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January 18, 2006

Dear Editor in chief,

The scholar ask if suicide bombing really is the ultimate weapon that perhaps very hard to be
checked or balanced because a terrorist would just use same uniform of a fellow police and
detonate himself. And on the road a bomb could easily be switch on and destroy the military car
and even kill people inside the car. The A.I. remark: Perhaps any body could watch movie and
learn something from movies especially about armor vehicles and security and safety. Perhaps
there is really negligence on the part of the police or army that a suicide bomber with same
uniform as theirs is permitted to enter without rigid body inspection before the suicide bomber
enters the crowded office. With regards to car or truck being victimized by road side bombs there
are some ways using technology to counter those extremes. Perhaps even animals could think to
armor him like the turtle but the problems lie that there is money involved and will power and
focus. Any body could think of armoring even by just seeing cable TV show and think of ways to
destroy first the bomb hidden 3m in advance. Perhaps a) a beam of heat like micro wave that is
in advance party to destroy all bomb/s along path b) let the bottom or base of the car or truck has
“smart pre-base armoring” and another attached “smart base armoring” on the bottom or base of
the vehicle so when the bomb explode the vehicle would just be lifted on the air and the people
inside would not be in danger.
What is a “smart pre-base armoring” ask the scholar? It is anything light but durable strong
plastic that is five time stronger as steel as composite part or as built-in part or sandwich with
ordinary 1/4” thick metal plate and another 2”-6” rubber board attached to the smart base armor.
The smart base armor is just a ½-1” thick armor. The 4”-6” thick rubber board or spacer is using
distance to minimize the effect of heat to destroy the smart base armor. The rubberized material
could lessen the impact; or as shock absorber. The smart pre-base armoring could protect the
rubberized to disintegrate. The smart base armor is the ultimate armoring and holds the whole
vehicle not to disintegrate or move apart and it is ultimate protector of the vehicle. The people
inside should have driver’s safety belt that could be easily be disconnected in times of ambush;
and hold them safely not to be thrown away and be fatally bumped on hard objects.
The “smart pre-base armoring” and “smart base armoring” could be portable and has many
different sizes to fit on desired vehicles. It could easily be attached for 10 to 20 minutes because
screw or bolt is not used instead just clamp that could be unlock or lock safely and could act a
These smart base armoring could become another economic stimulus so that it could be sold
to any vehicle private or military. Perhaps a lighter one and stronger made mostly of strong and
durable but light plastic or ceramic and metal and glass could be installed on presidential and
ambassador cars.
Perhaps for cheaper armoring against road side bomb, a simple foot mattress made of light
and strong materials screw on the base or under the chair and foot base could secure the driver or
the person inside not to disintegrate or be broken into pieces. The problem lies if the protection
itself would detach to the vehicle upon impact and throw the strong material with the person as a
whole and the person could be bumped on the roof that could cause the fatal blow or punch on
the head.
Perhaps fatalities cause due to impact from free falling bodies like a crashing airplane and
helicopter could be minimized by the smart armoring built in with shock absorber principle. As
long as the people inside hold on and would not detached themselves with the safety belts with
shock absorber and the smart armoring with shock absorber perhaps could minimized fatalities.
The causes of injuries from free falling bodies are the weight of the human body itself and the
weight itself could contribute to the collapse of the body. But perhaps during the free falling, the
velocity and speed could be lessened by letting helicopter have emergency wing or emergency
parachute attached on the propeller when free falling and the foot of the helicopter should have
shock absorber. Those gasoline tanks should be designedly having thin wall on the exterior and
on the interior thicker wall so that when there is explosion the explosion is going away from the
people inside.
The scholar asked the A.I .a different topic: What can you say about the words from the
bible: “Well, then, you should have deposited my money in the bank, and I would have received
it all back with interest when I returned. Now, take the money away from him and give it to the
one who has ten thousand coins.” The A.I. remembers the opinion from a journalist that the poor
deserve to be poorer and even be condemned of his negligence and mismanagement of trusted
resources. And the A.I. remark: Perhaps people having loan should be charged of interests so that
accountability could be clear. Those rentals and back pay or premiums should be charged with
interest. And profit could be attained on the side of the lender.
But with regards to the good relationship between land owners and tenants that was
