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n ew s b u l l et i n
R D q u a r t er l y

Volume 1, Issue 1
October, 2006

H R D C a l c u l a t e d Ef f o r t s
Capacity building is the starting and other institutions. HRD looks
point, and a necessary ingredient at capacity building as a process Inside this issue:
for success of many global goals that involves value added instruc-
Social Capital 2
such as human security and devel- tion, the training of trainers, ac-
opment . Well developed and imple- tivities with multiplier effects, Village Immersion Programme 3

mented capacity building initiatives and net wor king. This involves bot h Local Support Organizations 3

lead to the effective development institutional capacity-building, as Gender Sensitization 4

of human potential, which eventu- well as human capacity-building at Basic Management Skills 4
ally results in better human secu- grass root & partner level.
Local Government Programe 5
rity and all-round development.
Carpet Survey 5
HRD's capacity building approach
aims at (a) the upgrading of knowl-
edge, communication and managerial
skills necessary to address more
Dear Colleagues
effectively the emerging issues in
We in our different forums
sustainable development; and (b) to observed that information
promote information dissemination sharing is reducing day by day.
This is an attempt to share the
among local communities, policy
Learning by doing information, we are also striv-
makers, academics, researchers, ing to share the monthly up-
date on regular basis.
This time we are simply shar-
ing our progress report but
next time I hope we will be
An O v e r v i e w sharing with you the thought
Mainly this quarter was focused on intu- Orientation for Staff & Planning, Monitoring provoking material & informa-
itional development rather than focusing on & Evaluation. Looking in the upcoming op-
programmatic activities. In this quarter the portunity Basic Management Skill Training We will be looking for your
efforts were made to strengthen HRD head was redesigned, the manual is complete & comments & suggestions
office along with regional HRD delivery. team is computerizing. During the quarter
During the quarter reporting & filing was on HRD availed the opportunities to work for
top priority, each event /activity report was Akida. A ToP is also signed with BRSP for
written & circulation within the three days joint venture. During the period HRD were
in this regard the team of course worked focusing on strengthening the liasioning
hard every individual performed their job. between other segments of societies too.
New manuals were developed on Primary

So c i a l C a p i t a l
Indigenous cultures are under enormous threat c rea se & em p o w er ind ig enous g roup s; p rom otio n
from burgeoning globalization as evidenced by: of collaborative learning with indigenous organi-
decreasing indigenous populations, disproportion- za tions; growth of projects led by indigenous
ately high poor health standards, disparities in groups;
em ployment to non-indigenous populations, rela-
tively high crime rates, marginalization from tradi- increase recognition and use of indigenous cul-
tional homelands, threats to natural resources, ture; the paradigm shift towards holistic thinking
degradation of the natural and spiritual environ- about integrated catchments management; ca-
ment, decrease in the use of indigenous cultural pacity building programmes for indigenous peo-
practice, rapid social readjustment and transfor- ples; social policy and planning to achieve in-
mation, breakdown of tradi- digenous aspirations; and indigenous-led strate-
tional societal values and tra- gic planning for sustain-
ditions, and loss of traditional able development and
knowledge. Indigenous cul- economic growth.
tures are being increasingly
Social capital refers to
swamped by a tide of global
amorphous cultures domi- the institutions, rela tion-
na ted b y c a p ita lism , c onsum- ships and norms that
erism, and Westernisation, shape the quality and
which are being used to de- quantity of a society‘s so-
fine a new set of core values cial interactions. Increas-
and principles based on ing evidence shows that
these ideologies. Further- social cohesion is critical
more, “globalisation carries for societies to prosper
the threat of homog enization and universalisa- economically and for development to be sustain-
tion” (UNESCO 1998), able.

