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SET 1 Complete the following sentences using appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. James .. On the final lap.

a) Pulled ahead b) pulled on c) Pulled out d) Pulled in

2. The boys fought until their mother . them .. a) Pulled apart b) pulled on c) Pulled ahead d) Pulled in

3. It me to see him treat his wife like that. a) Pulls apart b) Pulls on c) Pulls ahead d) pulls in 4. The boy kept .. his mothers sleeve, wanting to leave. a) Pulling at b) Pulling on c) Pulling ahead d) Pulling in 5. I couldnt get into the bus before it .. a) Pulled out b) Pulled away c) Pulled in d) Pulled at 6. Most of the old buildings were to make room for the new shopping mall. a) Pulled off b) Pulled down c) Pulled ahead d) Pulled at 7. Slowly, the train . on platform 4. a) Pulled in b) Pulled on c) Pulled off d) Pulled ahead 8. Lets stop at a .. on the way and grab a bite. a) Pull on b) Pull off c) Pull out d) Pull for

SET 2 Fill in the blanks with appropriate grammatical structures. Each question is followed by four suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one. 1. He is - family man. a) Very much of a b) Very much c) Much a d) A very 2. I couldnt recognize him because he was a dark suit. a) Dressed in b) Dressed with c) Dressing in d) Dressing with 3. He while trying to swim across the river. a) Drowned b) Was drowned c) Has drowned d) Had drowned

4. My parents encouraged me to study medicine, but I didnt a) Want to b) Want c) Wanted to d) Wanted 5. Are you interested in going to university? I would -. a) Like b) Like to c) Have liked to d) Have liked 6. I saw the book on the table. a) Lie b) Lying c) To lie d) Lain

7. I could see John on the bus. a) Get b) Getting c) To get d) Got

8. If I - her name, I would tell you. a) Know b) Knew c) Would know d) Had known

9. It would be nice if you - me a pound. a) Lend b) Would lend c) Lent d) Had lent 10. If you had invited them, they . a) Would come b) Would have come c) Came d) Had come

SET 3 Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb. 1. I could not meet him because he - out before I arrived. a) had gone b) went c) goes has gone 2. This - on for a long time. a) had been going b) has gone c) was going d) is going 3. When I to London, I will see him. a) go b) went c) goes d) have gone 4. If I this, I would have done wrong. a) had done b) would have done c) would do d) have done 5. I for a walk yesterday. a) go b) went c) had been d) would go 6. The rebels - the monarchs head. a) cut b) cut off c) cut down d) cut into 7. I him to go. a) said to b) told c) say to d) told to 8. He to swim. a) knows b) know c) knows how d) know how 9. He his bicycle. a) got down b) got off c) got down from d) got of 10. He took his shoes. a) out b) off c) of d) from

SET 4 Complete the following sentences 1. that book to me at my desk. a) Bring b) Take 2. I dont know what to when I leave for Mexico. a) Bring b) Take 3. Shall I her a cup of coffee in bed? a) Take b) Bring 4. There were children in the class than expected. a) Fewer b) Less 5. Although the use of seat belts doesnt prevent car accidents, it has led to . fatalities. a) Less b) Fewer 6. Dad has . on the sofa all morning. a) Laid 7. We cannot go out .. he gives us permission. a) Unless 8. She writes .. I do. a) Like 9. Jane says she has already . the table. a) Laid b) As b) Lain b) Lain

b) Without

10. Would you like to with us? a) Come b) Go SET 5 Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. I waited for her until she .. (to come) 2. As he not there, I spoke to her mother. (be) 3. They sold the house because it . old. (be) 4. I asked him what his name (be) 5. He .. hard that he is certain to succeed. (to work) 6. Wherever he the people gathered to listen. (preach) 7. He ran because he . in a hurry. (be) 8. His health has improved since he from the hills. (return) 9. As soon as he . the news, he wrote to me. (hear) 10. Whenever we . we talk of old times. (to meet)

Say whether the italicized nouns are common, proper, collective or abstract. 1. Honesty is the best policy. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract 2. Solomon was famous for his wisdom. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

3. A committee of five was appointed. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

4. James is a bright student. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

5. Wisdom is better than riches. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

6. I didnt believe the girls story. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

7. A teacher must have patience. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

8. Cleanliness is next to godliness. a) Common b) Collective c) Proper d) Abstract

9. My sister is a doctor. a) Collective b) Common c) Proper d) Abstract

10. My family lives in that house. a) Common b) Proper c) Collective d) Abstract

SET 7& 8 Complete the following sentences 1 you are not going out in that old coat? a) Surely 2. She is sleeping a) Sound b) Soundly 3. Can you be there at six oclock -? a) Sharp b) Sharply 4. She looked at him a) Sharp b) Sharply 5. We have differing opinions. a) Wide b) Widely 6. I hate arriving a) Late b) Lately b) Lately b) Hardly b) Sure

