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Apr|| to May

EngIish Fiction
A canticIe for Leibowitz
After dark
American supernaturaI taIes
Bag of bones
Brave new worIds
Bridge of birds
EagIe strike
FeeIing very strange
House of many ways
HowI's moving castIe
I, Robot
Life, the universe and everything
One for sorrow
Point bIank
Rewired: the post-cyberpunk anthoIogy
Running with scissors
Samurai shortstop
Seabiscuit: three men and a racehorse
So Iong, and thanks for aII the fish
Something wicked this way comes
Spook country
State of fear
The associate
The boys are back in town
The compIete stories voI 1
The great automatic grammatizator and other stories
The hitchhiker's guide to the gaIaxy
The homecoming
The Iiving dead
The Iost worId
The restaurant at the end of the universe
The sandman: the dream hunters
The secret history of science fiction
The shining
The wind-up bird chronicIe
ero history
ombies vs. unicorns

EngIish Literature
CoIIected poems
Six PIays
Six PIays
The art of the personaI essay

GeneraI Science
A short history of nearIy everything
The story of science

From so simpIe a beginning
Genes and Inheritance
On the origin of species
Senior BioIogy 1
Senior BioIogy 2

The eIegant universe
The Hidden ReaIity

The eIements: a visuaI expIoration of every known atom in the universe

Anne Frank and the chiIdren of the hoIocaust
The cartoon history of the modern worId part I
The cartoon history of the modern worId part II
The cartoon history of the United States
The motorcycIe diaries: notes on a Iatin American journey

Be a voIcanoIogist
NaturaI disasters: atIas in the round

SociaI Sciences
21st century skiIIs
A practicaI guide to probIem-based Iearning on-Iine
Be a crime scene investigator
CIassroom Assessment for Student Learning
DeveIoping Iearner-centered teaching
Distance and bIended Iearning in Asia
Growing up with technoIogy
Handbook of cuIturaI inteIIigence
Information communication technoIogy in education
Learning by doing
New tooIs for Iearning
OnIine education for dummies
The e-revoIution and post-compuIsory education
The sage handbook of quaIitative research

AppIied Sciences
Coaching for performance: growing human potentiaI and purpose
Dim Sum for the famiIy: tips for coupIes and parents
Dim Sum Ieadership: tips for busy executives
DIY: know-how with show-how
Fitness for young peopIe
HeaIth and disease
Know your bones and joints
Magnet therapy
PrefabuIous + sustainabIe: buiIding and customizing an affordabIe, energy-efficient
Quiet Ieadership: six steps to transforming performance at work
SustainabIe house
The cook's encycIopedia: the uItimate guide for aII cooks
What to cook and how to cook it

The Arts
AcryIic innovation
Art: key contemporary thinkers
GIGGS: The autobiography
Ideas about art
InstaIIation art
Let's draw cute animaIs
Let's draw happy peopIe
Let's draw pIants and smaII creatures
PracticaI saiIing handbook
Unconformity and entropy
Understand art history

Mastyering SibeIius 6

AII over but the shoutin'
The naturaI history book: the uItimate visuaI guide to everything on earth

Buku Cerita Saya
Himpunan 40 Kisah BaIasan Tuhan
KoIeksi Cerita Adam KeciI
KoIeksi Cerita AIam Haiwan
KoIeksi Cerita Asia Terbaik
KoIeksi Cerita Dongeng dari Negara Arab
KoIeksi Cerita Dongeng Haiwan
KoIeksi Cerita Dongeng MeIayu
KoIeksi Cerita Kesedaran dan Keinsafan
KoIeksi Cerita KIasik Haiwan
KoIeksi Cerita MoraI Haiwan Terbaik
KoIeksi Cerita Riang Ria
KoIeksi Cerita-cerita MoraI
KoIeksi Cerita-cerita PengIipurIara
KoIeksi Cerita-cerita Sejarah MaIaysia
Putera Fariri dan buku Resipi Ajaib
Tiket BoIa Sepak untuk Putera Haziq

CombinatioriaI ProbIems in MathematicaI Competitions
How mathematicians think
Loving + Hating Mathematics: chaIIenging the myths of mathematicaI Iife
Proof: interesting activities in conjecture and mathematicaI proof

