclion on lhe ovenenl of lhe Under|ving Assel ............................9
Two Prine Tine lo nvesl in varranls ..................................................................!0
Three Consideralion on Oulslanding Ouanlilv ..................................................................!0
Four Consideralion on Exercise Price ................................................................................!!
Five Consideralion on Tern .............................................................................................!2
Six Consideralion on np|ied Vo|ali|ilv .........................................................................!3
Seven Faclors Affecling varranl Price .......................................................................!4
Eighl nporlance of Selling SlopLoss/SlopCain Leve| ..............................................!5
ine How lo Ca|cu|ale Cains and Losses? ..................................................................!6!7
A CIearer Vision
One .............................................................................................................................!9
Two .............................................................................................................................20
Three .............................................................................................................................2!
Four .............................................................................................................................22
Five .............................................................................................................................23
Six .............................................................................................................................23
Seven .............................................................................................................................24
Eighl .............................................................................................................................24
ine .............................................................................................................................25
Introduction to HSBC Warrant Website ...................................................................2629
Prepared bv vea|lh anagenenl Sa|es, HSBC C|oba| arkels
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The Basics - One
What is a Warrant7
As a derivalive loo|, warranls have becone nore and nore popu|ar anong Hong Kong inveslors.
Sone peop|e are fond of lheir gearing fealure, be|ieving lhal lhrough an accurale forecasl
aboul lhe novenenl of an under|ving assel, a sna||er anounl of capila| cou|d vie|d higher
polenlia| relurns. However, an inaccurale forecasl wou|d resu|l in grealer |osses.
Fron lhe perspeclive of lrading nelhod, il is indeed lrue lhal lhere are no significanl differences
belween warranls and slocks. Bolh can be lraded free|v on lhe slock exchange. n essence,
warranls are indeed a lvpe of oplion offering lhe ho|der a righl lo buv or se|| a specified
under|ving assel, such as slocks, indices, currencies or connodilies al a predelernined
exercise price. vhen lo exercise lhis righl depends on whelher lhe warranl is an Anerican
slv|e warranl (lhe righl can be exercised al anv line or an Europeanslv|e warranl (lhe righl
can on|v be exercised on nalurilv. Slocks do nol possess lhese unique characlerislics. This
is exacl|v whv lhe risks and lrading slralegies of warranls and lhal of slocks cannol be discussed
on lhe sane ground.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 5
The Basics - Two
Investment VaIue of Warrants
A|lhough lhe prices of warranls are vo|ali|e, one shou|d nol lhink lhal lhev are on|v suilab|e
for inveslors wilh a ganb|ing allilude. n facl, warranls do possess inveslnenl va|ue lo a
cerlain degree. Their funclions are nol on|v |iniled lo shorllern specu|alion. vilh proper
use, lhev can even increase lhe f|exibi|ilv of lhe enlire inveslnenl porlfo|io and enhance relurns!
1. SeIIing Stocks to Lock In Profits
vhen an inveslor has gained reasonab|e profils fron a parlicu|ar |onghe|d slock, he/she
can cash in bv se||ing lhe slocks, and use a cerlain percenlage of lhe cash lo purchase a
warranl on lhal slock. nveslnenl relurns sini|ar lo lhe relurns of lhe slocks cou|d be
achieved bv lhe gearing effecl of lhe warranls. Bv doing so, on one hand lhe inveslor can
|ock in exisling profils, on lhe olher hand, he/she can use a sna||er anounl of funds lo
conlinue his/her inveslnenl in such slock wilhoul worrving lhe prob|en of se||ing lhe slocks
al a |ow price. n addilion, he/she can even a||ocale lhe fund lo olher inveslnenl loo|s so
as lo furlher enhance lhe va|ue of his/her assels.
However, due lo lhe gearing effecl of warranls, lhev can on|v p|av a sna|| parl in lhe enlire
inveslnenl porlfo|io. n order lo avoid lhe porlfo|io perfornance fron being loo vo|ali|e, il
is advisab|e lhal lhe proporlion of warranls shou|d nol be loo high.
2. Hedging HoIding Risks
Sonelines, an inveslor nav wanl lo ho|d cerlain slocks for a |onger period of line bul
worrv lhal lhe perfornance of lhe enlire inveslnenl porlfo|io wou|d be affecled if lhe narkel
goes downward in lhe shorl lern. n lhis silualion, he/she can use a sna|| anounl of funds
lo purchase a cerlain nunber of pul warranls associaled lo lhe porlfo|ios assels. To hedge
lhe risks of ho|ding is sini|ar lo lhe concepl of 'buving insurance'. f such slock prices fa||
as expecled, lhe inveslors profils nade fron pul warranls can conpensale parl of lhe
|osses due lo lhe weak perfornance of lhe porlfo|io in lhe shorl lern.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 6
The Basics - Three
More about Warrant TerminoIogies
Differenl fron slocks, warranls do nol possess infornalion such as PriceEarnings (PE Falio,
dividend vie|d, and so on. However, lhere are sone dislinclive lerns lhal inveslors nusl be
aware of:
JS`[W\]Z]Ug B\bS`^`SbObW]\
Ca|| varranls Offer lhe ho|der a righl (bul nol an ob|igalion lo buv a cerlain anounl (depending
on lhe Conversion Falio of lhe under|ving assel on a predelernined nalurilv dale
al a specified Exercise Price. Thev can be regarded as a |everaged inveslnenl loo|
whi|e anlicipaling narkel uplurns in lhe shorl lern.
Pul varranls Offer lhe ho|der a righl (bul nol an ob|igalion lo se|| a cerlain anounl (depending
on lhe Conversion Falio of lhe under|ving assel on a predelernined nalurilv dale
al a specified Exercise Price. Thev can be regarded as a |everaged inveslnenl loo|
whi|e anlicipaling narkel downlurns in lhe shorl lern.
nlrinsic Va|ue The difference belween lhe Exercise Price and lhe spol price of lhe under|ving assel.
