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A tooth is basically made up of two parts: the crown and the root.

The crown is what you see when you smile or open your mouth. It's the part that sits above your gumline. The root is below the gumline. It makes up about 2/3rds of the tooth's total length.

Four different tissues make up each tooth. The enamel is the durable, white covering. Enamel protects the tooth from the wear and tear of chewing. Dental Fact: did you know that the enamel on your teeth is the hardest substance in your body? Dentin supports the enamel on your teeth. It's a yellow bone-like material that's softer than enamel and carries some of the nerve fibres that tell you when something is going wrong inside your tooth. The Pulp is the centre of the tooth. It's a soft tissue that contains blood and lymph vessels, and nerves. The pulp is how the tooth receives nourishment and transmits signals to your brain. Cementum is what covers most of the root of the tooth. It helps to attach the tooth to the bones in your jaw. A cushioning layer called the Periodontal Ligament sits between the cementum and the jawbone. It helps to connect the two.


Eye is like a camera. The external object is seen like the camera takes the picture of any object.
Light enters the eye through a small hole called the pupil and is focused on the retina, which is like a camera film. Eye also has a focusing lens, which focuses images from different distances on the retina. The colored ring of the eye, the iris, controls the amount of light entering the eye. It closes when light is bright and opens when light is dim. A tough white sheet called sclera covers the outside of the eye. Front of this sheet (sclera) is transparent in order to allow the light to enter the eye, the cornea. Ciliary muscles in ciliary body control the focusing of lens automatically. Choroid forms the vascular layer of the eye supplying nutrition to the eye structures. Image formed on the retina is transmitted to brain by optic nerve. The image is finally perceived by brain. A jelly like substance called vitreous humor fill the space between lens and retina. The lens, iris and cornea are nourished by clear fluid, aqueous humor, formed by the ciliary body and fill the space between lens and cornea. This space is known as anterior chamber. The fluid flows from ciliary body to the pupil and is absorbed through the channels in the angle of anterior chamber. The delicate balance of aqueous production and absorption controls pressure within the eye.

How does the ear work?

Image courtesy of NASA

The structure of the ear can be divided into three main parts: the outer ear or pinna, the middle ear and the inner ear. The outer structure of the ear is responsible, in part, for helping us to place the original location of a sound, be it ahead or behind, above or below us. It also helps to funnel and focus sound waves on their way to the middle ear and auditory canal. The middle ear contains the auditory canal, which terminates in the eardrum, or tympanic membrane. Attached to the other side of the eardrum, in a small space of air, are three tiny bones or ossicles, the malleus, incus and stapes (or hammer, anvil and stirrup) which then attach to a fluid-filled structure called the cochlea of the inner ear at a point called the oval window. It is in the cochlea that the vibrations transmitted from the eardrum through the tiny bones are converted into electrical impulses sent along the auditory nerve to the brain. The inner ear, which is surrounded by bone, also contains semicircular canals, which function more for purposes of equilibrium than hearing. One of the difficulties above is determining a universal threshold of pain is that the chain of ossicles can be stiffened or muted by a contraction of the stapedius muscle. This provides a form of protection against loud sustained sounds, but not of sharp, sudden ones, such as a gunshot. This reflex is far less efficient in older people, which along with differing tastes, may explain their lower tolerance to louder music as well as an increased risk level for hearing loss. The most fascinating aspect of perception takes place in an area of the cochlea called the basilar membrane. The cochlea is a tapered tube, which circles around itself like the scroll on a violin. The basilar membrane divides the tube lengthwise into two fluid-filled canals, which are joined at the tapered end. The ossicles transmit the vibration to the cochlea where they attach at the oval window. The resultant waves travel down the basilar membrane where they are sensed by the approximately 16-20,000 hair cells (cilia) attached to it which poke up from a third canal called the organ of Corti. It is the organ of Corti that transforms the stimulated hair cells into nerve impulses. Because of the tapered design of the cochlea, waveforms traveling down the basilar membrane peak in amplitude at differing spots along the way according to their frequency. Higher frequencies peak out at a shorter distance down the tube than lower frequencies. The hair cells at that peak point give us a sense of that particular frequencyit is thought that a single musical pitch is perceived by 10-12 hair cells. Due the tapered shape of the cochlea, the distance between pitches follows the same logarithmic distance as our perception of pitch i.e. the placement of octaves are equidistant. This arrangement is responsible for the fact that a higher frequency can mask or hide a lower one, but a lower one can mask a higher on.

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