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A "Bible Revelations" Presentation - Created 1998, updated Aug.

12,, 2006 -

Restoration of the Kingdom

to Israel
Jerusalem will be called "the Throne of YHVH...” Jeremiah. 3:17

"I shall live here amongst the sons of Israel for ever" - Ezekiel. 43:7

Why then do the nations of the world deny Israel any Jurisdiction over the City of Jerusalem
and the Promised Land?

• Intro
• God started a Relationship with the Jewish People to last forever
• The Divine Covenant with Abraham
• YHVH will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse the Jews
• "Salvation is of the Jews"
• YHVH's Eternal Promise The Land is Israel's Possession for Ever
• YHVH's Eternal Promise of Jerusalem to the nation of Israel
• YHVH's Eternal Promise of the Salvation of Israel and the Jewish people
• YHVH's Eternal Promise of the Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel
• The Indestructible Jew by Rachel Gold

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Sacred Name - Click here for information why we use the Sacred Names
Bible Translation Version- Click here for information of Version used here


Will mankind be so obstinate as to oppose God's Decree right unto an Armageddon

confrontation with Him?

Why do so many refuse to accept His Invitation to become part of His future Universal
(Jewish) Kingdom of Peace over all nations from Jerusalem?

While opposing God's current re-establishment of Jerusalem under Covenantal Jewish rule,
as prophesied - mankind will soon be deceived into accepting non-Jewish rule over His Holy
City - thereby bringing down the Wrath of God!

The Divine Purpose of the perpetuation of Israel throughout thousands of years, and the
eventual establishment of a Holy universal Kingdom with Headquarters in Jerusalem, is the
main theme of Prophetic Script. Chapter 20 of the Book of Ezekiel superbly summarises

the history of Israel and the contentious issue of God's relationship with this amazing
nation. It also reveals the main reason why the Almighty has endured the nation of Israel
for all that they have done in failing Him so often, and why He is busy resurrecting the
actual Land of Eretz Israel and the City of Jerusalem in the sight of all nations.

It should therefore be expected, that opposing forces will direct their efforts at thwarting
the re-establishment and rebuilding of Jerusalem in preparation for this Divine Purpose. If
this process, which started with the regathering and resettlement of Israel in its ancient
Homeland over the last 70 years, could be stopped or reversed, as it is the intentions
currently of the Palestinians, the Arabs, all member nations of the UN and the mighty USA,
then the Creator God will have failed in His Divine Promise for mankind.

Before we consult the Scriptures for Divine Directives, we shall review the proclamations of
mankind in this matter. We shall quote two extreme views, to establish the great and
paradoxical opposites of this nation which Scripture proclaims as "God's Chosen People."

No other nation on earth evokes such widely contrasting, universally felt emotions and
attitudes. Why? Statistically, this nation numbers some 14 million worldwide. This is
merely 0,3% of the total world population of some 6000 million people! Its current land
mass fills a space so insignificantly small, that it can be blotted out by the point of a small
child's forefinger on a class room size globe of the world! For it's size therefore, Israel
should be totally insignificant. Its influence, though, is felt throughout all spheres of life
throughout most of the world.

Mark Twain wrote about the Jews as follows:

"If the statistics are right, the (small proportion of Jews in the world) suggests a nebulous
dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky Way. Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be
heard of; but he is heard of, has always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as
any other people, and his importance is extravagantly out of proportion to the smallness of
his bulk".

"His contributions to the world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music,
finance, medicine and abstruse learning are very out of proportion to the weakness of his
numbers. He has made a marvelous fight in this world in all ages; and has done it with his
hands tied behind him. He could be vain of himself and be excused for it. The Egyptians,
the Babylonians and the Persians rose, filled the planet with sound and splendour; then
faded to dream-stuff and passed away: the Greeks and the Romans followed and made a
vast noise, and they are gone; other peoples have sprung up and held their torch high for a
time but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now, or have vanished."

"The Jew saw them all, survived them all, and is now what he always was, exhibiting no
decadence, no infirmities of age, no weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no
dulling of his alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces
pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" (Mark Twain and first
published in HARPER'S magazine, September 1887).

Then there is the other extreme view which drove some greats amongst mankind to

perpetrate the unthinkable in their vigour to rid the world of this 'bastard nation'.