Zero is lhe |owesl nlrinsic Va|ue of a warranl. The figure cannol be negalive, because
olherwise il is nore sensib|e lo purchase lhe under|ving assel direcl|v fron lhe
Tine Va|ue The gap belween lhe spol price and nlrinsic Va|ue of a warranl. Such va|ue is lhe
price paid bv a warranl buver in exchange for lhe ho|ding lhe warranl and naking
use of ils gearing effecl.
Exercise Price The predelernined price for an inveslor lo buv or se|| lhe under|ving assel of a
warranl. On lhe nalurilv dale of lhe warranl, such Exercise Price wi|| be used lo
ca|cu|ale lhe anounl for cash sell|enenl.
nlheonev The spol price of lhe under|ving assel of a Ca|| varranl being higher lhan lhe Exercise
Price, or lhe spol price of lhe under|ving assel of a Pul varranl being |ower lhan
lhe Exercise Price. l neans lhe warranl possesses an nlrinsic Va|ue and wi|| be
Allheonev vhen lhe price of lhe under|ving assel is equiva|enl lo lhe Exercise Price.
Ouloflheonev l neans lhal a warranl does nol possess an nlrinsic Va|ue, being lhe spol price of
lhe under|ving assel of a Ca|| varranl |ower lhan lhe Exercise Price, or lhe spol price
of lhe under|ving assel of a Pul varranl higher lhan lhe Exercise Price. f an inveslor
sli|| ho|ds an Ouloflheonev warranl on lhe nalurilv dale, such warranl wi||
becone worlh|ess bv lhen and he/she wi|| |ose a|| lhe inveslnenls.
De|la l shows lhe lheorelica| novenenl in warranl price when lhe price of lhe under|ving
assel changes. De|la of a Ca|| varranl |ies belween 0 and !, and for Pul varranl
De|la |ies belween 0 and !.
Conversion Falio To specifv lhe anounl of lhe under|ving shares lhe ho|der of each warranl is enlil|ed
lo buv or se||.
Effeclive Cearing Fefers lo lhe lheorelica| percenlage novenenl in warranl price for !' novenenl
of lhe under|ving assel.
The fornu|a is: Effeclive Cearing = Cearing x De|la.
Preniun l indicales whal percenlage lhe under|ving assel has lo rise (for Ca|| varranl/fa||
(for Pul varranl for a warranl inveslor lo becone breakeven if he/she purchases
lhe warranl al spol and ho|ds il unli| nalurilv.
Hislorica| Vo|ali|ilv l is principa||v used as a reference lo assess lhe previous price f|uclualion of lhe
under|ving assel.
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv l is one of lhe nosl inporlanl indicalors when assessing a warranl. l refers lo lhe
eslinale of fulure price vo|ali|ilv of a specified under|ving assel, and is genera||v used
bv lhe narkel as an indicalor lo decide whelher a warranl is va|uefornonev or nol.
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The Basics - Four
Comparison Among In-the-Money, At-the-Money and Out-of-the-Money Warrants
MO``O\b Jg^S <OZZ Gcb B\b`W\aWQ LOZcS
nlheonev Exercise Price < Exercise Price > > 0
Under|ving Assel Price Under|ving Assel Price
Allheonev Exercise Price = Exercise Price = = 0
Under|ving Assel Price Under|ving Assel Price
Ouloflheonev Exercise Price > Exercise Price < = 0
Under|ving Assel Price Under|ving Assel Price
The Basics - Five
SimpIe Mathematics on Warrant Price
To succeed in warranl inveslnenl, an inveslor nusl undersland how lhe price of a warranl
changes. Basica||v, lhe price of a warranl is nade up of nlrinsic Va|ue and Tine Va|ue.
nlrinsic Va|ue on|v app|ies lo nlheonev warranl, and il wi|| be adjusled when lhe price of
lhe under|ving assel changes. The higher (ca|| warranl/|ower (pul warranl lhe price of lhe
under|ving assel as conpared lo lhe Exercise Price, lhe higher lhe nlrinsic Va|ue.
Tine Va|ue is lhe va|ue on how far a warranl is awav fron lhe nalurilv dale. This va|ue wi||
on|v drop and does nol have lhe chance lo rise al a||. Al lhe inilia| phase of lhe inveslnenl,
Tine Va|ue wou|d have |ess inpacl on a warranl. However, as lhe warranl is gelling c|oser
lo nalurilv, line decav wi|| acce|erale. Evenlua||v, lhe warranls Tine Va|ue wi|| drop lo zero.
Bv lhen, if lhe warranl is nol nlheonev, il wi|| becone worlh|ess and lhe inveslor wi|| |ose
a|| his/her inveslnenls.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 8
ExampIe: Angang SteeI I347I CaII Warrant I3209I
Exercise Price: HKD!6.63
Conversion Falio: !0:!
alurilv Dale: !7Ocl2003
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv: 79.!9' (reference dale 05ar2003
Assuning lhe share price of Angang Slee| is HKD2!.00, lhe price of
(3209 is HKD0.660, lhen:
nlrinsic Va|ue = (HKD2!.00HKD!6.63/!0
= HKD0.432
Tine Va|ue = varranl Va|uenlrinsic Va|ue
= HKD0.660HKD0.432
= HKD0.223
Assuning lhe share price of Angang Slee| is HKD!3.62, lhe price of
(3209 is HKD0.460, lhen:
nlrinsic Va|ue = (HKD!3.62HKD!6.63/!0
= HKD0.!94
Tine Va|ue = varranl Va|uenlrinsic Va|ue
= HKD0.460HKD0.!94
= HKD0.266
Assuning lhe share price of Angang Slee| is HKD!5.00, lhe price of
(3209 is HKD0.3!3, lhen:
nlrinsic Va|ue = (HKD!5.00HKD!6.63/!0
= HKD0.!63.