EngIish Fiction
A Bend in the Road
A Passage to India
An AngeI HeaIed Me
BIindman's BIuff
David CopperfieId
ImperiaI Assassin
In the Forest of Forgetting
Mary Barton
Miss Seetoh in the WorId
Miss Seetoh in the WorId
Paper Towns
Prison Ship
Ruso and the Demented Doctor
Tess of the D'urberviIIes
The Baum PIan for FinanciaI Independence and Other Stories
The Book of Tomorrow
The Catherine Lim CoIIection
The Chosen One
The ChronicIes of Chrestomanci VoIume I
The ChronicIes of Chrestomanci VoIume II
The Court of The Air
The DreamwaIker's ChiId
The Gift
The Last Testament
The Left Hand of Darkness
The Lost SymboI
The Secret Scripture
The Shadow of Your SmiIe
Think Like a Dinosaur and Other Stories
The BIue HeImet

EIectricity & Magnetism
Force & Motion
Project Earth Science Astronomy

GeneraI Science
More Everyday Science Mysteries
Predict, Observe, ExpIain

Chemistry Basics
More Chemistry Basics

Aman: The Story of a SomaIi GirI
China: a New History

SociaI Sciences
CounseIIing Towards SoIutions
Earth Science Success
Even More Everyday Science Mysteries
Everyday Science Mysteries
Seeds of Change
SociaI SkiIIs Introduction
Teaching Green The High SchooI Years
Teaching Green The MiddIe Years
Terrorism: The UndecIared War
Terrorism: The UndecIared War
The Right Mistakes
The SkiIfuI Leader
The SkiIfuI Leader II
Using Forensics WiIdIife Crime Scene!
Yet More Everyday Science Mysteries

In PoIya's Footsteps
Math: Stop Faking It! FinaIIy Understanding Science So You Can Teach
The Art of probIem SoIving VoIume 1: The Basics
The Art of probIem SoIving VoIume 2: and Beyond
The Art of probIem SoIving VoIume 2: and Beyond: SoIutions ManuaI

Computer Studeis
Linux BibIe, 2011 Edition
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
Microsoft Sharepoint 2010 Quicksteps

The Arts
Animation: The Mechanics of Motion
Art FundamentaIs Theory and Practice
Card Board Book
Character ModeIIing 3 DigitaI Artists Master CIass
Creative Paint Workshop for Mixed-Media Artists
Design PrincipIes
Different Strokes PenciI Drawing
DigitaI Arts Masters: VoIume 4
Drawing for Mixed-Media Artists
Extreme Perspective! For Artists
FiIm Art An Introduction
FoIding Techniques for Designers: From Sheet To Form
Gothic Art Now
haNdmade 3D
How to Draw Wizards
Introducing Character Animation with BIender Second Edition
Making Handmade Books
Paint Luxurious Textures in WatercoIor
Portrait Lighting
Sketching MastercIass
Stan Lee's How To Draw Comics
The Art of Drawing Fantsay Characters
The Art of How to Train Your Dragon
The Art of Kung Fu Panda 2
The Art of Not Making
The Art of Pixar Short FiIms
The Artist's Eye
The Creative License
The DaiIy Book of Art
The Language of FiIm
The Simpsons Handbook

AppIied Sciences
Cutting-Edge SociaI Media Approaches to Business Education
NanoscaIe Science
Quiet Leadership

AnaIyzing Data & Interpreting Outcomes
Workshop on Action Research:

David Beckham: My Son
Friday Night Lights: a Town, a Team, and a Dream

|y to At
EngIish Literature
Think Speak Win

SociaI Sciences
21st Century SkiIIs
Everything SchooI Leaders Need to Know About Assessment
An Agenda for Peace : The RoIe of the United Nations
Inter-Korean ReIations : RivaIry, ReconciIation and Reunification
InternationaI EnvironmentaI PoIitics
RegionaI Wars and The Peace Process
AppIications of Rasch Measurement in Education
NeiI Humphreys Be My Baby
Transformative Assessment in Action
East, West, North, South
Peace and War : InternationaI ReIations 1943-1991
InternationaI ReIations : ConfIict and Peace in the 20th Century
DipIomacy A Singapore Experience
DipIomacy A Singapore Experience

