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"'-'i': ~,.. -" 0.11 rae isian _ were pllRe,l,pa. , Y '.",.,.1l..~Jn, th lose rav 'OlIU ,a :,-ol-_:t -:'1'1", '"VI ""1-1 associanons - ,', t',L. island _ '" ,- -.' b, annezstion, laud .I W'8S advised the.t spies were eonstan tly on m,Y- traek, 'I!'!>lj,:__, -··'1 "'I :-,- ',-",df B· ~y OOU,LQ1~, .-. £.- ,·'-,O"-······'(~,·< was govemeotil :,on.Iy b /":1 e ,.-".'.,:: -'.- ,- -.- .:', "-_" ,-' - " _y,t 0= e mduet _y t h ' wish to perrorm
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Ho l, T'1~e'C'rtfise ()f the aac.l~ar.t, Ro binso« C fU8o,e; 'not 0 to mention a host of others ~ Bu:t these, entranoing tales, after in --g-~It~·~'l~"n, 'in 8·11-, are 0,·_.··'[11y,-_:, fictionI,~ 'W:':'h,.·';;;;1II'tl .. -,vp ,91,''i~'It"i; d auaer . I c.~ ti''V' .·f," for 'I¥ • l!.i,,,,,, g-':-:' these days ,is the terrible background of faet :f if om, which they sprang, for being cast. a;lV",ay 011 desert islands was the flt'eque,nt lot of the e-arly' sailors in the unknown and ie,ati'nl waters of' the new world, 'Unfortunately, the aCCOU.ll ts of' actual ship- QI~ d'I-,11 a·' '1-nd '!lJ.::JJ_1~!.t~~Jl.l-'~:' .J'rri\.,:LJl.a,lle'~,~,of sta -rv'_ ti V' t ..... wrec ks ar'e 'U:StlM' ,Y '_ tu '__- n ,uni ir); I~Dd' 'n' ~,s'r '-0 ti on an d dea th,- an Q' ·t-~he".' t o ,.n(y: ,t~·.'I--'I: e, .... ~,J ~ .. ~_ er 41'.. ··~···· ··:·I"FJj"·,,,.m. _-'--:. '.: .. U. r_" v ----' torvtel l ~ ~o m ~ __ 'them live f'or us, Here, however, ft,C.]'08S the centuries eomes ,t'hestory of' a Spanish sailor who met and overeame difficulties ,that make Ro binson Crusoe seem like the spoilt dar ling 0'£ ortnne,'1- -" _. . ~ In, the western Caribbean (latitude 80 west, longitude 14°' north), lies ,R dangerous grou:p of shoals and sandbars known as the Serrana K,e'ys.. No living' thillg gTOWS on these barren
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To speak of the, perils, of the sea is a commonplace as, old, as navigation. Our lite rature is, crowded with stories of shipwrecks and castaways, Wh,at 'boy has 'not 'thrilled over Wes:t".,



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islets;" :Nat ,[\tree, 'not ,a blade -of grass",' not. Q, drop of water, invites t· he,.'1-.1' 'l~tatio :'iM o·' m "on w·,··,··,,'~hi~I, e:' t'l' ~h' te :r-r, ',.brea 1:"',Qf- warn ','f ~Jl" _.....,__ ,~f!,~, b~ U , iab ,,1I,'V vessels to give them, ft, wide berth, Tlo ,mak'e this forbidding
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waste still more' inhospita ble, no 'rain falls there during the scorching months of summer, And yet, a man Iived there for e:ight incredible ye-ar's, onee, four centuries ago-e-lived w,ithotlt shelter from the tropical sun; lived without clothing, without f' ad, without_ waterv even," S,~',V~;·g'-. LlO. as he was_ able t-0 wrest _00 __ _ , ,U __, ,.. ,e .. a ~ __eh a____ ____ __.. e1 ~__ .. . from an unwilling nature, , .All we know of this sailor is that b'is name was Jo:hn-Maese ,J0.3 [1, as he called himself-a,nd, his, stark, narrative that has lain almost unnoticed for four .."... t A"" d'"I'"' .. t·- oeVl',iL,e'~ nnncre ~--' ~~t ae or tne '"II":nmes.' at ,0 - . ""l~ . h-'- -d-..-- - d years - m th grea,',rClIlves . His, st.o:ry has, 8, parallel in the account of a certain Pedro Se:rr~n.o who 'va~ cast away about the same 't~m.e the shoals on d' m ..11 t ' - th 0:- be,rra;m:~ 'n-,'e hand ·3, ~n.nuFe.... lf'eso, t'h... n,orl1[~I", .an:d" a f-'" - W,•~ -,e (l1e'l" ·h' om, r O[ both groups may have been named, , Serrano's story is told n,t third hand by Garellaao de' Ia Ve!ga" the Inca", in his ,]lo-yal C(Y1f~&1itaries {Pt, I, Chap, VIII" Markham's translation), and, although the, two tales are close enough to make one S,US-~ peot th ·Ij!lj·t[,..thev a.[:u. one and the same y'-'e:t' M--,·,_,---'Qe"C]£!i; J"--n'£i-TiII '0 relation n..- _.'IJ,~j.· are is far' more elreumstantial and eonvineing than the other, not d improvement f .dter'~ry persons, . navmg suffered imnrovemenl at'-th 'h ;I 0::' 11'·" '-,[9!' .anos T·he resemblance of 11:ae:,s,e Joan.'s, narrative to Robinson d:r~Bo,e- is" o:f course, the first thing that strikes ,the reader r~h-ey'were, both pious men, Crusoe was, badly fri.ghte'ned 'at the footprint in the sand; J'oan, when he saw thedevi] agalnst llU, ilh;:;;:e ~.J!. 'uJ .._Ib .. 1-1.··~S-[ h t~' ·~,f,,··'t\e,",,'fi'II' h h--"I~~A: been f' or several d";·.O,V(J withou water Crusoe fashioned a elnmsy boat out of' a log, Joan, 'made his out. of sealskins. But beyond a·few f'.. ortultous analo giss such as these, the~two narr atives are as f ar apa rl as truth and fiotion'.-, Ner .LD 'it at 8,,-,,11- neeeasary to suppose that Defoe ] u .. ,jist-'" .~ c~c_ .. c 1. . even :8[0 mneh as heard ofthe Spanish sailor, in view' of the f:[,8=' queney ,o:f shipwreck -jr~ those early years, .nenee M,")"e: ,J' oa n h'.' t,· old h i'!ill, story "w>it-:'h'-,~ ru de ·e"],o,··.q~- and ·,_·u[a ", ~. ~t..-.~._ ~".-,' naked style which the translator has endeavored 'faith'fnlly
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[ T,RAN~T~1l ~1i'I)N .]. _.".~ ~l&·I1V .

