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Read the text and write the name of the disease. DISEASE RUBEOLA SYMPTOMS An illness caused by a virus.

This disease. has a 'droplet spread'. That is, microscopic drops from the breath of an infected person are carried through the air to a healthy person. The droplets carrying the virus reach the mouth, throat and nose, from where they spread to the rest of the body. The patient develops a rash. This typically starts around the ears, from where it spreads all over the body in tiny pink spots. The rash changes almost from hour to hour, and will disappear again after about two to three days, requiring no treatment. Up to one week before the rash appears, the patient can suffer a light cold, consisting of a cough and sore throat and/or swelling in the neck and base of the skull (due to the enlargement of the lymph nodes). Sore red eyes (conjunctivitis) can occur and last for several days. Joint pains can occur, primarily affecting adults, and last for around one week. It is an abnormality in the way that the lymphatic system develops such that a collection of spaces and tubes clustered together in a particular area (usually neck or armpit) occur. Local swelling and enlargement of the affected area occurs, and this can become more pronounced when the individual has an infection. Along with infection, the other main risk

with this condition is bleeding into the affected area. The effect of this condition in a particular individual depends upon the extent and the site of the problem. Treatment in the form of injection (sclerotherapy) or surgery may be necessary. BASAL CELL CARCINOMA It often appears as a waxy bump, though it can take other forms. It occurs most often on areas of the skin that are often exposed to the sun, such as your face and neck. It usually develops on sun-exposed parts of your body, especially your head and neck. A much smaller number occur on the trunk and legs. Yet it can also occur on parts of your body that are rarely exposed to sunlight. It may look like a pearly white or waxy bump, often with visible blood vessels on your face, ears or neck. The bump may bleed, develop a crust or form a depression in the center. In darker skinned people, this type of cancer is usually brown or black. A flat, scaly, brown or flesh-colored patch on your back or chest. Over time, these patches can grow quite large. More rarely, a white, waxy scar.


They often grow slowly and usually without symptoms, making them difficult to detect. Some of them will never rupture. Many start small and stay small, although many expand over time. Some of them enlarge slowly, increasing less than half an inch (1.2 centimeters) a year. Others expand at a

faster rate, which increases the risk of rupture. As they grow some people may notice: Tenderness or pain in the abdomen or chest, back pain They can develop anywhere along the aorta, which runs from your heart through your abdomen. Sometimes they occur in the upper part of the aorta.

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