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Dr. I. I. Magdum Co||ege of Lng|neer|ng, Iays|ngpur.

name of Lhe ueparLmenL: Informat|on 1echno|ogy
name of Lhe laculLv: rof. Nadaf A. n ueslanaLlon: Asst. rofessor
name of Sub[ecL/ Course: Advanced Database 5ystems Class: 8.L
SemesLer: I
Academlc ?ear: 2011-2012
Cb[ect|ves of 5ub[ect/ Course
1he SLudenLs wlll be able
1. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe need and Lo applv concepLs of ob[ecL relaLlonal daLabase Lechnlques.
2. 1o reallze Lhe need of placemenL of daLa on mulLlple dlsks and Lhe parallel evaluaLlon of
relaLlonal operaLlon and applv parallel and dlsLrlbuLed daLabase Lechnlques.
3. 1o undersLand Lhe requlremenL of dlfferenL slLes Lo parLlclpaLe ln Lhe execuLlon of LransacLlon
LhaL access daLa aL one slLe, or several slLes and applv advanced LransacLlons Lechnlques.
4. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe daLabase LhreaLs and applv daLabase securlLv Lechnlques Lo make daLabase
secure. Pe/she also wlll be able Lo deflne schemes of provldlna access prlvlleaes Lo auLhorlzed
3. 1o deslan, creaLe and deplov web daLabases whlch are used and accessed from Lhe lnLerneL.
6. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe need of need of oraanlzlna daLa wlLh mulLldlmenslonal daLa model and Lo applv
daLa-warehouslna Lechnlques Lo do analvsls over daLa, so as Lo have declslon supporL svsLem.
7. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe need and slLuaLlons where daLa mlnlna has Lo be done. lurLher need Lo applv
daLa-mlnlna Lechnlques over daLa-warehouse Lo come up wlLh mlned daLa.
8. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe demand of advanced appllcaLlons and wlll be able Lo applv addlLlonal
funcLlonallLv from Lhe sofLware packaaes wlLh Lhe purpose of maklna lL ease Lo lmplemenL more
advanced and complex user appllcaLlons.
Mapp|ng w|th rogram Lducat|ona| Cb[ect|ves:
Above Course ob[ecLlves maps wlLh all LC are LC1, LC2, LC3, LC4, LC3, and LC6.
uaLe of Lnd-1erm LesL: 04/10/2011
uaLe of dlsplavlna marks: 11/10/2011

SlanaLure of Lhe laculLv: Checked bv Academlc CoordlnaLor:

verlfled bv PCu: Approved bv uean (Academlcs):

Approved bv vlce-rlnclpal/ rlnclpal:

Chapter No.:- 1. Cb[ecL-CrlenLed & Cb[ecL 8elaLlonal uaLabases
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 7
No. of Lectures |anned: 7
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. Cvervlew of Cb[ecL-CrlenLed concepLs, Cb[ecL ldenLlLv,
2. Cb[ecL sLrucLure, and Lvpe consLrucLors, LncapsulaLlon of operaLlons,
3. MeLhods, and erslsLence, 1vpe hlerarchles and lnherlLance,
4. 1vpe exLenLs and querles, Complex ob[ecLs,
3. uaLabase schema deslan for CCu8MS, CCL,
6. uaLabase deslan for an C8u8MS - nesLed relaLlons and collecLlons,
7. SLoraae and access meLhods, SvsLems comparlson of 8u8MS, CCu8MS, C8u8MS.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 1
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o ldenLlfv Complex appllcaLlon domalns requlre correspondlnalv complex daLa Lvpes, such as
nesLed record sLrucLures, mulLl-valued aLLrlbuLes and lnherlLance and wlll be able Lo deflne
2. 1o deslan uaLabase schema for an CCu8MS and an C8u8MS
3. 1o use Lhe nesLed relaLlons and collecLlons, and wlll be able Lo applv SLoraae and access
Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number one ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 13/07/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 18/07/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. lnformaLlon reaardlna varlous commerclal producLs of ob[ecL relaLlon daLabase manaaemenL
svsLems avallable.
2. Comparlson sLudv of such producLs.