To [oom;plywith _your Grace ~S- eommand, I have undertaken to give an- aeeoun t. of my· beina east awa ;v, - and.-.- if nerehIRlL ~~\~e :c-~-::-l~\ IS .D.a. -.' 11' ~~ "'1'D[A.Qi t'-~h~-.: s:L:y~e - ~_ b' -~ p'\,;so', my' wil'l to serve y·onr 'Grace, la,y it to 'my laek of reading and 'wri.ting and le.'t my will serve instead, :1left 8a:nto Domingo on ;Saturday,. 'Palm 8-uuday eve, in the year]_'5:2,8·~ the ship, [of Pedro de Sifu.,ent0.S~the pilot of w'hi,ch 'was .& perin son by the name of P[orto;gaj,'elt'et, 'V'e·stopped ,at the· 'town. of :Higne;y 'to
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of' Mar,fiI'orita.,~ beeanse the_ .e~ _~ ~ ~ _ y,,~, ri ~,~, -nn. ,~, ~~-.-d er ano - --'·it~ -nd --~ , s.h.'1:P ,. 'h_'W.I,li(} 'b Lwas s i , ,~- - dOl eannon an' pow-: ~'~,-. -d mnnl,J,uns· ~~'" In. [ was going ea'·rF~e, '::~acn. or ,lie said f···o,,....Ir·ress-. f": the .. "'~ , 1-1;.1 __ " • W£!, "-"t:--o'p-::p, ed at Porto Bieo in th~ island ,~f o~
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J'1la-n~ and 't'h,e've 'w'e remained for n.-v'edays, and thence 'we set ou~t~ain

on our way
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And, ·~nthe :f'o'Uowing' -da,y 'we landed 'at anothee po·rt tin. the island of Sa.n.'ta Cruz 'to la;y In .8. supply o:f' water. T:btU'"fJ: t,wo war' out,.v meet U,!I"I~ eaeh W""','l~t'·,:'r ;i;'!."l'~xt': .y'·· Indian in it. 'm··[" or ore CUJ;4vBS "a,,,, ,Jl1 ~" ." , less 'w- '. '1'· th 41:11', eir ·!L,.""w-!O: an ·d:', "11""""0': ·~t nd I'" n ~~~sidleratl ·u~, v.!l. 4T.'h:"tJ;, £,;on4;,. ,t~.h't.·tl ..,..-," t.-_~_..., ~_~~ Uu._.,_ _ :a' those' Indians have a vel~ poisonous herb, we· put baek Ol!l.t to sea 8.1U),

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they- pursued us for 't;wo leagues, and so 'we 1.os.t. them and, eentinued again. on ,our voyage~ 'The· winds wt·re: not 've'ry seailt,e.,e and. at ·t;;h:eend. - ·~ f _~l'rltu w~: en -lies tblrty 1 h~.1l.. ~ ~• of Dye days we reaehecd the Island~ or p. u ~ea:gue's

to the w:ind.w8.rd 0'£ the pearls, and our' pilot was uneble to recognize d' . ~ t h''Ii'e JJ,a1U'~amd we de bl d b ~ ~'k t ~-- rd ,;.:1;.., west 'ClOOSI-I':~:~g' -T';o - ~~-- 'F---.!' --. nounrec l'ac~:,.owa~,-_.~.u~e,e<·:~ --. ---t-:!"n~- .rrerra ._'_'~l!.nll@, and landed on. the island of' Guabnaea:raut because we were distressed by the lack o:~'w',ater. . W'e did not 'find 'it 01l this island and we went 'back to Tierra F irme to a 'port in which there was ·8· town of warlike Indians, and 'we were in ,8, hiding plaee where we remamed all 01' one n.ight~ Th,e next <lay at dawn there eame out; to meet us eleven war canoes wi th the~,r bOlVS and poisoned a rrows, and ·th.ey-came on. board demanding hatehets . .And one of -our men) whose na me was Bautista Genoves thin king t ha t