7. I havent been to the opera much a) Late

8. I have got any clean clothes left. a) Hard 9. Isnt that girl dressed ? a) Pretty b) Prettily b) highly

10. Throw it as as you can. a) High 1. I feel a) Unhappy

b) Unhappily b) Readily b) Politely

2. I will get the car a) Ready

3. She is too a person to refuse. a) Polite 4. We will have to think a) Quick

b) Quickly

5. She danced into the room 6. She sang

a) Happy b) Happily

a) Bad b) Badly a) Good b) Well a) Dead b) Deadly

7. I remember him very 8. Cyanide is a poison.

9. This steak is very cooked. a) Badly b) Bad 10. He was in love with her. a) Mad b) Madly 11. They were playing - fast. a) Unusual b) Unusually 12. I believed that you wanted to help me. a) Wrong b) Wrongly

9.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words. 1. She held the bag ., even though her arm hurt .. a) Tight; badly b) Tightly; bad c) Tight; bad d) Tightly; badly 2. .. have been to the opera. a) Neither John nor I b) Neither I nor John c) Neither John nor me d) Neither me nor John 3. The manager offered . a job. a) Susie and me b) Me and Susie c) Susie and I d) I and Susie 4. there are few secrets. a) Between you and me b) Between me and you c) Between I and you d) Between you and I 5. Both are going to the beach. a) He and I b) Him and me c) I and he d) I and him 6. Fifty years before Jesus .., the Romans landed in Britain. a) Is born b) Was born c) Is borne d) Was borne 7. David across a field one sunny morning, when he noticed a bird stumbling awkwardly. a) Was strolling b) Is strolling c) Strolled d) Has strolled 8. Steven, has been chosen for the quiz, is a clever boy. a) Who b) Whom c) That d) Which 9. The beaver . is a hard working animal, is a native of Canada. a) Which b) That c) Who d) Whom 10. The airplane .. was grounded had engine trouble. a) Which b) That c) Which / that d) Who 10. Fill in the blanks with correct pronouns. 1. Rita goes to school with .. (me / I) 2. . is my friend. (she / her) 3. Can you help ? (me / I) 4. She is taller than .. is. (he / him) 5. I earn as much as .. does. (she / her) 6. go to school by bus. (we / us) 7. She has lost .. memory. (she / her) 8. We are going for a drink. Would you like to come with ? (us / we) 9. The invitation was for Jane and (me / I)

10. John and . are going skiing this weekend. (I / me) 11&12 . Complete the following sentences using appropriate grammatical structures. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Please this photo. a) look at b) see c) watch c) listen to c) out c) sank d) see at d) listen d) with d) was sank d) is living

He would not me. a) hear I have disposed my car. a) of The ship a) Was drowned He there for a day. a) He - no fault. a) Did

b) hear to b) off b) drowned

Lived b) made

b) stayed c) caused

c) is staying d) committed d) win

We our opponents. a) Beat

b) won

c) beaten

The council of twelve members. a) Consist d) is consisting

b) consists

c) is consisted

You can this. a) Avail this b) avail yourself of c) avail yourself d) avail of

1. I have no hope of a) passing b) pass c) to pass d) pass 2. Many are of Hinduism. a) the Gods b) Gods c) gods d) god 3. None of the boys had learnt . lessons. a) their b) his c) its d) her 4. People often spend leisure in cinemas. a) his b) her c) their d) them 5. Much effort brings . reward. a) their b) its c) our d) its 6. Much money wasted on the project. a) have been b) has been c) is been d) has 7. He asked our food. a) had we taken b) if we had taken c) had we took d) if we had took 8. He asked doing. a) what we were b) that what were you c) what are you d) that we were 9. No one him after his wife had died. a) cared for b) took care of him c) cared d) take care of 10. He does not . his money. a) take care of b) care for c) look after d) care

13. Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles or determiners. 1. I am looking forward to being grandmother. 2. I used my shoe as hammer. 3. Have you fed dogs? 4. There are children in the garden. 5. Who invented radio? 6. I am - oldest in my family. 7. I prefer mountains to the seaside. 8. We went to same school. 9. My brother is going out with Chinese girl. 10. Have you got matches? 11. We met nice Asian girls on holiday. 12. I think there is butter in the fridge. 14.Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of the verb. 1. If I know her name, I you. a) Would tell b) Will tell c) Would have told

2. If I became the President, I taxes. a) Would abolish b) Will abolish c) Would have abolished 3. If you harder, you would pass your exam. a) Worked b) Had worked c) Would work 4. I will phone you if I time. a) Have b) Had c) Would have 5. If my nose were a little bigger, I look much better. a) Would have b) Will c) Would b) Would help