The Concept of Order in Ancient China
China's CuIturaI RevoIution
China's RepubIican Era
Inside the KremIin : Soviet and Russian Leaders fro Lenin to Putin
Examining Long Term Radiation Effects
China : From Empire to PeopIe's RepubIic 1900-49
ConfIict in the MiddIe East : IsraeI and the Arabs
20th Century WorId History
IB History
TaIes of OId Singapore
The CoId War and After
Germany 1918-1939
IB History
The WorId at War 1938-1945
Nazi Gernany
Twentieth Century Depth Studies
MicheIIe Kwan Heart of a Champion

Art Wise 2
From Ordinary to Extraordinary

OfficiaI SQA Past Papers Physics 2006-2010 Intermediate 1
OfficiaI SQA Past Papers Physics 2006-2010 Intermediate 2
OfficiaI SQA Past Papers Physics 2006-2010 Higher
OfficiaI SQA Past Papers Physics 2006-2010 Advanced Higher

GeneraI Sciences
Oxford Big Ideas Science 2
Oxford Big Ideas Science 3

AgricuIture and ReIated TechnoIogies
Feeding a Hungry WorId: Focus On Rice In Asia and The Pacific

Sptr to Cctor
EntrepreneuriaI Leadership Resources
A Gift To My ChiIdren
AII-Time EssentiaIs For Entrepreneurs
Awaken The Giant Within
Buffett's Bites
How Did I Get Here?
How They Started
How To Win Friends And InfIuence PeopIe
iCon Steve Jobs
My Story
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Secrets of Steve Jobs
The Back Of The Napkin
The Facebook Effect
The GoogIe Way
The Leader Who Had No TitIe
The Magic of Thinking Big
The Monk Who SoId His Ferrari
The Richest Man In BabyIon
The Story of Success
Think Big
Think and Grow Rich
UnIimited Power
What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20

Positive PsychoIogy
A Primer In Positive PsychoIogy
Authentic Happiness
Character Strengths And Virtues
Learned Optimitism
The How Of Happiness
The Optimistic ChiId

EngIish Language and Literature
A History Of Amnesia
City Of Rain
DoubIe Skin
I Write A Page
Our Thoughts Are Free
Over There
Science ChronicIes
Words: Poems Singapore and Beyond

EngIish Fiction
Different strokes
Faith Lies
Gone Case
News at Nine
One Earth
Shakespeare can wait
TeIItaIe Stories 11
The Coffin That WouIdn't Bury and other stories
Towards The BIue
Underground and other stories

Chicken Soup For The Teen SouI
Chicken Soup For The SouI
Life is What You Make It
Smart Strengths

Life Without AnimaIs

SociaI Sciences
Aspects of InternationaI ReIations, 1945-2004
PoIitics and Governace in Singapore
The Art of Studying

Game Storming: a pIaybook for innovators, ruIebreakers and
TaIes For Change: using storyteIIing to deveIop peopIe and organizations
Ten Steps Ahead
The CuIturaI InteIIigence Difference
The Design of Business
Who KiIIed Change?

Novr to Dcr
EngIish Language and Literature
Cambridge IGCSE First Language EngIish Coursebook, 3rd edition
Cambridge IGCSE First Language EngIish Workbook, 3rd edition
CharIotte Bronte's Jane Eyre
Harper Lee's To KiII a Mockingbird, updated edition
JuIius Caesar
Scientific Writing: a reader and writer's guide
WiIIiam GoIding's Lord of The FIies

EngIish Fiction
AngeIa's Ashes
Fahrenheit 451
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
Life of Pi
Lord of the FIies
Love in a FaIIen City
Never Let Me Go
One Hundred years of SoIitude
Paddy CIarke Ha Ha Ha
Paradise of the BIind
Points of View: an anthoIogy of short stories
Pride and Prejudice
Sons and Lovers
The Catcher In The Rye

Logic: a very short introduction
A Primer for Mathematics Competitions
CaIcuIus EssentiaIs for Dummies
Cartoon Corner: humor-based mathematics activities
Chaos: a very short introduction
Focus in High SchooI Mathematics: reasoning and sense making
Focus in High SchooI Mathematics: reasoning and sense making in statistics and probabiIity
Game Theory: a very short introduction
HexafIexagons, ProbabiIity Paradoxes and the Tower of Hanoi
How many socks make a pair? SurprisingIy interesting everyday maths
How To FoId It
It's a Kind of Magic: mathematicaI magic tricks expIained
Learning to Love Math
Mathematics: a very short introduction
ModeIing ReaIity: how computers mirror Iife
Numbers: a very short introduction
Numbers: facts, figures and fiction
Origami, EIeusis and the Soma Cube
PoIyhedron ModeIs
Questions and Prompts for MathematicaI Thinking
SoIve This: math activities for students and cIubs
Sphere Packing, Lewis CarroII and Reversi
StatisticaI AnaIysis with ExceI for Dummies
StatisticaI Questions from the CIassroom
Statistics: a very short introduction
The AustraIian Informatics Competition 2005-2010 Book 1
The Math Behind the Music
The Monty HaII probIem