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tb,6Y' were peaeeful, got into. 00,8 of their canoes, and they', seeing the said Bautista in their canoes, left the shi p and set out tow,ud Iaud, and I took: an arqne bus and 'filled 'i.t with fliuts and fired on them ,after they had shot m,any arrows at us" and I killen, the: chief 0:£ the Indians and t.v.';Q others, A'nd, most of,t'.heim, from fr~i:ght at the sllot ttn~,ew'hem .. t · selves into the water, and, so~e sw~mmjn,g' nd some in -the canoes 'th,ey a 'were soon all on, land, A.nd up, to the prMen.t, :nothing' has been heard.

of the said :B,an.tista ... We departed then.ce and WEfDt to a deserted po"rt where we; took water at the m u t}l:j"' ofa river, 'T-:~h:"e'n·-,e·4_£j;,,- ""'e-'B.:~n-IO' the p'".1 '_' did not that ·.~:I-o···,+r·~ _. .'~llv .Il. ..1: v.~~ ~ :kn.ow 'what he w,as d oin I' and had no kn.o-w'iedg-e of where hie 'was, 'we agreed 'to turn, back to Santo Domingo, whence we had come, and we landed rm the l~:~la·:ntJ, A-,""r-·'li-b·:';IJj whieh _ belonas to the '~',Q'~t"iiI\:r··oJb :S····,D'n.·:t.n n,l··-' '~ .. _ rv .~~il~, Jl[l~,~ u~. .11 .JJ. . Domingo, and there the 'niuu;ter- pilot left us, f'o:r the said Portopletc 'was;ne less than, that, and be deserted US because, o:f' the poor- tUllpply c;;f,'~: 'f"'o.··j!'}.·d~! the ship and the 'ft.n.o:'r· in ~_~u. ~\ _I u· yv .... aeeeu - n -'t... he had a'l':v·: ,;BiDI ~'fl-' ·b~,~",.ftlf· "~~~u -~ ,· '.~ 0 _' u\· So we, seein,g that we eould not have the said pilot, se:t,out on our way'to 8a:nto Domingo withQut. the, help .of ,an,yone to direct l[]JS, as w'e' we're all novices :in the ,art 0:£ the sea, A,t midnight on ;3, 'Saturday in tb:e middle of the lulf we were suddenly sitru:cik: 'by 3, tempest t'lISt earr,ied away 'both our masts and all the sails, and the ship opened so tba;t; ,8",'_. gre.,,: at~. ,uantity·.·.' of watdir- entered , in I,t-·" 'W··,'e: --, _ ~. ~~~ _~ "" ~. ~ ~~ ~n ~. __ .... ... sailed bef -.'_', the W'lD ,_.d u.e . a_ore-" ...e ~. whe::re'ver it and the sea 'mjgb't catTy' ns, and at the end of slx, days, on Wed,nesday nIght, 'we stEne'It' on the shoel of La Serrana, th,e storm not b,8;ving abated in all that time" and we d:id not see the is',lan d, because ilt 'is so Iittle, W,hHe the ship 'WItS goin,g to. pieces thus on. the ~;l.~",,;i]lJ.1 ~W,".'e saw t-I·LA whitenin D' of the sand. ·.-" ~ .. ._"ll~' .' d V U2\~.. [~lVQi iU~ U I' remembere __ to take ~ ,powuer d.orn t':,~,;o;;-t.·:- I had in mv 'box and :~steel in mv mouth ,', end (tr.!-, I. U iI' .__ v __. .. ___.,.,0
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jumped into the sea and swam to the: island .. _ f ·h po _ €L _~~ ~ ~ _~~~ _ ~ ~ e ~u ~~ __ 1,,0 . ~_ e !M..ll~, 1- l••it,-.. ...e ---wdc:i" and 'the steel on shore_ and ret-Urrned t-, the .r.jL.,,:"n,.. to see i:f I: could, help anyone, and ,(L'i't@r I arrived, the ship broke in ,four pieees and all the people were on tltl.e pieee, I tied 'to, a II



the ends of riggin.g I eonld find and 'with them made

,['E'-e-en· ',to, ·IT ._..'

on shore..~. with \1: ~.: .: ..' . " ,.