This inhumane hatred against Jews would most likely never have reached the depths of the
pits of hell that it did, were it not for the statements of some of the most advanced
thinkers and academics in history:

Martin Luther, one of the greatest Reformists and father of modern Protestant Christianity,
wrote in his "Exhortation Against the Jews" of February 15, 1546:

"The Book of Esther is dear to the Jews, it is so well in line with their bloody and poisonous
sentiment. There is no people under the sun so avid of revenge, so bloodthirsty, believing
itself to be God's people merely in order to strangle and immolate the heathens. Know,
Christian, that next to the devil thou has no enemy more cruel, more venomous and
violent than a true Jew".

"These are thieves, brigands who do not eat any food, do not wear on their bodies a single
thread, which they have not stolen from us and taken away by the most voracious usuries".

"Who prevents the Jews from returning to Judea? Nobody....We shall provide them with all
the supplies for the journey, only in order to get rid of that disgusting vermin".

Bear in mind that this Jew-hatred permeated great sections of Christianity and the German
mentality - which gave birth to the human butcher, Hitler, who went to great scientific
extents to kill more Jewish masses faster and faster, during World War 2 in Germany.

Then there was Voltaire, an atheist and a humanist, who had this to say in his article "Juif"
in the widely read DICTIONNAIRE PHILOSOPHIQUE: "In short, we find in them [the Jews]
only an ignorant and barbarous people, who have long united the most sordid avarice with
the most detestable superstition and the most invincible hatred for every people by whom
they are tolerated and enriched. Still, we ought not to burn them"

Now we shall let the Bible speak out on this subject of the Divine Purpose with this
intriguing nation:

God started a Relationship with the Jewish People to last forever

The Bible, in the Book of Genesis, relates the Divine appointment of Abraham as the first
Patriarch and father of "many nations" to come. Today, the main claims to this Divine
Promise, is made by the three major Religions of the world:
• The Arabs, descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's first-born son;
• The Jews, descendants of Isaac, the second-born son and the Divinely appointed heir
of the Kingdom Promises;The Christians who claim the Divine Promises made to
Abraham and his descendants, but refute the Divine Conditions of the Abrahamic
Covenant as well as the literal 'belonging to' or adaptation of the Abrahamic Culture.

It is becoming more and more evident by the day, that it is this claim to the Divine
Promises of a Kingdom to be established by God in Jerusalem, in Israel, which will be the
fuse to ignite the nuclear holocaust of Armageddon, This Web Site of BIBLE REVELATIONS

presents several news articles and reviews of the currently culminating political crisis in the
Middle East and the Countdown in the 'Battle for Jerusalem'. Biblical Prophecy destined this
Battle to be the culminating event of this dispensation, prior to the establishment of the
Kingdom of Peace on earth, by the God of Israel. (Refer Links at the bottom of this Page).

On the spiritual side, there is a multitude of contending religious groups all laying claim to
being 'the Israel of God' - while most of them vehemently deny the Biblically declared
Rights of the Jews to it.

The point that all of the abovementioned claimants to the Divine Promises overlook, is that:

All nations are Divinely invited to partake in this Covenant with Abraham. Further, of all
of them, almost without exception, it is only the Jews, as a group, who acknowledges that
this Covenant, like all contracts, have conditions which fundamentally ensure the fulfilment
or the annulment of the Agreement.

The Divine Covenant with Abraham

Abraham himself was born a Gentile - there were no Hebrews, Jews or Arabs at that time.

God selected Abraham to start a nation who would represent Him to the world and who
would act as an example of the Creator's Requirements - as a blueprint of the Blessings
which may be incurred for siding with God on His Terms and Conditions, and of the dire
consequences of rebelling against or discarding His Conditions. The pattern for this
relationship between the created and its Maker, man versus God, is likened throughout
the Scriptures as that of a Marriage, a family household, a national statehood.

God promised Abraham a land, a family, and a name (reputation). Abraham became the
father of the Jewish people and nation. Through him and his heirs, all the nations of the
world would be blessed.

Genesis 12:1-3. YHVH said to Abram: "Leave your country, your family , and your fathers
house, for the land I will show you. I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and
make your name so famous that it will be used as a blessing. I will bless those who bless
you; I will curse those who slight you. All the tribes of the earth shall bless themselves by

Genesis 22:16-18 "The Angel of YHVH called Abraham a second time from Heaven, 'I
swear by Myself - it is YHVH Who speaks ... I will make your descendants as many as the
stars of Heaven and the grains of sand on the sea shore ... all the nations of the earth
shall bless themselves by your descendants, as a reward for your obedience."

