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NAME: _____________________________________________DATE:___/___/___ TEACHER: CLUDIA ENGLISH VALUATION - UNIT III (0,2) 1.

Read the text and make na X in the right answer. What Is Stress?
Stress is a feeling that's created when we react to particular events. The events that provoke stress are called stressors, and they cover a vast range of situations from physical danger to making a class presentation. The human body responds to stressors by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. The brain stimulates the adrenal glands to produce more of the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. Among other things, these hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism. This natural reaction is known as the stress response. Working properly, the body's stress response increases a person's ability to perform well under pressure. But the stress response can also cause problems when it reacts excessively or fails to turn off and adjust itself again properly.
Adapted from: < otions/stress.html> Accessed on: Sep.13th, 2011.


Stress - estresse Human body corpo humano Responds - responde Hormones - hormnios Adrenaline - adrenalina Know - saber Pressure - presso Excessively excessivamente Fails falha Turn off -desligar Porpely -corretamente Adrenal gland glndula supra-renal Among -entre Physical -fsico Danger - pergo Increases aumenta When quando Slave - escravo

a. What is stress? ( o que estresse?) ( ) It happens when you are in love. ( ) It is a feeling thats created when we are react to particular event. ( ) NDA b. How are called the events that cause stress? (Como so chamados os eventos que causam estresse?) ( ) It is a special feeling ( ) stressors ( ) NDA

c) When can the stress response also cause problems? ( Quando que a resposta ao estresse pode causar problemas?) ( ) the human body responds to stressors. ( ) when it reacts excessively or fails to turn off and adjust itself again properly. ( ) NDA d) How does the body respond to stressors? ( Como o corpo reponde aos estressores?) ( ) slleping ( ) by activating the nervous system and specific hormones. ( ) NDA e) Which hormones speed up heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and metabolism? (Quais hormnios aceleram o ritmo cardiaco, a frequencia respiratria, presso arterial e o metabolismo?) ( ) the hormones are happiness and joy. ( ) the hormones are adrenaline and cortisol. ( ) NDA (1,0) 2. Read the comic story and make an X in the right answer.
Every day its the same old thing. But not today... Everybodys a slave to routine.

( ) O garoto gosta de trocar a roupa todo dia. ( ) O garoto acredita ser escravo da rotina. ( ) O garoto adora seu pajama de bolinhas. (0,25) 3. Write the right adjectives.

(0,2) 4. Complete with the verb to be: a) John here. b) Liz in the bathroom. c) Fido in the garden. d) Kitty and Leo at school. e) My grandparents at home (0,25) 5. Read and write true or false: The fuel for the body is food. We have to eat varied food like fresh fruits, vegetables, milk, and meat. It is important to eat good food to be healthy.

a) The fuel for the body is food. () b) Fresh fruits, vegetables, milk and meat are healthy food. () c) It is important to eat junk food to be healthy. () d) Eat good food to be healthy. ()

(0,1) (6. Match the opposites: a) short b) fat c) small d) new e) pretty (0,1) 7 . Match the words that rhyme. a. barn (celeiro) b. fee (taxa) c.morn (manh) (preto) e. wolf (lobo) ( ( ( ( ( ) bee (abelha) ) golf (golfe) ) corn ( milho) ) track ( caminho) ) arm (brao) ( ( ( ( ( ) thin ) tall ) old ) big ) ugly

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