6. It would be nice if you me a bit with the house work. a) Helped c) Had helped 7. I will give her your love, if I her. a) Meet

b) Met c) Will meet

8. If the policeman had run a bit faster, he the thief. a) Could have caught b) Could catch c) Caught

9. I - be perfectly happy if I had a house full of kids. a) Will b) Would c) Will have

10. If you eat too much, you fall ill.

a) Will

b) Would

c) Would have

15. In each of the following sentences supply a verb in agreement with its subject. 1. The jury . divided in their opinion. 2. The Three Musketeers . written by Dumas. 3. Either John or Peter . at the top of the list of successful candidates. 4. Fire and water not agree. 5. Neither he nor I responsible for this. 6. His friends, as well as he, punished. 7. Two and two . four. 8. Neither William nor James been invited. 9. Every one of them honest. 10. The poet and thinker dead. 16 . Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given below each question. 1. Before the game started she felt certain .. winning, but after a few minutes she realized that it wasnt going to be easy. a) of b) for c) to 2. I am not afraid .. tell the truth. a) of b) to c) for b) on c) to b) to c) of

3. You seem very sure passing the test. a) of

4. I am interested . finding out what she did with that money. a) in

5. I was interested read in the paper that scientists have discovered extraterrestrial planets that could possibly support life. a) in b) to c) at 6. I am not accustomed .. giving personal information about myself to strangers. a) to b) of c) with 7. I dont drive fast because I am afraid .. crashing. a) of b) to c) for c) to

8. I am sorry losing my temper this morning. a) about b) of 9. I am keen building a career in publishing. a) for 10. She insisted coming with me. a) to b) on

c) at

b) on c) at

17. Fill in the blanks with appropriate relative pronouns. 1. He got married again two months later . surprised everybody. (which / where / what) 2. The idea she put forward didnt impress me. (which / what / who) 3. This is Jane, does my hair. (who / that / which) 4. She married an engineer . she met on a bus. (who / whom / that) 5. Have you got a book . is easy to read? (that / who / where) 6. We bought some oranges from . we extracted the juice. (which / whom / that) 7. James lent me a mattress on I slept soundly. (which / whom / who) 8. My aunt gave me her laptop for . I was very grateful. (which / what / whom) 9. Have you got anything belongs to me? (that / what / which) 10. The only thing . matters now is to find a good job. (that / which / what) 18 Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Each question has only one correct answer. Choose the most appropriate one. 1. He . writing a novel. (is / am / has) 2. He .. to retire next year. (is / am / was) 3. They .. marching forward. (are / have / will) 4. The dinner . being cooked. (is / has / will) 5. They . being questioned. (are / has / will) 6. They engaged in a heated argument. (were / will / am) 7. I . a cable from my son in New York. (am / had / was) 8. They .. violated the agreement. (have / are / were) 9. She .. never promised to do it. (had / is / were)

10. I . forgotten to post the letter. (am / had / was) 19. Fill in the blanks with appropriate form of the verb given in the brackets. 1. My brother (live) in Florida. 2. Why .. (he hit) that dog? 3. We . (go) to the theatre this evening. 4. I will kill anybody who (touch) my possessions. 5. My sister (live) with us for the moment. 6. Chet ford Castle (stand) on a hill outside the town. 7. I . (go) to the mountains twice a year. 8. The cake (taste) wonderful. 9. The scale broke when I (weigh) myself the other day. 10. She phoned while I (work) in the garden. 11. He (work) in Malaysia at the moment. 1 2. You look lovely when you . (smile). 20.Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets. 1. I hate the idea . getting old. (of / on / with)

2. A strimmer is a machine used .. cutting grass and weeds. (for / to / with) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I need a swatter killing the mosquitoes. (for / by / with) I am proud.. have won. (of / to / for) She is very good .. solving problems. (at / in / to) I am tired . listening to this. (with / of / at) We have a good chance . make a profit. (of / to / in) Try to stop them finding out. (from / on / in) I wasnt very pleased .. my exam results. (about / for / of)

10. Nobody knows the reason the accident. (for / to / with) 11. He tripped .. the cat and fell downstairs. (over / on / at)

12. When did your interest philosophy begin. (in / for / with)

21. Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets. 1. He was dismissed for tampering the office files and registers. (with / at / on) 2. He has a taste painting. (for / in / with)

3. The management has come to an understanding the workers on strike. (with / on / for) 4. He touched .. unemployment and related problems in his speech. (upon / with / at) 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. She is well-versed .. classical music. (in / at / for) I warned him .her treachery. (against / with / for) He is worthy .. our reverence. (of / for / on) You shall not yield .. such temptations. (in / to / with) He has a zest adventure. (for / on / to)