We have here a Divine Promise of universal Blessing to all nations through "a great
nation" descending from Abraham. That puts the spotlight on the Arabs and the Israelites
(Jews). And it is between the very same two nations, that at this very time, the struggle for
control of Jerusalem, God's "City of Peace and Promise", is intensifying.

This 'family feud' dates right back to Abraham's immediate descendants - his sons Isaac

and Ishmael, and Isaac's 2 sons, Jacob and Esau, from whom descended the Israelites and
the Arabs, respectively. They were born as twins in answer to Isaac's prayer to God to allow
his barren wife, Rivkah ('Rebeccah), to have children. Scripture confirms that even before
birth, they were fighting in her womb (Gen. 25:22) to her great despair, to which God

Gen. 25:23 "There are two nations in your womb. Your issue will be two rival peoples."

Can anyone doubt that the Bible is exact - thousands of years in advance? Will the rest of
Prophetic Scripture then not also be fulfilled exactly?

In the days of Isaac, Jacob and Esau, the Scriptures gradually turned the spotlight on the
descendants of Jacob (Israel), as the Divinely Chosen Channel - that 'nation' - which would
fulfill the Divine Promises of universal Blessing to all nations in the descendent line of
Abraham. The Divine Promise is therefore repeated, by YHVH Himself, to Isaac in:

Gen. 26:46 "I will bless you and make your descendants many in number on account of
My servant Abraham."

And to Jacob, in:

Gen. 28:13 "I am YHVH the God of Abraham ... and the God of Isaac. I will give to you
and your descendants the Land on which you are lying (Israel or Palestine as the world
prefers to call it). Your descendants will be like the specs of dust on the ground. You shall
spread to the West and the East, to the North and the South, and all the tribes of the earth
shall bless themselves by you and your descendants ... I will keep you safe wherever you
go, and bring you back to this Land, for I will not desert you before I have done all that I
have promised you."

From Jacob descended the 12 Tribes of Israel - two of which are still identified today, that is,
mainly, the Jews (Judah) and Benjamin. The rest have become known as "The Lost Ten
Tribes of Israel' (presumably dispersed with time into the Western nations). Bible Prophecy
claims that these 10 Tribes will be identified and re-united with Judah - a Process currently
in the making (Much information on this topic is available on Internet). Refer also to BIBLE
REVELATIONS' Web Page which follows this amazing and exciting trend, by clicking here:
Joining together the 2 Houses of Israel

The Bible is therefore emphatic, that the Divine Promise to Abraham, of "Blessing to all
nations", will be fulfilled through the nation of Israel.

YHVH will bless those who bless the Jews and curse those who curse the Jews

YHVH's eternal Promise to Abraham and the Jewish people includes blessing and curses to
people or nations for how they treat the Jews.

Genesis 12:3 "I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who slight you. all the
tribes of the earth shall bless themselves by you."

This Promise was given to Abraham and his heirs.

Genesis 27:29. "May nations serve you and peoples bow down before you! be master of
your brothers; may the sons of your mother bow down before you! Cursed be he who
curses you; blessed be he who blesses you!"

This Blessing was passed on by Isaac to his son Jacob.

Zechariah 2:8. "For YHVH Sabaoth says this ... as regards the nations who despoiled you,
for whoever touches you touches the apple of My eye."

"Salvation is of the Jews"

YAHU'SHUAH, the Messiah, is Jewish. He was born of Jewish parents, lived His entire life
in a Jewish land and followed Jewish Law. Every author of the Bible (maybe with one
exception) was Jewish. The Scriptures are written from a Jewish perspective about Jewish
life. We are required to enter YHVH's Kingdom as true children of Abraham (true Jews).

Messiah in discussion with a Samaritan woman about True Religion, confirmed in John
4:22 "You worship what you do not know; we (the Jews) worship what we do know; for
salvation comes from the Jews."

The apostle Paul confirmed in Romans 1:16 "For I am not ashamed of the Good News: it is
the power of God, saving all who have faith - Jews first, but Greeks as well - since this is
what reveals the justice of God to us."

Jew first, then Gentile

Romans 3:1-3 "Well then, is a Jew any better off? Is there any advantage in being
circumcised? A great advantage in every way. First, the Jews are the people to whom
YHVH's Oracle (His Word) was entrusted."

Romans 11:1-5 "Let me put a further question then: Is it possible that God has rejected
His people? Of course not. I am an Israelite, descended from Abraham through the tribe of
Benjamin, and could never agree that God had rejected His people, the people He chose
specially long ago."

