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GkCU 1 CeLLlng 8eady for 8uslness CommunlcaLlon

Commun|cat|on ls Lhe process of Lransferrlng lnformaLlon and

meanlng beLween seoJets and tecelvets uslng one or more
wrlLLen oral vlsual or elecLronlc channels 1he essence of
communlcaLlon ls sharlngprovldlng daLa lnformaLlon and
lnslghLs ln an exchange LhaL beneflLs boLh you and Lhe people
wlLh whom you are communlcaLlng WheLher you wanL Lo sLarL
your own company or flnd your place ln an exlsLlng flrm
communlcaLlon skllls wlll be essenLlal Lo your success ln facL lf
you are looklng for a sureflre way Lo sLand ouL from your
compeLlLlon lmprovlng your communlcaLlon skllls may be Lhe
slngle mosL lmporLanL sLep you can Lake Lmployers ofLen
express frusLraLlon aL Lhe poor communlcaLlon skllls of many
employees lf you learn Lo wrlLe well speak well llsLen well and
recognlze Lhe approprlaLe way Lo communlcaLe ln varlous
buslness slLuaLlons you wlll galn a ma[or advanLage LhaL wlll
serve you LhroughouL your career

1 lnformaLlon relaLed CommunlcaLlon lnformaLlon on a
producL servlce or acLlvlLy of an organlzaLlon Lo Lhe people
concerned and lnformaLlon abouL Lhe producL servlce or acLlvlLy
from Lhe people concerned Lo Lhe organlzaLlon come under Lhls
caLegory 1hey are ouLgolng lnformaLlon and lncomlng
lnformaLlon respecLlvely 1he people concerned may be Lhose
wlLhln Lhe organlzaLlon or ouLslde Lhe organlzaLlon 1ransmlsslon
of lnformaLlon may be Lhrough personal conLacLs wrlLLen
documenLs adverLlsemenLs eLc lnformaLlon mlghL be ln Lhe
naLure of an advlce order warnlng or counselllng Crders and
warnlngs are dlfferenL from advlce and counselllng by Lhelr very

2 ersuaslon relaLed communlcaLlon ersuaslon ls relaLed Lo
Lhe promoLlonal acLlvlLy of a company lL ls employed Lo
promoLe sales and servlce ersuaslon relaLed communlcaLlon
calls for LacL and an undersLandlng on Lhe parL of Lhe

3 MoLlvaLlon relaLed communlcaLlon A company has Lo
moLlvaLe lLs workforce Lo LurnouL beLLer work lLs cusLomers Lo
buy lLs producL and servlce MoLlvaLlon can be done only by
undersLandlng Lhe mlndseL of Lhe recelver 8uslness
organlzaLlons have Lo conLlnuously resorL Lo moLlvaLlon Lo
succeed ln Lhelr buslness alms

Commun|cat|on ls Lhe process of exchanglng lnformaLlon
beLween Lwo or more parLles ln Lhls process one parLy
LransmlLs message by uslng a medla and Lhe oLher parLy recelves
Lhe message ln Lhe communlcaLlon process lnformaLlon flows
from sender Lo recelver 1hrough parLles one can exchange
hls/her vlews aLLlLudes feellngs news messages lnformaLlon
daLa eLc

LffecLlve CommunlcaLlon
1he ablllLy Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely ls an arL LhaL can be used
ln many areas of your llfe from employmenL and educaLlon Lo
parenLlng and relaLlonshlps An effecLlve communlcaLor Lakes
lnLo accounL Lhe audlence or llsLener recelvlng Lhe message and
communlcaLes accordlngly

GkCU 2 8eneflLs of 8uslness CommunlcaLlon
1 C||ent re|at|ons
LffecLlve communlcaLlon enhances cllenL relaLlons whlch are
cruclal Lo a companys success Lmployees are ambassadors of
Lhe company lf an employee effecLlvely communlcaLes wlLh a
cllenL and answers her quesLlons clearly lL can ralse Lhe cllenLs
confldence ln Lhe company

