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ne|p w|th prepar|ng for an |nterv|ew

CeLLlng lnvlLed Lo an lnLervlew means you've passed Lhe flrsL hurdle - your appllcaLlon musL
have made a good lmpresslon.
now you need Lo prepare yourself for Lhe lnLervlew Lo make sure you don'L wasLe Lhe
8efore the day
Get |nformat|on
llnd ouL abouL Lhe employer and Lhe [ob - you could ask Lhe employer lf Lhey have an
lnformaLlon pack or speak Lo people you know who work or have worked for Lhe company. 1he
llbrary may have buslness lnformaLlon ln dlrecLorles such as Lhe 'uk kompass 8eglsLer'.
1ry Lo flnd ouL Lhe answer Lo Lhe followlng quesLlons:
whaL do Lhey do/make/sell?
who are Lhelr cusLomers?
whaL sorL of organlsaLlon are Lhey?
flnanclal lnformaLlon - Lurnover, proflLs eLc.
whaL exacLly wlll Lhe [ob lnvolve?
whaL sorL of person do you Lhlnk Lhey wanL?
how can you besL flL your skllls Lo maLch Lhe [ob?
|an for the |nterv|ew
1hen Lhlnk abouL Lhe lnLervlew lLself:
Who wlll be lnLervlewlng? lf lL ls your prospecLlve manager, Lhe lnLervlew may be more
deLalled. lf Lhe ersonnel Manager ls lnLervlewlng, lL may be less dlrecL or deLalled, buL
could sLlll be LesLlng.
Wlll Lhere be a LesL Lo Lake? llnd ouL before Lhe lnLervlew and ask for an example of Lhe
Lhlngs you'll be asked Lo do.
lf you have a dlsablllLy, conLacL Lhe employer prlor Lo Lhe lnLervlew lf you requlre any
parLlcular arrangemenLs. Check Lhe day before Lo ensure deLalls have been noLed prlor
Lo your arrlval.
repare for quest|ons you m|ght be asked
1he followlng ls a llsL of LwenLy quesLlons you may be asked aL an lnLervlew. Some suggesLlons
are glven whlch you may llke Lo use Lo prepare your own answer.
1horough preparaLlon wlll glve you Lhe confldence Lo do your besL aL an lnLervlew.
1. Why do you wanL Lo work here?
Cood repuLaLlon of Lhe flrm
Any oLher poslLlve lnformaLlon you have abouL Lhe flrm, e.g. Lhelr Lralnlng record
lL wlll glve you a chance Lo do work whlch lnLeresLs you
2. Why dld you leave your lasL [ob?
Lxplalnlng brlefly and honesLly Lhe reasons why your lasL [ob ended. lf Lhere ls anyLhlng poslLlve
Lo say, say lL, e.g.:
lf you lefL for healLh reasons polnL ouL LhaL you are now flL and reassure Lhe employer LhaL you
can do Lhe duLles requlred, or, lf you were dlsmlssed, LhaL you Lake responslblllLy for your
acLlons and have learnL from Lhe experlence.
3. Pave you done Lhls klnd of work before?
?es - Lell Lhem Lhe skllls you have and how you can use Lhem.
no - qulckly descrlbe oLher work experlence whlch wlll help you learn Lhe [ob qulckly.
Lmphaslse your lnLeresL and enLhuslasm Lo learn.
4. WhaL dld you do ln your lasL [ob?
skllls and duLles relevanL Lo new [ob
machlnes/equlpmenL used
your responslblllLles
people you dealL wlLh
how long you were Lhere
lf you were promoLed
3. WhaL klnds of equlpmenL can you operaLe?
name any Lype of equlpmenL relevanL Lo Lhe new [ob
?our Lralnlng/quallflcaLlons
LengLh of Llme you have operaLed Lhls equlpmenL
6. Pow long have you been ouL of work - how do you spend your Llme?
[obsearch acLlvlLy
volunLary work
furLher educaLlon or sLudy
7. Why have you had a) so many [obs? b) only one [ob?
a) so many [obs?
