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Laurence Cazajous Charge de Recrutement Colomiers Manpower ...amounting to a total savings of... ...on an ongoing/regular basis... ...

to ensure maximum/optimum... Accomplished... Acted as liaison for/between... Acted/Functioned as... Adept at... Administered... Advised... Analyzed/Assessed... Arranged... Assigned territory consisting of... Assigned to... Assisted with... Budgeted... Conducted... Consulted... Contracted/Subcontracted... Coordinated... Counseled... Delegated... Delivered... Demonstrated... Developed... Direct/Indirect control... Directed... Drafted... Edited... Engineered

Established... Evaluated... Experience involved/included... Experienced in all facets/phases... Expertise skills... Extensive training/involvement... Familiar with... Formulated... Gathered... Handled... Honored as... Implemented... Improved... In charge of... Initially employed... Initiated... Innovation resulted in... Installed... Instructed... Instrumental in... Interaction with... Investigated... Knowledge of/experienced as... Maintained... Managed... More than [ ] years experience... Negotiated... Organized... Performed... Planned... Presented... Proficient/competent at...

Promoted to/from... Proven track record in... Provided technical assistance... Recipient of... Recommendations accepted... Recommended... Remained as... Reported directly to... Resulted in... Sales quota accountability... Served/Operated as... Specialize in... Successful in/at... Temporarily assigned to... Worked closely with... BUZZ -manage -design -green energy -quality control -sales -Planning -Trainer -Revenue -responsability -Implementation -Involved -planning -scheduling workloads -coordinating meetings

-Identifying new business opportunities -Preparation of new project budgets -Organization -supervise -Conducted new product training -Developed -Implemented and improved -Increased Toulose Space Show - Thomas MCGAHEY Monsieur/Madame Thank you for taking the time to tell me about the applications and services offered by your company during the Toulouse Space Show. As we discussed, I am a mechanical engineer from the United States, and I have recently moved here to become involved in the space and aeronautics industries. I am currently investigating career opportunities in the Toulouse area. Please review the attached copy of my CV. Feel free to contact me to discuss it, and to forward it on to others who may also be interested. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you again for your time. Sincerely, Thomas MCGAHEY engineer - ingnieur

Bureau of Studies - Bureau dtudes responsibility - responsabilit in charge of - en charge de items requested by customers - lments demands par les clients creates, modifies and delivers - cr, modifie et fournit responsible for technical development responsable des dveloppements une premire exprience dans ce domaine - a first experience in this field Connaissance de l'industrie aronautique Knowledge of the aviation industry Savoir travailler en quipe aussi bien en interne qu'en externe - Ability to work as a team both internally and externally exprience relations fournisseurs et coordination technique - experience in supplier relations and technical coordination enforcement of quality assurance l'application des rgles d'assurance qualit needs analysis, drafting of technical specifications, job design, selection of subcontractors - analyse des besoins, rdaction des spcificits techniques, dfinition des tches, slection des souscontractants commissioning - mise en service knowledge in electronics and mechanics connaissances en lectronique et mcanique Mastery of computer tools - la matrise des outils informatiques

Very good communication - trs bonne communication Taste and sense of teamwork - sens et got du travail en quipe Ability to organize time managing priorities, analytical mind - capacit organiser son temps en grant les priorits, esprit de synthse Discipline, order and method - rigueur, ordre et mthode Organize meetings - organiser les runions Participate in continuous improvement - Participer l'amlioration continue Ensure that the level of quality - Sassurer que le niveau de qualit Analyze and validate - Analyser et valider Participate in reviews - Participer aux revues Manage and ensure smooth process of handling non-conformities - Piloter et sassurer du bon droulement du processus de traitement des nonconformits with experience in Quality / Product Assurance avec exprience Qualit / Assurance Produit The design and development of CAD applications La conception et le dveloppement d'applications (conception assiste par ordinateur -CAO)CAO Design, Development, Validation, Documentation Conception, Dveloppement, Validation, Documentation Knowledge of commercial software - La connaissance de logiciels commerciaux Quality Manager - Responsable qualit

Responsible for monitoring subcontractors - En charge du suivi chez les sous-traitants monitoring the development and manufacturing of devices- suivi de dveloppement de la fabrication d'quipements monitoring the integration and testing of such equipment - du suivi de l'intgration et des tests de ces quipements Quality assurance - Assurance qualit organized meetings - animation runion Rigor - Rigueur Autonomy - Autonomie Availability - Disponibilit Adaptability - Adaptabilit Reactivity - Ractivit Participate in the development, drafting and updating of technical documents - Participer llaboration, la rdaction et la mise jour des documents techniques airline - compagnie arienne Respond in a timely and quality level - Rpondre dans les dlais et au niveau qualit requis various technical requirements - aux diverses demandes techniques Conduct a pre-analysis of records - Mener une pranalyse des dossiers techniques Initiate, manage and support the activities assigned to subcontractors in respect of cost, schedule and quality - Lancer, piloter et supporter les activits confies la sous-traitance dans le respect des cots, dlais et qualit