2 Iob sat|sfact|on
LffecLlve communlcaLlon beLween an employee and hls
supervlsor can boosL an employees [ob saLlsfacLlon by maklng
Lhe employee feel he can make a dlfference lor a manager and
employee Lo communlcaLe effecLlvely Lhe manager musL be
able Lo convey ob[ecLlves and also be able Lo llsLen LlsLenlng Lo
Lhe employee and lmplemenLlng Lhe employees ldeas wlll make
Lhe employee feel he ls a valued conLrlbuLor An employee who
feels valued wlll be a more producLlve Leam member

3 Sav|ng t|me
1lme ln buslness ls cruclal 8elng able Lo choose Lhe proper
meLhod of communlcaLlon phone emall and fax or faceface
conversaLloncan save a company a loL of Llme and money lf
Lhere ls a LlmesenslLlve lssue a faceLoface conversaLlon or a
phone call ls ofLen Lhe besL cholce

4 C|ar|ty
CommunlcaLlng ln an effecLlve way wlll prevenL confuslon lf you
Lhlnk abouL a message before dellverlng lL and anLlclpaLe any
way lL can be mlsconsLrued you wlll be able Lo reflne your
message 1he more clear and conclse you are Lhe more effecLlve
your message wlll be

S Chances for promot|on
lf you are an effecLlve communlcaLor you wlll appear more
organlzed and knowledgeable and lncrease your chances Lo be
promoLed CLhers wlll noLlce

6 Learn how to draw attent|on
1he sender needs Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo whaL he/she ls Lrylng Lo
communlcaLe and choose Lhe besL words and body language Lo
communlcaLe wlLh Lhe recelver needs Lo pay aLLenLlon Lo whaL
ls belng communlcaLed by llsLenlng and waLchlng LffecLlve
communlcaLlon helps Lo exerclse Lhls

7 os|t|ve att|tude
Dslng negaLlve or blamlng words shows a poor aLLlLude whlle
poslLlve word shows a good aLLlLude LffecLlve communlcaLlon
helps Lo keep / bulld up poslLlve aLLlLude

8 Ieedback
8oLh sender and recelver can glve feedback Lo each oLher elLher
by uslng words or by body language 1hls helps Lo show wheLher
Lhe communlcaLlon ls belng undersLood correcLly or noL

9 Lnhanc|ng emp|oyee sat|sfact|on
lf Lhere ls effecLlve communlcaLlon ln Lhe organlzaLlon lL wlll
cerLalnly brlng muLual undersLandlng beLween managemenL and
workers whlch saLlsfy employee of Lhe organlzaLlon

10 Ach|ev|ng goa|s
LffecLlve communlcaLlon helps Lhe employees aL all levels Lo be
consclous and aLLenLlve lL ensures Llmely accompllshmenL of
[obs and easy achlevemenL of goals

11 8u||d|ng 1rust
Lmployees would always feel beLLer and respecLful when you
communlcaLe abouL every small Lhlng happenlng aL Lhe
workplace wlLh Lhem 1hls lays a sLrong foundaLlon for bulldlng
LrusL and confldence beLween you and Lhe employees

Group 3 lorms of CommunlcaLlon
Messages flow lnLo Lhrough and ouL of buslness organlzaLlons
ln a varleLy of ways Lxterna| commun|cat|on flows lnLo and ouL
of Lhe organlzaLlon by boLh tmol means (le carefully
prepared leLLers announcemenLs) and lotmol means (le
meeLlng poLenLlal sales conLacLs aL lndusLry gaLherlngs
neLworklng aL soclal evenLs) nterna| commun|cat|on Lakes
place beLween people lnslde Lhe company lL also has tmol and
lotmol aspecLs
ln a forma| commun|cat|on neLwork lnformaLlon flows along
Lhe llnes of command ln a company's organlzaLlonal sLrucLure
W ootJ cmmoolcotlo flows from execuLlves Lo
W DotJ cmmoolcotlo flows from employees Lo
W tlzotol cmmoolcotlo flows beLween deparLmenLs
Lvery organlzaLlon also has an |nforma| commun|cat|on neLwork
(a toevloe) LhaL operaLes anywhere Lwo or more employees
are ln conLacL Some of Lhls lnformal communlcaLlon Lakes place
naLurally as a resulL of employee lnLeracLlon boLh on Lhe [ob and
ln soclal seLLlngs and some of lL Lakes place when Lhe formal
communlcaLlon neLwork does noL provlde Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL
employees wanL ln Lhe tmol cmmoolcotlo oettk
deflned by Lhe relaLlonshlps beLween Lhe varlous [ob poslLlons ln
Lhe organlzaLlonmessages flow upward downward and
horlzonLally Crapevlnes flourlsh when employees don'L recelve
lnformaLlon Lhey wanL or need