10. Their customs are similar ours. (to / with / in) 11. She is very sensitive criticism. (to / at / for) 12. Dont stoop such base methods. (to / at / for) 22. Fill in the blanks with simple past or present perfect tense forms. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets. 1. 2. 3. 4. He .. from London. (has returned / have returned / returned) I .. to him yesterday. (wrote / have written / has written) I .. to Mumbai recently. (had been / have been / went) We to the pictures last night. (went / have gone / had gone)

5. I my grandparents last week. (visited / have visited / had visited) 6. 7. 8. See that the patient . complete rest. (has / is having / has had) We .. here since 1998. (lived / have lived / had lived) He . for us till 2005. (worked / has worked / had worked)

9. I .. football in a long time. (have not played / has not played / did not play) 10. He . ill for a long time. (was / has been / had been)

23.Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Choose your answers from the options given in the brackets. 1. When I was young, I run four miles at a stretch. (could / can / might) 2. 3. Why you not attend the meeting yesterday. (could / can / will) The doctor said he operate on the patient. (will / would / shall)

4. Behave towards others as you like them to behave towards you. (would / will / could) 5. 6. If I were a king, I make you my queen. (will / can /would) You .. take one of those books if you like. (can / must / should)

7. I rather read a book than watch that ridiculous movie. (would / should / must) 8. If I .. interrupt you for a moment, Sir, how is this new scheme going to improve the situation? (would / should / might) 9. Farmers use fertilizers so that they .. have a rich harvest. (may / should / would) 10. She says she .. have her own way in the matter. (can /must / might)

24.Fill in the blanks with appropriate auxiliary verbs. Choose your answers from the options given below each question. 1. a) 2. a) When I was a child, I . watch TV whenever I wanted to. must b) could c) shall d) should

He .. borrow my car if he asked. must b) should c) could d) would

3. Dont throw the battle out of the window. Somebody .. get hurt. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) should b) could c) must d) need

This coat be washed in the machine. cant b) wont c) ought not d) would not

This time tomorrow, I . be sitting in the sun. will b) can c) would d) ought

Sulphuric acid dissolve most metals. will b) shall c) would d) should

7. On Saturdays, when we were kids, we . all get up early and go swimming. a) 8. a) 9. a) will b) would c) shall d) should

Look at the clouds and they . often remind you of animals. will b) shall c) should d) may

Dont phone them now they .. be having dinner. will b) shall c) should d) ought

10. I . to have phoned him this morning, but I forgot. a) ought b) should c) must d) could

25. Words commonly confused quiz

Fill in the blanks. 1. a) 2. a) Several Indians have .. to Australia in the last few years. Emigrated b) Immigrated

He is a rather person. Elusive b) Illusive

3. Audio-visual aids are particularly helpful in the teaching of science subjects. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. a) 9. a) Facilitating b) Felicitating

He madness to escape punishment. Fain b) Feigned

I shall tell you something, but keep it . Confident b) Confidential

This practice does not . to the rules laid down by the committee. Confirm b) Conform

It looks like another confrontation is . Eminent b) Imminent

The speaker was able to present his ideas in a lucid and manner. Comprehensive b) Comprehensible

The visitors were welcomed Ceremonious b) Ceremoniously

10. It is a . violation of the terms of the agreement. a) Flagrant b) Fragrant

26 .Conditional sentences exercise

Fill in the blanks with suitable verb forms.

1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. a) 9. a)

If you had asked he you. Would help b) Would have helped c) Will help d) Could help

I will give you $100 is you smoking. Stop b) Will stop c) Stopped d) Would stop

If you asked me nicely, I you a drink. Might get b) May get c) Had got d) Might have gotten

If the policeman had run a bit faster, he the thief. Could have caught b) Could catch c) Caught d) Catch

Would it be alright if I - a friend tonight? Bring b) Brought c) Had brought d) Have brought

If I were rich, I - all the books in the world. Would buy b) Would have bought c) Will buy d) Will have bought

If you eat too much, you ill. Will fall b) Will have fallen c) Would fall d) Fell

I - perfectly happy if I had a car. Will be b) Would be c) Am d) Was

If you heat ice, it Melt b) Melts c) Would melt d) Would have melted

10. If I become President, I - abolish taxes. a) Will b) Would c) Would have d) Had

27 . Connecting words exercise

Complete the following sentences by supplying suitable connecting words. 1. .. his mother died, he was very young.

2. Other planets have moons ours is very large compared to the earth. 3. I will see you tomorrow we will discuss the matter again.

4. Passengers are warned .. it is dangerous to lean out of the window . the train is in motion. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I have not been well .. last week. he has a car, he often goes to office on foot. A man .. constantly loses his temper can be quite a nuisance. I have a little shadow .. moves with me. He . never made a foe makes no friend.