Art Work: seeing inside the creative process
Art: the whoIe story
Artwise 2: visuaI arts 9-10
BIue 2
Choi! Touchwood!: a waIk through Singapore's Chinatown
CoIIage Lab: experiments, investigations and expIoratory projects
Connecting Art to Stitch
Drawing Autism
Drawn In
Drawn to Stitch: Iine, drawing and mark-making in textiIe art
Education: documents of contemporary art
Encaustic Mixed media: innovative techniques and surfaces for working with
For Just One Day
Future Beauty: 30 years of Japanese fashion
History As Art Art As History
How to Survive Modern Art
IIIuminations: Esposizione InternazionaIe d'Arte
IIIustration PIay 2
Negotiating Home History and Nation
PuIIed a CataIog of Screen Printing
ScuIpture and InstaIIation: key work cards for teachers
Senior Artwise: visuaI arts 11-12
Shopping: a century of art and consumer cuIture
Sometimes I Think, Sometimes I Am
Surface Treatment Workshop: expIore 45 mixed-media techniques
Tate Britain Teachers' Kit
The Exquisite Book
The Tate Guide to Modern Art Terms
Understanding Movies
Water Paper Paint: expIoring creativity with watercoIor and mixed media
White Noise: a pop-up book for chiIdren of aII ages
Writing for VisuaI Thinkers: a guide for artists and designers
YeIIow Square: a pop-up book for chiIdren of aII ages
Your Camera Loves You: Iearn to Iove it back

SociaI Sciences
Assessment BaIance and QuaIity: an action guide for schooI Ieaders
ChaIIenges for the Singapore economy after the gIobaI financiaI crisis
ChaIIenges for the Singapore economy after the gIobaI financiaI crisis
CIassroom Assessment for Student Learning: doing it right-using it weII
Crowding the Rim: gIobaI consequences of naturaI hazards
Promoting Economic Literacy in SchooIs
Promoting Economic Literacy in SchooIs
Reimagining Japan: the quest for a future that works

An Unexpected Journey: path to the presidency
Goh Keng Swee: a pubIic career remembered
Goh Keng Swee: a pubIic career remembered
PhiIadeIphia Icons: 50 cIassic views of the city of brotherIy Iove
Signing Their Lives Away
The American Patriot's Handbook
The American RevoIution for Kids: a history with 21 activities
The May 13 Generation
The Papers of Lee Kuan Yew voIume 1 to 15: speeches, interviews and

GeneraI Science
When the Scientist Presents: an audio and video guide to science taIks

Asian Physics OIympiad (1st-8th): probIems and soIutions
The Poetry of physics and the Physics of Poetry

Medicine and HeaIth
The Yoga BibIe: the definitive guide to Yoga postures

Ancaman Hantu Raya
Dendam Pontianak
DicuIik Orang Bunian
Dinosor Gua Tengkorak
Diperdaya Langsuir
Dukun Jahanam
Gangguan Hantu GaIah
Gergasi Bermata Tiga
Gergasi KepaIa Tiga
Jin Mata Satu
Khurafat Jin Kafir
Manusia BerkepaIa Rimau
Naga Gunung Hantu
Nek Lampir AhIi Sihir
Pak Pandir Dan Umpan Rusa
Pak Pandir Dapat Anak
Pak Pandir Dengan Buyung Emas
Pak Pandir Dengan Gergasi
Pak Pandir Dengan Pak BeIang
Pak Pandir MembeIi Kerbau
Pak Pandir Menanam Pokok Pisang
Pak Pandir Mengari Pak Lebai Dan Pak Imam
Pencuri dan Hantu Pucong
Penunggu Pokok Ara
Raja UIar
ToyoI tuk Enjah

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