~:t,- and all eame ,'O-""t'1i1 shore -b:"Y"m l!i;,g·nc of 11'~ ftotu··.·· u"t~· ~~ ~_ .... v ....
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the h.i,gh ti.d:@;of: the n ig"h t. the sea. earried a.way the ship :90 t',hat on. the -d did not see i F'fO-M the :!:L I,P notlung C() nld b h hi 'I '.' next d,ay .at~1 awn we '-I.u not see It uin ne taken except the: powder and steel, as, I ha VB said, and foOl" laek of a,
-e , :.

lint" which I could not brin,g' 'o,ff, we ate


meat for almost tw',o

, -~ " ~ :mon', t- h- ,aD.< ~ d'l,r,acU"Wl@ 1l..}, "d' _~~S-,d ~ -" -k 4-l.., - ~>OOI


"-h- s - 1 ,..l-'t..'1~I,e, eats a'nu, ,sea-cows,



to tb the

island", A~ssome ,thought that th .. life was sterile, as your Grace will see, at th.'ey determined to 'build a raft, and we aJ1. buil t O1],e: out of timbers that the sea, boo breught to, the island,~ Af,ter ,tbJey lV'ere, lashed. t-ogeth,e:r 'with seal skins sud. eords of the same seals, three got; on the fR'ft and 'three, of us stayed behind, two men and, a boy,. Four days ,a-f:t,erthose o:f' th'B' r.aft 'had, left, one of the: three 'who had stayed, whose name was Moreno- de M'alag,a..~ seeing that there was, no water or fire and tlutt 'it was the m-onth Off Au.gnst (for 'up to, that time we, bad been, d,eiayed, as I ha ve sai.d above), began 'to eat his arms" and from. several bites; that he g,a:vehimself' he died raving ~ 'W,h,enI saw 'th8!t m,Y-"Companions had Ieft an.. tbat anether had d died and t',hat -only the 'boy 'was, .l,eft :f,'o'r a eompanion, .I made. sbift, to find some :remedy ~y which I .mdgbt sustain myself'~, And, so 1. began to d:i,g with tori.Q,ise bones in various parts of the island 'to see, if there was any water, ,ROd. because the land. 'was so Iittle in, the midst 'Of the gulf I found fhe water' everywhere as, salt as, ,of' the sea, I dr'ank water several times mixed 'with the blood of the, seals, ,An.d, in, tbis time it lit,eve'F' ,r,adn,ed so that I mig'lit, be, sueeored by water ,from, '11 And-' I' mace ~l-t, - m case: It snoutc ram, to, uag' ];nts, m t:ll,e d ~,L,~f ~ '. 'b Idrai .l,~" ~ i.., JI::J!aVeD,~ , _ _ sand" and I ,too'k,many seal skins and, Iined, the pits, and lV'hen God '\~illed tba!'t it should 'rain, which was in the month, 0:£ October, I ~ '~·""I the pits an d ;''1' g f"-'e-w 'cn(!ll~l ,~J,~~~~ n,,, the sort t. (:!,'lr'~P"" IliiJl .' C~I'U-:-O'h~' ,t, "0, "'01'0 water 'that~the'Fe are called c'{ibos'.. Tb,e"water in. the pits lasted a very short ti:m,e'~ because it sank i:n the sand", "Wb,en, it, rained I 'W,I,S so' etMlt~et' todrink that, I jumped into the' water in such ~:ashlo:n that 1 eut 'roy arms and 'legs'v,t'ry badly, and, Ute r~m,edy I found ,f'or it W',IS, to mix the water 'witb, blood For two months after lan,d,in.g on the island I was without nre~ and seeing -that winter W'RS coming and t-hat I could. not support myself 'with,out fire, I set about making a ra!'t 1110 larger than just necessary to- sustain In;e" and I went to the' plaee whe re the ship had sl!l;Dk (:1 mean where i:t may have sunk l and I made an aachor out of ,8, stone to tie: the raft, in a fathom and a hali' o:f water, and by' ,diving several times I found a, pebble with 'w:hieh, I made flre, And I was In sueh a state that only the m.. e;rC!y God and the fire restored my Iife to me, of and the boy who was, with me was, in such. a. state 'that, I" fearing that
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hs ,~-,' --'ht d' .. nd - Le~, rrom ,1"6 rmgnt ure, aUH 'b' f", - .. -.
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-_ .. -.~ --,'L -~--_ - f' ~~,--was,. were,~ '-b' .... v~ry~ea,l:.:I,U- I [Oto, 0'£ losing one another, bee a use at this, time the death of' the one who should ~ '_' _' ~~_D, iW. '_ e was c.....tain. A>ft-~I - II h. :'--d--~"t-, ',re" ~J[I' "i·, 'd',-, f'r-~-, ~,-,>,-~-, ___ ~_'~ remadn aliv r...a..L'''' ,, __ er a gu fi~"-,-, ma e ,ures eV'[ery :nigh.t, soothat i_f' by ehsnce SO'Me ship should pass it would see us by the fi.res., And on another' very small island:" w':bieh is to, 'the leeward of' whe:re I lV,M;" there' we:re two men from another ,stdp' tbat had 'been, ),ost, and tbe:y~ seeing t'he 'fires, eame on ,3 ra~ft to. 'wh,ere I. was, ,and. they' 'we,re ""i-h, me: oGi··· ',., -~~ .~'. A·_c,-. -.t",c.·~'"it'·h \Yllt~~ llve years.,Du. ..J~ m ,t'lkic time we set abeut -~:Ik~'~,~~,~nesz. WI.:, uns nme __ sa,,·,&U)I.1., ma-----"lDg a be.:, e