Romans 11:11 "Let me put another question then: 'Have the Jews fallen forever, or have
they just stumbled?' Obviously they have not fallen forever: their fall, though, has saved
the Gentiles in a way the Jews may now well emulate."

Romans 11:12 "Think of the extent to which the world, the pagan world, has benefited
from their (the Jews') fall and defection - then think how much more it will benefit from the
conversion of them all?" Jewish salvation period is coming.

YHVH's Eternal Promise The Land is Israel's Possession for Ever

Genesis 13:14-15 "YHVH said to Abraham after Lot had parted company with him: 'Look

all around from where you are toward the north and the south, toward the east and the
west. All the land within sight I will give to you and your descendants forever.'" Abraham
was in the vicinity of the Dead Sea in Israel at the time, from where he went to Hebron.

Genesis 15:18 "That day YHVH made a Covenant with Abraham in these terms: 'To your
descendants I give this Land, from the Wadi of Egypt to the Great River, the river

Genesis 17:5-8 Another Divine Promise to Abraham: "... I make you father of a multitude
of nations ... I will establish My Covenant between Myself and you, and your descendants
after you, generation after generation; a Covenant in perpetuity to be your God and the
God of your descendants after you ... I will give to you and to your descendants after you
the Land you are living in, the whole land of Canaan, to own in perpetuity, and I will be
your everlasting God."

Psalms 105:8-11 "Remember His Covenant forever, His Word of Command for a thousand
generations, the Pact He made with Abraham, His Oath to Isaac. He established it as a
Statute for Jacob, an everlasting Covenant for Israel. I give you a Land He said: Canaan,
your allotted heritage."

Since Adam, the first man, to today, is merely some 70 generations of 70 years each, or
150 generations of 40 years each. So 1000 generations takes us beyond comprehension!
Thus, the Land known today as Israel or Palestine is the Inheritance of the Jews for ever - by
Divine Decree! It is this Decree which is so audaciously being challenged by all the nations
of the world, rather than accepting the Divine Invitation to share with Judah and Israel in
this Eternal Blessing! (For more on this Challenge against God, read Declaring War on

Amos 9:14-15 "I mean to restore the fortunes of My people Israel; they will rebuild the
ruined cities and live in them, plant vineyards and drink their wine, dig gardens and eat
their produce. I will plant them in their own Country, never to be rooted up again out of the
Land I have given them, says YHVH your God."

This Divine Promise has been rejuvenated when, after the 2000-year long Exile of Jews
from Jerusalem and the Land, God returned them from across the world to their original
Homeland in 1948, In 1967, after a 6-day 'Miracle War' with enemies on all sides of the
Land, Jerusalem was delivered into Jewish hands again for the first time in 2000 years! It
is this re-occupation of the Land which is disputed by all countries in the world today!

YHVH's Eternal Promise of Jerusalem to the nation of Israel

Psalms 122:6 "Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem, 'Prosperity to your houses!'"

Isaiah 2:1-4 "In the days to come, the Mountain of the Temple of YHVH shall tower above
the mountains and be lifted higher than the hills. All the nations will stream to it, peoples
without number will come to it; and they will say: ' Come let us go up to the mountain of
YHVH, to the Temple of the God of Jacob, that He may teach us His ways, so that we may
walk in His paths; since the Law will go out from Zion, and the Oracle of YHVH from
Jerusalem'. He will wield authority over the nations and adjudicate between many

peoples; these will hammer their swords into ploughshares, their spears into sickles.
Nation will not lift up sword against nation. There will be no more training for war."

Nations will strive to know and learn the Ways of the God of Jacob. Surely these are the
same 'Ways' which God was so insistent upon for Jacob and His descendants (the Jews and
Israelites), to maintain - which is Judaism?

Zechariah 2:4-5,10-12 "YHVH then showed me four smiths. And I said: 'What are these
coming to do?' He said to me: 'Those are the horns which have so scattered Judah that no
one has dared to raise his head; but these have come to lay them low (to strike down the
horns of the nations who lifted their hands against the land of Judah, in order to scatter it)
Then, raising my eyes, I saw a vision. It was this: there was a man with a measuring line in
his hand."

Zechariah 2:10-12 "Up, up, and leave the land of the north - It is YHVH Who speaks - For,
to the four winds of Heaven I have scattered you - it is YHVH who speaks - Zion, up! Dweller
in Babylon, flee! For YHVH Sabaoth says this - He whose Glory has sent me here- as regards
the nations who despoiled you, for whoever touches you touches the apple of my eye."