?ou wanLed Lo wlden your experlence ln dlfferenL Lypes of work/flrms. Many of Lhe [obs were
Lemporary. ?ou would raLher be ln work Lhan ouL of work.
b) only one [ob?
?ou had several dlfferenL [obs wlLhln your lasL employmenL. 1he opporLunlLy Lo develop. 1helr
good record ln Lralnlng and developmenL.
8. Why should l Lake you on?
8e ready for Lhls quesLlon and answer confldenLly and poslLlvely
uescrlbe your skllls and experlence and how Lhey relaLe Lo Lhls [ob
8eassure Lhe employer LhaL you are hard-worklng, rellable and capable
9. Aren'L you Loo a) young? b) old?
a) Loo young?
?our experlence Lo daLe lncludlng any Lralnlng or supervlsory experlence. Lxplaln LhaL you are
keen Lo prove yourself, adapLable and qulck Lo learn, physlcally flL, noL golng Lo move away, eLc.
b) Loo old?
Lmphaslse Lhe beneflLs of your long experlence:
less need for Lralnlng
your ablllLy Lo make declslons qulckly
your good healLh - you are looklng forward Lo many more producLlve years
LhaL you can sLlll adapL Lo change
your good work hlsLory
10. Aren'L you over-quallfled?
?ou are looklng for someLhlng fresh/new/dlfferenL
?ou can Lake as well as glve lnsLrucLlons
11. Pow do you geL on wlLh people?
uescrlbe how you have prevlously worked as parL of a Leam
MenLlon your ablllLy Lo geL on wlLh people aL all levels
Clve examples
12. WhaL makes a good Leam member?
uescrlbe Lhe skllls requlred e.g.:
good communlcaLlon
sense of humour
13. Pow do you cope wlLh pressure?
uescrlbe Lhe pressures ln prevlous [obs uslng a recenL example, e.g. how you coped wlLh a
changed deadllne, compleLed a rush order or dealL wlLh sLaff shorLages.
14. WhaL are your sLrengLhs and weaknesses?
1hey should already know your sLrengLhs from your AppllcaLlon lorm/Cv or Lhey would noL be
lnLervlewlng you, buL lf Lhey ask abouL any weaknesses:
SLarL by descrlblng parLs of your lasL [ob LhaL you found LesLlng buL explaln how you
overcame Lhese problems
8e falrly brlef buL honesL, e.g. "l can someLlmes be a llLLle Loo enLhuslasLlc".
noLe: Lmployers value people who can admlL Lhelr mlsLakes raLher Lhan blamlng Lhelr falllngs
on oLhers.
13. WhaL would you llke Lo be dolng ln flve years Llme?
Lxplaln LhaL you would ldeally llke Lo be worklng for Lhe same company buL Lo have developed
wlLhln lL.
16. When was Lhe lasL Llme you dld anyLhlng sLupld/losL your Lemper?
Avold descrlblng a work example. use someLhlng from your personal llfe LhaL wlLh hlnd-slghL
you would noL do agaln. Lxplaln how you learned from Lhe experlence.
17. WhaL wage do you expecL Lo earn?
lf Lhe wage level ls negoLlable - be prepared Lo negoLlaLe. 1he dllemma ls "where Lo plLch your
bld?" 1oo hlgh, you could prlce yourself ouL. 1oo low, you could lose ouL. 8efore golng Lo Lhe
lnLervlew flnd ouL abouL wage levels ln Lhe company and compare Lhem wlLh your currenL
18. Pow ofLen were you absenL from your lasL [ob?
lf rarely - say so
lf absence has been a problem - explaln why and reassure Lhe employer LhaL you are
now compleLely flL or Lhe problem wlll noL recur
19. When would you be avallable Lo sLarL?
As soon as posslble! uo noL puL any barrlers ln Lhe way.
20. uo you have any quesLlons?