,- ," . . ... _- Jr" SOOTD.gme, as ',I,


timb._,,_--, sea t!~\,~ Im,erSa,e


~,;~\AD"'~'t-:.... _~ ~ b-y.·.· ,(jj;n,d·l"... , uI"-v _ ~~,lDJ.,



we eaptured
'" _,' ~_



, __ """


:i'l1!l,1..Ao,:rs uti _~

and made our boo':t in this

···1 I


I 'with

'DIY com,pa;n:i-ons bnHt


,and bellows J'r.o:msealskins, and in the 'place where the ship had gone d_,own,"'I' m.e •.', .. sade a -saw with so-me' iron thing s that- we,. 'we,re brineine~ to the , ., - . ,~- ., "~" ,_.. e,........... - " ehureh 0:£ Cubagua, and of them, we, made nails, .A'nd after our boat " _.] ~t'h it "l! ]{" ld was uone, wi ,ii'S ;83.11':,8 0,r- sea1S} In s curerd as b t~ we eouu I,t we emues barked, the s~;ddeompanions, the 'bOY and I, and sailed ,away ,tldnkin.g· we might be able to- reach. the island of J,amaiea,., ,And, I, W'lh,en I, saw m~self on. the sees; and saw 'that the boat was 0'£ pieces, and with.out tar, being greased, -only 'with seal fat blackened 'wi-tIt ehareoal, Lthought ,at once. that, it was impossible to sav'e ourselves in, ":'tl~:I~ :tj' 1f...... ,_ ~m_b:r\I' __' _ _:8!.\i1 !IIO ,a u" '.' ·'d',[-n· (L "'Le f""',rom 1.j! anu ,~,Ull,ud:~ t-he~'-~ ml ·t~IFboat t" land, an,~ 0_ e "~f' '*...h··, , men ,.~,-,.",~-" l 6 the other island and I :1O,t; ff'; and the! other and the 'bo,Y who wU, with o me wont _'M.'''''''''_:to a and llnt1k~'lnO' h Q,~' been" ,'[I,w....-;,U nf' them",cVt· n. this d Q!l,t dU.!.!1. o,n..::l e wen ,~v ',noli \.;,' ,.,,~ oi~ t.: -\I,~'








the weather was adverse to them"

,And so. when my eompanion and 1 saw ourselves thus, 'wee, made som'c- small 'boats of sealskins and in them Wl~! sailed about the shoals, whi.. are twelve leagues, long an.d 0]1 very shallow: in the deepest eh part:" I ~y", there is no more than a fa thom 0.£' 'wa.te!I:'on these shoals, Tb.ere are seventeen of them, all covered 'by the sea exeept f1ve. I :have

8;···.·,~vill[0;. '1. i~ ,I,!V~ as "it.: _9 a 'v[e.rynecessary fo'r the saf'ety of vessels, And I h~v~, shown Praneiseo Gu t.'ie:r're~z, 'who makes the navig8lt,ion, eharts, how one can pass throlJ,gh, themJ in, ease one is 'by chance found among them" for' th'@if[e' are three, eha ",II [-I' 'b. w'hie.h to pass tbmng·.:lh in 'which, tlHn~e are Dve~.. fathoms-.. (Lallue~s _.1 ---_ -~~ ...', ~--~ --_ ~ - ~~
~ _

word: ~..of'this~~

to the I!_ ,,", PbO o.··:~ his '.~'"I~,·.C:t',: J:._S ill'" Ill"'" ··.~.·h,iI...:iif·-


~iIj'a,!"',~~t··''--y",:' ,t·-'· J!;.r;s ...... a'


From our sealskin boats we made soundinga everyw:'h, from .island to island to see, if' we mig:bt not find some' pieces of sunken ships, and "'J'IT"e' 'D,J1iiV' e"r" found y··l',' -h-·I Q! r
't:;ii .... '[' .1.UU",Iol!; •.·.·

iII'lii''rIil ~,.-


M 1,:____.Ue.,+.

?~,':___'~~ "D'r.olp-- "A'N' ''If'II AlI&~~;i;\-JLJ .,'A.. N",·,B'IS' 'Tlt'l'Q"lj';t'i!A' 'LI: 'h]l:!1VI'E''tfi' "H- -:--'J7II .L.IIH~~~~ ...''li.II'D'DjI'C- -' ", _. " "'~', ·Va~JLV,· .1.\"0. ',: .I.,.' J"Ylif'

u ~."