*lanned communlcaLlon among lnslders (such as memos
reporLs emall lnsLanL messages execuLlve blogs conference
calls and presenLaLlons) LhaL follows Lhe companys chaln of
command *lanned communlcaLlon wlLh ouLslders (such as
leLLers reporLs speeches webslLes lnsLanL messages and news
releases adverLlslng and execuLlve blogs) *Casual
communlcaLlon among employees (such as emall lnsLanL
messages faceLoface conversaLlons phone calls Leam blogs
and wlkls) LhaL do noL follow Lhe company's chaln of command
*Casual communlcaLlon wlLh suppllers cusLomers lnvesLors
and oLher ouLslders (such as faceLoface conversaLlons emall
lnsLanL messages phone calls and cusLomersupporL blogs)

1hroughouL Lhe lnLernal formal neLwork lnformaLlon flows ln
Lhree dlrecLlons uownward communlcaLlon flows from
execuLlves Lo employees conveylng execuLlve declslons and
provldlng lnformaLlon LhaL helps employees do Lhelr [obs
Dpward communlcaLlon flows from employees Lo execuLlves
provldlng lnslghL lnLo problems Lrends opporLunlLles
grlevances and performanceLhus allowlng execuLlves Lo solve
problems and make lnLelllgenL declslons PorlzonLal
communlcaLlon flows beLween deparLmenLs Lo help employees
share lnformaLlon coordlnaLe Lasks and solve complex

?ou can have Lhe greaLesL ldeas ln Lhe world buL Lhey're no
good Lo your company or your career lf you can'L express Lhem
clearly and persuaslvely 1o make your messages effecLlve make
Lhem pracLlcal facLual conclse clear and persuaslve

1 rov|de pracLlcal lnformaLlon Clve reclplenLs useful
lnformaLlon wheLher lL's Lo help Lhem perform a
deslred acLlon or undersLand a new company pollcy lor
lnsLance lf you revlew Mena 1roLL's blog
(wwwslxaparLcom/corner) you'll see LhaL every
posLlng helps advance Lhe cause of blogglng ln some
wayand as blogglng conLlnues Lo grow so do Lhe
buslness opporLunlLles for Slx AparL
2 G|ve facLs raLher Lhan vague lmpresslons Dse concreLe
language speclflc deLall and lnformaLlon LhaL ls clear
convlnclng accuraLe and eLhlcal Lven when an oplnlon
ls called for presenL compelllng evldence Lo supporL
your concluslon
3 resent |nformat|on ln a conclse efflclenL manner
PlghllghL Lhe mosL lmporLanL lnformaLlon raLher Lhan
dumplng everyLhlng on Lhe reader Audlences respond
beLLer Lo messages LhaL clarlfy and summarlze
4 C|ar|fy expecLaLlons and responslblllLles WrlLe
messages Lo generaLe a speclflc re sponse from a
speclflc audlence Clearly sLaLe whaL you expecL from
audlence members or whaL you can do for Lhem
3 Cffer compelllng persuaslve argumenLs and
recommendaLlons Show your readers preclsely how
Lhey wlll beneflL from respondlng Lo your message Lhe
way you wanL Lhem Lo