?ou may llke Lo prepare for Lhls - lL ls almosL always asked aL Lhe lnLervlew. ?ou could ask:
why ls Lhe [ob vacanL?
why dld Lhe lasL person leave?
who would l reporL Lo?
whaL Lralnlng wlll l do, lf any?
whaL would my flrsL [ob be?
does Lhe company carry ouL !ob 8evlews?
lf yes - how ofLen?
how soon wlll l hear abouL Lhe resulL of my appllcaLlon?
how would l be pald?
|an your [ourney
Conslder a "dummy run" before Lhe day of Lhe lnLervlew or check how long Lhe [ourney
wlll Lake.
lf necessary ask Lhe Lmployer for dlrecLlons, bus rouLes or deLalls of car parklng.
lan an alLernaLlve means of geLLlng Lhere and be prepared for Lhe unexpecLed.
lf you have a dlsablllLy, check Lhere are no obsLacles whlch could cause you problems or
1h|nk about what you w||| wear
1hls may depend upon Lhe sorL of work you wlll be dolng:
Clve yourself plenLy of Llme Lo declde whaL Lo wear and geL Lhe cloLhes ready Lhe day
?ou don'L have Lo buy a new ouLflL! Alm for neaL, Lldy, clean and uncluLLered
lf you look good lL wlll help you feel good!
Gather together the wr|tten |nformat|on you w||| need at the |nterv|ew
Cv, references, cerLlflcaLes, porLfollo or examples of your work (lf requesLed by Lhe
8e -read Lhe [ob adverL Lo refresh your memory - make sure you haven'L mlssed
And f|na||y
1ry Lo geL a good nlghL's sleep!
1he day of your |nterv|ew
8efore Leav|ng
Clve yourself plenLy of Llme Lo geL ready
Make sure you've goL all relevanL paperwork, e.g. Cvs, lnvlLaLlon leLLer
lf you are unavoldably delayed, 1elephone early Lo explaln, apologlse and Lry Lo geL
anoLher appolnLmenL
Cn Arr|va|
Alm Lo arrlve abouL 10 mlnuLes before Lhe lnLervlew Llme
Clve your name Lo Lhe recepLlonlsL or whoever ls Lhere Lo greeL you
1ry Lo relax and keep calm
ChaL Lo Lhe recepLlonlsL or whoever greeLs you, before golng lnLo Lhe lnLervlew. 1hls wlll
ensure LhaL Lhe flrsL Lhlng you say lsn'L croaked ouL because you haven'L spoken Lo
anyone for oven an hour!
our |nterv|ew
llrsL, accepL LhaL Lhe sympLoms of nerves - a fasL hearLbeaL, clammy hands and buLLerflles ln
Lhe sLomach - are naLural. 1hese are your body's naLural way of meeLlng a challenge and ln
small doses can glve you Lhe 'oomph' Lo make a good lmpresslon.
?ou wlll make an lmpresslon ln Lhe flrsL few mlnuLes. lL Lakes Lhls Llme for people Lo assess
someone and sLore Lhls lnformaLlon. Cnce an lmpresslon has been formed, lL's seldom
changed. lL's lmporLanL Lo make flrsL lmpresslon work for you.
nervous Lenslon may make your volce sound shaky. racLlce deep slow breaLhlng before you
geL Lo Lhe lnLervlew. 1hls wlll slow down your hearL raLe and help you avold Laklng qulck
,shallow breaLhs.
nere are some t|ps wh|ch may he|p.
enLer Lhe room confldenLly
shake hands flrmly - and lnLroduce
be pollLe and frlendly - look Lhe
slL unLll lnvlLed
fldgeL and slouch ln Lhe chalr
swear (even mlldly)
lnLervlewer sLralghL ln Lhe eye as soon
as you enLer Lhe room
look lnLeresLed - ask quesLlons as well
as answerlng
answer quesLlons as fully as you can -
avold yes and no answers
provlde examples Lo prove your
Lell Lhe LruLh
ask lf you don'L undersLand a quesLlon
speak clearly
sell yourself - geL your good polnLs
across/be poslLlve
glve a frlendly smlle (lf ln doubL don'L -
lL ls beLLer Lo look serlous Lhan
crlLlclse former employers
draw aLLenLlon Lo your weaknesses
go over Lhe Lop - sLay calm and sLlck Lo
Lhe facLs
8emember, mosL employers llke:
people who llsLen
people who answer quesLlons wlLh examples
people who are brlef ln Lhe rlghL places
people who come prepared
people who appear confldenL
Also remember durlng dlscusslons (and ln your leLLers) employers look agaln aL people who
CuL cosLs
MalnLaln compeLlLlve
Make lL look beLLer
lmprove Lhe packaglng
CeL lL done more
Avold poLenLlal
LxpedlLe Lhe workflow
Make Lhe boss look
use old Lhlngs ln a new
rovlde more
CuL down Llme
Cpen more LerrlLorles
CuL sLaff cosLs
8educe lnvenLorles
CeL CovernmenL
uevelop sLaff
1urn round a bad
lnLroduce new sysLems
lmprove appearance
Crganlse lL
rovlde a Lax advanLage
8educe Lhe rlsks
MeeL deadllnes easlly
lmprove Leamwork and
Cther types of |nterv|ew
noL all lnLervlews wlll follow Lhe same one-Lo-one model. ?ou may have Lo face oLher lnLervlew
1he followlng glves a brlef ouLllne of some of Lhe dlfferenL Lypes of lnLervlew.