A glimmer of hope has become patches of reality

in the arid zones of Sindh similar to other parts of
country, where, from federal government to the
community level, examples provide increased “Ind ig enous c ultures a re b eing inc rea sing ly
rec ognition of the importance of indigenous cul-
swamped by a tide of global amorphous
ture and knowledge. Within the area of commu-
nity development examples illustrate a realign- c ultures d o mina ted b y c a p ita lism,
ment of indigenous concepts and values with c o nsum erism, a nd Westernisa tion”
contemporary thinking. This is an attempt to in-

W h a t w e d id ……….
Keeping scenario in mind TRDP-HRD organized documented and process reports are available in
the trained activists workshops (social capital), HRD.
284 activists including 59 women from 227 villages
of 71 Union Councils participated in 14 one day
workshops from Tharparkar, Khairpur, Dadu and
Jamshoro districts. Zaheer udin Manager HRD was
the Resource Person in all the workshops. All team
of HRD facilitated in sorting out & screening proc-
ess of the activists. Those short listed activists were
invited in Regional workshops. All workshops were
VO LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 PA GE 3

Vi l l a g e Im m e r s i o n Pr o g r a m m e
Thardeep’s HRD believes in the potential and power of the people, Village Immersion Programme is one
the initiatives which provides opportunity to live & learn from the indigenous communities. This is a regu-
la r p rog ra m m e a c tivity; d uring the rep orting p eriod a g ro up of DMGs fro m Civil Servic es Ac a d em y La-
ho re d id the im m ersio n w ith the villa g ers of Mithrio Bha tti. This im m ersio n w a s b uilt a round the them e of
social mobilization through participatory rural development. 7 DMGs including two women joined the
immersion team. The video documentary of whole process is available at HRD Audio Visual Lab.

Lo c a l Su p p o r t O r g a n i z a t i o n
In c olla b ora tion w ith RSPN, Tha rd eep – Human Re- p rep a re a c tive g roup
sourc e Develop m ent org a nized 02 d a ys orienta- a m ong them w hic h
tion w orkshop on LSO for Ma na g em ents, p ro fes- ha s a full a c c ess to ser- “ Basically Local Support
siona ls, lea d p ersons a nd soc ia l org a nizers to d e- vic e p ro vid ers. So there
Organization idea is to
velop c onc ep tua l c la rity a b o ut LSO, its need , im- is a need to streng then
p orta nc e a nd roles in soc ia l m ob iliza tion fo r p o v- PDC/ VDOs for sm ooth strengthen the Para
erty red uc tion a nd a ssess the sta ff und ersta nd ing rec eiving m ec ha nism Development Committees”
on the institutiona l d yna m ic s a nd sha red the or- & inc rea sed netw ork-
g a niza tiona l c a p a c ity a nd too ls a nd tec hniq ues. ing . As w e think the
The w o rkshop sc hed ule w a s fro m Sep tem b ers 14- LSO is the m ost suita b le
16, 2006 a t Tra ining Ha ll Mithi Reg io n. Som e 30 um b rella org a niza tion a t Union c ounc il level. The
tea m m em b ers p a rtic ip a ted in the event. Mr. c ore o b jec tives of w o rkshop w a s to susta in the
Muha m m m a d Ali Azizi Sp ec ia lists of Soc ia l Mob ili- VDOs a t villa g e level throug h intra linka g es a s
zation – RSPN w a s the lea d Tra iner w hile Za heer they c a n g et a c c ess to servic e p rovid ing a g en-
ud in Ma na g er HRD w a s Co tra ine r in entire the c ies, ensure the c o ntinuity o f RSP w o rk a nd d evel-
c ourse. Ba sic a lly LSO id ea is g enera ted in visua liz- op m ent ob jec tives, to org a nize p eop le a t villa g e
ing the up c om ing o p p ortunities & if w e loo k in a nd UC level thro ug h PDC/ VDO a nd ensure the
our ra p id g ro w ing & inc rea sing num b er o f Men & eq ua lity for a ll a t villa g e level. Due to lim ite d re-
Wom en Pa ra Develop m ent Com m ittees w hic h so urc es, c onseq uently, sta ff m a inta ins lia isons o nly
som e tim es c a uses the less intera c tion b etw e en with active PDCs as well as all benefits go to these
RSPs p ro fessiona l sta ff a nd PDCs/ VDOs, a lso it ha s PDCS. So Tha rd ee p c a n no t ind uc t te a m a nd like
b ec o m e im p ossib le for sta ff to a ttend m onthly to p rep a re a c tive g ro up a m ong them w hic h ha s
m eeting s of PDC/ VDO d ue to lim ited resourc es, a full a c c ess to servic e p rovid ers. There is a need
c onseq uently, sta ff m a inta ins lia iso n only w ith a c- to streng then PDC/ VDOs for sm ooth rec e iving
tive PDCs a s w ell a s a ll b ene fits g o to these PDCs. mechanism and increased networking.
So a ny org a niza tion c a n’ t ind uc t sta ff a nd like to

