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Discipleship Class Teacher: Apostle J.

Rodney Roberts Home Work - Level 2 Lesson 2: Renewing Your Mind Submitted By: Stephen Gibson 09/03/11

Give 3 examples of persons from scripture who had a renewed mind and explain each of them (50 points) Three examples, from scripture, of persons who had a renewed mind are Abraham, Paul and Peter. To renew in this instance, means to make new. In this context a renewed mind is one that is made new because it has been made to change from a previous way of thinking to conform to a Godly way of thinking. In Abrahams case we know that Abraham was from a family, and a nation, of pagans. Not only did they not they did not worship Jehovah they did not know him. The people of Abrahams day had many gods and worshipped almost everything. There were gods made of wood, stone, iron or precious metals. There were gods for everything; fertility, rain, bountiful harvest, luck etc. Many people had multiple gods. The belief in a single god who was all powerful and could do everything was unheard of. In spite of this, Jehovah called Abraham and commanded him to walk before him and be perfect. God also told him to leave his home and family and go to a land that he would show him. God also promised that he would bless Abraham and make him a father of nations. Somehow, Abraham believed the voice that he was hearing and decided to act and follow it. One of the first things that God did was to change Abrahams name from Abram to Abraham. In eastern culture names are considered more important than we think today. A thing (or person) may be called by what it is or is expected to become. Abram means exalted father. Abraham means father of multitudes (or nations). Before his encounter with God Abraham had no children. After his encounter he would become the father of nations. Paul The Apostle: Paul was a zealous Jew who wanted to please God. He wanted to please God so much that he sought to eliminate Christianity which was a new religion established during his lifetime that he thought was an ungodly religion. He was on his way to seek legal authorization to kill the followers of Jesus when he had an encounter with the risen Christ. One of the first things that happened to Saul after his conversion is that his name was changed to Paul. (Paul is actually the Roman name for Saul). It is not

known who changed his name but we do know that it happened at a significant point in his life. Saul was the name of Israels first king (1 Sam. 8:7). He was a very tall man (1 Sam. 9:2). His pride led to his downfall. Paul means little. The name change was probably a reminder to the apostle to never become big in his own eyes. This is a consistent theme for him. He refers to himself as least among the apostles even though the revelation he received was greater than what they received. He also refers to the fact that to keep him humble (small in his own sight) he was given a thorn in the flesh. In Phillipians 3:5-9, Paul talks about the fact that he would gladly give up all that he had learned and accomplished as a Jew for the new experience in / with Christ. Peter was perhaps, among the first of Jesus followers (apostles, Luke 6:14). Peter was originally called Simon. Jesus named him Peter. The name Simon means shifty or unstable. This was exactly the kind of person Simon was. He was the kind of person who would rush to Jesus defense when the soldiers came to arrest him (John 128:10) but would angrily deny that he knew him a few days later(John 18:17-27). In John 6:66-69 many of Jesus disciples would forsake him Jesus asked the twelve if they also would forsake him. Peter was the one to proclaim Lord, to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life. And we believe and are sure that you are that Christ, the son of the living God. In Luke 22:31-33 Jesus tells Peter that satan desired him to sift him as wheat. But, Jesus told Simon that he had prayed for him that his faith does not fail; and when he was converted to strengthen his brethren. This same shifty and unstable Simon whom Jesus named Peter (name meanin rock / stable) would go on to preach the first gospel message on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-41) and become a pillar of the early Christian church.

Why are most Christians carnal? (25 points) There are a variety of reasons why Christians are carnal. Romans 12:2 command Christians to not be conformed to this world but rather be transformed by renewing their minds. In other words, do not think the way that people who does not know God thinks. You must change the way you think. If we, as Christians, changed our thinking process to line up with the way God wants us to think we would avoid carnality and live a life pleasing to God. The first step is that we must know the word. Many people are just

ignorant of what the word says so they do not know what to do or how to respond to lifes situations (2nd Tim 3:16-17). Secondly one must believe / act on the word. Many Christians know the word and can quote scriptures from Genesis to Revelation. Yet many of them do not act on the word they know. Many have no faith that what God has promised he is well able to do and many do not have the patience to wait on God to fulfill his promises. Faith comes through hearing the word of God but many do not hear enough of the word of God to build their faith. Thirdly many do not strive against sin or resist the devil. Many christians fall to sin far too easily. The scriptures encourage us to resist the devil (James 4:7). We are blessed for enduring temptation (James 1:12). Fourthly many do not grow. Many Christians have been saved for years and are immature in the faith. At a time when they should be teaching they themselves are in need of teachers (Heb. 5:12). Fifthly many are not rooted and grounded in the word. It is easy to be moved by every wind of doctrine (or be unstable) if one is not rooted and grounded in the word of God. Lastly, many do not walk in line with the Spirit of God. Gal 5:16 says that if one walks in the Spirit they will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh (act carnally). Because many Christians do not walk in the Spirit they continue to fulfill their fleshly desires. Give 3 examples from scripture of people whose minds were not renewed. (25 points) Hebrews 4:2 says For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them: but the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith in them that heard it. The mind is renewed through the hearing of, and believing in the word of God. Not everyone who hears the word believes it or allows it to change them. This results in an unrenewed mind. Three examples of people who heard the word but did not allow it to transform them are: Judas Iscariot, Simon the sorcerer (Acts 99-25) and Demas. Judas Iscariot is perhaps the most famous man whose mind was not renewed. He was one of Jesus twelve apostles. He accompanied Jesus throughout his ministry. He saw the miracles and heard the same teaching that transformed the lives of others like Peter and James (men who would become pillars in the early church). He saw Jesus calm a raging storm and walk on water. He saw a boys lunch multiplied to feed a hungry multitude. He was trusted with the finances of Jesus ministry (John 1:6). In spite of this he betrayed Jesus for thirty (30) pieces of silver and became the universal

symbol for betrayal. His mind certainly was not renewed. His love of money caused him his salvation (John 17:12). Simon was a sorcerer who heard the word, believed and was baptized. He followed Phillip in awe of the signs and miracles that he saw being done (verse 13). When Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of hands he desired the same power and offered to pay Peter for it. Peter said to him you have no part or lot in this matter for your heart is not right in the sight of God. I perceive that you are in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity. Even though Simon was a believer his mindset had not changed to reflect the mind of Christ. Fortunately for Simon the fear of the Lord was still in him. He asked Peter to pray to the Lord for him that he might be forgiven. Demas (Colossians 4:14, 2 Tim.4:10). Not much is recorded of Demas in the scriptures. We know from Colossians 4:14 that he was a believer and companion of the apostle Paul. In some of his letters Paul would bring greetings from and give an update of some of his co-workers in the ministry. Men such as Luke the physician, Titus, Tychicus, Aristarchus and Epaphras. A sad commentary is given of Demas in 2nd Timothy 4:10. Paul declares For Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world, and is departed to Thessalonica. It is obvious that Demas, who had such a promising start in ministry, did not have a renewed mind. He allowed the pleasures and lusts of this life to cause him to forsake Paul and the ministry.

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