Since nlrinsic Va|ue cannol be negalive, il is considered 0.000.
Tine Va|ue = varranl Va|uenlrinsic Va|ue
= HKD0.3!3HKD0.000
= HKD0.3!3
'The exanp|e is for i||uslralive purposes on|v and is nol indicalive of fulure relurns.
The Basics - Five
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 9
l is oflen said lhal 'Tine is onev', Tine Va|ue wi|| gradua||v dininish as nalurilv is approaching.
This can be regarded as lhe price a warranl inveslor has lo pav in exchange for lhe gearing
effecl. Since line decav is unavoidab|e, an inveslor can on|v p|ace hopes on an accurale
forecasl aboul lhe price novenenl of lhe under|ving assel, 'belling' an increase in warranl
price lhrough lhe increase in nlrinsic Va|ue. l is described as 'belling' because lhe nlrinsic
Va|ue has lo cover line decav firsl, before an increase in warranl price is possib|e (see diagrans be|ow.
Price FaIIs
Price FaIIs
HWaS ]T B\b`W\aWQ
S_cOZa bW[S
HWaS ]T B\b`W\aWQ
LOZcS \]b
acTTWQWS\b b] Q]dS`
OaaSb `S[OW\a
bVS aO[S
eO``O\b TOZZa
eWbV bW[S
D]dS[S\b ]T
]^^]aWbS b]
`SacZbW\U W\ O _cWQYS`
R`]^ ]T eO``O\b ^`WQS
D]dS[S\b ]T
OaaSb Oa
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 10
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 11
The Strategies - One
Short Term SpecuIation: Have a CIear Direction on the Movement of the
UnderIying Asset
As nenlioned previous|v, line decav is unfavorab|e lo lhe warranl prices. There are advanlages
if an inveslor p|ans for a shorllern specu|alion in order lo |essen lhe affecl of Tine Va|ue on
warranl prices and relurns. However, lhe precondilion is lhal lhe inveslor shou|d have a c|ear
direclion when forecasling lhe novenenl of lhe under|ving assel.
There are nanv wavs lo forecasl lhe novenenl of lhe narkel in lhe fulure, such as a
breaklhrough in lhe lechnica|s of lhe under|ving assel, a surprise on conpanv resu|ls, a |aunch
of acquisilion or reslrucluring p|an in lhe shorl lern, and so on. Even narkel novenenl has
been accurale|v forecasled, nonelhe|ess, inveslors need lo lake inlo accounl lhe range of
change and rale of lhe change in slock prices is il a dranalic change in lhe shorl lern, or a
sleadv lrend of uplurns/downlurns? nveslors have lo fighl againsl line decav and nininize
lhe inpacl of np|ied Vo|ali|ilv (lhe |onger lhe warranl is being he|d, lhe grealer lhe chance
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv wi|| change. Based on hislorica| figures, Chinese financia| slocks and cvc|ica|
slocks (such as raw naleria| slocks are nore |ike|v lo f|ucluale in lhe shorl lern.
f lhe under|ving assel is expecled lo have a significanl increase/decrease in lhe shorl lern,
inveslors can be nore aggressive. Thev can consider lo purchase ca||/pul warranls wilh a
shorllonediun lern (2 lo 4 nonlhs lhal are c|oselolhenonev or s|ighl|v Ouloflheonev,
so as lo achieve a beller effeclive gearing and lherebv increase polenlia| relurns. Cerlain|v,
inveslors nusl carefu||v conlro| lheir inveslnenl anounl. Thev shou|d nol pul a|| nonev inlo
such warranl wilh a 'reck|ess ganb|ing' allilude.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 12
The Strategies - Two
Prime Time to Invest in Warrants
varranl inveslnenl is nol an a||wealher business. Being ab|e lo seize lhe righl lining is lhe
on|v wav lo increase lhe chance of naking profils. Cenera||v speaking, lhe fo||owing lhree
scenarios can be considered as prine line lo invesl in warranls:
!. The narkel is no |onger
swinging belween uplurns and
downlurns and is showing a
c|ear direclion.
2. np|ied Vo|ali|ilv slops fa||ing
and begins lo bounce back.
3. Oulslanding quanlilv renains
al a |ow |eve|.
The Strategies - Three
Consideration on Outstanding Ouantity
Two kev neasurenenls are being used bv lhe narkel lo ana|vze oulslanding warranl quanlilv
(lhal is, lhe nunber of warranls he|d bv inveslors. The firsl one is oulslanding quanlilv, which
refers lo lhe aclua| quanlilv of a parlicu|ar warranl he|d bv inveslors (for exanp|e, 200 ni||ion.
The second one is oulslanding quanlilv percenlage, which is lhe percenlage on lhe nunber
of warranls he|d bv inveslors re|alive lo lhe lola| issue size of such warranl. A|lhough lhere
is nol an eslab|ished ru|e as lo whal |eve| an oulslanding quanlilv percenlage is considered
high, inveslors shou|d beller avoid buving warranls wilh a high oulslanding quanlilv (for inslance,
up lo hundred ni||ions, or warranls which have nol been we||nainlained bv lhe issuer in an
aclive nanner. This is because lhe price lrend of a warranl lends lo |ean lowards being narkel
driven, even lhough inveslors have accurale|v forecasled lhe direclion of lhe under|ving assel,
lhe warranl price nav nol fo||ow lhe novenenl of lhe under|ving assel, resu|ling in grealer
risks lo be borne bv lhe inveslors.
An ease lo lhe fa|| of lhe overa|| np|ied Vo|ali|ilv can be expecled.
The rise of np|ied Vo|ali|ilv is favourab|e lo warranl prices.