We· ate the turtle, eg:gs that we ,~'ound,on. those islands, and the seals,
hieh.' "11 dO' .. w,.I;~,ic;W'8f\e th sante f ae rare as on oUt, .s~~an:~,~ Our s'1' eeping w,as done m

the' same :skins, and at times 'we would be 8, month and more 'wit:b,otl,t ~ .' _ ..l' 'h-. ., ' .....,.']' .. returnmg to our lS I auu .':~A-'It; t.I,'1S tnae my 60M])an.lO'D and '1" deeidecd ~, .it.. ..': ·t['b-·· ,.:":;ji-: -··I·I', '-', ,' .. : ...- IJlle n.o:r,t t-"'Ol build 't"'W""1)I; towers "D,e .-(,C' tha QOU. Slue an,d·, one " on. the '. -:·-t'll-·" out .... u '~"'" . "v \;;r, on. L_e Oll, '01' s-tone ,' n ,g,v m· .t;. ... ~ ... r"o n ~ ,t'~\Ill¥., ..·[e·:_',~ xtee 'n', f"'~t··· 'Tl''0tr ~~'e.·. ;r h' Q:r~:'I nd , i'l.'D·'·' d"["' t _ ::' i.Q~. . vU ~.' foue bIght with their stairways, and we climbed up there to watch the, sea, On one of them we 'nlll't 'wood, and other thinss to make smoke so . p' ~ o~ ~that 'we :migh,t be seen by som[e vessel i.f' by' ehanee one passed" W'e built :R pond wi-th tw,enty .. wo f,athO-IDs of' wall 'to, 'tak,e flsh, and this, t stone we, took out of the, sea, :£'or'on the :isla'md there W,8;'S only sand, We
_;.t IAJI
'0'[1-'1':':' 01','"
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,~,'~ [~.Il·'~

~'~.O tV,;I~


._ ~

also took: out stone by which 'we: made salt, 'W'e made a house covered l\1,i.t;h, skins 'where we took shelter, and our e'~.o-thi.nD' and beddin g' we,r-e
_ - __ .. l I. _ ~_ -J .•. _ ••



. __







, .'. '1l;4'

Durin g. five raon ths IjI;f' the y,~"e.·:;g;,r.·"· dug turtle.~,,eg:"'g[~ Uq !J! _ll 1."'!I;,Ii, ,.IL.lL, th-e sand eloss to 't-':b: t!i s~a_ Th~-- w' e,n", ed " B,0I1d:. P _ea-;,L~_ ~:- ea. __ ~se _ .... ri d ~ prepared :0·] '.' ·'a····'t: , '~~:e __ ~ It __ ~@i _ . .. e '''1, and WI_ u found t'h,em ,3; good, i'oDd, for the winter. Sometimes we ate t·ke: seaC,lO',W-,S that came there, and when we, did not, tbe:r.e was nQtb:ing' else eseent s'0' :m--- .!L v: ...., v . pol' Q''rIi"t t' :h-· 'ot ,11li'V.JiU.. It'!O' me 'w"iU>I]b. a- -)'k e' !O roo ts ~f;··· :_1.'loWiJ!I,,:., QiOe' med. · .' ; v _.'" .. '-'" ,rae .. years 8.,@l, tile 4}t-'b,,_ rs- h __d" '_,e ft an d' e g 'ht-' .~., ,... _ __ c-e . ,. ''h'· d"~ T"(b -,"," ",'.-·.·,'.· -..-_.,I:,·~'·~:··I· .' :~,··["·:·'[el-.I , 0; .. I' '~ _.__·:")·"'I'·'''.·,e_(~'~:S~',I'n,,'·':w,·,;:... . . e -f't ---". '_ y .._ '. should.. , l!I!~ rescued and.,'u'V"':'" dav on CO,J. ......... there [Go-' rd, p' 'a'ftm":l"t-"t'6d' tbat .J:il.'!Ail ~~,.eu'J '.: : U',,-' ..... ..... _,-"",' '. nd " e nade 8, .LfJ.41.". :ew S ev[e ·,t-" ..--.- _.,,- C',--"-, s..·1 w S·"., ''llif·t·t'h-··---~-''''·-~-· a':,uo,on" 'we sa.,W 8,.. shi p 1m,I' d' er !UU1,~ an. ". .... m.a ~._ea veery :grel.t. smoke on, ODe of our towers. A:nd 'w'be'-D,those on, board'''fh,e ship saw' us' they lowered a boat and the master and the sailors landed; an d the ''WIi,D~'''li w··'h-IU:!Q, 'niame ~s' J-',n.DJi Bantia ... JlnoveCi: a hiti~4:ll ,o,r '.... Tlriana~, took, testimony by ,8; n.ots'ry of everyt'ldng ke S8'W'" Thence VIle eame '00 Havana w:h,er'eit was the 'will. of 'God that my Iord, Don Pedro .I".lV U u'.L.'~ ··'1" A"'I '-. -'0-'0'- h e- notte . _',' 0·---. . -- ''M··'.4'.i;'nM~""I o·f-'- '_,..... ~ .. sd ...:aHA~ ce,,_var -. -00-'·:'0' t'-b···· ad- ..--'e·")·- t-'·a· de l\,a8t a "[:Ii'~"le' " I~'Ia.n,llO, ·',_~]:tL~ruJ' __ _, snd ..,. aD master '-0"'£'" onr 1-f>e and he ;~v _' .-_ ,_,._...-.:_ reeeived ; ~~,rt:.'b.'w1t--h 8.1.1. .".. 'w·,nl"'" informed..... b·'y_'.: the '.' . ,a,.ilU ._ '"', ·' .~ it.,,· _._ ,_: id ith '"t"" d ,e 'h- I: US as "n' JS an, d' prOVle d US, "",t-Le n.e'6aSS:lJl(~S)an"~ h Sllppor..ts t'C..e o.t"ber .. .' ~n. t'he I:ndies ,aild ID:e I,n Sp-ain., as your ma.j[esty sees .. I ·-'o 1li'1·..l'mI'i;~,,", b-''-' e' l'""r 'W\a.S-· ]""''WI;I'noirlbQib'l.c, "ilS, ~'" ..... "t--' ..... ' '. ·t· -.' ,-.,'" .. C_"u. U. "..Jon, Th-"",- IS no_ ,sn [ex,:enitiUV-B .,. ,. t :b . . - f' - ... -ryt"C - '[1,..,"'. - .-- W!I,,_J)UI, --_..t·..,,· .. ~·t· __ to retaln a JUS,,:, r-eme:m,ra,nee' o[- ev,e[,'"UID,g" ~--'!'·t-'h'·"- _·t·, w,n:l~I' l,;:', d' Qwn,
f;f:·· aealskins ,. ~ru., \
0 __