Ensure the validation of the work returned by subcontractors Contribute technical meetings progress of work assigned to subcontractors - Contribuer aux runions techniques davancement des travaux confis la sous-traitance Respond to internal customer issues - Rpondre aux diverses questions clients interne Know the principles of documentation - Connatre les principes de la documentation Ensure the preparation and updating of manuals Assurer la rdaction et la mise jour des manuels Manage the many internal and external interface Grer les nombreuses interfaces interne et externe Ingnierie/Mcanique - Engineering /Mechanical Vrifier la conformit documentaire des quipements - Check the documentation of equipment Analyser les rsultats du contrle visuel - Analyze the results of visual inspection Identifier les non-conformit produit et / ou documentaire - Identify non-compliance product and / or documentary Rdiger des rapports de non-conformit - Prepare reports of non-compliance Connatre la mcanique - Knowledge of the mechanics Savoir lire et interprter la documentation technique - Read and interpret technical documentation

Connatre les principes de la programmation numrique - Know the principles of digital programming Savoir utiliser les outils de l'informatique bureautique - Know how to use the tools of the computer desktop Comptences humaines : - Esprit d'quipe. - Innovation et amlioration continue. - Orientation client. - Respect des engagements procdures qualit, responsabilit. - Respect des rgles scurit et environnement. People Skills: - Teamwork. - Innovation and continuous improvement. - Customer focus. - Compliance with commitments quality procedures, responsibility. - Compliance with safety and environmental rules. a pour mission de prparer, de coordonner en collaboration avec un Ordonnanceur et de participer lensemble des activits assemblages, mesures et tests sur les satellites en salle blanche - responsible for preparing, coordinating in conjunction with a scheduler and participate in all activities, assemblies, measurements and testing of satellites in a clean room

il a pour responsabilit, avec son quipe, la tenue les temps de cycles prvus par le planning dans le respect des processus et des rgles de qualit et de scurit de lentit - he is responsible for his team, keeping the cycle times required by the schedule in respect of processes and rules of quality and safety of the entity. Gnie Mcanique - Mechanical Engineering Comptences techniques requises Bonnes connaissances en mcanique gnrale et lectrique. Apprhension de la gomtrie dans lespace. Intrt fort pour les activits oprationnelles. Connaissance en informatique souhaite : Excel, Word. De solides bases en anglais seraient un plus. - Technical skills Good knowledge in mechanical and electrical. Apprehension of geometry in space. Interest strong for operational activities. Computer literacy required: Excel, Word. Strong knowledge of English would be a plus Organiser les runions - Arrange meetings Formation : - Education Comptences - Skills de contribuer techniquement l'laboration et la mise en uvre des produits- To contribute

technically to the development and implementation of products Cette activit ncessite de communiquer avec le personnel de fabrication, de collaborer avec les diffrents services et auprs des fournisseurs de sous-traitance - This activity needs to communicate with manufacturing personnel, collaborate with different departments and with suppliers of outsourcing Vous devez tre capable de grer le projet dans son ensemble - You must be able to manage the whole project. gestion de projets en autonomie - project management autonomy Your experience on the stages of product development and implementation of the project jointly with the various stakeholders - Votre exprience sur les tapes du dveloppement produit et la mise en place du projet conjointement avec les diffrents interlocuteurs Votre sens de l'autonomie, votre rigueur afin d'intgrer les mthodes de travail du groupe, votre dynamisme, votre sens cratif, votre ouverture desprit, votre bonne comprhension des attentes clients, votre aptitude prendre des initiatives et grer plusieurs dossiers en mme temps - Your sense of self, your discipline to integrate the working methods of the group, your vitality, your sense of creativity, your openness, your understanding of customer expectations, your

ability to take initiative and manage multiple files at the same time Les sens de l'autonomie, du travail en quipe et la crativit - The sense of autonomy, teamwork and creativity intervient dans l'ingnierie, la prparation - involved in engineering, the preparation du design initial la pose finale pour le vol - from initial design to final fitting for the flight salle blanche - cleanroom assurer les tches d'ingnierie - provide engineering tasks assurer le reporting vers le management - ensure the "reporting" to the management Ingnieur de formation mcanique gnrale - General mechanical engineering background Comptences techniques requises - Technical skills Bonnes connaissances en mcanique gnrale - Good knowledge in general engineering Sens de la communication et du travail en quipe dans un contexte multi-mtiers - Good communication and teamwork in a multitrades Rigueur, esprit de synthse, mthode, pragmatisme, souci de la qualit du travail et honntet professionnelle -Rigorous, synthesis, method, pragmatism, attention to quality work and professional integrity Aptitude coordonner et raliser les activits oprationnelles - Ability to coordinate and carry out operational activities