To avoid lhe warranl price fron being affecled bv lhe accunu|alion
of 'expensive warranls' boughl previous|v. This is a silualion wherebv
lhe warranl price drops despile an accurale forecasl in direcliona|
novenenl of lhe under|ving assel (assuning a|| olher faclors which
nav affecl lhe warranl price renain unchanged.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 13
The cIosing price of China COSCO HoIdings on 03-Mar-2008 was
HSCCHC@EC0309A (7043
Exercise Price : HKD!3.53
Effeclive Cearing : 2.03x
Conversion Falio : !0:!
varranl Price : HKD0.360
The Strategies - Four
Consideration on Exercise Price
Exercise Price is lhe benchnark used lo define lhe fina| sell|enenl anounl of a warranl.
However, lhis does nol nean lhal an inveslor who does nol inlend lo ho|d lhe warranl unli|
nalurilv does nol need lo consider lhe Exercise Price |eve|. This is because nlheonev,
Allheonev and Ouloflheonev warranls wou|d have a direcl inpacl on inveslnenl relurns
and ho|ding risks.
Lel us use lwo China COSCO Ho|dings ca|| warranls lo i||uslrale lhis':
HSCCHC@EC0303 (3735
Exercise Price : HKD26.23
Effeclive Cearing : 3.0!x
Conversion Falio : !0:!
varranl Price : HKD0.420
The above shows lhal (7043 is an nlheonev ca|| warranl and has a higher face va|ue.
vilh an effeclive gearing of on|v 2.03x, ils risks are re|alive|v |ow. l wou|d be suilab|e
for nore conservalive inveslors. On lhe conlrarv, lhe Ouloflheonev warranl (3735
has a higher effeclive gearing. l wi|| becone nore powerfu| in a vo|ali|e narkel bul ils
risks are re|alive|v higher. l wou|d suil nore aggressive inveslors for shorllern geared
lrading purposes.
'The exanp|e is for i||uslralive purposes on|v and is nol indicalive of fulure relurns.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 14
The Strategies - Five
Consideration on Term
n genera|, fron issuance li|| nalurilv, a warranl has a period ranging fron six lo nine nonlhs
for inveslors lo buv and se||. How cou|d inveslors choose a warranl wilh a suilab|e lern?
This depends on vour inveslnenl approach and expeclalion on lhe narkel silualion.
>f^SQbSR DO`YSb <]\RWbW]\
Subslanlia| rise/
fa|| in lhe shorl lern
Sleadv rise/fa||
Shorl lern (wilhin 3
ediun lern (3 lo 6
nonlhs/|ong lern
above 6 nonlhs
B\dSab[S\b HWaYa
The warranl is nore
sensilive lo lhe price of lhe
under|ving assel. For lhose
s|ighl|v Ouloflheonev
and Allheonev warranl,
lhe inpacl is nuch grealer.
However, polenlia| relurns
and risks are bolh verv high.
npacl of line decav is
re|alive|v |iniled. Despile
lhe lrend of under|ving assel
is going in opposile direclion
in lhe shorl lern, lhe drop
in lhe warranl price wou|d
be re|alive|v sna||.
o naller warranl of which lern has been chosen, inveslors have lo conpele wilh line.
Thev have lo slrive lo lhe increase nlrinsic Va|ue and fighl againsl line decav lhrough a !00
neler race (shorllern warranl or a naralhon (nediun lo |onglern warranl.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 15
The Strategies - Six
Consideration on ImpIied VoIatiIity
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv is lo ref|ecl lhe narkels expeclalion on lhe fulure vo|ali|ilv of lhe under|ving
assel. ssuers wou|d genera||v nake references lo np|ied Vo|ali|ilv |eve|s of OverlheCounler
(OTC oplions and nake appropriale adjuslnenls lo lhe np|ied Vo|ali|ilv |eve|s of lhe warranls.
Such |eve|s wi|| lhen be ref|ecled on warranl prices. The higher lhe vo|ali|ilv, lhe grealer lhe
chance a warranl lo becone nlheonev, and lhus lhe warranl price wou|d rise according|v,
and vice versa. Before naking decisions, inveslors nav use np|ied Vo|ali|ilv lo assess lhe
va|ue of warranls wilh sini|ar lerns (for inslance, alurilv Dale, Exercise Price, and pav
allenlion lo lhe slabi|ilv of lhe warranls np|ied Vo|ali|ilv.
To inveslors, np|ied Vo|ali|ilv cou|d be a friend or a foe. The change in vo|ali|ilv wou|d definile|v
affecl lhe warranl price. However, as il is difficu|l lo have a good grasp of np|ied Vo|ali|ilv,
inveslors cou|d on|v gel a beller underslanding of lhe vo|ali|ilv lrend of lhe under|ving assel
lhrough issuers reporling. vhen lhe vo|ali|ilv is going down, inveslors shou|d beller "refrain"
fron buving Ca|| varranls or Pul varranls.
ReIationship Between Change in ImpIied VoIatiIity and Warrant Price
Assuning il is a |onglern warranl, line decav has |ill|e inpacl on warranl price.
Movement of
UnderIying Asset
as expected
Movement of
UnderIying Asset
as expected
Movement of
UnderIying Asset
as expected
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 16
The Strategies - Seven
Factors Affecting Warrant Price
Under|ving Assel Price: The nlrinsic Va|ue of a ca|| warranl rises when lhe price of lhe under|ving assel
rises. Such is a favourab|e faclor. On lhe conlrarv, lhe price of a pul warranl
fa||s when lhe nlrinsic Va|ue drops.
Expecled Dividend: nveslors ho|ding warranls wou|d nol receive dividends of lhe under|ving shares.
However, expecled dividend gains wou|d have been inc|uded bv lhe issuer lo
ca|cu|ale lhe warranl price al lhe line of issuance. n olher words, when lhe
under|ving shares dividend pavoul is a|ongside lhe issuers expeclalion, lhe
warranl price wou|d nol drop dranalica||v.
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv: The rise of np|ied Vo|ali|ilv neans lhal lhe under|ving assel has |arge f|uclualions.