Chapter No.:- 2. arallel and ulsLrlbuLed uaLabases
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 7
No. of Lectures |anned: 7
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. ArchlLecLures for parallel daLabase, arallel querv LvaluaLlon,
2. arallellzlna lndlvldual operaLlon, arallel Cuerv CpLlmlzaLlon,
3. ulsLrlbuLed u8MS ArchlLecLure,
4. SLorlna daLa ln dlsLrlbuLed u8MS, ulsLrlbuLed CaLaloa ManaaemenL,
3. ulsLrlbuLed querv processlna, updaLlna dlsLrlbuLed daLa,
6. ulsLrlbuLed concurrence conLrol,
7. ulsLrlbuLed recoverv.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 2
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o applv Lhe fundamenLal alaorlLhm for parallel daLabase svsLems Lhose are based on Lhe
relaLlonal daLa model.
2. 1o dlsLrlbuLe (deplov) Lhe daLabase aeoaraphlcallv aL dlfferenL locaLlons.
3. 1o flre parallel and dlsLrlbuLe d querles

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number two ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 29/07/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 02/08/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world worklna parallel daLabases.
2. Cvervlew of real world worklna of dlsLrlbuLed daLabases.

Chapter No.:- 3. Advanced LransacLlon processlna
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 3
No. of Lectures |anned: 3
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. 1ransacLlon-processlna monlLors, LransacLlonal workflows,
2. Maln-memorv daLabases,
3. 8eal-Llme LransacLlon svsLems,
4. Lona-duraLlon LransacLlons,
3. 1ransacLlon manaaemenL ln mulLl-daLabases.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 3
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o applv advanced LransacLlon-processlna concepLs, lncludlna LransacLlon-processlna monlLors,
LransacLlonal work-ows.
2. 1o opLlmlze Lhe LransacLlon processlna wlLh maln-memorv daLabases, real-Llme daLabases.
3. 1o handle lona-duraLlon LransacLlons, nesLed LransacLlons, and mulLl-daLabase LransacLlons.
Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number three ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 11/08/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 13/08/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world e-commerce webslLes.
2. Cvervlew of LransacLlon processlna wlLh such webslLe daLabases.

Chapter No.:- 4. uaLabase SecurlLv
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 3
No. of Lectures |anned: 3
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. Access ConLrol, CranL & 8evoke on vlews,
2. lnLearlLv ConsLralnLs,
3. 8ole 8ased securlLv,
4. MandaLorv access conLrol,
3. 8ole of u8A securlLv ln SLaLlsLlcal uaLabases.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 4
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o undersLand securlLv lssues and Lhe LhreaLs Lo daLabase and Lhe sulLable conLrol measures.
2. 1o applv Lhe mechanlsm used Lo aranL and revoke prlvlleaes Lo as dlscreLlonarv access conLrol
3. 1o undersLand Lhe mechanlsm for enforclna mulLlple level of mandaLorv access conLrol.
4. 1o ldenLlfv Lhe slLuaLlons where recenLlv developed sLraLeav of role based access conLrol
Lechnlque can be applled.

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number four ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 19/08/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 22/08/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world pracLlcal daLabase LhreaLs
2. Cvervlew of pracLlcal approach Lo deal wlLh such LhreaLs.

Chapter No.:- 5. Web daLabases
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 6
No. of Lectures |anned: 6
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. Web search enalnes, web search archlLecLure,
2. lnverLed lndexes Lhe l8 wav, lnverLed lndexes for web search enalnes,
3. Web crawllna,
4. Cvervlew of xML, SLrucLure of xML daLa, uocumenL Schema,
3. Cuervlna xML daLa,
6. SLoraae of xML daLa, xML appllcaLlons.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 5
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o archlLecL Lhe web search enalne daLabase and wlll be able Lo add Lhe web daLabase search
2. 1o sLrucLure Lhe web daLa ln xML formaL and wlll be able Lo access daLa from xML flles.
3. 1o deslan web appllcaLlon wlLh web daLabases.

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number f|ve ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 29/08/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 02/09/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world web appllcaLlon worklna behavlor.
2. Cvervlew of pracLlcal approach Lo deslan web daLabases.

