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Precalculus Study Guide Test One Term Trigonometry Angles

Joseph Taglic

Standard Position Point Ray Degrees Radians Coterminal Angles Quadrantal Angular Speed Reference Angle Unit Circle Identity Period Midline Amplitude Domain Range Asymptote

Interval Notation

Definition Measurement of Triangles Intersection of 2 rays; measured in rotation from the positive x-axis: Counter-Clockwise: + Clockwise: An angle in standard position has one ray as the positive x-axis and its vertex as the origin. Location without breadth nor width One endpoint, continues in one direction without end Measurement for angles, 360 degrees in one full rotation Measurement for angles as a ratio between the radius and an arc of a circle; = arc length/radius length ; One rotation = 2 Angles that share their initial and terminal sides An angle with the terminal side on an axis Speed of rotation, Angular Speed = /time Angle from a ray to the x-axis. 0<</2 Circle with radius of one and x-axis as the center Holds true under any circumstances, verify IDs by changing one side to form the other without props of = The distance it takes for a function to repeat itself The horizontal line which a function of sine or cosine goes through and intersects at regular intervals. The distance from the midline of a sinusoidal function to one extreme All possible x-values for a function All possible y-values for a function A vertical line which a function can never touch (the y-value would be undefined). The y-value of a function gets either larger and larger or smaller and smaller as the fcn approaches the asymptote. Method of denoting range or domain. Brackets include, parentheses exclude. Infinity is always excluded.

+ 2n gives any coterminal angle to , as n always represents an integer Every point on the unit circle satisfies the equation On the unit circle, sin = y cos = x tan = y/x csc = 1/y sec = 1/x cot = x/y

Reciprocal Identities:

Quotient Identities:

Pythagorean Identity: And Therefore, and

In the Cartesian plane, there exist four quadrants, numbered I-IV from upper right counterclockwise to lower right. In Quadrant I, all trigonometric functions are positive In Quadrant II, sine (and, by extension, cosecant) are the only positive trig fcns In Quadrant III, tangent and cotangent are the only positive trig fcns In Quadrant IV, cosine and secant are the only positive trig fcns o All Students Take Calculus To verify (prove) an identity, we must get one side to look like the other WITHOUT using the properties of equality. The angle of elevation is the angle from a line (usually the ground) upwards and the angle of depression is the angle from a line (usually a line of sight) downwards. BEST FRIEND CHART 0 /6 /4 /3 /2 3/2 Sin 0 22 3/2 1 0 -1 Cos 1 3/2 22 0 -1 0 Tangent 0 3/3 1 3 Undefined 0 Undefined

You can use the Identities on the previous page and listed above to find all trig functions given one value and the quadrant Given sine, find cos using Pythagorean ID. Sin/cos = tan, and then use recip ID for the rest Given cos, same thing as sine Given tan, use the extra to the Pyth ID to find sec, find recips of the two, find cos using Pyth ID Given anything else, find its reciprocal, which will be one of the above

A regular sine graph starts at the midline, curves up first, then curves down below the midline, comes back up to the midline, and repeats itself. The equation of a sine function looks like: ( ) )) ( ( If a is positive (the function is positive), the function curves up first and then down If a is negative (the function is negative), the function curves down first and then up The amplitude = absolute value of a = the period c = the horizontal shift d = the vertical shift The domain of a sine graph is all real numbers The range of a sine graph is everything between the extremes To find start and/or endpoints for a sine graph, set the portion within the parentheses equal to zero and solve for x. The graph will repeat itself after every period. How do the positive graphs look? Sine = starts at midline, curves up then down, then back up to the midline Cosine = starts at greater extreme, curves down then comes back up to the extreme The graph of y = tan(x) is very different from both sine and cosine. The period is pi. The midline is still y=0. There is NO amplitude. Rather than amplitude, there are asymptotes (see definition). ( ) The asymptotes of y = tan(x) are
The domain of a graph of tangent is everything except the asymptotes aka *

( )+

The range of a graph of tangent is all real numbers (scrolling R aka R with two lines)

A normal graph of tangent starts pointing down near the first asymptote, curves out and meets the midline halfway between the asymptotes, and curves out and keeps going but never touches the second asymptote. The equation of a tangent function looks like: ( ) ( ( ))

If a is positive, tangent is pointed down on the left and up on the right If a is negative, tangent is pointed up on the left and down on the right a determines how steep the graph is = the period

c is the horizontal shift d is the vertical shift To find the asymptotes, set the portion in parentheses equal to pi/2 . The solution for x will be the first asymptote. Add the period * an integer to find all asymptotes of the function. This is because a graph of tangent repeats itself after every period.

The graph of cotangent is a backwards graph of tangent (left-up and right-down) with asymptotes at x = 0 + pi The graph of y = cos (x) is an entirely new idea. The period is 2pi, but there is a length of pi between asymptotes. The midline is still the x-axis Again, there is no amplitude The asymptotes start at zero and are found every pi units apart The domain is everything but the asymptotes The range is everything except what is between the lowest point of the up-curve and the highest point of the down-curve.

The first half of the normal graph of cosecant (starting from the y-axis) starts at the point halfway between the first two asymptotes, on the corresponding y-value (for y = cos(x), this is 1) and curves up in both directions. The second half of the normal graph of cosecant starts at the point halfway between the second two asymptotes and the corresponding y-value (for y = cos(x), this is -1), and curves down in both directions. THIS NEVER TOUCHES THE ASYMPTOTE. The equation of a cosecant function looks like: ( ) ( ( ))

If a is positive, the first and second quadrants cosecants curve up and the second and third quadrants cosecants curve down If a is negative, the opposite happens a determines at what point the curve starts and how steep the curve is. (the higher a is, the steeper the curve) 2pi/b determines the period c is the horizontal shift d is the vertical shift Find the asymptotes by setting the portion in parentheses equal to zero for csc or -pi/2 for sec (giving you the asymptote after which the curve up occurs), then adding (period/2) * (an integer, written as n). This is because 3 asymptotes, rather than 2, make up a period.

The graph of secant is identical to that of the one for cosecant, but it is shifted horizontally. Ex: For y = csc(x), the first curve up begins at (pi/2,1) and curves up in both directions. For y = sec(x), the first curve up begins at (0,1) and curves up in both directions.

One period of y = sin(x)

One period of y = cos (x)

Three and a half periods of y = tan(x)

Four periods of y = cot(x)

Just about 2 periods of y = csc(x)

2 periods of y = sec(x)

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