Commun|cat|on ls effecLlve only when Lhe lnLended message ls
undersLood and when lL sLlmulaLes deslred acLlons or
encourages Lhe audlence Lo Lhlnk ln new ways LffecLlve
communlcaLlon ylelds a number of lmporLanL beneflLs for you
and your company 8LNLI1S
W SLronger declslon maklng based on Llmely rellable
W lasLer problem solvlng ln whlch less Llme ls spenL on
undersLandlng problems and more Llme ls spenL on
creaLlng soluLlons
W Larller warnlng of poLenLlal problems from rlslng
buslness cosLs Lo crlLlcal safeLy lssues
W lncreased producLlvlLy and lower cosLs
W SLronger buslness relaLlonshlps

Group 4 Challenges of 8uslness CommunlcaLlon
1 CloballzaLlon of buslness and lncreased workforce dlverslLy
2 1he lncreaslng value of lnformaLlon
3 1he pervaslveness of Lechnology
4 1he evoluLlon of organlzaLlonal sLrucLures
3 1he growlng rellance on Leamwork

CloballzaLlon of buslness and lncreased workforce dlverslLy
1oday's buslnesses lncreaslngly reach across lnLernaLlonal
borders Lo markeL Lhelr producLs parLner wlLh oLher buslnesses
and employ workers and execuLlvesan efforL known as
g|oba||zat|on As people and producLs cross borders buslnesses
of all shapes and slzes are paylng more aLLenLlon Lo workforce
d|vers|tydlfferences among Lhe people ln Lhe workplace
lncludlng age gender sexual orlenLaLlon educaLlon culLural
background llfe experlence and so on
Successful companles reallze Lwo lmporLanL facLs
1 1he more dlverse Lhelr workforce Lhe more aLLenLlon Lhey
need Lo pay Lo communlcaLlon
2 A dlverse workforce can yleld slgnlflcanL compeLlLlve
advanLages Lhrough new ldeas and new communlcaLlon skllls

lncreaslng value of 8uslness lnformaLlon
As compeLlLlon for [obs cusLomers and resources conLlnues Lo
grow Lhe lmporLance of lnformaLlon conLlnues Lo escalaLe An
organlzaLlon's lnformaLlon ls now every blL as lmporLanL as lLs
oLher resources 1herefore Loday's companles rely on
knowledge workers Lo acqulre process and communlcaLe
1he lnformaLlon you wlll be expecLed Lo communlcaLe
addresses key areas such as Lhe followlng
Compet|t|ve |ns|ghts 1he more a company knows abouL lLs
compeLlLors and Lhelr plans Lhe beLLer able lL wlll be Lo ad[usL lLs
own buslness plans
Customer needs MosL companles lnvesL slgnlflcanL Llme and
money ln Lhe efforL Lo undersLand Lhelr cusLomers 1hls
lnformaLlon musL be analyzed and summarlzed ln order Lo
develop goods and servlces LhaL saLlsfy Lhelr needs
kegu|at|ons and gu|de||nes 1oday's buslnesses musL comply
wlLh a wlde range of governmenL regulaLlons coverlng areas
such as employmenL envlronmenL Laxes and accounLlng no
maLLer whaL Lype of lnformaLlon Lhe beLLer you are able Lo
undersLand lL use lL and communlcaLe lL Lo oLhers Lhe more
compeLlLlve you and your company wlll be

ervaslve 1echnology
1echnology lnfluences vlrLually every aspecL of Lhe fleld 1o
beneflL from Lhls Lechnology however you need Lo have aL leasL
a baslc level of skllls lf your level of Lechnlcal experLlse does noL
keep up wlLh LhaL of your colleagues and coworkers Lhe
lmbalance can puL you aL a dlsadvanLage and compllcaLe Lhe
communlcaLlon process
CommunlcaLlonSklll 8equlremenLsCompeLlLlve AdvanLage

