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Dengue is an acute, febrile infectious disease caused by a virus of Flaviridae family and is transmitted through the mosquito Aedes aegypti. Currently, dengue fever is considered as a major public health problems worldwide. Worldwide, there are four types of dengue fever since the virus causing the disease has four serotypes: DEN-1, DEN-2, DEN-3 and DEN-4. Dengue fever Clinical Classification Dengue can present clinically in four different ways: silent infection, dengue fever, Dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. Among them, stand out classical dengue fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever. Classic dengue fever Dengue fever lasts for 5-7 days. The infected person has high fever (39 to 40 C), headache, tiredness, muscle aches and joint pain, malaise, nausea, vomiting, red spots on the skin, abdominal pain (especially in children). The dengue fever symptoms are lasting up to one week. After this period, the person may still feel tired and unwell. Dengue Hemorrhagic Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a serious disease and is characterized by changes in blood coagulation of the infected person. Initially is resembling dengue classic, but after the third or fourth day of the disease arise bleeding because of the bleeding of small vessels and in the internal organs. Among dengue hemorrhagic fever symptoms are nosebleeds, gingival, urinary, gastrointestinal or uterine bleeds. In dengue hemorrhagic fever, the patient's blood pressure drops, which can cause dizziness, collapse and shock. If the disease is not treated quickly, can lead to death. Silent infection The person is infected with the virus but shows no symptoms. The vast majority of dengue infections have no symptoms. Dengue shock syndrome This is the most serious presentation of dengue fever and is characterized by a large drop or absence of blood pressure. The person affected by the disease has an almost imperceptible pulse, restlessness, pallor and loss of consciousness. In this type of presentation of the disease, there are records of various complications such as neurological, cardio respiratory problems, liver failure, gastrointestinal bleeding and pleural effusion. If the disease is not treated quickly it can lead to death.

Clinical dengue fever symptoms Generally mild, dengue fever usually heals spontaneously within a week without sequelae. In some sever case it can be fatal. The incubation period of dengue virus lasts 48 hours to 7 days but more rarely up to 15 days. After this incubation period, the early physical symptoms caused by the disease are felt. Dengue fever symptoms in fact reflect the immune response of our body:

High fever (39 - 40 ) Asthenia Severe headache Intense muscle pain and joint pain (arthralgia) Macular erythematous rash Generalized lymphadenopathy Moderate hepatomegaly. Typically fever reappears a few days later. In most cases the dengue fever symptoms have short life. But sometimes, there is a severe worsening of the condition with an increase of dengue fever symptoms, and clinical signs indicate a coagulation disorder (level tasks purpuric skin bleeding from the nose or gums). This transformation of the disease between the second and the fifth day guide to the more severe form of hemorrhagic dengue especially if one is in a context of strong epidemiological prevalence of this form. Recovery time is usually very long.

Dengue fever treatment If you have fever and headache you should take paracetamol and you should avoid as much as possible aspirin because it can cause bleeding. There is no specific treatment and the patient should treat symptoms. Dengue fever vaccine There is no dengue fever vaccine but exists some possible vaccines. Specialists work hard in order to establish which is the most indicated. Global Occurrences of Dengue Globally, the incidence of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. About twofifths of the world's population are now at risk. Dengue is found in the tropics and subtropics of the world, with a predilection for urban and semi-urban areas. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a major cause of illness and death among children in some Asian countries.

Dengue hemorrhagic fever, was recognized for the first time in 50 years during epidemics in the Philippines and Thailand, but today is found in most Asian countries and in many of them, it is now a major cause of hospitalization and mortality for children. The global impact of dengue has grown dramatically in recent decades. Approximately 2.5 billion people, two fifths of the world population, are now at risk. Other statistics:

It is estimated that each year are 500,000 cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever, including a very high proportion of children which require hospitalization. Death occurs in at least 2.5% of cases. Without proper treatment, the fatality rate of dengue hemorrhagic fever can exceed 20%. Doctors and nurses who know how to recognize symptoms and treat the effects, can reduce death rates to less than 1%. Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a serious illness, with an increased risk of mortality. It is caused by Marburg virus, which is part of the same family as Ebola hemorrhagic fever virus producing. These are some of the most virulent pathogens known.

Dengue in Pakistan: In less than a month of September 2011, 126 people have died and more than 12,000 have been diagnosed with the virus, which has spread rapidly among both rich and poor in Pakistans cultural capital Lahore. This dengue has become a calamity.Of the more than 11,584 people afflicted, 10,244 come from Lahore alone, the provincial capital of Punjab, Pakistans most populous province and the countrys political heartland. In Khyber Paktunkhwa, at least 130 people have been diagnosed and six have died. Southern province Sindh has seen 400 suspected cases and six deaths. Dengue fever prevention: Even if any vaccine doesn't exist, there are some personal measures that everyone can take in order to avoid dengue. The most important thing is to avoid areas where the mosquitoes are present. People should cover up and use an insect repellent. You should take care because the repellent can be dangerous if you don't wash your hands after you used it. Take care with kids because their skin is more sensitive. It is very well if you can sleep under a net treated with insecticide.

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