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AGES OF INTERNAL RECRUITMENT EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT SELECTION SELECTION PROCEDURES TESTING PROCEDURES RECRUITMENT The term recruitment is defined as the activity of publishing information about vacancies in the organisation and inducing the prospective candidates to apply for the job. According to Dale Yoder, recruitment is the process to discover the manpower to meet the requirement of the staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate number to facilitate effective selection of an efficient worker. TYPES OF RECRUITMENT Broadly recruitment can be divided into two categories: 1. Internal recruitment. 2. External recruitment INTERNAL RECRUITMENT Refers to the recruitment for jobs from within the enterprise i.e. internal sources viz. present employees, employee reference, former employee and former applicants. ADVANTAGES OF INTERNAL RECRUITMENT 1. Familiarity:- Organisation has better knowledge about the internal candidate. 1. Better utilisation of internal talent:- to make best use of the capabilities of the employee. 1. Economy:-Less costly. 1. Motivational value:-A source of encouragement and motivation as it provides the chance for promotion and transfer. DISADVANTAGES OF INTERNAL RECRUITMENT 1. Restricted choices:- It has a narrow base. The organisation may have to compromise with the quality of the choice of the candidate. 1. Inbreeding:-The organisation denies itself from fresh talent available outside. 2. Absence of competition. 3. Conflict:-Politics play a greater role and morale problem for those who are not promoted.

EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT It is from outside the organisation. Sources of external recruitment are viz. 1. Employees of other enterprise. 2. Educational institutions. 3. Employment exchange 4. Unsolicited applicants. ADVANTAGES OF EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT 1. Wide option:- brings a large number of applicants. 1. Infusion of new blood:-The organisation can expect to get fresh,talented candidate from outside who can generate new idea to the organisation. 1. Element of competition:- internal candidate have to compete with the outside candidate for the vacancies. DISADVANTAGES OF EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT 1. Expensive method:-It involves considerable expense in the form of advertising for vacancies. 1. Time consuming:-It takes more time because it needs to contact the sources and wait for the response. 1. Lack of certainty:- Candidate from outside may or may not be good for the enterprise. SELECTION CONCEPT It is the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a greater likelihood of success in a job. DEFINITION According to Dale Yoder,selection is the process in which candidate for employment are divided into two classes : those who are to be offered employment and those who are not. Selection means a process by which the qualified personnel may be chosen from the applicants offering their services to the organisation for employment. SELECTION PROCEDURE Selection is a process involving rejection of unsuitable or less suitable applicants. The procedure have the following steps viz. 1. Preliminary interview 2. Application blank 3. Selection test 4. Interview 5. Physical examination 6. Reference check 7. Final decision 8. Placement. TESTING PROCEDURES Broadly can be divided into: 1. Cognitive Ability Tests

1. Non Cognitive Ability Tests COGNITIVE ABILITY TESTS Are used to ensure matching the person with the job. They include knowledge tests, ability tests, aptitude tests, and simulation exercises. Ability tests and aptitude tests are the most commonly used tests. Ability tests are appropriate for lower level jobs where abilities are quantifiable. These are used when certain abilities are believed to be critical in the performance of a job or role for which the candidate is considered. Differential Aptitude Test is one of the standard instruments available for aptitude testing NON COGNITIVE ABILITY TESTS Example of non cognitive ability test is personality test. These can be viewed under three levels or categories. These are: 1. Instruments at the level of the self. 2. Instruments at the level of social interaction. 3. Instruments dealing with the individuals interaction with the occupation, profession, organisation, or the system in which he is a member.

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