10. Childhood is the period of life the seeds of character are sown. 11. .. we approached the house, we heard the sound of music. 12. There we met a boy . had lost his way.

28. Adverbs: Exercise

Supply suitable adverbs in the following sentences. The kind of adverb you need to use is indicated in the brackets. 1. I am not sure. (Adverb of degree or manner) 2. You will see the results. (Adverb of time) 3. His books are written. (adverb of manner) 4. We visit them . (adverb of time or frequency) 5. He is wrong. (adverb of degree) 6. He died 2 years -. (adverb of time) 7. Are you - prepared? (adverb of manner) 8. I could not find the book . (adverb of place) 9. I still remember the day I first met her. (relative adverb)

10. - did you break my windows? (interrogative adverb) 11. That was he hit back. (relative adverb) 12. He did not work, he failed. (adverb of reason) 13. He said the same thing - (adverb of frequency) 14. My work is - finished. (adverb of degree or quantity) 15. Please come -. (adverb of place)

29. Tenses Quiz

Choose the correct alternative from those given in brackets. 1. The principal to speak to you. a) wants b) is wanting c) was wanting 2. I a new bicycle yesterday. a) bought b) have bought c) was buying

3. It raining since early morning. a) has been b) is c) had been 4. I - a lot of work yesterday. a) did b) have done c) had done

5. I - something burning. a) can smell b) am smelling c) have been smelling

6. She - unconscious since morning. a) has been b) is c) was 7. He used to visit us every week, but he now. a) rarely comes b) is rarely coming c) has rarely come

8. We waiting for his call since 3 oclock. a) have been b) are c) were 9. Our guests ; they are now waiting in the garden. a) had arrived b) have arrived c) arrived 10. I him since we met a year ago. a) havent seen b) hadnt seen c) didnt 11. I - my breakfast half an hour ago. a) have taken b) took c) had taken 12. He jumped off the train while it a) was moving b) is moving c) moved

30. Fill in the blanks with a little or the little. 1. precaution is necessary in handling an electronic device. 2. We have got - bacon and a few eggs. 3. Could I try wine? 4. Give the plants - water everyday. 5. influence that he has, he uses to his advantage. 6. - grain we had was damaged in the rain. 31. Fill in the blanks with a few or the few. 1. His ideas are difficult, but people understand them. 2. public gardens that we have are not properly maintained. 3. days rest is all that I need. 4. I cant express my gratitude in - words. 5. He spent - days that were left to him in solitude and meditation.

6. points that he made were quite significant. 7. Americans have their offices in Bangalore. 8. trinkets she had were not worth much. 9. novels she has written are best sellers. 10. When I met him years later, he looked old and haggard.

32. Fill in the blanks with later, last, latest or latter. 1. The - part of the film is more interesting than the former part. 2. He is - than I expected. 3. Have you heard the news? 4. Ours is the house in the street. 33. Fill in the blanks with elder, eldest, older or oldest. 1. He is the man in the village. 2. My brother is a doctor. 3. She is - than me. 4. This is Antonio, the dukes - son. 33.Fill in the blanks with nearest or next. 1. This is the - hospital to my house. 2. The post office is to my house. 3. The injured were taken to the hospital. 4. His house is - to mine. 35. Fill in the blanks with further or farther.

1. After this he made no - remarks. 2. Kolkata is - from the equator than Colombo. 36 .Fill in the blanks with the past and past participle of the words given in brackets. 1. The sailors to the broken mast, as the ship -. (cling, sink) 2. They - a deep well, but - no water. (dig, find) 3. The snake around the boys hand, but he it away. (wind, fling) 4. When the bell was , the runners to their feet. (ring, spring) 5. As he the axe, it fell from his hands and his toe was in two. (swing, cleave) 6. The book from my knee to the floor. (slide) 7. The wind the leaves. (stir) 8. He his hands in his pockets. (stick) 9. He the ladder against the wall. (stand) 10. Malaria is a deadly disease by mosquitoes. (spread) 11. There never has a great man who has not been misunderstood. (arise) 12. Adam and his wife themselves from the presence of the Lord God. (hide) 13. She was so angry that she the letter into pieces. (tear) 14. The boy who had - the watch was arrested. (steal)

37. Commonly confused words quiz 3

Complete the following sentences.