A warranl has a higher chance of beconing nlheonev and even deep n
lheonev fron Ouloflheonev. Prices of ca|| warranls and pul warranls
wou|d bolh rise.
nleresl Fale: Each line an issuer issues a ca|| warranl, il has lo use funds lo purchase lhe
under|ving shares for hedging purposes. Therefore, when lhe borrowing cosl
(inleresl rale rises, lhe price of ca|| warranl wi|| rise according|v. On lhe conlrarv,
when lhe inleresl rale rises, lhe price of pul warranl wi|| go down.
Tern: The |onger lhe lern of a warranl, lhe |arger ils Tine Va|ue.
?OQb]` <VO\US ]T ?OQb]` B[^OQb ]\ <OZZ MO``O\b G`WQS B[^OQb ]\ Gcb MO``O\b G`WQS
Under|ving Assel Price
Expecled Dividend
np|ied Vo|ali|ilv
nleresl Fale
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 17
The Strategies - Eight
Importance of Setting Stop-Loss]Stop-Gain LeveI
Due lo ils |everage, warranls usua||v have a wider range of price f|uclualion as conpared lo
slocks. l is, lherefore, nore inporlanl for inveslors lo nanage risks proper|v, lo |essen
polenlia| |oss or relain profils bv defining selling slop|oss/slopgain |eve|s.
n praclice, lhere are lwo aspecls lo consider:
1. Time
Tine is lhe enenv of inveslors. As nalurilv is approaching, lhe Tine Va|ue conlained in
lhe warranl price wi|| gradua||v dininish. Therefore, aparl fron expecling for a price change
in lhe under|ving assel, before purchasing warranls inveslors shou|d sel an inveslnenl
period, for inslance lhree lrading davs, so as lo nininise |osses due lo Tine Va|ue. Three
davs |aler, inveslors shou|d revisil lheir inveslnenl slralegies. f lhe range of novenenl
in lhe under|ving assel differs fron expeclalion, an inveslor shou|d exercise discip|ine and
se|| lhe warranls.
2. Purchase Price
The price of a warranl is dependenl on a nunber of faclors, such as novenenls in under|ving
assel, np|ied Vo|ali|ilv, oulslanding quanlilv and so on. Before deciding lo purchase a
warranl, an inveslor shou|d sel a cerlain percenlage be|ow or above lhe purchase price
(based on aclua| condilions as a slop|oss/slopgain |eve|. Such wou|d be nore appropriale
lhan pure|v observing lhe novenenl of lhe under|ving assel.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 18
Assuning: Exercise Price of Ca|| varranl on ABC Conpanv is HKD20.00
Conversion Falio: !0:!
C|osing price belween 25Ocl and 0!ov:
HKD!9.30, HKD20.50, HKD20.00, HKD2!.60, HKD20.20
Sell|enenl price of each warranl:
|(!9.30 + 20.50 + 20.00 + 2!.60 + 20.20/5| 20.00/!0=HKD0.042
The Strategies - Nine
How to CaIcuIate Gains and Losses
Assuning an inveslor se||s lhe warranl on lhe |asl lrading dav, lhe ca|cu|alion of gains/|osses
wou|d be lhe sane as buving and se||ing shares, which is:
Cains/Losses = (se||ing price purchase price x nunber of shares he|d
f an inveslor ho|ds lhe warranl unli| nalurilv, lhen lhe sell|enenl price wou|d be equa| lo
lhe se||ing price of lhe warranl. The fornu|a is:
Cains/Losses = (sell|enenl price purchase price x nunber of shares he|d
f lhe warranl is Allheonev or Ouloflheonev, sell|enenl price wou|d becone 0 and
lhe inveslor wou|d |ose a|| inveslnenls (purchase price x nunber of shares he|d.
l is sinp|e lo ca|cu|ale sell|enenl price. Lels use a slock warranl lo i||uslrale lhis. Sell|enenl
price wi|| be lhe average c|osing price of lhe 5 lrading davs prior lo lhe nalurilv dale ninus
Exercise Price (for ca|| warranls/sublracling fron Exercise Price (for pul warranls, and lhen
divided bv Conversion Falio. l shou|d be noled lhal lhe c|osing price on lhe nalurilv dale
wou|d nol be used lo ca|cu|ale sell|enenl price.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 19
For index warranls, lhere is no need lo use 5 davs lo ca|cu|ale lhe sell|enenl price. Sinp|v
use lhe sane nonlh expirv index fulures conlracl on lhe sell|enenl dav (EAS, which is lhe
5ninule average price of lhe index. Take lhal figure and ninus Exercise Price (for ca||
warranls/sublracl il fron Exercise Price (for pul warranls and lhen divide lhe nunber bv
Conversion Falio.
'The exanp|e is for i||uslralive purposes on|v and is nol indicalive of fulure relurns.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
11.0/ 12.0/ 13.0/ 14.0/ 15.0/ 16.0/ 17.0/
18.0/ 2/.0/ 20.0/ 0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00
4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 0/.00 00.00
ROg *:Za] ZOab
b`ORW\U ROg ]T
bVS eO``O\b+
The Strategies - Nine
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 20
: <C>:H>H LB IB FE
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 21
Vision - One
was oplinislic on lhe price perfornance of a cerlain slock and inlend lo gain lhe naxinun
profils. he|d a warranl unli| lhe nalurilv dale and lhen so|d il. How cone lhe lrading of
lhe warranl was suspended on lhe nalurilv dale? l was an nlheonev warranl indeed!
