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1hls reporL seeks Lo evaluaLe Lhe overall lmporLance and relevancy of venLllaLor
Cur pro[ecL ls an lmporLanL Lool for LreaLmenL purpose 1he LargeL of Lhe pro[ecL wlll be Lo
creaLe a resplraLory conLrol sysLem whlch provldes venLllaLlon

.. Historical Background
1he early hlsLory of mechanlcal venLllaLlon beglns wlLh varlous verslons of whaL was evenLually
called Lhe lron lung a form of nonlnvaslve negaLlve pressure venLllaLor wldely used durlng Lhe
pollo epldemlcs of Lhe 20Lh cenLury afLer Lhe lnLroducLlon of Lhe urlnker resplraLor ln 1928
CLher forms of nonlnvaslve venLllaLors also used wldely for pollo paLlenLs lnclude 8lphaslc
Culrass venLllaLlon Lhe rocklng bed and raLher prlmlLlve poslLlve pressure machlnes
Mechanlcal venLllaLors began Lo be used lncreaslngly ln anesLhesla and lnLenslve care durlng
Lhe 1930s 1helr developmenL was sLlmulaLed boLh by Lhe need Lo LreaL pollo paLlenLs and Lhe
lncreaslng use of muscle relaxanLs durlng anesLhesla 8elaxanL drugs paralyze Lhe paLlenL and
lmprove operaLlng condlLlons for Lhe surgeon buL also paralyze Lhe resplraLory muscles
lnLenslve care envlronmenLs around Lhe world revoluLlonallzed ln 1971 by Lhe lnLroducLlon of
Lhe flrsL SL8vC 900 venLllaLor lL was a small sllenL and effecLlve elecLronlc venLllaLor wlLh Lhe
famous SL8vC feedback sysLem conLrolllng whaL had been seL and regulaLlng dellvery lor Lhe
flrsL Llme Lhe machlne could dellver Lhe seL volume ln volume conLrol venLllaLlon

ln 1991 Lhe SL8vC 300 venLllaLor serles was lnLroduced 1he plaLform of Lhe SL8vC 300 serles
enabled LreaLmenL of all paLlenL caLegorles from adulL Lo neonaLe wlLh one slngle venLllaLor
1he SL8vC 300 serles provlded a compleLely new and unlque gas dellvery sysLem wlLh rapld
flowLrlggerlng response
A modular concepL meanlng LhaL Lhe hosplLal has one venLllaLor model LhroughouL Lhe lCu
deparLmenL lnsLead of a fleeL wlLh dlfferenL models and brands for Lhe dlfferenL user needs
was lnLroduced wlLh SL8vCl ln 2001 WlLh Lhls modular concepL Lhe lCu deparLmenLs could
choose Lhe modes and opLlons sofLware and hardware needed for a parLlcular paLlenL

.. Tbeoretical Investigations
A med|ca| vent||ator may be deflned as any machlne deslgned Lo mechanlcally move
breaLhable alr lnLo and ouL of Lhe lungs Lo provlde Lhe mechanlsm of breaLhlng for a paLlenL
who ls physlcally unable Lo breaLhe or breaLhlng lnsufflclenLly
1he alrways are plpes LhaL carry oxygenrlch alr Lo your lungs and carbon dloxlde a wasLe gas
ouL of your lungs 1he alrways lnclude
O -ose and llnked alr passages called nasal cavlLles
O MouLh
O arynx or volce box
O 1rachea or wlndplpe
O 1ubes called bronchlal Lubes or bronchl and Lhelr branches
A venLllaLor blows alr lnLo your alrways Lhrough a breaLhlng Lube Cne end of Lhe Lube ls
lnserLed lnLo your wlndplpe and Lhe oLher end ls aLLached Lo Lhe venLllaLor

lnsplred alr conLalns 79 -lLrogen 2096 Cxygen 004 Carbon uloxlde Lxplred alr conLalns
79 -lLrogen 17 Cxygen 4 Carbon uloxlde
.. Healtb Consequences
venLllaLors are chlefly used ln lnLenslve care medlclne and emergency medlclne (as sLandalone
unlLs) and ln anesLhesla (as a componenL of an anesLhesla machlne)
1he followlng aLlenLs needs venLllaLlon
W Can'L oxygenaLe (low aC2/SC2)
W Can'L venLllaLe (hlgh aCC2)
W Can'L parLlclpaLe or proLecL alrway (low CCS)