G e n d e r O r ie n t a t io n
TRDP in ea c h a c tivity foc use s & so tha t they a re p rep a red to p la n, im p lem ent a nd m onito r
fa c ilita te s the v ulne ra b le the d evelop m ent p rojec ts
g roup s, w hic h a re m a inly c hil- a nd a c tivities in a g end e r
d ren & w o m en. To ensure the sensitive m a nner a nd a p p ly “ gender workshop was to
a c c ess to the se vulnera b le & tho se p rinc ip les in their p er- provide knowledge of Basic
m a rg ina lize g roup s TRDP HRD sona l a nd job situa tion in fu- Gender Concept and Gender
o rg a nized a n o rienta tio n w ork- ture. Initia l tw o d a ys of the and Development “
shop on “ Gend er” in c o lla b o- workshop w ere sp ent o n
ra tion w ith RSPN o n Sep tem b e r g end er c o nc ep ts, a nd o n
26-27, 2006 a t Tra ining Ha ll the la st d a y the p a rtic ip a nts c ritic a lly a na lyzed the TRDP p o li-
Mithi. Som e 25 sta ff m em b ers cies & programmes in gender perspective.
from all the five regional offices
(Chachro , Mithi, Sehw a n, Na ra
a nd Um erkot), HRD a nd hea d
o ffic e p a rtic ip a ted in the w ork-

Ms. Sha kila Pro g ra mm e Offic er

Gend er & Develop m ent a nd
Ms. Sa d a f Prog ra mm e Asso c i-
a te G&D RSPN w ere Reso urc e
Persons in entire the course.

The p urp ose of g end er w ork-

shop w a s to p rovid e know l-
ed g e of Ba sic Gend er Con-
c ep t a nd G end er a nd Devel-
o p m ent to TRDP Ma na g em ent,
p rofessiona ls, So c ia l Org a nizers

Ba s i c Ma n a g e m e n t s k i l l d e v e l o p m e n t
Thardeep – HRD org a nized a 04 the p a rtic ip a nts, reg a rd ing the g end er a nd d evelop m ent, lea d-
d a ys Ba sic Ma na g em ent Skill c onc ep t of g end er a nd its rela- ership : c ha ra c teristic s a nd role.
Develop m ent Tra ining for m en tio nship w ith the p roc ess of c om- At the end tra ining c ertific a tes
a c tivists fro m of VDO from BRSP. m unity d evelop m ent. Contents w ere d istrib uted a m ong the p a r-
There a re 16 PDC m em b ers inc lud ed ; stra teg ies for m ob ilizing ticipants.
from 02 UCs p a rtic ip a ted the c om m unities, Sta g es o f c o m m u-
event sc hed uled o n Sep tem b er nity org a niza tio n. C onc ep tua l On special request of HRD, Mr.
26-29.09.2006 a t HRD tra ining orienta tion on need s a nd d e- Ali Kallar, Mr. Waryam Balouch,
ha ll Mithi. The a im s a t reinfo rc- m a nd s, p a rtic ip a to ry need a s- Kashif Bajeer shared their experi-
ing the p a rtic ip a nt’ s m otiva tio n sessm ent, too ls for need a ssess- ences with the participants.
a nd p rom oting c a p a c ities to m ent, m ethod a nd c riteria for Chief Executive Officer, General
d evelop the c om m unity institu- p rioritiza tio n, c ha ra c te ristic s a nd Manager F&A, Manager BRSP,
tions on susta ina b le a nd d y- the role of a c o m m unity o rg a n- Manager Sehwan region partici-
na m ic b a sis. Besid es, c ourse izer, c ha ra c teristic s a nd role of a pated in the workshop wind up
w a s a lso foc used on orienting c om m unity a c tivist, c onc ep t o f ceremony.
VO LU M E 1 , I S S U E 1 PA GE 5