Answer: vhelher a warranl is Ouloflheonev, Allheonev or nlheonev, inveslors
are nol a||owed lo buv or se|| lhe warranl on lhe nalurilv dale. f an inveslor does
nol wanl lo ho|d lhe warranl unli| lhe nalurilv dale lo wail for ils aulonalic sell|enenl,
he/she shou|d se|| lhe warranl before lhe |asl lrading dav, being lhe fourlh lrading
dav (lhe second price ca|cu|alion dav preceding lhe nalurilv dale. f lhe inveslor
has nissed lhe chance of se||ing on lhe |asl lrading dav, he/she wi|| have no choice
bul lo wail passive|v for lhe conp|elion of sell|enenl. f lhe warranl expires n
lheonev, genera||v lhe issuer wi|| pav lhe sell|enenl anounl in lwo lo lhree lrading
davs afler lhe nalurilv dale.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 22
Vision - Two
vow, lhe ca|| warranl on ABC is so expensive lhal lhe preniun is a|nosl !0'. On lhe
conlrarv, lhe ca|| warranl on XYZ is nore affordab|e, ils on|v 6'. Lels purchase lhe ca||
warranl on XYZ!
Answer: Preniun refers lo whal percenlage lhe under|ving assel has lo rise (for ca|| warranls
/fa|| (for pul warranls for a warranl inveslor lo becone breakeven if he/she purchases
lhe warranl al spol and ho|ds il unli| lhe nalurilv dale. The fornu|a is as fo||ows:
|Exercise Price + (varranl Price x Conversion Falio|
Under|ving Assel Spol Price
Ca|| varranl preniun =
Under|ving Assel Spol Price
x !00'
Under|ving Assel Spol Price
|Exercise Price (varranl Price x Conversion Falio|
Pul varranl preniun =
Under|ving Assel Spol Price
x !00'
n lheorv, lhe |ower lhe preniun, lhe c|oser lhe spol price of lhe under|ving assel is lo lhe
breakeven poinl. The assel wou|d on|v need a sna|| range of rise/fa|| lo enab|e lhe inveslor
lo becone breakeven or even gain profils. However, nosl inveslors wou|d on|v ho|d warranls
for a verv shorl period of line and se|| lhen oul before lhe nalurilv dale in order lo slop |osses
/gains. n lhis case, using preniun lo ca|cu|ale lhe |eve| of lhe breakeven poinl does nol
le|| nuch in rea|ilv. or can il be used lo assess whelher lhe warranl is va|uefornonev.
oreover, lo sing|e oul lhe conparison of Preniun |eve| belween warranls, an inveslor nav
lherefore over|ook lhe differences in various aspecls such as nalurilv dale, np|ied Vo|ali|ilv,
and so on. vilh regard lo lhe ca|| warranl on ABC as nenlioned above, a|lhough ils Preniun
is as high as !0', il nav be naluring in six nonlhs. For lhe ca|| warranl on XYZ which has a
6' Preniun, il nav expire in jusl lwo weeks. l is possib|e lhal lhe np|ied Vo|ali|ilv of XYZ
is nuch higher lhan lhal of ABC!
Therefore, inveslors do nol need lo |ook for warranls wilh |ow Preniun in a de|iberale nanner.
nslead, lhev shou|d focus on conparing np|ied Vo|ali|ilv (and lake lhal as a slandard of
delernining whelher lhe warranls are expensive or nol, and lake nole of c|auses such as
Exercise Price, Effeclive Cearing, lern and so on.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 23
Vision - Three
vhal nakes lwo warranls wilh lhe sane under|ving assel, sane Exercise Price and nalurilv
dale have differenl sell|enenl prices? Hasnl lhe issuer gained lhe spread of np|ied Vo|ali|ilv
in lhe price of lhe warranls? How cone lhere is an addiliona| charge?
Answer: This is nain|v because lhe lwo warranls of lhe sane under|ving assel have differenl
Conversion Falios. n parlicu|ar, index warranls under|ined bv lhe Hang Seng ndex
and Hang Seng China Enlerprises ndex differ in Conversion Falio nore significanl|v.
This is nol a naller of charging an addiliona| fee.
<OZZ MO``O\b : ]\ :;< <][^O\g
Exercise Price: HKD35.00
Conversion Falio: !:!
alurilv Dale: 26Ocl06
Sell|enenl Price: HKD36.33
Sell|enenl Price of each warranl:
<OZZ MO``O\b ; ]\ :;< <][^O\g
Exercise Price: HKD35.00
Conversion Falio: !0:!
alurilv Dale: 26Ocl06
Sell|enenl Price: HKD36.33
Sell|enenl Price of each warranl:
Because !0 varranl B wi|| be needed lo conlro| one share of ABC Conpanv, hence,
lhe aclua| sell|enenl price is jusl !0' of varranl A.
'The exanp|e is for i||uslralive purposes on|v and is nol indicalive of fulure relurns.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 24
Vision - Four
As an inveslnenl loo| wilh a |everaging fealure, lhe |ower lhe price of a warranl, lhe higher
lhe gains for each unil change in price. Therefore, lhose be|ow!0 cenlswarranls are lhe
warranls lo largel. Olherwise, lhere is no wav lo nu|lip|v lhe profils!