1. The candidates have been vigorously votes. a) canvassing b) canvasing 2. We must not violate the of law. a) canons b) cannons 3. Fighting a - with ones rival to win the love of a lady was very common in France in the eighteenth century. a) dual b) duel 4. What is of the Gurkha is his utter fearlessness. a) distinct b) distinctive 5. The of troops on the border is a military strategy. a) disposal b) disposition 6. It was a violation of the terms of the agreement. a) fragrant b) flagrant 7. You are worrying over fears. a) imaginary b) imaginative 8. You cant be a great writer if you are not a) imaginative b) imaginary 9. He leads a - life in the city, neglecting his parents who live in misery. a) luxurious b) luxuriant 10. He proved his by handling the situation with extreme tact and confidence. a) metal b) mettle 11. There I met a old gentleman with a tall stature and a flowing beard. a) reverent b) reverend

12. I am very about getting their support. a) sanguinary b) sanguine 10. b) mettle (quality, courage) 11. b) reverend (worthy of reverence) 12. b) sanguine (hopeful)

38. Sequence of tenses Quiz

Complete the following sentences using appropriate verb forms. 1. Send the letter today so that she it before Friday. a) got b) gets c) would get d) is getting

2. I am going to make an early start so that I - get stuck in the traffic. a) didnt b) wont c) shouldnt d) hadnt 3. Ann talked to the shy girl so that she feel left out. a) wont b) wouldnt c) hadnt d) cant

4. She is staying here for six months so that she - perfect her English. a) could b) should c) can d) had

5. If I had gone to university, I studied medicine. a) would b) would have c) had d) will have

6. I realized that we - before. a) had met b) have met c) met d) would meet 7. My legs were stiff because I still for a long time. a) am standing b) had been standing c) have been standing d) will be standing

8. As soon as I the phone down it rang again.

a) had put b) have put c) would put d) will put 9. If you the ten oclock train tomorrow you could be in Chicago by supper-time. a) had caught b) caught c) would catch d) have caught

10. They in France for well over six years now. a) have been living b) are living c) had been living d) had lived

39. Easily confused words Quiz 2

1. Children are usually - on their parents until they can earn enough to support themselves. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) Dependent b) Dependant

Cancer is a deadly Disease b) Decease

Do not - with other peoples affairs. Medal b) Meddle

The new principal many changes in the college. Affected b) Effected

The - is survived by his wife and children. Diseased b) Deceased

The statue is at the top of the hill and the is very steep. Assent b) Ascent

7. I will let you do it now, but dont take it as a -, because I will not let you do it again.

a) 8. a) 9.

President b)


You will your dog if you dont tie it up. Lose b) Loose a) Wholes b) Holes

Rabbits live in

10. As he had no clothes the sun burnt his skin. a) Bear b) Bare

11. A - is a group of people met together on some business. a) Counsel b) Council

12. In summer the - is hot. a) Weather b) Whether

40. Easily confused words Quiz 1

Easily confused words are words which are very similar in spelling or pronunciation. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate word. 1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. He is very polite to his parents and treats them with great Difference b) Deference

Liquor made without a licence is Elicit b) Illicit

The sky is clouded, so rain seems Eminent b) Imminent

It is an - to think that the sun moves across the sky. Illusion b) Allusion

There is no - between this and that.


Difference b)


6. The investigators asked him many questions, but they failed to a reply. a) 7. a) 8. a) Illicit b) Elicit

People who are known to everyone are Eminent b) Imminent

The minister did not make a single to the incident in his speech. Illusion b) Allusion

9. The meeting must be attended by fifty people. Forty people are already present. We want ten more to reach our a) Compliment b) Complement

10. When an object is standing still it is a) Stationary b) Stationery

41. Connecting Words Quiz 1

Complete the following sentences by supplying appropriate connecting words. 1. Small service is true service - it lasts. a) if b) then c) that d) though

2. There we met a boy had lost his way. a) who b) whom c) which d) whose 3. He makes no friend, never made a foe. a) who b) whom c) which d) what 4. The moment - is lost is lost for ever. a) that b) which c) than d) whose

5. somewhat intrusive, he was an entertaining companion. a) as b) though c) if d) as though

6. I am dead, my dearest, sing no sad songs for me. a) if b) when c) as though d) as if

7. the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch. a) if b) as if c) that d) though

8. this be madness, there is method in it. a) if, then b) though, yet c) though, and d) as, yet 9. - he had gone I remembered he was. a) when, whom b) when, who c) if, that d) after, whom 10. he was born, - brought him up and he lived, we dont know. a) where, who, how b) that, whom, how c) where, who, that d) where, whom, when

42 .Fill in the blanks using proper verb forms: 1. I school last year. a) left b) have left c) had left d) was leaving 2. He his speech after the break, but the President refused him permission to speak. a) will have resumed b) would have resumed c) would resume d) had resumed 3. A widespread outbreak of influenza in the year 1919. a) occur b) was occurring c) had occurred d) occurred 4. Has the problem ? a) solved b) been solved c) solving d) had solved

