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This article reviews the advance researches on person-job fit and personorganization fit, the two very important parts of employee selection. In these topics various researches are conducted and articles are written to understand the concept of person-job and fit and person-organization fit. And also has some suggestion for future hiring and researches. For personjob fit and person-organization fit first we have to look at person environment fit

PersonEnvironment fit
First we look at the person-environment fit so we can identify in which environment a person feels better and how can an environment affect a person behavior, skills and mostly his job. Personenvironment fit can be defined as the compatibility that occurs when individual and work environment characteristics are well matched. Person environment (PE) fit have always been a prominent theme in the field of industrial and organizational psychology. The concept that people are differentially compatible in particular works environments. There has been a long discussion about the importance of the person versus the Situation in determining human behavior. One group of

researchers have argued that it is the situation which is primarily responsible for individual behaviors while another group of researchers believe that the personal characteristics are primarily responsible for behavior.

Traditionally P-E fit has very complicated and vast concept. As a result, several different areas open to conceptualize P-E fit have come up. The first area is the supplementary and complementary distinction. Supplementary fit occurs when a person interests skills, or control characteristics which are similar to other individuals in an environment. People perceive themselves as fitting in because they are alike or similar to other people controlling these characteristics. With complementary person- environment fit, the basis for a good fit is the mutually offsetting pattern of relevant characteristics between the person and the environment. The main difference between the supplementary and complementary model is in the definition of environment. The environment in the supplementary model is described according to the people who inhabit it. In the complementary model, the environment is defined as a part from its inhabitants. The second area is the needssupplies versus demands-abilities distinction. An environment gives us financial, physical, and psychological resources as well as task-related, personal growth opportunities that are demanded by us. When such resources from the environment meet our needs, needs-supplies fit is achieved. On the other hand, an environment may demand contributions from us in terms of time, effort, commitment, knowledge, skills, and abilities. Demands-abilities fit are achieved when our contribution (supply) meets environmental demands. In short, needs-supplies fit occur when an environment satisfies our needs, desires, and wants. The third area is the perceived (subjective) versus actual (objective) distinction. Perceived or subjective fit is describes as the judgment that a person fits well in the environment. On the other hand, actual or objective fit is the comparison between separately related persons and

environmental factors. Perceived fit is typically measured by clearly asking people to what degree they believe a fit exists.

Relationship among different conceptualizations of P-E fit

Person envoirnment fit

Supplementary Fit

Complementary Fit

Percieve or Actual fit

Needs-Supplies Fit

DemandsAbilities Fit

Person-organization fit can be defined as the compatibility between people and organizations. In employee selection research, P-Organization fit can be describes as the match between an applicant and broader organizational attributes. Researchers and practitioners accepted that P-O fit is the key to maintaining the flexible and motivated workforce that is necessary in a competitive business environment and in dynamic labor market. Organizations are one situation that people are attracted to,

selected to be a part of it, and remain with if they are a good fit with the organization, or leave if they are not a good fit with the organization.

Advantages of Person-Organization fit:

Results have shown that a high level of P-O fit is related to a number of positive outcomes and P-O fit was found to be correlated with work attitudes like job satisfaction and organizational commitment to their goals. They have also fewer intentions to quit and they also show committed behaviors such as organizational citizen-ship behaviors, selfreported teamwork and contextual performance. ). Although a high level of P-O fit also may have positive organizational level outcomes, some researchers have pointed out that there may be negative organizational outcomes of the high level of P-O fit.

The concept of person-job fit is the base of employee selection. The primary concern in employee selection has been with finding those applicants who have the skills and abilities necessary to do the job. Traditionally, Person-Job fit is assessed by determining the demand of the job through a job analysis, which identifies the essential job tasks that an incumbent performs, and required skills, knowledge, and abilities to perform the job tasks.

Advantages of Person-Organization fit:

High level of Person-Job fit has a number of positive out-comes such as job

satisfaction, low job stress, motivation, performance, attendance, and retention. When Person-Job fit is assessed as the match between what an employee wants and receives from performing job, it is correlated with improved job satisfaction, adjustment, and organizational commitment, as well as reduced intentions to quit.


Research on employee selection can be divided into two different approaches: prescriptive approach and a descriptive approach. The prescriptive approach is aimed at establishing arguments about what managers should do in order to select the right job candidate. Therefore, the prescriptive approach focuses primarily on criterion-related validity of the main concept as the predictor domain. On the other hand, the descriptive approach is used when researchers are interested in what managers actually do in employee selection practices. Therefore, the descriptive approach focuses on how the main concept plays out in actual selection processes. This is all that I have read in this article and from reading this article I come to know that there are many types of environment fit and from those how important are person job fit and person organization fit and these are not only important for an organization but also for a person who is looking for job or doing job.

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