ane| Interv|ew
1he panels are ofLen made up of Lwo or more members, for example ersonnel Cfflcer and
Pead of SecLlon/loreman/Supervlsor.
1ry noL Lo be lnLlmldaLed by Lhls slLuaLlon. Look aL Lhe person asklng Lhe quesLlon, and glance
aL Lhe oLhers occaslonally as you reply. 8emember Lhe declslon wlll be made by more Lhan one
person whlch ln Lurn could lncrease you chance of success.
Competency-based Interv|ew
1hese lnLervlews are deslgned Lo allow you Lo demonsLraLe your level of compeLency ln key
areas of Lhe [ob. ?ou may be asked Lo dlscuss examples of your prevlous work and
achlevemenLs. 1he examples you glve should be dlfferenL from Lhose on your orlglnal
AppllcaLlon lorm. 8efore Lhe lnLervlew you wlll need Lo llsL Lhe compeLencles needed for Lhe
[ob and Lhlnk abouL Lhlngs you have done whlch lllusLraLe each one.
Group Interv|ews
?ou may be lnvlLed Lo be assessed as parL of a group. 1hls ls Lo LesL how you mlghL work as parL
of a Leam. 8e prepared Lo Lake an acLlve parL ln Lhe dlscusslon/Lask and puL forward your ldeas
ln an asserLlve buL noL aggresslve way.
Sk|||s 1ests
1hese are deslgned Lo measure Lhe level of your knowledge, or undersLandlng of Lhe [ob, such
as Lyplng LesL, drlvlng LesLs, manual dexLerlLy, eLc. llnd ouL whaL Lhe LesL wlll lnvolve and Lry Lo
pracLlce before Lhe lnLervlew.
ersona||ty 1ests
?ou could face quesLlons on your LhoughLs, feellngs and behavlour ln cerLaln slLuaLlons.
1here ls no such Lhlng as a rlghL or wrong answer as Lhe overall plcLure ls whaL ls lmporLanL. 1he
end resulL ls a personallLy raLlng used Lo see lf Lhe person flLs Lhe [ob adverLlsed. Analysls of
Lhese LesLs ls hlghly skllled and may be used by larger organlsaLlons Lo supplemenL oLher
recrulLmenL meLhods.
Apt|tude 1ests
1hese are deslgned Lo predlcL how well you mlghL do cerLaln Lasks. 1hey LesL ablllLles such as
reasonlng wlLh words/number/dlagrams, problem-solvlng, followlng lnsLrucLlons. 1hese are
usually seL as a LesL paper whlch you have Lo compleLe wlLhln a seL Llme llmlL. ?ou can Lry Lo
lmprove your ablllLy Lo do Lhese LesLs by answerlng or compleLlng pracLlce LesLs.
Dea||ng w|th the unexpected
1he followlng slLuaLlons can cause problems buL belng prepared may help you deal wlLh Lhem lf
Lhey arlse.