5. The old woman accused that her servant - her necklace.

a) stole b) had stolen

c) was stealing d) steal

6. The accused - the verdict with anxiety. a) await b) awaited c) had awaited d) had awaiting

7. The whole milk has by the two children. a) been drunk b) was drunk c) drunk d) been drinking

8. Being an intelligent boy, he - his lessons quite easily. a) learn b) learned c) was learning d) was learned

9. I - from Bombay University in 2001. a) had graduated b) would graduate c) graduated d) will graduate

10. His parents do not with him. a) live b) lives c) lived d) living

43.Auxiliary verbs Quiz

Fill in the blanks using the correct alternative. 1. I dont think I - be able to go. a) will b) should c) can 2. He not pay unless he is asked to. a) will b) dare c) shall

3. You be honest. a) should b) would c) ought 4. I help you? a) would b) will c) shall

5. you please help me with my home work? a) should b) would c) shall

6. You to pay your debts. a) ought b) should c) must 7. If you see her, give her my love. a) would b) should c) shall

8. I him, so I sent him a letter. a) neednt to see b) neednt have seen c) didnt need to see 9. you direct me to the managers cabin? a) shall b) might c) could

10. I to be an atheist, but now I believe in God. a) used b) would c) could

11. - you like another cup of coffee? a) would b) should c) could

12. You - for me. I could have reached there on my own. a) couldnt have waited b) neednt have waited c) didnt need to wait.

44. Phrasal Verbs Quiz

Fill in the blanks with appropriate phrasal verbs. 1. He an air of dignity. a) puts on b) puts off c) puts down d) puts out

2. His friends were present at the station to - him a) see off b) see through c) see into d) see at

3. He has - his resignation letter. a) put on b) put in c) put off d) put out

4. You cannot always appearances.

a) go by

b) go into

c) go upon d) go off

5. She talking. a) kept on b) kept off c) kept up d) kept back

6. Keats was in the prime of life. a) cut off b) cut down c) cut for d) cut up

7. He has his examination. a) got through b) got off c) got at d) got down

8. The travelers were - by robbers. a) held on b) held up c) held out d) held over

9. During the cross-examination, he himself a) gave away b) gave out c) gave over d) gave forth

10. The fire a dense smoke. a) gave in b) gave off c) gave of d) gave up

45. Fill in the blanks with suitable verb, noun or adjective. Each question is followed by three suggested answers. Choose the most appropriate one. 1. Bread is made of wheat a) flower b) floor c) flour 2. An oil lamp needs a a) wick b) weak c) week 3. are small dried grapes. a) currents b) currants c) none of these 4. I didnt find his story . a) credible b) creditable c) credulous 5. I cannot decide which course I should

a) adopt b) adapt

c) adept

6. The meeting was held in a hall. a) capacious b) capable c) capsize

7. He his wife on her looks. a) complimented b) complemented c) none of these 8. Students shall not be given punishment. a) corporal b) corporate c) corporeal 9. His success in the examination is quite a) credible b) creditable c) credulous

10. He is for the membership of the club. a) ineligible b ) legible c) illegible 46. In each of the following sentences supply a verb in agreement with the subject. 1. The cost of all articles risen. a) has b) have a) is b) are

2. The jury - divided in their opinion.

3. That night everyone of us down with fever. a) was b) were 4. One or the other of those guys - stolen my watch. a) has b) have 5. No news bad news. a) is b) are 6. The accountant and cashier gone on leave. a) has b) have 7. The celebrated conjurer and juggler too unwell to perform. a) was b) were 8. The Three Musketeers written by Dumas. a) is b) are

9. Each of the suspected men arrested. a) was b) were 10. Neither his father nor his mother alive today. a) is b) are 11. There - many objections to the plan. a) is b) are 12. The cow as well as the horse - on grass. a) feed b) feeds

47. Fill in the blanks with suitable verbs or pronouns. 1. She is one of the best writers that - ever lived. a) has b) have 2. Tyranny is one of those evils which - to perpetuate a) tends; itself b) tend; themselves 3. You are not the first man that - been deceived by appearances. a) has b) have 4. One of his many good traits that - to my mind is his modesty. a) come b) comes 5. Treasure Island is one of the best pirate stories that ever written. a) was b) were 6. This is one of the songs that - most popular among youngsters. a) is b) are 7. This is the only one of his stories that worth reading. a) is b) are 8. There is really no difference between you and a) he b) him

9. I am not one of those who believe everything hear. a) I b) they 10. There is Mr Samuel - they say is the best painter in the town. a) who b) whom

48.Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate verb forms. 1. The plane at 4.30 pm. a) arrive b) arrives c) will arrive d) has arrive 2. I will call you when I - back. a) will come b) comes c) come d) had come 3. We the Smiths this evening. a) visit b) visits c) are visiting d) have visited 4. Look at the sky. It rain. a) is going to b) will rain c) would rain d) was going to