O p e n f o r u m s - Lo c a l G o v e r n m e n t
Pr o j e c t s
TRDP-HRD in c olla b ora tion w ith
Na tiona l Dem oc ra tic Institute the d isc ussio n w a s fo c used on
(NDI) org a nized Pub lic Forum s “ Ed uc a tio n Cond itions in Tha r-
on “ Wa ter Sc a rc ity a t Um erko t” p a rka r” w a s held a t To w n
on July 03, 2006 a t Um erko t re- Com m ittee Ha ll Isla m ko t. 111
g ion. The m a in o b jec tive w a s to elec ted m em b ers, a c tivists a nd
d isc uss on d rinking w a ter – offic ia ls o f line d ep a rtm ent p a r-
situa tion & how to e nsure the tic ip a ted in the op en forum . Mr.
a c c ess o f c o m m unity. The role Ha ji Na b i Bux Ba lo uc h Mem b er
of p ub lic p riva te p a rtnership is of BOD c ha ired the o p en fo-
very important for development rum s w hile So no Kha ng ha ra ni
activities. 300 m em b ers a c tively CEO sha red the exp erienc e
“ the development initiatives are fruitful if a nd to ols for ensuring the q ua l-
p a rtic ip a ted in the d isc ussion.
Mr. Ka nw eer Ha m eersing Zila equal struggles are being made from all ity ed uc a tion a nd ow nership of
Na ib Na zim Um erkot Distric t w a s servic es a t g ra ssroo ts. Mr. Ma z-
segments of society”
the c hief g uest in the event. ha r La g ha ri Pro g ra m m e Offic er
July 04, 2006 a t Isla m ko t a p ub- NDI a lso b riefly introd uc ed the
lic op en forum w a s org a nized National Democratic Institute.

Now w e know w ha t u mea nt b y w a ter sc a ric ty : DMGs

C h i l d La b o r i n c a r p e t i n d u s t r i e s
TRDP-HRD in c o lla b ora tion tio n. Befo re c o llec ting the in- ( w here c a rp et lo om s
w ith AKIDA Ma na g em ent form a tio n three orienta tio n were identified )
C o n sulta n t La h o re c o n- w o rksho p s w ere o rg a nized fo r 4) Co ntra c to rs of c a rp et
d uc ted Surve y o n Ca rp e t In- survey tea m s. Mr. La c hm a n lo o m s w e re inte r-
d ustries o f Tha rp a rka r a nd Tha ri too k the lea d ro le a s view ed d uring the sur-
Um erko t d istric ts. The m a in field Sup ervisor. Ma inly there vey.
ob jec tive o f this surve y w a s to w ere fo ur ra nd o m c a teg o ries To ta l 1600 fa m ilies 12 tea c h-
a na lyze the situa tion o f c hild for collecting the information, ers & 6 contractors were inter-
la b o r in c a rp et ind ustries. 1) c a rp e t w ea ving house view ed in 80 villa g es o f Um er-
Fed era l Burea u o f Sta tic ’ s se- hold ko t a nd Tha rp a rka r d istric ts
lec ted the villa g es & HRD 2) Carpet weaving child the form a ts a re sent to AKIDA
tea m s c o llec ted the info rm a- 3) Tea c her o f tha t villa ge for analysis.
We will be anxiously waiting for your feed back &
comments on this bulletin we also request you to
send your informative material for next bulletin .

For further details feel free to contact

Jalal Jani
Programme Officer - HRD

“We believe in the potential

of indigenous communities”


Near Darghah Hussain Shah

Siran, 69230 Mithi
Tharparkar Sindh
Phone: 0232-261462,261661
Fax: 0232-261379

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