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L a m a r U n iv e r s ity B e a u m o n t, T e x a s S e p te m b e r 2 0 0 6 - A u g u s t 2 0 0 9 P ik e s P e a k C o m m u n ity C o lle g e C o lo ra d o S p rin g s , C o lo ra d o June- D ecem ber 2004 B a c h e lo r o f S c ie n c e D e g r e e In te r d is c ip lin a ry S tu d ie s th C e r tific a tio n : E C -4 d e G ra

T E x E/E x C E T c o re s : S S P e d a g o g y & fe s s io n a l R e s p o n s ib ilitie s : P ro 274 G e n e ra lis t E C2-6 5 4:

My 4th Grade Classroom at Sam Houston Elementary

E D U C A T :I O N

I graduated from a small K-12 school in Colorado, with approximately 100 students. I attribute much of my knowledge and interest in education to the wonderful teachers I had there. My parents, children, and teachers in my family have also fueled my passion for teaching and learning! I love to read and write, spend time with my family and friends, and many other activities. I especially enjoy getting kids excited about learning, activities, experimenting, and reading. I am excited to continue my career in Elementary Education, where I can motivate children to learn in a fun, safe, and

Children should be valued and


Classroom Management Plan:

The classroom should be a place

where students are comfortable and appreciated for who they are. Necessary rules, rewards and consequences should be constructed together at the beginning of the year, but it is bett er to establish them as needed, based on the students. It has to be personal; a cookie cutter, one size fits all plan will not work and individualized plans will be necessary. I will focus on positive behavior, rather than the negative behavior in the classroom. I will recognize that behavior can be a response to many diff erent things and I should explore these options before making a verdict.

The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires ~William Arthur Ward

Nicole Van Houten


2009 Lamar Graduate

(409) 626-1297

My Teaching Experience

Studen t Teachi ng
Van Buren Elementa ry 2nd Grade Port Neches Groves ISD

Positiv e Reinforcemen t: I implemented a good behavior system during student teaching. It worked so well that that my mentor teacher said she would continue to use it!

For our 2nd grade dinosaur unit, I organized students into small groups and had them rotate between 5 centers. They loved putting T-Rex together, as shown here!

While studying Geometry, I enjoyed learning how to use enVision Math for teaching. It is an excellent visual and auditory tool. I gave the students manipulatives with each lesson we did, to increase learning.

WHAT IS IMPORT ANT TO ME C o m p a ss io n fo r e a c h in di vi d u al H a n d

s-on lear ning Posi tive Clas sroo m Man age men t Tea m Tea chin g Incl usio n Tec hnol ogy Inte grati on Inter disci plin ary Stud ies Goo d Sen se of

Humo r

TECHNOLO GY SKILLS -Smart Board -Mimeo Board -AVER Vision Document Camera -Digital Cameras -Scanners, Printers, Faxes -All Office applications -Classroom microphone -All Windows Operating Systems

4th Grade Math, Science , Social Studies Teacher

Sam Houston Elementar y Port Arthur ISD

With my five 4th grade coteachers, we established fun challenges throughout the year for AR points, science fair projects, good behavior, and many other things. In my

classroom I also implemented an attendance reward system for each 6 weeks that was effective with students and very successful with administratio n.

Throughout the year, I gave out tickets for random acts

of kindness, being prepared for class, working well in their groups, and various activities. Students learned responsi bility to keep tickets, so that at the end of the year they could bid on items I got donated from local businesses .

My classroom was organized, bright and interesting, with an overall good learning environment established. Schedules, rules, word walls, maps, motivational charts, class jobs, and interactive bulletin boards were all used daily to establish routines and productivity.

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