5. The train - before we reach the station. a) arrives b) arrive c) would arrive d) will have arrived

6. Perhaps we our grand parents this week. a) will visit b) visit c) visited d) would have visited

7. The next term - on 16th September. a) begin b) begins c) will begin d) has begun

8. I am sure he

a) come b) comes

c) will come d) will come

9. I you one of these days. a) will have seen b) will be seeing c) see d) would see

10. Hurry up! The program a) will start b) is about to start c) would start d) is starting

49.Fill in the blanks with appropriate comparative or superlative forms. 1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. Prevention is - than cure. Good b) Better c) Best

Who is the cricketer in the world? Good b) Best c) Better

The pen is than the sword. Mighty b) Mightier c) Mightiest

The Pacific is - than any other ocean. Large b) Larger c) Largest

Which of the two girls is the ? Pretty b) Prettier c) Prettiest

Honor is to him than life. Dear b) Dearer c) Dearest

Who is the boy in the class? Tall b) Taller c) Tallest

The Eifel Tower is than the Taj Mahal.

a) 9. a) 10. a) 11. a) 12. a) 13. a) 14. a) 15. a) 13.



Taller c) Tallest

Wordsworth is a poet than Cowper. Great b) Greater c) Greatest

The piano was sold to the bidder. High b) Highest c) Higher

Mount Everest is the peak of the Himalayas. Tall b) Tallest c) taller

She writes the hand in the class. Good b) Best c) Better

He is one of the eminent speakers of our times. Most b) More c) Much

Shakespeare is than any other poet. Great b) Greater c) Greatest

Clouds float in the sky because they are - than the air. Light b) Lighter c) Lightest

Most 14. Greater 15. Lighter

50.Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. What do you want? she asked him. Are you coming with us? he asked me. He asked, When do you intend to make the payment? Do you come from China? said the prince to the girl. The poor man exclaimed, Will none of you help me? Which way should I go? asked the little girl. Alladin said to the magician, What have I done to deserve so severe a punishment? Dont you know the way home? I said to her. Do you write a good hand? the teacher said to the student. Have you anything to say on behalf of the accused? said the judge finally. Have you anything to tell me, little bird? asked Ulysses. Who are you, sir, and what do you want? they asked.

13. 14. 15.

The king was impressed with the magician and asked, What can I do for you? She asked, What is it that makes you stronger and braver than other men? Can you solve this problem? he asked me.

51.Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions. 1. a) 2. a) 3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a) 7. a) 8. I am right you are wrong. And b) Or c) But d) Though

- he was not invited, he did not come. So b) As c) For d) That

somewhat boastful, he is a good companion. As b) Though c) But d) Since

Give every man thy ear, few thy voice. But b) As c) For d) And

He knew more about culture and philosophy any man living. Than b) And c) Since d) For

And God called the light day, the darkness He called night. And b) But c) Or d) For

He may be right wrong in his opinion. Or b) And c) But d) Since

Small service is true service it lasts.

a) 9. a) 10. a) 11. a) 12. a) 13. a) 14. a) 15. a)

When b) While c)




He may enter he is a friend. As b) So c) And d) But

Either you are mistaken, - I am. And b) Nor c) Or d) But

Blessed are the merciful, they shall obtain mercy. For b) So c) And d) Till

He fought - a brave man should do. For b) As c) Since d) And

Time - tide do not wait for anybody. But b) And c) Nor d) Neither

A book is a book, there is nothing in it. If b) Although c) Yet d) But

They carved not a line, - they raised not a stone. But b) Yet c) And d) Or

52. Fill in the blanks with suitable active and passive verb forms. 1. a) 2. a) This house - in 1970 by my grandfather. Built b) Was built c) Was build d) Has built

The robbers - by the police. Have arrested b) Have been arrested c) Was arrested d) Had arrested

3. a) 4. a) 5. a) 6. a)

We - for the examination. Have preparing b) Are preparing c) It since yesterday. Is raining b) Has been raining c) Have been raining d) Was raining Had preparing d) Have been prepared

I - for five hours. Have been working b) Has been working c) Was working d) Am working

The students - to submit their reports by the end of this week. Have asked b) Are asked c) Has asked d) Are asking

7. She - for a while. a) Are ailing b) Is ailing c) Has been ailing d) Have been ailing 8. a) 9. The teacher the student for lying. Has been punished b) Punished c) Is punished d) Was punished

I to become a successful writer. b) Am always wanted c) Was always wanted

a) Have always wanted d) Am always wanting 10.

The inmates of the juvenile home well by their caretakers. c) Have not being treated

a) Were not being treated b) Were not treating d) Was not being treated 11. a) 12. a)

As the patient could not walk he home in a wheel chair. Has carried b) Has been carried c) Was carried d) Was carrying

The injured - to the hospital in an ambulance. Were taking b) Was taking c) Were taken d) Have taken

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