destroyed because of “biases”, and the source of capital was lessened because of illegal activities
like mortgaging, selling of rights as tenants or beneficiaries, people are trapped on land for
survival motivation only and some could not see other opportunities or other economic stimulus
or primer. The law of accountability like words “Well, then, you should have deposited my
money in the bank, and I would have received it all back with interest when I returned. Now,
take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand coins” are now not
effective good teachings because of “bias” law! Why? Perhaps because entrusted officers to
protect the owner and the farmer are intimated not to follow the balanced law perhaps because
fear factor of being fired was removed. Example there might be a law that if a tenant would not
give three harvesting “rentals” to the land owner, the farm should be returned and be managed or
administered by the owner or the owner could assign others responsible farmers to till the farm;
instead some farmers mortgage those farm and the word of God above is set aside and being
made useless. Perhaps some officers are involved to really remove the ownership from the land
owners perhaps because universal word is being cancelled and being replaced… Pass law that
bad tenants should learn the good teachings “Well, then, you should have deposited my money in
the bank, and I would have received it all back with interest when I returned. Now, take the
money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand coins.”
But “bias” law or negative things are keys so that balancing could be implemented and be
carried out. The strategy of balancing is like the evolution of computer programming. It starts
from the smallest decision to turn off or on a current to produced a code, and combine a code to
produce sequence or task; then programs. Or in chess it is similar to an end game tactic or
aspiring for just a one pawn advantage to the opponent because a pawn could become a queen
soon or if given a chance could attack aggressively implementing other aggressive tactics.
Balancing is a universal rule. It results to beauty, proportionate, precision, harmony, order, and
peace: its opposite is chaos, disorder, ugliness, not proportionate, no accountability, no
transparency, harmony is destroyed, and human relation is destroyed. Example of traditional
balanced figure is the cross or the weighing balance of a blind folded woman that portrays
justice. Perhaps stable balanced is when the cross is fixed on the ground and perpendicular to the
center of the earth. The most delicate balancing is a moving balancing act like walking on a wire
in a circus; it could easily be distorted or be imbalanced or fall. Another example of balancing is
So the disturb scholar remark: perhaps a perfect society where almost all bad is pre-empted is
not good also? This idea might question the existence of heaven because in heaven all are perfect
no evil of what so ever! The A.I. comment we are going back again to mysteries which would
create misunderstanding, conflicts, and superiority of who is the more knowledgeable or who is
the powerful. Perhaps there are really things that should remain secret and will remain like it to
maintain balance. And there are blessed people especially the holy people who know the secret
and they feel that they are privileged to be called friends of God; or even sons of God. These
people know that God has no hands, no mouth so they know that if they are good God is sharing
to them the same power. And this idea about son ship would lead that Japanese religion or the
Hindu and Buddhism might also be correct on many aspects! The A.I. said since we are again
entering into the mysteries and this entering might create conflicts, and so on perhaps we are
being invited to be an instrument of the devil to create seeds for misunderstanding and conflicts
because of blurred things. Perhaps it is not for us to know those because we might be wrong or
be mistaken.
The scholars ask if it is true that any single hair in the human would not fall if God would not
allow it to happen. Or our breath depends on God’s permission? Perhaps these words are
hyperbole. What is hyperbole? It is same as the story or mysteries connected with Adam and Eve
story, the original sin, paradise, mystery of Blessed Trinity, which man should not give ultimate
truth but could give his own opinion to avoid proud claim and create conflicts with other groups.
Perhaps many people are using their ingenuity to create economic stimulus or income even
using the dead or some religious practices to ask alms and contribution, using zerox copies of
death certificates being tolerated by religious group say “A”. Perhaps if a religious tradition
causes something to destroy sensitivity of the start of the problem then perhaps law could check
and balanced it. Someone said that sometimes the length of time of mourning is being prolonged
to have more time to ask “alms” and “donations” and sometimes the collector/s of alms are using
the collected alms for their addictions like alcohol or drugs. Pass law that asking help using
Xerox copies of death certificate is illegal or crime.

From someone who might be mistaken,

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