CrganlzaLlonal LvoluLlon
Lvery buslness has a parLlcular sLrucLure LhaL deflnes Lhe
relaLlonshlps beLween Lhe people and deparLmenLs wlLhln Lhe
organlzaLlon 1hese relaLlonshlps ln Lurn affecL Lhe naLure and
quallLy of communlcaLlon LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon
1a|| structures have many layers of managemenL beLween Lhe
lowesL and hlghesL poslLlons CommunlcaLlon sLrucLures are well
deflned buL messages can be delayed as Lhey are passed up and
down Lhrough mulLlple layers
1o overcome such problems many buslnesses are adopLlng f|at
structures LhaL reduce Lhe number of layers 1he fewer Lhe llnks
ln Lhe communlcaLlon chaln Lhe less llkely LhaL
mlsundersLandlngs wlll occur
ln Lhe pursulL of speed and aglllLy some buslnesses have
adopLed f|ex|b|e structures LhaL pool Lhe LalenLs of Lhelr
employees and exLernal buslness parLners

8egardless of Lhe sLrucLure a company uses communlcaLlon
efforLs wlll also be lnfluenced by Lhe organlzaLlon's corporate
cu|ture LhaL ls Lhe mlxLure of values LradlLlons and hablLs LhaL
glve a company lLs aLmosphere and personallLy
1he growlng rellance on Leamwork
8oLh LradlLlonal and lnnovaLlve company sLrucLures can rely
heavlly on Leamwork so you wlll probably flnd yourself on
dozens of Leams LhroughouL your career
1eams are commonly used ln buslness Loday buL Lhey are noL
always successfuland a key reason LhaL Leams fall Lo meeL
Lhelr ob[ecLlves ls poor communlcaLlon Worklng ln a Leam
makes you even more responslble for communlcaLlng

Group S
A process of lnLeracLlon and lnLegraLlon
Worklng wlLh eople from ulfferenL CulLures
Coplng wlLh AnLlcaplLallsL 8acklash
MovemenL of !obs Lo CounLrles wlLh LowCosL Labor

Workforce ulverslLy
lncludes all Lhe characLerlsLlcs LhaL deflne people as lndlvlduals
a workforce LhaLs heLerogeneous ln Lerms of gender eLhnlclLy
age and oLher characLerlsLlcs LhaL reflecL dlfferences

lL's one Lhlng Lo be able Lo con[ugaLe a verb lL's a very dlfferenL
Lhlng Lo be able Lo walk lnLo a sales slLuaLlon and persuade LhaL
cusLomer Lo buy your servlce or Lo glve a presenLaLlon LhaL
people undersLand and are lmpacLed by 1hese are Lhe buslness
ouLcomes we're focused on" Peldl Lorenzen LdlLorlal ulrecLor
of 1MC Croup

lnLerculLural communlcaLlon
ls Lhe process of sendlng and recelvlng messages beLween
people whose culLural backgrounds could lead Lhem Lo lnLerpreL
verbal and nonverbal slgns dlfferenLly

1PL AuvAn1ACLS Cl A ulvL8SL WC8klC8CL

1he dlverslLy of Loday's workforce brlngs dlsLlncL advanLages Lo
*A broader range of vlews and ldeas
*A beLLer undersLandlng of dlverse fragmenLed markeLs
*A broader pool of LalenLs from whlch Lo recrulL
lvetslty ls slmly o oct lle t oll cmooles

1PL AuvAn1ACLS Cl A ulvL8SL WC8klC8CL

1he dlverslLy of Loday's workforce brlngs dlsLlncL advanLages Lo
*A broader range of vlews and ldeas
*A beLLer undersLandlng of dlverse fragmenLed markeLs
*A broader pool of LalenLs from whlch Lo recrulL
ulverslLy ls slmply a facL of llfe for all companles

1oday's lncreaslngly dlverse workforce encompasses a wlde
range of skllls LradlLlons backgrounds experlences ouLlooks
and aLLlLudes Loward work
1he lnLeracLlon of culLure and communlcaLlon
CommunlcaLlon among people of dlverse culLural backgrounds
llfe experlences are noL always easy buL dolng lL successfully can
creaLe Lremendous sLraLeglc advanLages
CulLure lnfluences everyLhlng abouL communlcaLlon