Zechariah 2:14 "Sing, rejoice Daughter of Zion (Israel) for I am coming to dwell in the
middle of you - it is YHVH Who speaks - Many nations will join YHVH in that Day - they will
become His People - but YHVH will hold Judah as His Portion in the Holy Land and
again make Jerusalem His very Own. Let all mankind be silent before YHVH."

Can this be the Blessing which He has promised unto Abraham? God's Kingdom of Peace
on earth? - restored unto Israel! God dwelling with humanity. Peace enshrined - which
eluded mankind for 6000 years!

Zechariah 8:3-8 "YHVH Sabaoth says this: I am coming back to Zion and shall dwell in
the middle of Jerusalem. Jerusalem will be called Faithful City and the mountain of YHVH
Sabaoth, the Holy Mountain ... Now I am going to save My people from the countries of the
East and from the countries of the West. I will bring them back to live inside Jerusalem.
They shall be My people and I will be their God in faithfulness and integrity"

Zechariah 14:9,16 "And YHVH will be King of the whole world. When that day comes,
YHVH will be unique and His Name unique. All who survive of all the nations that have
marched against Jerusalem will go up year by year to worship the King YHVH Sabaoth, and
to keep the feast of Tabernacles."

The Jewish Feast of Succot (Tabernacles) is one of the seven Great Feasts of YHVH (as
observed in Judaism to this day). It depicts the Joyous Time when YHVH sets up His World
Rule from Jerusalem, after His Return in Glory to save Israel from annihilation in the War of
Gog and Magog (Armageddon - Ezek. 38, Zech 12 - 14) and to Judge the nations.

YHVH's Eternal Promise of the Salvation of Israel and the Jewish people

YHVH made an everlasting Covenant with Abraham according to which He promised the
Blessing of reigning over a nation & kingdom King.

Zechariah 12:10 "But over the House of David and the citizens of Jerusalem I (YHVH
speaking) will pour out a spirit of kindness and prayer. They will look upon Me (YHVH)
Whom they have pierced. They will mourn for Him as for an only son, and weep for Him as
people weep for a first-born child." 13:1 "When that Day comes, a Fountain will be opened
for the House of David and the citizens of Jerusalem, for sin and impurity."

All Israel will be saved in one day.

Romans 11:25-27 "There is a hidden reason for all this, brothers, of which I do not want
you to be ignorant, in case you think you know more than you do. One section of Israel has
become blind, but this will last only until the whole Gentile world has entered And then
after this, the whole Israel will be saved. As Scripture says: The Liberator will come from
Zion, He will banish Godlessness from Jacob. And this is the Covenant I will make with
them when I take their sins away."

2 Corinthians 3:14-16 "And anyway, their minds had been dulled; indeed, to this very
day, that same veil is still there when the old Covenant is being read, a veil never lifted,
since Messiah alone can remove it. Yes, even today, whenever Moses is read, the veil is
over their minds."

This veil of blindness shall be removed!

YHVH's Eternal Promise of the Restoration of the Kingdom to Israel

Daniel 7:27 "And sovereignty and kingship, and the splendours of all the kingdoms under
heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. His sovereignty is
an eternal sovereignty and every empire will serve and obey Him."

Who are these 'saints'. The Hebrew word used here is 'Kedoshim' - holy ones or righteous
ones. This is defined in:

Exod. 19:3-6. At Mt Sinai, on the Day of Shavuot (Pentecost) at the receiving of the Law
which serves as foundation of the Covenant which YHVH made with the Israelites, YHVH
said to Moses "Say this to the House of Jacob, declare this unto the sons of Israel: '... if you
obey My Voice and hold fast to My Covenant, you of all the nations will be My very Own, for
all the earth is Mine. I will count you a kingdom of Priests, a consecrated People "

The Covenant makes of Israel, God's 'Sacred Possession' - a Holy or Sacred people (Refer
also Isa. 4:3; Jer. 2:3; Deut. 7:6)

Zechariah 8:22,23 "Many people and great nations will come to seek YHVH in Jerusalem
and to entreat His favour. YHVH Sabaoth says this: In those days ten men of nations of
every language will take a Jew by the sleeve and say: 'We want to go with you, since we
have learnt that God is with you.'"

Acts 1:6-7 Messiah was asked "Master has the time come? Are you going to restore the
Kingdom to Israel? He replied: 'It is not for you to know times or dates that the Father has
decided by His own authority, but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on

you, and then you will be My witnesses not only in Jerusalem but throughout Judaea and
Samaria, and indeed to the ends of the Earth."

