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:All About solaris:

1> While booting of solaris You have a message like

arp and rarp packets............bla bla.... continusly

Press stop+a keys together

and then type boot disk <enter>
stop key is at left hand side on keyboard.

Now system will be automatically started.

2> Setting a path:

Edit file /etc/default/su

Remove # from SUPATH and add path to set a PATH environment as follows:


3> How to install daemontools

Create a /package directory:

mkdir -p /package
chmod 1755 /package
cd /package

Download daemontools-0.76.tar.gz into /package. Unpack the daemontools package:

gunzip daemontools-0.76.tar
tar -xpf daemontools-0.76.tar
rm daemontools-0.76.tar
cd admin/daemontools-0.76

Compile and set up the daemontools programs:


vi /etc/inittab




SV:123456:respawn:/command/svscanboot </dev/null >/var/log/svscan 2>&1

reboot to start svscan.

4> How to install ucspi-tcp

Download the ucspi-tcp package. The latest published ucspi-tcp package is ucspi-

Unpack the ucspi-tcp package:

gunzip ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar
tar -xf ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar
cd ucspi-tcp-0.88

Compile the ucspi-tcp programs:


As root, install the ucspi-tcp programs under /usr/local:

make setup check

5> How to install djbdns:

1. Download the djbdns package. The latest published djbdns package is djbdns-

2. Unpack the djbdns package:

gunzip djbdns-1.05.tar
tar -xf djbdns-1.05.tar
cd djbdns-1.05

3. Compile the djbdns programs:

echo gcc -O2 -include /usr/include/errno.h > conf-cc


The first line, modifying conf-cc, is necessary for some Linux systems, to work
around a Linux bug. It can be skipped under BSD, Solaris, and other systems that
comply with IEEE Std 1003.1-1990.

4. As root, install the djbdns programs under /usr/local:

make setup check

6> Setting up external cache:

useradd dnscache
useradd dnslog
mkdir /etc/dnscache
./dnscache-conf dnscache dnslog /etc/dnscache
ln -s /etc/dnscache /service
sleep 5
./svstat /service/dnscache

touch /etc/dnscache/root/ip/203.129.232

7> Installing tinydns

useradd tinydns
useradd tinylog
./tinydns-conf tinydns tinylog /etc/tinydns

ln -s /etc/tinydns /service
sleep 5
./svstat /service/tinydns

make entries for ip adresses in

changing ipaddress of :
vi /etc/dnscache/env/IP
vi /etc/tinydns/env/IP

Restarting tinydns and dnscache:

svc -t /service/tinydns
svc -t /service/dnscache

8> All About IP Addresses:

a)setting up virtual ip address:

To create the new interface, you need to create a file that matches the name found
in step 3 with :1 added to the end, such as /etc/hostname.hme0:1 or
/etc/hostname.le0:1. This new file should contain only the new DNS name.

ifconfig hme0:1 plumb

ifconfig hme0:1 broadcast netmask
ifconfig hme0:1 up

cd /etc/rc2.d
vi S70virtual
add following line:
ifconfig hme0:1 up netmask

b) Changing IP address:

The following steps may be used to change the IP address of a Solaris system:

1. Change the host's IP in /etc/hosts for the change to take effect after reboot.

2. Change /etc/defaultrouter with the address of the host's new default gateway,
if applicable.

3. If you are using variable length subnet masks (VLSM), add the host's network
number and subnet mask to /etc/netmasks.

4. Run ifconfig interface ip_address netmask broadcast_address for the IP address

change to take effect immediately. The netmask and broadcast_address should be
specified if you are using variable length subnet masks (VLSM), but may be omitted

Solaris 10 additional instructions:

5. Change the host's IP in /etc/inet/ipnodes for the change to take effect after

c) Configuring IP Filter

As root, run this command:

ndd -get /dev/tcp ip_forwarding

If the result is "1", you're all set. Zero means that IP forwarding is not
enabled. To enable it, delete the file /etc/notrouter, and possibly
/etc/defaultrouter too. Create an empty /etc/gateways file, and IP forwarding will
be enabled at the next reboot.

or manually set :

ndd -set /dev/tcp ip_forwarding 1

9> setting up firewall:

First, make sure the service is enabled.

sol10demo# /bin/svcs -a | /bin/grep ipf
disabled 14:33:53 svc:/network/ipfilter:default
sol10demo# /usr/sbin/svcadm enable svc:/network/ipfilter:default
sol10demo# /bin/svcs -a | /bin/grep ipf
enabled 14:33:53 svc:/network/ipfilter:default

Next, start setting up the filtering.

Edit /etc/ipf/pfil.ap. Uncomment the interfaces you want filtering on, probably
your primary ethernet interface. Use /sbin/ifconfig -a if you don't know the
interface names
i.e. hme(for our server).

/usr/sbin/svcadm restart network/pfil

Create or vi /etc/ipf/ipf.conf
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 22 keep state
pass in quick proto tcp from any to any port = 80 keep state
pass in quick proto tcp/udp from any to any port = 53 keep state
pass in quick proto icmp from any to any icmp-type 8 keep state
pass out quick from any to any keep state
block in quick all

/usr/sbin/svcadm restart network/pfil

Even if you're not going to create a NAT, you'll want one entry in ipnat.conf.
It's a proxy that makes FTP work. Otherwise you can only use passive FTP. Put the
following in /etc/ipf/ipnat.conf

map hme0 0/0 -> 0/32 proxy port 21 ftp/tcp

Note that is needs your ethernet interface name, which on my machine is bge0. Use
ifconfig -a to find your name if you don't know it. This only handles clients who
want to use FTP. If you want incoming FTP to work, things get a lot more complex.
You'll need to see the full instructions

After changing /etc/ipf/ipnat.conf do

ipnat -CF -f /etc/ipf/ipnat.conf

There's a utility "ipfstat" that will show you the current rules and how they are
working. See the man page for details.

Now you need to reboot your system so that the network interface can start
sol10demo# /usr/sbin/reboot

After rebooting you should check that IPF has been started.
sol10demo# /bin/grep ipf /var/adm/messages
Sep 5 14:33:52 sol10demo ipf: [ID 774698] IP Filter: v4.0.2, running.

netstat -a -f inet |grep LISTEN |more

* ipfstat -i (list input-filtering rules)

* ipfstat -o (list output-filtering rules)
* ipf -Fa (flush all rules)
* ipf -Fa -f /etc/ipf/ipf.conf (flush all rules and load a new set of

10> copy and

scp -P 222 mes_admin@ /usr/local/bin

setup the dns notify script as a cron job to run daily to update secondary dns

Editing cron job entries:

crontab -l > mycrontab

vi mycrontab
crontab < mycrontab

for e.g.:
20 00 * * * perl /usr/local/bin/

11> Setup of cpan:

perl -MCPAN -e shell

CPAN build and cache directory? [/home/mesadmin/.cpan] /usr/local/bin

install Net::DNS usung CPAN

cpan> install cpan> install

Package installation:

cd /tmp
wget <PKG>

Download the findutils package from sunfreeware or a mirror,Make sure that you
have the most recent package, the one with the highest possible serial number.
for e.g. pkg is mysql-4.0.21-sol10-sparc-local.gz

Unpack the package using gunzip


As root, go into the directory where you unpacked the package, and add it to your
system using the command

pkgadd -d <pkg><version>

Verify the installation of the package, listing the content of the /usr/local/bin

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