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Bangladesh: Current State of the

:Water Pollution'

Bangladesh: Current State of the
Water Pollution"

Prepared By:
#&P Members:
1. #ifat Aoshin Anika
ID# 111 11 3

$:-299ed 94:
Depar92en9 41 Envr4n2en9al
$cence and Manage2en9
N4r9 $4:9 Unvers9y.

C4:rse: ENV107
$ec94n: 22

Da9e 41 $:-2ss4n: 14
N4ve2-er 2011

N4ve2-er, 2011
Mr. Mas:2 Ur Ra2an
Depar92en9 41 Envr4n2en9al $cence and Manage2en9
N4r9 $4:9 Unvers9y Daka.
C4:rse: ENV107 ($ec: 22)

$:-ec9: $:-299ng 9e pr4ec9 rep4r9 4n Bangladesh: Current State of the Water

Dear Sir,
We are honored to present you our project paper on the topic Bangladesh: Current State of the
Water Pollution". Which, you have assigned us to do as our term paper as a partial requirement
oI the course. We are looking Iorward Ior your sincere judgment regarding this report.
We are delighted to get the opportunity to work on this very important topic. This project has
given us the opportunity to know our environment and most importantly the current state oI the
water pollution and as well as other pollutions in Bangladesh, and with our research work we
came up with some suggestions or actionplans which will help in controlling water pollution in
We tried our level best to IulIill the requirement oI this report by engaging ourselves seriously
and giving our best eIIorts to prepare this report. Working hard Ior this report helped us to
understand the core concepts oI 'Environmental Science" which we think will be very useIul in
our Iuture liIe.
Your kind acceptance and any type oI appreciation would surely inspire us. II you need any
Iurther inIormation, we will be available at your service any time.

#ifat Aoshin Anika


Anika Nourin Rivu Das Gupta

irst oI all, thank you to Almighty Allah who has provided us great opportunity to complete this
report successIully. This is our humble attempt to present gratitude in writing this report: we
have truly drawn upon our own experience as the student oI ENV107. Secondly, we would like
to express our gratitude to our ENV107 Section: 22, instructor Ior
the valuable guidance and support. We really appreciate what he has taught us in this course and
we would like to express our heart-Ielt grateIulness Ior that. AIter researching almost all aspects
oI our EAJ17" concept and we will remain Iorever grateIul to our honorable Iaculty Ior that.
inally, we would like to add Iew more words saying that, this report is prepared by novices;
there could be unwilling errors and omissions.
Hence, we have taken help Irom diIIerent sources Ior preparing our report without the help,
completing the report perIectly would not have been possible. Now here is a petite eIIort to show
our deep gratitude to those helpIul persons who have put it up on the texts and websites.
Last but not the least, we would like to thank all our group members and others whose names
are not mentioned here, but directly or indirectly oIIered suggestions and guidelines to the
completion oI our work. We warmly thank them Ior their kind contribution.


1. In9r4d:c94n................... ..... 01
1.1Orgn 41 9e Rep4r9.................02
1.2P:rp4se 41 9e Rep4r9.............................03
1.3$4:rce 41 9e Da9a................................04
1.4$c4pe 41 9e Rep4r9...............05
1.5L29a94ns 41 9e Rep4r9..............06
2.0 Wa9 s Wa9er P4ll:94n`?........................................
3.1 General $4:rces 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n`...........09
3.2 General Ca:ses 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n`............10-11
4.0 General Fac9s 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n`.......12-14
5.0 Wa9er P4ll:94n` n Banglades.........15-17
6.0 C4nseq:ences 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n..........
7.0 Few $9a9s9cs Regardng Wa9er P4ll:94n`......
8.1 E11ec9s 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n n Banglades`......
8.2 L4ng Ter2 E11ec9s 41 Wa9er P4ll:94n 4n Envr4n2en9.....
9.1 H4w 94 $94p Wa9er P4ll:94n............
9.2 $2ple Wa9er P4ll:94n` $4l:94ns.........
10.0 C4ncl:s4n and Rec422enda94ns......62-73

Water pollution is an undesirable change in the state of water, contaminated with harmful
substances. It is the second most important environmental issue next to air pollution. Any
change in the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water that has a harmful effect
on living things is water pollution. It affects all the major water bodies of the world such as
lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater. 1he effects of water pollution are detrimental to
human beings, plants, animals, fish, and birds. Polluted water also contains virus, bacteria,
intestinal parasites, and other pathogenic microorganisms. &sing it for drinking purpose is the
prime cause for waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, and typhoid. 1he important
sources of water pollution in Bangladesh are domestic wastes, industrial effluents, and
agricultural wastes. ther sources include oil spills, atmospheric deposition, marine dumping,
radioactive waste, global warming, and eutrophication. Among these, domestic waste
(domestic sewage) and industrial waste generate maximum pollutants, which make their way
to groundwater and surface water bodies. Effective ways to prevent water pollution includes
using eco-friendly household products such as low-phosphate detergents and other toiletries,
improving housekeeping, turning off the water tap when not needed, disposing the household
wastes in proper sites, far away from the water sources. Last but not the least, planting more
trees can also prevent water pollution by reducing soil erosion and water runoff. Educating
people about water pollution is an important approach to reduce water contamination. 1he
purpose of our project was to sort out the existing problems regarding water pollution in
Bangladesh. For this reason we tried to collect as much information as possible from all
sources available. After that we have figured out some solution to those problems and
evaluated and we have also done feasibility study.


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