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an.d the rBm.'e~'m,bran0e I will k0ep-~



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nta'-"esty'" ~s~ _...""- _. , -- '-J .-"-''.. .' ".'' 'han ds.

m IIi,.O' 00- t1liAfE·: 'l'tTtl'l"'i;:;:!' v .&.

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not prevail fli'D·O~·ns·,·t t'h'-I em awe protee 'most 0'£ the 'tim.e· 'we mad,e day of :nl.,gbt
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night. of' day, ····kO'n;-"'-"~.~~·n·g:· :8'·t-i~iJ'll; :·~fJ: b .-y:' thirst, fl'o'.' 'r: "w,: 'e had n ,A~t--drun _'. ...' fo r' three V _ .~:~~y. "ce_"",lb _. "'~. u.._ 1).." .~,. . . ".. .. v· .'_. :.0 Uu;.~ G

and on this 8.000un1t we did 'not speak to one another exeept each one p·r,ayin.. 'to, himself, I was seated. in the shade o:f our hut 'makin,g a fisb.. g · hook and ,complaining to our Lord, saying·tha:.t I had been nate,}. and . barefo O~ f-o"If!I' e·l~gLt· y' ears inI t·-··'hA*·..:.1e~;Or*· wh tb ere 'W·iI!li,S· 'ID' eans U'. Ole.' :Jt: :. _:,·,K·~. ··.·. . .J. .l.··! U.~·:Q-~ .IL1L~ ,.. 8UP]) l,. and that would He be pleased to take me from this, world, or or to a Christian eoun tr'Y·.. And in my sufferiinI' I said- ',I :S:iu,ceGod. win not de'll_.ver me, let the devil de··ltrve'F· me and there I shall die '! ;.'; 'r1hat 'ni;ght I got Up' to urinate and I saw him against the 'hnt in .9i worse ,eo""r-,:'n'iil t;1r""''Hi:._ 'h-~"e' iC!i~ painted, with .... V"''',J' ho A'rV' ··~ki-:e:·:d··. ~-,O·Oi:. ~'- ,d' he W'H1S breeth-•. .f, ..>.&,y,.lU1' .. u _.o.'J:U--U, _._ . .a'__ ____c.HV·'_ ~_ :n)o;l,t;t,. 00._ .11_" -":0::' _.:re,u,ol_ n;g .s-<;'·m~·-:>O~·';ll'··n'QI'· tr S" mo nostrils and 1I!'Ji'!];'iDt:'~n"'i'!1' .II· .~. from his flre ,~~I~~ -'-e ~~;'t'""e·: :k·· ·e··· f;:r-'o'm,"'1 h~oei. ·_. lIlL.. ..·~ , ..... 11 '8 'm d ,Ids "'. 1"'1.. ·eyes:~. d .ms ieet were n~k' t h an. hi ~ nose -0-f'- a. grhlon.t- and L" bItS 'ja:e a 'iL' t s, ba and his eyes Uk·e a. man 's, and :his hair ·v·e·ry· black,,h two horns not 1110.":--"_ '1j Cmlv__ in v'Yry ,I)._U~.. .,.1:,. ealled to mv eom panion W.u was ],.-::--:'!~.iI!J" dewnn. L the hut _ . Y'V __, __ vn -·::~'o···· .. . ~.S Yl.:ae _~,_ .l\l_
.1_'.: .-:


. ] ... i




d'H-d '1j~i',~~ i~"





