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Name of the members of our market|ng pane|
kam||Asrar ( group |eader)
Mohammad Naseem khan
Mohammad Aszad
Mohammad Ia|sa| asha
koh|t kumar

rocessof se|ect|ng the product
nere we have done extens|ve market research on fert|||zer |ndustry of Ind|a We
a|| of us have consensus about the product after know|ng about the scenar|o of
Ind|a1here are on|y 9 ma[or p|ayers |n the fert|||zer |ndustry we a|ready know
that |ncreas|ng need of fert|||zer w||| never be s|owed down due expand|ng
popu|ous of Ind|a We have restr|cted area of |and on wh|ch about 11S 8||||on
peop|e surv|ve In |ong run or short run company has to cope up w|th |ess r|sk
because need of the fert|||zer woud'nt be droppedoff Access to the market |s
re|at|ve|y easy

Cur soc|ety or|ented approach
1he year 1968 marked the beg|nn|ng of the green revo|ut|on |ead|ng to quantum
[umps and product|on of wheat and r|ce but unfortunate|y the |ast ten years have
w|tnessed a fat|gue |n the green revo|ut|on w|th the growth rate |n foodgra|n
product|on fa|||ng be|ow popu|at|on growthNot on|y has agr|cu|tura| growth
been |ow |n the |ast decade the pr|ces rece|ved for agr|cu|tura| products have a|so
fa||ed to keep pace w|th cost or the genera| pr|ce |eve| and as a consequence
prof|tab|||ty has dec||ned Ind|an farmers are unab|e to access the fert|||zer at
|ower pr|ce as ma[or amounted from fore|gn countr|es wh|ch charge much Now
product|v|ty of the foodgra|ns can be augmented by extens|ve fert|||zer uses and
GM techno|ogy (GLNL1IC MCDIIICA1ICN) NCW Ind|a need compan|es wh|ch can
rep|en|sh the th|rst of fert|||zerAbout 644 popu|ous surv|ve on farm|ng So our
product wou|d cover need of ma[or|ty of popu|at|on


We have f|na||zed the fert|||zer productand |ts name "CkC 8CCS1Lk"

Private Companies Producing FertiIizer in India
Some of the private companies producing fertiIizers in India are mentioned
beIow:Khaitan ChemicaIs and FertiIizers Limited - This Company produces
single super phosphate fertilizer and sulphuric acid. The fertilizer is manufactured in
the granular form in this company. Khaitan Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited has its
office in ndore.

MangaIore ChemicaIs - This is the only company in the state of Karnataka that is
engaged in the manufacturing of chemicals and fertilizers. The plant has an annual
turnover of more than Rs. 800 crore.

Nagarjuna FertiIizers - With their office at Hyderabad, this company is engaged in
the production of fertilizers and agro-chemicals. t also engages other activities such
as refining petroleum, finance and power.

Zauri ChambaI - An undertaking of the K.K Birla Group, this company engages in
the production of fertilizers such as urea, hybrid seeds, cement and chemicals. The
company also provides engineering solutions and home finance. The company was
established in collaboration with the US Steel Corporation. The company has
established NPK plant, DAP plant, urea plant and ammonia plant in the country.

C FertiIizers - This Company is dedicated to the manufacture pf agro-inputs that
will facilitate the agricultural sector. The company manufactures the product ANAND
single super phosphate along with other micro-nutrients, plant hormones and
chemicals for the protection of plants. The company has established its unit in
Bilaspur, Uttar Pradesh.

ujarat State FertiIizers &ChemicaIs Limited - This multiproduct company is
dedicated to the production of fertilizers such as ammonium sulphate, urea, DAP and
NPK. t also produces water soluble fertilizers. Along with fertilizers, the company is
engaged in the production of bio-fuels, bio-fertilizers, plant tissue culture and oleum.

DSCL - The primary business of this company based in North ndia is the
manufacture of urea and other farm inputs such as DAP, chemicals and pesticides.
1hese are Lhe ma[or players ln ferLlllzer lndusLry ln lndla8uL Lhese lndusLry are noL
sufflclenL Lo replenlsh Lhe ferLlllzer LhlrsL of lndlan vasL agrlculLural
sysLemLvenAfLer LhaL lndla lmporLlng ferLlllzer from forelgn counLrles So we can
expecL abouL good reLurn Lhrough ferLlllzer lndusLry

Lnv|ronmenta| scann|ng
8ecenLly ln Mumbal lL has been announced for glvlng supporL Lo
ferLlllzer companles by allocaLlng subsldles and governmenL would
focus on Lo moLlvaLe Lhe upcomlng ferLlllzer companles
8uLFertilizer production is capital intensive and presently the cost ofproduction of
indigenous material is high and returns on investment arelow. The ndian fertilizer
industry which achieved phenomenal growth ineighties, witnessed decline in the
growth rate during the nineties. n therecent past, the fertilizer industry has not
attracted any significantinvestment. No multinational has invested in fertilizer sector
in ndia.Due to sufficient indigenous capacity and low international prices of
urea the Government of ndia in Feb. 2000 decided that no new grassroots projects
will be allowed during the next three years in either public, private or cooperative
sector. So even if the Government reviews its decision, the earliest a project could
start would be by 2004-05.Government is also considering disinvestment of its equity
of public sector fertilizer unitsupto 51 per cent or even more. Thus, handing over
the management control of the company to a strategic buyer. The disinvestment in
National Fertilizer Limited (NFL), a major urea producer in the country is
underway.Lack of availability of natural gas in the country has prompted investors to
collaborate for joint ventures abroad for urea production. Gulfcountries, due to
abundant availability of gas, nearness to ndian shores and investment friendly
environment, are becoming the first choice for joint ventures.Among the Public
Sector Units, The Fertilizer Corporation of ndia Limited (FC), Hindustan Fertilizer
Corporation Limited (HFC), Projects &Development ndia Limited (PDL), Pyrites,
Phosphates & Chemicals Limited (PPCL) were declared sick. They are under
consideration of Bureau of ndustrial and Financial Restructure (BFR).As ndia does
not have potential rock phosphate reserve, it is completely dependent on import of
either rock phosphate or phos acid or DAP. There has been new capacity addition by
way of importing rockphosphate and converting it to phos acid and then to DAP/NPK
or conversion of phos acid at rock phosphate mines abroad in JV and
importing phosphoric acid for further conversion to DAP/NPK. t is heartening to note
that apart from the operating joint venture plants for phosphoric acid in Senegal,
Jordan and Morocco some more projects and expansions are being contemplated by
the ndian companies.

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