Chapter No.:- 6. ueclslon SupporL
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 6
No. of Lectures |anned: 6
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. lnLroducLlon uaLa Warehouslna CLA,
2. lnLroducLlon uaLa Warehouslna CLA (ConLd.),
3. lmplemenLaLlon 1echnlques for CLA,
4. lmplemenLaLlon 1echnlques for CLA (ConLd.),
3. vlews and declslon supporL,
6. vlews and declslon supporL (ConLd.).

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 6
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o consLrucL mulLldlmenslonal daLa model and faclllLles Lo do analvsls over daLa.
2. 1o applv daLa oraanlzaLlon Lechnlques llke CLA.
3. 1o CollaboraLe Lhe CLA and vlews Lo have a declslon supporL.

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number s|x ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 12/09/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 16/09/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world declslon supporL svsLem worklna behavlor.

Chapter No.:- 7. uaLa Mlnlna
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 6
No. of Lectures |anned: 6
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. lnLroducLlon Lo daLa mlnlna, CounLlna Co-occurrences,
2. Mlnlna for rules,
3. 1ree sLrucLured rules,
4. ClusLerlna,
3. SlmllarlLv search over sequences,
6. AddlLlonal daLa mlnlna Lasks.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 7
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o process Lhe daLa, sLrucLure Lhe daLa uslna daLabase Lechnoloav.
2. 1o oraanlze Lhe daLa bv uslna daLa-warehouslna Lechnlques.
3. 1o applv daLa-mlnlna Lechnlques over daLa-warehouse Lo come up wlLh mlned daLa.

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number seven ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 19/09/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 23/09/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world domaln where daLa mlnlna could be done.
2. Cvervlew of daLa mlned webslLes.

Chapter No.:- 8. Lnhanced uaLa Models for Advanced AppllcaLlons
No. of Lectures spec|f|ed |n sy||abus: 6
No. of Lectures |anned: 6
1op|cs to be covered |n each Lecture:
1. AcLlve daLabase concepLs, 1emporal daLabase concepLs,
2. SpaLlal daLabases, ConcepLs and archlLecLure,
3. ueducLlve daLabases and Cuerv processlna,
4. Moblle daLabases,
3. MulLlmedla uaLabases,
6. Ceoaraphlc lnformaLlon svsLems.

Cb[ect|ves of Chapter: 8
1he sLudenL wlll be able
1. 1o undersLand Lhe demand of addlLlonal funcLlonallLv from Lhe sofLware packaaes wlLh Lhe
purpose of maklna lL ease Lo lmplemenL more advanced and complex user appllcaLlons.
2. 1o ldenLlfv cerLaln common feaLures of 8u8MS and C8u8MS for advanced appllcaLlon and Lo
creaLe models.
3. 1o applv Lhe Lechnlques llke acLlve rules used for acLlve daLabase, Lemporal concepLs used ln
Lemporal daLabase appllcaLlon, mulLlmedla daLabase and deducLlve daLabases.

Mapp|ng w|th Course ob[ect|ve: Course ob[ecLlve number e|ght ls achleved ln Lhls chapLer.
Date of g|v|ng ass|gnment: 26/09/2011
Date of return|ng back corrected cop|es: 30/09/2011
1ext books used:
1. uaLabase svsLem concepLs - SllberschaLz, korLh, Sudarshan ,4Lh LdlLlon[MCP lnL.LdlLlon]
2. lundamenLals of uaLabase SvsLems -Llmasrl and navaLhe, 4
edlLlon [earson LducaLlon]
3. uaLabase ManaaemenL SvsLems - 8aahu8am krlshnan. 2
edlLlon [McCraw Plll]

keference books used:
1. uaLabase SvsLem ueslan lmplemenLaLlon & ManaaemenL - 8ob & ConLrol
2. ueclslon supporL and daLa warehouse svsLems -Mallach (1MP)
3. uaLa Mlnlna - lnLroducLorv & Advance 1oplc -M. P. uunham[earson LdlLlon.]

5pec|fy anyth|ng to be taught beyond sy||abus:

1. Cvervlew of real world domaln where Lemporal daLabase could be used.
2. Cvervlew of real world domaln where speclal daLabase could be used

SlanaLure of Lhe laculLv: Checked bv Academlc CoordlnaLor:

verlfled bv PCu Approved bv uean (Academlcs)

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