YHVH's Promise to Israel is 'Forever'

Jeremiah 31:33 "YHVH who provides the sun for light by day, the moon and stars for light
by night, who stirs the sea, making it's waves roar, He whose name is YHVH Sabaoth, says
this: Were this established order ever to pass away from My presence - it is YHVH who
speaks - only then would the Race of Israel also cease to be a nation in My presence
forever. Were the heavens above ever to be measured, the foundations of the earth below
ever to be fathomed, only then would I reject the Race of Israel for all that they have done.
It is YHVH who speaks."

Ezek. 20:39, 33 "House of Israel, the Lord YHVH says this: 'Go on. all of you, worship your
idols, but I swear that you will hear Me in the End. ... As I live, I swear it - it is the Lord YHVH
Who speaks, I am the One Who will reign over you."

Recommended additional reading

The authentic Gospel of the Kingdom

The One True Congregation
Joining together the 2 Houses of Israel
What did Messiah prove with His Mission?
Know the Way
Jerusalem - Final Countdown to Armageddon
Jerusalem Countdown - News & Reviews tracking the current 'Battle for Jerusalem'
The Eternal Covenant
Challenge of the Nations against the Decrees of God


by Rachel Gold

BIBLE REVELATIONS is an independent publisher and has no allegiance or affiliation to any of the Sources
of information or to the authors of reports printed here, who have no association whatsoever with BIBLE
REVELATIONS and who may not endorse any or all the views as expressed in the Pages of this Web Site.
All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret
of his immortality? ["Concerning the Jews" Harpers (1899)]

The history of Jews and Judaism is a unique phenomenon. It is the most long-lived
historical continuum in the emergence, development and spread of western civilization.
Since its appearance as a differentiated entity in the ancient Near East about four thousand
years ago, Jews and Judaism have been active participants in every phase of the
development of the civilizations of Egypt, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia. They are tightly
interconnected with the rise and fall of the Hellenistic monarchies and the waxing and
waning of Roman hegemony. They gave birth to Christianity and successfully warded off
the rivalry of their offspring. They sustained a creative and differentiated identity under

the Sassanians despite the challenge of Zoroastrianism.

They played a vital role in the launching of Islam, even as they spawned a variety of novel
forms to cope with the creative expansiveness of this world-girdling religion. And most
remarkably, this history not only did not remain confined to either Palestine or the Near
East, but spread throughout the western world forming viable and significant communities
in Africa, Asia Minor, the Balkans, Greece, Italy, Spain, France, Germany, England, the slavic
lands, even reaching as far east as India and China. This diaspora history is all the more
remarkable, because it represents the bulk of the history of the Jews and Judaism during
the past two thousand years and because it demanded adaptive powers that border on the
phenomenal. In any given century Jews would be living simultaneously in as many as three
or four radically different societies, each of which demanded a distinctive form of Jewish
adaptation if survival was to be sustained. Not only was this challenge met, but it was met
without annulling a distinctive Jewish identity.

But this variety by no means fully exposes the uniqueness of Jewish history. Not only did it
successfully traverse the ancient and medieval worlds, but it preserved itself as a viable
strand within the modern world...a strand so viable as to excite the wish to annihilate it,
give birth to the modern nation state of Israel, sustain flourishing communities and multiple
Jewish identities throughout the western world, and be deemed worthy of upholding the
responsibilities for the highest values of western civilization.

This is the empirical record. The facts as stated are not open to refutation. The uniqueness
is there for all to verify. It is not a projection of some religious or ethnic wish.

Click here to acquaint yourself with the 'immigration

requirements' to the soon coming Kingdom of God
additional reading

Identifying the True Messiah - What is the true Bible meaning of 'Salvation'? The True
Messiah identifies Himself as 'the Shepherd' by fulfilling, in the most spectacular and
stupendous Event of all time, His Prophetic Desire to rescue the remnant of the scattered
exiles of all 12 the ancient Tribes of Israel, from the four corners of the earth, and resettling
them in the Land of their forefathers (Israel), to whom He had covenanted it by Divine

The authentic Gospel of the Kingdom - Revealing Scriptural evidence that the popular
Gospel preached in the world today, has missed the Core Issue of the True Messianic

Why and How should one Prepare oneself for the Kingdom?

Click on 'Google' to search for your topic on this site ...

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of Ancient Biblical Prophecies being fulfilled in God's Miracle Nation

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