Answer: Be|ow!0 cenlswarranls (i.e. warranl price |ower lhan !0 cenls usua||v are lhose
Ouloflheonev warranls which wi|| expire in a verv shorl period of line. The
chance of nol being ab|e lo exercise evenlua||v is exlrene|v high. Therefore, lhev
are of a high|v specu|alive fealure. n facl, an inveslor slands |ill|e chance of winning
bv purchasing be|ow!0 cenlswarranls because he/she has lo face high inveslnenl
risks. There are lwo najor risks lo be encounlered:
!. Tine decav: Tine decav of a shorllern Ouloflheonev warranl cou|d reach a
coup|e of percenlage poinls on a dai|v basis. Even lhe price of lhe
under|ving assel renains unchanged, lhe warranl price wi|| sli|| go
2. Low De|la: Be|ow!0 cenlswarranls are nosl|v Ouloflheonev, and so lhev
nav have a verv |ow De|la which is c|ose lo 0. This neans lhal for
everv unil change in price of lhe under|ving assel, lhe warranl price
nav nove verv |ill|e or even renain unchanged. Un|ess lhe under|ving
assel experiences a huge f|uclualion, for inslance lhe warranl changes
fron Ouloflheonev lo Allheonev or even nlheonev,
olherwise an inveslor slands a verv high chance of |osing.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 25
Vision - Five
vhal nakes lhe price of cerlain warranls being |ower lhan lheir nlrinsic Va|ue? vhi|e lhe
nalurilv dale is sli|| a coup|e nonlhs awav, il cannol be juslified lhal lhe line va|ue has
conp|ele|v gone. l is jusl loo ridicu|ous if lhe nlrinsic Va|ue has nol been fu||v ref|ecled as
Answer: vhen lhe nlrinsic Va|ue of a warranl is |ower lhan lhe difference belween lhe price
of lhe under|ving assel and ils Exercise Price, such is soca||ed "negalive Preniun"
silualion. This is allribuled lo a nunber of faclors:
!. The under|ving assel is c|ose lo exdividend, bul since lhe warranl has a|readv
laken inlo accounl lhe dividend faclor in lhe firsl p|ace, such dividend wi|| nol be
ref|ecled in lhe warranl price.
2. The warranl is c|oser lo nalurilv.
3. The lrading of lhe warranl is verv inaclive, so lhal il is unab|e lo nake adjuslnenls
bv c|ose|v fo||owing lhe dai|v novenenl of lhe under|ving assel.
4. The warranl is an exolic warranl.
Vision - Six
have noled on newspaper lhal lhe nane of a warranl is "HSABC@EC03!2C", whal exacl|v
does lhis slring nean?
HS warranl issuer, HS inp|ies lhal lhe warranl is issued bv HSBC
ABC under|ving assel
@ cash sell|enenl
E warranl lvpe, E refers lo European slv|e, A is Anerican slv|e, X is exolic warranl
C ca|| warranl, pul warranl wi|| have a P
0812 refers lo lhe naluring vear and nonlh of lhe warranl, check lhe |isling docunenl
of lhe warranl for lhe exacl dale
C An a|phabel behind lhe vear and nonlh represenls lhe sane issuer having issued
nore lhal one ca|| warranl/pul warranl in lhe narkel wilh lhe sane under|ving assel
and naluring in lhe sane nonlh and vear
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 26
Vision - Seven
s buving and se||ing warranls an a||wealher business?
Answer: o. vhen lhe narkel does nol show a c|ear direclion and np|ied Vo|ali|ilv is prone
lo fa||, neilher buving nor se||ing warranls is appropriale. nveslors shou|d wail for
lhe prine line lo invesl.
Vision - Eight
have accurale|v predicled lhe direclion of a cerlain slock/index bul lhe re|evanl warranl price
did nol rise according|v? vhal is lhe reason behind? s lhe issuer suppressing lhe price?
Answer: There are nanv reasons whv lhe warranl price does nol fo||ow lhe upward novenenl
of lhe under|ving assel. Connon silualions inc|ude:
!. np|ied Vo|ali|ilv is fa||ing.
2. The warranl is Ouloflheonev, and lhus has a verv |ow De|la.
3. The rise in nlrinsic Va|ue is unab|e lo cover line decav.
4. The lrading of under|ving assel or warranls has been inaclive.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 27
Vision - Nine
f a conpanv is going lo pav a specia| dividend, does il nean lhal an inveslor who previous|v
he|d ca|| warranls on such conpanv wi|| face huge |osses?
Answer: vhen an issuer delernines lhe |isling price of a warranl, faclors such as dividends
lo be paid bv lhe under|ving assel wou|d have been laken inlo accounl. n facl, lhe
warranl issuer wou|d have eslinaled in advance fron lhe |aunch dale lhrough nalurilv
dale how nanv lines lhe conpanv nav pav dividends and how nuch nav be paid
in lola|. Of course, paving a specia| dividend is an unusua| acl lo lhank shareho|ders
in relurn, which is sonelhing an issuer cannol easi|v predicl in advance. Therefore,
lhe warranl price does nol ref|ecl such a faclor. vhen paving a specia| dividend,
norna||v an issuer wou|d nol adjusl lhe Exercise Price
n lheorv, lhe range of change in warranl price can be ca|cu|aled bv lhis fornu|a:
specia| dividend x De|la.
However, genera||v lhe price of lhe under|ving assel wi|| rise because il wi|| be
slinu|aled bv lhe news of paving a specia| dividend. Such a slinu|alion nav gradua||v
equa| oul faclors unfavorab|e lo a ca|| warranl or di|ule faclors favorab|e lo a pul
warranl. Therefore, an inveslor who purchased a re|evanl ca|| warranl before lhe
conpanv paving a specia| dividend nav nol suffer greal |osses as anlicipaled.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 28
Introduction to HSBC Warrant Website
"nvesl in know|edge before invesling in narkel". For lhose of vou inlending lo invesl in
warranls, good preparalion prior lo laking anv aclions wou|d cerlain|v give vou a higher chance
of success lhan olhers. HSBC warranl websile ( offers vou lhe
|alesl news of lhe warranl narkel, warranl infornalion, as we|| as a warranl handbook especia||v
for novices. This oneslop websile inc|udes evervlhing vou need!
HSBC varranl vebsile Honepage
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 29
varranl Search
arkel Dala
Warrant Search
ol sure how nanv warranls are avai|ab|e in lhe narkel? Warrant Search a||ows vou lo search
for suilab|e warranls based on crileria such as issuer, under|ving, warranl lvpe, induslrv and
so on!
Market Data
nfornalion on |alesl HSBC warranls |isl, nosl aclive HSBC warranls, lop len gainers and
|osers, oulslanding quanlilv, lop len nosl lraded warranls, under|ving dislribulion as we|| as
wor|d indices are a|| in Market Data! You wi|| be ab|e lo c|ose|v nonilor lhe warranl narkel
and becone on lop of il!