.. Working Principle
1he lnpuL supply of oxygen and alr ls glven by means of cyllnders 1he pressure of Lhe lnpuL gas
ls regulaLed by Lhe pressure regulaLor up Lo 4 Lo 3 bars 1he flow of Lhe gas ls monlLored by Lhe
flow sensor and Lhe Lwo gases are mlxed ln Lhe gas blenders by means of solenold valves whlch
are conLrolled by Lhe mlcroconLroller 1he oxygen concenLraLlon ls Lhen sensed by Lhe Cxygen
sensor Lo conflrm blendlng 1hls mlxed gas ls cycled Lhrough Lhe lungs and Lhe flow ls agaln
monlLored 1he ouLpuLs of pressures and flow are dlsplayed on Lhe Cu screen

.. Main Features
1he maln feaLures of pro[ecL are as follows
OlnsplraLory pressure
OMlcroprocessor conLrol of all funcLlons lncludlng auLomaLlc monlLorlng of exLernal power
sources and exLernal gases
OLxLenslve alarm monlLorlng of operaLlng and nonoperaLlng
OManual 8reaLh/1rlgger
OConLrol venLllaLlon (Cv)
OAsslsLConLrol venLllaLlon (A/C)
Oressure SupporL venLllaLlon (Sv)
..pplication In Biomedical Engineering
volume venLllaLlon
A predeLermlned Lldal volume (v
) ls seL for Lhe paLlenL and ls dellvered wlLh each lnsplraLlon
1he amounL of pressure necessary Lo dellver Lhls volume wlll flucLuaLe from breaLh Lo breaLh
based on Lhe reslsLance and compllance of Lhe paLlenL and venLllaLor clrculL lf Lhe Lldal volume
ls seL aL 300ml Lhe venLllaLor wlll conLlnue Lo lnsplre gas unLll lL reaches lLs goal upon
compleLlon of Lhe lnsplred volume Lhe venLllaLor wlll open a valve allowlng Lhe paLlenL Lo
passlvely exhale

ressure venLllaLlon
A predeLermlned peak lnsplraLory pressure (l) ls deLermlned based on Lhe paLlenLs condlLlon
and paLhophyslology 1he venLllaLor wlll flow gas lnLo Lhe paLlenL unLll Lhls seL pressure ls
reached upon reachlng Lhe preseL l Lhe venLllaLor allows for passlve exhalaLlon CauLlon and
close observaLlon musL be glven ln Lhls mode due Lo poLenLlal for elLher hypovenLllaLlon or
hypervenLllaLlon because Lhe Lldal volume ls varlable

ConLrol venLllaLlon (Cv)
uellvers preseL volume or pressure regardless of paLlenL's own lnsplraLory efforLs usually used
for paLlenLs who are apnelc

AsslsLConLrol venLllaLlon (A/C)
uellvers breaLh ln response Lo paLlenL efforL and lf paLlenL falls Lo do so wlLhln preseL amounL
of Llme usually used for sponLaneously breaLhlng paLlenLs wlLh weakened resplraLory

