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Universidade Estadual do Cear Centro de Humanidades Literatura Inglesa Drama Profa. Sarah Borges Ana Lvia M.


Paper on Shakespeares Hamlet

Hamlet, is one of most famous Shakespeares plays, it was written between 1600 and 16002. The plotis a story about the prince of Denmark (Hamlet). Hamlet is a man of radical contradictions -- he is reckless yet cautious, courteous yet uncivil, tender yet ferocious. He meets his father's death with consuming outrage and righteous indignation, yet shows no compunction when he himself is responsible for the deaths of the meddling Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and the pontificating lord chamberlain, Polonius. He tries to avenge his father, king Hamlet, who was murdered by his own brother and reappears as a ghost to ask his son for revenge a gainst Hamlets uncle, Claudius. However, as the plot develops, prince Hamlet tries to confirm what his fathers ghost told him about the treason . Hamlet had many conflicts which delay his revenge. Even when he was sure about his fathers murder , Hamlet decided wait to the right time and the right way do to apply his plan. He wanted the worst end to Claudius. Hamlet uses even a fake madness to reach his goal and he dies aft er doing what he was supposed to do since the first act of the play. The play The Summoning of Everyman,was written during the 1400s. No one know who wrote the play also called Everyman.,It is a morality play, and this kid of plot were written incollaborative way. Over the years the lines would be changed, added and deleted. Everyman is probably a result of many authors.It was written basically with didactic intentions, teaching lessons about how Christian should live and what they must to do to save theirselves.The tone of the play is solemn and dignified. Its characters were designed as allegoric ones, in other words, they try to personify stereotypes among mankind and other abstract ideas as, for instance: Fellowship, which portraits friends in

general, Goods, who stands for material possessions, and Everyman, who can represent any human being. The two dimensions presented in Everyman, standing for Earth and Heaven, are updated by Shakespeare in Hamlet, by a psychological dimension, the inner selves of the characters of the play and it is opposed to the characters exterior dimension. In order to make this update feasible, Shakespeare inserts the themes of Madness, Mystery of Death, and Impossibility of Certainty, as well as grief and hate make Hamlet vacillate in between the two dimensions.

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