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Interviewer generally ask - 1) WWI 2) Property tree creation 3) Report shipping 4) DG Master 5) Data structure of Specification Workbench 6) How

to do import an d export All depends on what type of experience you are showing.. but these are generic q uestions interviewers are asking now a days they copy content from something called SAP Best Practices documentation and jus t run through the sessions. Even they dont teach what is domain - MSDS, GLM, DG, IH&S there is more functional know also Learning EH&S Session 1: What is Specification Database ?

Specification is the central database for EH&S. These data often referred to as Product data. This data includes regulations and laws concerning the products an d ingredients. Example of specificaiton data include handling requirements, stor age requirements and transport requirements, physical chemical characteristics, safety information and hazardous information. These specifications data are of d ifferent types based on the nature of the data they handle and also based on the ir close association with sub modules of EH&S like Hazard related to Industrial Hygiene and safety, Waste Code Related to Waste Management, Dangerous Goods Clas sification Related to Dangeorous Goods Management and Substance for Product Safe ty. So we can use the same concept to separate the specification database into D ifferent specification Categories based on the broad category of data they conta in or in EHS Sub module where they are used like i) Substances ii) Agent (Hazard ) iii) Dangerous Goods Data iv) Waste Code. Substance database contains header information and position data often called va lue assignment information containing actual property information. For EH&S to w ork and function, these data needs to be created, used and updated at a regular intervels of time. It is possible to crate and update specificaiton information in SAP EHS, while for automated updating of the Specification database, 3rd part y sources are used. The tools for updating the specification can be EH&S Expert - Open Content Connector which uses xml format for updating the specification da tabase which will be covered separately in other session. Specficiation database is closely linked as a specification model which is relat ed to Product Structure which we want to map into SAP EHS and at times its usefu l to sub divide the broad specification category into small components to handle the data appropriately. For example It makes sense to separate Substance Specif ication into different Types based on exact piece of information they contain li ke Real Substances, Listed Substances, Un Listed Substances etc. To create a specification in SAP EH&S access the T Code, CG02BD, if you want to specifically create a specification database then CG02 (product Safety), CBIH92 (Industrial Hygiene and Safety), WAO02 (Waste Management).

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