Synchronous lnLermlLLenL MandaLory venLllaLlon (SlMv)

venLllaLor breaLhs are synchronlzed wlLh paLlenL's resplraLory efforL usually used Lo wean
paLlenLs from mechanlcal venLllaLlon

ressure SupporL venLllaLlon (Sv)
reseL pressure LhaL augmenLs Lhe paLlenL's lnsplraLory efforL and decreases Lhe work of
breaLhlng CfLen used wlLh SlMv durlng weanlng
oslLlve Lnd LxplraLory ressure (LL)
oslLlve pressure applled aL Lhe end of explraLlon used wlLh Cv A/C and SlMv Lo lmprove
oxygenaLlon by openlng collapsed alveoll

. Materials nd Metbods

.. Materials
We are uslng Lhe followlng maLerlals
O 8egulaLors
O Solenold valves
O MlcroconLrollers
O Cas blender
O 1ank
O llow Sensor
O Cycllng pump

.. Mecbanical Portion

... Sensors
A sensor ls a devlce whlch recelves and responds Lo a slgnal or sLlmulus Pere Lhe Lerm
sLlmulus means a properLy or a quanLlLy LhaL needs Lo be converLed lnLo elecLrlcal form
Pence sensor can be deflned as a devlce whlch recelves a slgnal and converLs lL lnLo elecLrlcal
form whlch can be furLher used for elecLronlc devlces
MlcroconLroller based resplraLory conLrol sysLem uses pressure sensor and flow sensor

... Regulator
A ressure regu|ator ls a selfconLalned mechanlcal conLrol devlce LhaL usually does noL rely on
any exLernal power sources 1hls devlce employs a sensor valve and conLroller unlL AlLhough
Lhe Lwo are slmllar lL ls lmporLanL Lo make Lhe dlsLlncLlon beLween a regulaLor and a conLrol
valve Powever appllcaLlons requlrlng larger valve slzes may be beLLer served by conLrol valve

When worklng wlLh compressed gas ln cyllnders pressure regulaLors are vlLal for malnLalnlng
proper gas dlscharge 1hese regulaLors are employed for conLrolllng boLh llquefled and non
llquefled gas forms Whlle Lhere are numerous Lypes of dlfferenL gas regulaLors mosL devlces
are selecLed based on Lhelr range of dellvery pressures Lhelr level of accuracy Lhe quallLy of
Lhelr deslgn and consLrucLlon maLerlals and Lhe flow raLe lnvolved ln Lhe pro[ecL

... Blending Module
A plsLon venLllaLor ls dlsclosed whlch unlquely lncludes an oxygen blendlng module whlch
supplles oxygen enhancemenL for aldlng paLlenLs requlrlng resplraLory LreaLmenL 1he oxygen
blendlng module supplles a preselecLed enrlchmenL of oxygen Lo a plsLon and cyllnder assembly
where ln Lhe amounL of oxygen permlLLed Lo flow Lhereln ls conLlnuously monlLored and
conLrolled accordlng Lo Lhe volume above Lhe plsLon ln Lhe cyllnder as calculaLed by a
conLroller 1he oxygen blendlng module lncludes a flow sensor whlch monlLors Lhe flow of
supplemenLal oxygen lnLo Lhe plsLon and cyllnder assembly and furLher lncludes a prlmary
oxygen conLrol valve whlch resLrlcLs Lhe flow of oxygen Lhrough Lhe flow sensor Lo Lhe plsLon
and cyllnder assembly dependlng on Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe calculaLed deslred amounL of
oxygen and Lhe LargeL amounL of oxygen provlded Lo Lhe conLroller

... Solenoid Valve
A solenold valve ls an elecLromechanlcal devlce used for conLrolllng llquld or gas flow 1he
solenold valve ls conLrolled by elecLrlcal currenL whlch ls run Lhrough a coll When Lhe coll ls
energlzed a magneLlc fleld ls creaLed causlng a plunger lnslde Lhe coll Lo move uependlng on
Lhe deslgn of Lhe valve Lhe plunger wlll elLher open or close Lhe valve When elecLrlcal currenL
ls removed from Lhe coll Lhe valve wlll reLurn Lo lLs deenerglzed sLaLe
1he mosL common solenold valve has Lwo porLs an lnleL porL and an ouLleL porL Solenold
valves make auLomaLlon of fluld and gas conLrol posslble Solenold valves may use meLal seals
or rubber seals and may also have elecLrlcal lnLerfaces Lo allow for easy conLrol A sprlng may
be used Lo hold Lhe valve opened or closed whlle Lhe valve ls noL acLlvaLed