1he unprepared |nterv|ewer
noL all employers have had Lralnlng or are experlenced ln lnLervlewlng people. 1hey could be
[usL as nervous as you are abouL Lhe slLuaLlon. ?ou mlghL flnd yourself belng Lalked aL and glven
llLLle opporLunlLy Lo sell yourself. 1hls may mean walLlng for a gap ln Lhe conversaLlon and
Laklng Lhe lead durlng Lhe lnLervlew (buL noL Laklng over!)
De|ays and |nterrupt|on
uon'L become lmpaLlenL lf Lhe Lmployer keeps you walLlng. 1hey may have good reasons for
Lhls, so Lry Lo keep calm. lf Lhe lnLervlewer ls lnLerrupLed - for lnsLanced by a 1elephone call -
offer Lo leave Lhe room.
Uncomfortab|e surround|ngs
lf you flnd yourself belng lnLervlewed ln unsulLable surroundlngs such as a busy publlc area, or
nolsy parL of a facLory - agaln, keep calm and Lry Lo do your besL. ?ou could ask Lhe Lmployer lf
you could go elsewhere buL you wlll have Lo use your own [udgemenL as Lo wheLher Lhls
requesL would be accepLable.
After the |nterv|ew
Whlle lL ls sLlll fresh ln your mlnd, Lhlnk abouL how Lhe lnLervlew wenL:
whaL wenL well?
whaL wenL badly?
were Lhere any quesLlons you found dlfflculL and why?
use a checkllsL Lo help you ldenLlfy areas for lmprovemenL.
uld you:
arrlve on Llme?
dress approprlaLely?
greeL Lhe lnLervlewer pollLely?
slL well and avold fldgeLlng?
answer Lhe quesLlons fully enough?
sell myself - sLress why l was Lhe besL person for Lhe [ob?
descrlbe my prevlous duLles well?
look aL Lhe lnLervlewer and smlle occaslonally?
Lhank Lhe lnLervlewer for Laklng Lhe Llme Lo see me?
1ry Lo learn as much as you can from each lnLervlew.
Alm Lo become more prepared and confldenL ln Lhe fuLure by looklng for areas Lo lmprove and
developlng your sLronger areas of performance.
ln Lhls way you wlll lncrease your chance of geLLlng LhaL [ob.

LxcellenL [ob appllcaLlon lnformaLlon slLe -
1hese words and phrases may be useful ln your [ob appllcaLlons. Choose Lhem carefully and
only lf Lhey are relevanL Lo a parLlcular sklll or slLuaLlon you possess.
More Lhan ... years exLenslve and dlverse experlence ln
LxperLlse and demonsLraLed skllls ln
LxLenslve academlc/pracLlcal background ln
Lxperlenced ln all faceLs/phases/aspecLs of
knowledge of/experlenced as/ln
LxLenslve Lralnlng/lnvolvemenL ln
roflclenL/compeLenL aL
lnlLlally employed Lo/[olned organlsaLlon Lo speclallse ln
rovlded Lechnlcal asslsLance Lo
Worked closely wlLh
ConsLanL lnLeracLlon wlLh
romoLed Lo
Succeeded ln
roven Lrack record ln
Lxperlence lnvolved/lncluded
Successful ln/aL
8eporLed Lo
ln charge of
now lnvolved ln
lamlllar wlLh
Lmployed Lo
Asslgned Lo
lnsLrumenLal ln

Words to use
Ab|||ty Abundant Ach|eve Adm|rab|e Advance Agreement
AmblLlon AppreclaLe Approval Asplre ALLaln 8eneflL
Capable Courage CourLesy ueflnlLe uependable ueslrable
ueLermlned LffecLlve LfflclenL Lnhance LnLhuslasm Lxcellence
llLLlng Cenulne Cood CraLeful CuaranLee Pelpful
Pumour lmaglnaLlon lmprovemenL lngenulLy lnLegrlLy lnlLlaLlve
lnLelllgence !udgemenL LasLlng LoyalLy MerlL noLable
CpporLunlLy erseverance racLlcal resLlge roflclenL rogress
romlnenL uncLual 8easonable 8eslllenL 8ecommend 8epuLable
SallenL 8esponslble SaLlsfacLory Servlce SLablllLy Success
SubsLanLlal Superlor 1horough 1ruLh useful

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