Dplacements occasionnels chez les sous-traitants - Occasional travel in the sub-contractors Vous prennisez la dmarche APFA (Analayse, Procdure, Formation, Audit - You perpetuate the process APFA (Analayse, Procedure, Training, Audit responsable de la performance qualit responsible for the quality performance investigations - investigation pilotez de manire proactive les plans d'amlioration continue - pilot a proactive plans for continuous improvement interface avec les clients internes, le management - Interface with internal customers, management Suivre les dlais contractuels et assurer la mise en place prcise des commandes contractuelles. * S'assurer que les nacelles soient livres dans les dlais avec les configurations appropries. * Suivre et coordonner les activits du fabricant de nacelles afin d'viter des retards de livraison d'appareils lis des problmes de nacelles. - Follow the contractual deadlines and ensure the accurate placement of contracted orders. * Ensure that the boats are delivered on time with the appropriate configurations. * Monitor and coordinate the activities of the nacelle manufacturer in order to avoid delays in delivery of equipment related problems nacelles.

proactif(ve) et capacit convaincre - proactive (er) and ability to persuade Reprsenter le dpartement aux runions avec les fournisseurs -Represent the department in meetings with suppliers Savoir grer les problmes - Ability to manage problems Savoir manager, organiser, diriger des tches dans un projet orient environnement - Knowing how to manage, organize, manage tasks in a project oriented environment Connaissances en aronautique - Knowledge in aeronautics Organiser les services et sminaires - Organize seminars and Services et mettre en place des actions - implement actions sales and marketing - vente et marketing techniques de ngociation - negotiation skills fabrication - manufacturing suivi des carnets de commandes client associs monitoring of backlogs associated client le domaine de la gestion de production - the field of production management ordonnancement - scheduling est charg des activits de mise au point des - is responsible for development activities mcanique entre l'quipement tester mechanical equipment to be tested prpare les documents ncessaires sa livraison prepares documents necessary for its delivery

En cas de problme technique, il mne les investigations ncessaires la leve d'ambiguit - In case of technical problems, he led the investigations required for the removal of ambiguity Sens du service client, autonome, rigoureux et volontaire - Sense of customer service, independent, rigorous and voluntary Formation en mcanique aronautique - Training in aeronautical engineering Assurer le support technique aux services internes - Provide technical support to internal departments des runions avec les autorits - in meetings with authorities bonne connaissance de lavion - good knowledge of the aircraft Matrise de langlais lu crit parl - Fluency in written and spoken English read Organiser son travail et grer un - Organize work and manage a connaissance des logiciels Ms-Office - Knowledge of MS-Office ngocier des oprations de livraison des appareils avec le client - Negotiate the delivery operations of the apparatus with the client Profil : doit tre l'coute du client, intuition commerciale, rsistant au stress, disponible (horaires variables), honnte - Profile: Must be attentive to the customer, business intuition, stress resistant, available (flexible hours), honest

Rdiger et mettre jour les Documents dEssais Write and update test documentation Porter assistance aux Techniciens dEssais lors des dpannages - To assist test technicians in troubleshooting Logiciels de bureautique, Outlook - office software, Outlook Ingnieur Sret et Certification - Certified Safety Engineer outils, formation, indicateurs, tudes de faisabilits - tools, training, indicators, feasibility studies voir s'ils peuvent tre satisfaits en adaptant les solutions Airbus existantes. - see if they can be met by adapting existing solutions Airbus Srieux, Motiv, Dynamique, bon relationnel, bonne communication, Rigoureux - Serious, motivated, energetic, good interpersonal skills, good communication, Rigorous Charg de la - Responsible for the Assurer linstallation et lintgration des systmes de conception mcaniques tout en respectant les process et les rgles - Ensure the installation and integration of mechanical design systems, while respecting the process and rules Rpondre aux demandes - Respond to requests outils CAD - CAD tools capacit d'autonomie - self-sufficiency Inspecteur qualit mcanique - Mechanical Quality Inspector Inspection mcanique - Mechanical inspection dans le cadre des visites priodiques - through periodic visits

Esprit dquipe o Autonomie o Rigueur o Polyvalence avec mtiers de la cabine, de la mcanique o Esprit dinitiative Teamwork o Autonomy o Rigor o Versatility with crafts cabin, mechanics o Strong initiative mener des enqutes techniques - conduct technical investigations

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