.. Electronic Portion

... C Circuit
1he pressure and flow slgnal sensed by Lhe sensor ls an analog llnear slgnal whlch ls Lransferred
lnLo a dlglLal form
Analog Lo ulglLal converLor
... Microcontroller
A mlcroconLroller ls a small compuLer on a slngle lnLegraLed clrculL conslsLlng lnLernally of a
relaLlvely slmple Cu clock Llmers l/C porLs and memory
1he dlglLal measuremenLs of pressure and flow of gas are performed by Lhe mlcroconLroller
... utput evice
1he ouLpuL devlce of a venLllaLor conslsLs of
O Cu
O 8eeper
.. Metbod
1he meLhod of sysLem lncludes followlng sLeps
O Senslng
O Converslon
O rocesslng
O ulsplay
. esign Metbodology
Cur deslgn meLhodology conslsLs of Lhree maln parLs
O Senslng
O 8lendlng
O Converslon

. Block iagram

llg (1) 8lock dlagram of medlcal venLllaLor pro[ecL
llow Sensor




. Pbases X Pro|ect

llg (2) hases of pro[ecL

Work on sensors valves and
Worklng on Lhe deslgn of Lhe
Worklng on Lhe ulglLal lcs
programmlng and mechanlcal
lmplemenLaLlon and

. Cost pproximation
Components Expected cost {Rs]
ressure regulaLors 4000*3 12000
llow sensors 8000
8lendlng assembly 2000
Cycllng assembly 1000
8aslc elecLronlc componenLs 3000
8ody 8000
Solenold valves 1000*88000
cylindei !5uu'2~?uuu
Oxygen illing 2uuu
Aitiicial lung uuu
CLher expenses 8000
1oLal esLlmaLe 60000/

Oui estimate cost oi pioject will be ks 0u,uuu/~ only

. List X ReXerence
1 Ceddes A (2007) 1he hlsLory of arLlflclal resplraLlon l oqloeetloq lo MeJlcloe ooJ 8loloqy
Moqozloe tbe Ooottetly Moqozloe of tbe oqloeetloq lo MeJlcloe 8loloqy 5oclety
2 Weaver Creenway LllloL CC (1988) erformance of Lhe SeachrlsL 300A Pyperbarlc venLllaLor
ln a Monoplace Pyperbarlc Chamber ootool of nypetbotlc MeJlcloe (4) 213223
3 CLls A 8 lenn W C 8ahn P Mechanlcs of 8reaLhlng ln Man !ournal of Applled hyslology
volume 2 392607 1930
4 Collce Cene (2006) PlsLorlcal erspecLlve on Lhe uevelopmenL of Mechanlcal venLllaLlon ln
MarLln ! 1obln 9tloclples 9toctlce of Mecboolcol veotllotloo (2 ed) -ew ?ork McCrawPlll
3 ?ounes eL al roporLlonal AsslsL venLllaLlon" Am 8ev 8esp uls 1992 143 pp 121129
6 MCl--L? 1LxAS (!uly 7 2008) Lmerson rocess ManagemenL has publlshed LdlLlon vl of lLs
lndusLrlal ressure 8egulaLor AppllcaLlon Culde
7 Mlllar l Mouldey C (2008) Compressed breaLhlng alr Lhe poLenLlal for evll from wlLhln ulvloq
ooJ nypetbotlc MeJlcloe (SouLh aclflc underwaLer Medlclne SocleLy) 14331 8eLrleved 200902
8 Solenold olloe tymoloqy ulctloooty 8eLrleved 21 Aprll 2010

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