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 30
Ouick varranl Search
Oulslanding Ouanlilv
Ouick Warrant Search
One slep ahead of olhers when checking parlicu|ar warranl infornalion!
f vou have fo||owed lhe lrend of a parlicu|ar warranl, vou can kev in lhe warranl code direcl|v
inlo lhe "Warrant Search" fie|d on lhe lop righlhand corner of lhe webpage (as shown in
b|ue circ|e be|ow. You can lhen furlher exanine lhe price, lechnica| dala and olher basic
infornalion of lhe warranl.
Outstanding Ouantity
Using Outstanding Ouantity, vou can check oul warranl lurnover for lhe pasl few lrading
davs, |iquidilv providers (LP buv/se|| quanlilies, as we|| as oulslanding quanlilv.
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 31
HSBC varranl Handbook (Bi|ingua|
HSBC Warrant Handbook IBiIinguaII
Sudden|v forgel inporlanl warranl lernino|ogies when browsing lhe websile? Afler checking
HSBC Warrant Handbook IBiIinguaII, queslions fron re|evanl lernino|ogies lo how lo se|ecl
warranls and sell|enenl nelhods wou|d be reso|ved inslanl|v!
HSBC2527_booklet_e08 4/8/08 1:43 AM 32
JVS W\T]`[ObW]\ Q]\bOW\SR W\ bVWa R]Qc[S\b Wa WaacSR Pg JVS A]\UY]\U O\R IVO\UVOW ;O\YW\U <]`^]`ObW]\ CW[WbSR *AI;<+
T]` W\T]`[ObW]\ ]\Zg- JVS WaacO\QS ]T O\R RSbOWZa Q]\bOW\SR W\ bVWa R]Qc[S\b R] \] Q]\abWbcbS O\ ]TTS` ]` a]ZWQWbObW]\ T]`, ]`
ORdWQS bVOb g]c aV]cZR S\bS` W\b], bVS ^c`QVOaS ]` aOZS ]T O\g MO``O\ba- B\dSab]`a O`S eO`\SR bVOb bVS ^`WQS ]T bVS MO``O\ba
[Og TOZZ W\ dOZcS Oa `O^WRZg Oa Wb [Og `WaS O\R V]ZRS`a [Og acabOW\ O b]bOZ Z]aa ]T bVSW` W\dSab[S\b- N]c aV]cZR S\ac`S g]c
c\RS`abO\R bVS \Obc`S ]T bVS MO``O\ba O\R QO`STcZZg abcRg bVS `WaY TOQb]`a aSb ]cb W\ bVS ;OaS CWabW\U =]Qc[S\b O\R bVS
`SZSdO\b Ic^^ZS[S\bOZ CWabW\U =]Qc[S\b O\R, eVS`S \SQSaaO`g, aSSY ^`]TSaaW]\OZ ORdWQS PST]`S g]c W\dSab W\ bVS MO``O\ba-
;ST]`S ^c`QVOaW\U bVS MO``O\ba g]c aV]cZR S\ac`S bVOb g]c TcZZg c\RS`abO\R bVS ^]bS\bWOZ `WaYa O\R `SeO`Ra O\R
W\RS^S\RS\bZg RSbS`[W\S bVOb bVSg O`S O^^`]^`WObS T]` g]c UWdS\ g]c` ]PXSQbWdSa, Sf^S`WS\QS, TW\O\QWOZ O\R ]^S`ObW]\OZ
`Sa]c`QSa O\R ]bVS` `SZSdO\b QW`Qc[abO\QSa- B\dSab]`a aV]cZR \]bS bVOb AI;< OQbW\U bV`]cUV Wba O^^]W\bSR ZW_cWRWbg
^`]dWRS` [Og PS bVS ]\Zg [O`YSb ^O`bWQW^O\b W\ bVS MO``O\ba- GZSOaS `SOR bVS RWaQZOW[S` W\ `SZObW]\ b] bVS AO\U IS\U B\RSf
O\R AO\U IS\U <VW\O >\bS`^`WaSa B\RSf W\ bVS `SZSdO\b Ic^^ZS[S\bOZ CWabW\U =]Qc[S\ba-
JVS W\T]`[ObW]\ Q]\bOW\SR VS`SW\ Wa RS`WdSR T`][ a]c`QSa eS PSZWSdS b] PS `SZWOPZS, Pcb eVWQV eS VOdS \]b W\RS^S\RS\bZg
dS`WTWSR- AI;< [OYSa \] `S^`SaS\bObW]\ ]` eO``O\bg *Sf^`Saa ]` W[^ZWSR+ ]T O\g \Obc`S \]` Wa O\g `Sa^]\aWPWZWbg ]T O\g YW\R
OQQS^bSR eWbV `Sa^SQb b] bVS Q][^ZSbS\Saa ]` OQQc`OQg ]T O\g W\T]`[ObW]\, ^`]XSQbW]\, `S^`SaS\bObW]\ ]` eO``O\bg
*Sf^`SaaSR ]` W[^ZWSR+ W\, ]` ][WaaW]\ T`][, bVWa R]Qc[S\b- E] ZWOPWZWbg Wa OQQS^bSR eVOba]SdS` T]` O\g RW`SQb, W\RW`SQb ]`
Q]\aS_cS\bWOZ Z]aa O`WaW\U T`][ bVS caS ]T bVWa R]Qc[S\b- :\g SfO[^ZSa UWdS\ O`S T]` bVS ^c`^]aSa ]T WZZcab`ObW]\ ]\Zg-
B\ bVS SdS\b ]T O\g W\Q]\aWabS\Qg PSbeSS\ bVS <VW\SaS O\R >\UZWaV bSfba, bVS <VW\SaS bSfb aVOZZ ^`SdOWZ-
s//1zy x2 v|z r,+{~,+{ w+y u|w+{|w} pw+~}+{ q,.-,.w0},+ t}*}0zy

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