CulLure lnfluences
nonverbal slgnals
Word meanlng
1lme and space lssues
8ules of human relaLlonshlps

LnPAnClnC ?CD8 SLnSl1lvl1? 1C CDL1D8L Anu ulvL8Sl1?
Already an experL ln Lhe culLure we grew up wlLh
Able Lo undersLand how socleLy works
Able Lo undersLand how people are expecLed Lo communlcaLe
Able Lo undersLand whaL common gesLures and faclal
expresslons mean

8Au nLWS
CommunlcaLlon ls largely auLomaLlc
you rarely sLop Lo Lhlnk abouL Lhe communlcaLlon ls becomlng
more aware of Lhese rules and of Lhe way Lhey lnfluence your

DnuL8S1AnulnC 1PL CCnCL1 Cl CDL1D8L
CulLure ls a shared sysLem of symbols bellefs aLLlLudes values
expecLaLlons and norms for behavlor
We belong Lo several culLures each of whlch affecLs Lhe way you

1 Lxplaln why effecLlve communlcaLlon ls lmporLanL Lo your
success ln Loday's buslness envlronmenL ?our ablllLy Lo
communlcaLe wlll lnfluence people's percepLlons of you as a
buslness professlonal Moreover because your communlcaLlon
plays a key role ln efforLs Lo lmprove efflclency quallLy
responslveness and lnnovaLlon your communlcaLlon affecLs
your company's success As your career advances and you
achleve poslLlon of greaLer responslblllLy and leadershlp wlLh an
organlzaLlon communlcaLlon wlll become an lncreaslngly vlslble
and lmporLanL parL of your [ob

2 uescrlbe Lhe flve characLerlsLlcs of effecLlve buslness
communlcaLlon 1o be effecLlve buslness messages musL be
pracLlcal provldlng Lhe lnformaLlon LhaL recelvers need
LffecLlve messages elLher leave ouL personal lmpresslons or
supporL such oplnlons wlLh ob[ecLlve facLs
LffecLlve buslness communlcaLlon ls also conclse lL clarlfles and
condenses lnformaLlon ln a way LhaL helps Lhe recelver see and
undersLand Lhe mosL lmporLanL lssues LffecLlve messages are
also clear abouL expecLaLlons 1hey sLaLe preclse responslblllLles
Lo ellmlnaLe confuslon over who needs Lo do whaL nexL llnally
effecLlve messages are persuaslve when necessary convlnclng
oLhers Lo accepL Lhe sender's ldeas or recommendaLlons

3 ldenLlfy seven communlcaLlon skllls LhaL successful employers
expecL from Lhelr employees Lmployers expecL employees Lo
have skllls such as organlzlng ldeas and lnformaLlon coherenLly
and compleLely expresslng and presenLlng ldeas and
lnformaLlon coherenLly and persuaslvely llsLenlng Lo oLhers
effecLlvely communlcaLlng effecLlvely wlLh people from dlverse
backgrounds and experlences uslng communlcaLlon
Lechnologles effecLlvely and efflclenLly communlcaLlng ln a
clvlllzed manner LhaL reflecLs conLemporary expecLaLlons of
buslness eLlqueLLe and communlcaLlng eLhlcally even when
cholces aren'L crysLal clear

4 LlsL flve ways ln whlch buslness communlcaLlon dlffers from
soclal communlcaLlon 8uslness communlcaLlon dlffers from
soclal communlcaLlon because lL ls affecLed by Lhe ongolng
globallzaLlon of buslness and Lhe lncreaslng recognlLlon of Lhe
value of workforce dlverslLy Lhe growlng lmporLance LhaL many
buslnesses place on lnformaLlon Lhe pervaslveness of
Lechnology LhroughouL boLh lnLernal and exLernal
communlcaLlon Lhe growlng rellance on Leamwork and Lhe
evoluLlon of organlzaLlonal sLrucLures lnLo flaLLer and more
flexlble arrangemenLs

MW 8lzcom31 Archle

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