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:1" .. _ll,l:,














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.. [I:~




__ ."..

and we 'wok


cross tha't; I had made of cedar and with, it we walked

oyer the wh·ol,e island and never S8,.w· anything ~ · later, two weelt9 ·-d:tEf-wartJs H_ e· .. --1:':-1:;: :not,bi-, ,,:' ..,. a. _r -- _ _-, I trto·t badlv Y fr.i":ht~·n_ed at nig:h:t.,~---i!:I!e ----- - ..,. - - ." - and -- saw -. . ----nKt but ·only heard f'oot'ste,psj' and. saw nothing, Twice:m was ·f:rig:b;te-ned ,at. n.ig;h;t s,eeing nothing, Your- ma:j'e8ty must kn:ow tho t the white of tile' turtle eggs, one' or .w·..~ 'W'- '-~~I~_ ·f:~'e····;iI"I' .!y ·I-a··!:d! and then 'p':U'" ·t·-, 'D: nder .•round t'"'M'~''''' t·.n. ,,'tT ;'~ ... '.Iii&.:U.: the ..' 1__ Q~,."'"_ water .li!i·n-.',d.1 ·W~:-l"·t-:h- ·t··b· waterl" I~ lived J!·V-·-"'-· m h/W'IIlt-·'LS·.. Jn~_e····-·· yeA ... ~ W~~;' L-:- :·t··. 18,·t__ __._ .U. e _ .1.'\lrJ;,J:.. -IlI. ~,-= 't-·..& ecu .. e ~ep .,. lso m ....:'Ii 1.118 '" 11~' 'b- '111:raan water aJI'80 i sears k'" put ... pits, all d aJ.. o In'~l shells, an d In. s 'I.
CO':' ••


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Q-' ......


also in th,i.Ck: beams :hollowed out, AIUi wee· had salt beY taking stones out of 't'Be sea 8ll,d, filling their 'hollows w.itk 'w'ater and ·wben. :it dried it turned to salt, And \vbe'n it stormed we eould not eateh 'fiSht,:80 we

e we mad tho. .. tookk sea-crows, (It W'hi h 'tL~e.Ri WErr'@i _:_teL: th many', ,mnd_ we mane:::· _em ;gl've up the fish.they 'were carrying to their 'young~ and we ate. ·the·in toe, In ordee to sup-ply ourselves for' the ·wi:n·W.r, two months, A pril for and. )'f'a:y; we dUig' turtle eggs and washed them and, set them out to dry'; and with these we supported. ourselv-es seven months of' winter .. W 6 also 'had 0; ta;n'k 0:' stone wIthout mO'l'1a.t ·w-hi-,ch. we w,atehed ,at wg·b.t

i.'morde·r to take the: fish th.fl\'t ·wer·e 1:0 it, 'The seals came in J a Duary :t·o.· k:Q.~.r' .,u~ __" y~:o V;t'll;ll-'·~g:-. the mr~'k. t·-'·h·,g:v . .. U~""r~ their ... ..un.,.· , ·-~o and_.- 'WA ate the J v '-~., and tU 'IiiT'e': +oo.:··-.··I··K: -~ ~_.~ "". ~... ._:t .. ~ _Y1J. h,ad. in. their- t;e·ats aud :put. i:t i'n snail Sllell-s, .8.nd. we c()oked. it also in gnan sheH,-~.,and. ate it. Th·e t-;st:e of it was, v r ·'bitt:e·:r. .A·nd. we p·.l(Jrt, __ s_ __ __ a _ .. __ ___ ~:'Ef'-Y_:' _ _.._.. __ ._ _ __
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.' .. 376
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tbeir skins under water' and ,after three d,ays; tb.ey were i'l~ee ,o"f hair .. d" ut t"h- ~ '1:.., - the . ,. ury, - -. ~---- d b ~ -h-el ~ *,~ ,Jl~lr ~ an" OU~ 0",:,tnem WIllen (Jl.Ley wsre d-' , W€1 m,a'ie__ l·\eeC.~~_"'C,J}UlIi:SJ".-. 1-"-n:s, ; u ~'.'.l ·W-:-;l~,:t-'t.. hoods . W~··:'_'_·d, dna three U"I"d,]~'1ls:" and we alwavs 'f,-'-Ijio'n'I'[(~,d; ·t:~.o anY. '-'l!:4:pes,_.-,'I,lII,Ci' ~~, did D d dri . ~ ~h ,. · w,ater' ,8alt, all-d hen ierai d we ~d: '_ ot '.'',mr(!,' rtn 'k I,t 'WIt'! ",out 'mll'xtng _ •.'Wnen. ,]t, rained ~ -"it Wl!.JQ, the W,II, .~:"~'i4 tne -'.::·-',t····,,'~' ~;h,"" ell ]j !l! ae w weus, 1r->" seit . eaueht me rr all ~ jnv ,JOID,S" .. neeanse ,l eaugn m ai m_y ''"j:'" ··t,>" because it, w,as r,aw' and: I was used to salt it harmed me. :Dnr~i'ng,tbis - t '.'.-" k ~ -.:::I .. ':11,t nne I' 'WI,S,~:WlceS1,C, ann bo "rn .. f th·· ,,e. t-11 imes I fll--ik ;_1 ~I ~es _~'e_l SHa, ~'t-.- .. - ,nl, ,'_,~_IOS::~ I. w,a;s _'" A 11 ~ _.·t,I'j.,tII,~~IU,,,,----" V_~\i" 1;;i'_ H1;;i', ,_ u,' ,'_
IT ~








T'he Bind,,.

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