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Pelwan unlverslLy

laculLy of Lnglneerlng
uep LlecLrlc ower and Machlne Lnglneerlng

CuallflcaLlon exam reporL on
AppllcaLlon of lnducLlon and Synchronous Machlnes ln fleld of
Wlnd Lnergy

under Supervlslon of

rof ur l 8endary
rof ur Sollman M Sharaf
rof ur Sald Ll Masry

repared by
MosLafa M Passan

Module 1
Wlnd 1urblnes and SysLems

Course OutIine

Wind Energy

Wind Turbines and Wind Energy Penetration

Energy of Wind

Wind Turbines and Systems

Basic Power Electronic Converters for Wind Turbines

Wind Generators

Key Parts of Wind Turbine for Power Flow:

Can We
Wlnd speed
lncreases wlLh
helghL above
dlameLer can
Can we go hlgher Lhan 100m?
lnLroduces LransporLaLlon consLralnLs ln mosL
Max Lraller dlmenslon ls 41m (P) x 26m (W)
8equlres large cranes LhaL are noL readlly avallable
roduces a new seL of Lechnlcal and envlronmenLal
roblems (lmpacL on grld wake eLc)
1wo 8lades 1urblnes
8uns aL fasL speed Lo lmprove 5
earbox raLlo ls reduced
8 lades easler Lo assembled on ground
lor Lhe same wlnd speed Lhe Lwoblade sysLem capLures less power Lhan Lhe Lhreeblade sysLem
CreaLes gyroscoplc lmbalances (bendlng momenL due Lo Lower wlnd shade)
Plgher speed means more nolse
Plgher raLe of blrd colllslon
8endlng MomenLs (2blade)
When one blade ls aL Lhe Lop lL ls recelvlng Lhe 2,i2u2 force
f Lhe wlnd
1he boLLom blade ls ln Lhe shadow of Lhe Lower Lhus recelvlng
ess force
1he forces are noL balanced aL hub
1orque on Lhe hub ls pulsaLlng Lhus sLresslng Lhe hub gears

1hree8lade 1urblne
Slow roLaLlon
1hree blades capLure more energy 1han Lwo blades for Lhe same wlnd speed
yroscoplc forces are beLLer balanced
More aesLheLlc less nolse fewer blrd colllslons
Slower roLaLlon lncreases gearbox cosLs and roLor cannoL fully assembled on Lhe ground
8endlng MomenLs (3blade)
1he boLLom blade ln Lhe shadow of Lhe Lower recelves Iess th,n the 2,i2u2 force
1he oLher Lwo blades are noL ln Lhe verLlcal poslLlon so Lhey also recelve Iess th,n the
2,i2u2 force
1he forces are almosL balanced aL Lhe hub

Why noL 3 or 7 8lades?
More expenslve
lncrease wlnd wall effecL
8educLlon of wlnd speed ln fronL of Lhe blades Lhus reduclng Lhe
amounL of energy LhaL can be capLured by Lhe blade

lLch ?aw and leaLher ConLrol
MosL Lurblnes operaLe aL wlnd speed of 12 30 mph
!itch ControI
1o maxlmlze 5
8educe 5 when wlnd speed produces power hlgher Lhan Lhe raLlng of Lhe Lurblne
8egulaLe Lhe ouLpuL power of Lhe Lurblne as parL of grld conLrol acLlon
, ControI
1o allgn Lhe roLor Lo face Lhe wlnd
1o lock Lhe blades aL hlgh wlnd speeds

lacLors AffecLlng Wlnd eneraLlon

Wlnd speed and lengLh of wlnd season
MosL wlnd Lurblnes operaLe aL 4 16 m/s

ulameLer of roLaLlng blades
1he power capLured ls proporLlonal Lo Lhe square of Lhe radlus
a 10 lncrease ln Lhe blade lengLh wlll resulL ln 21 lncrease ln Lhe power

Lfflclency of wlnd Lurblne componenLs
lLch conLrol
WlLh plLch conLrol p Lhe 1S8 can be ad[usLed Lo produce power aL a wlde
range of wlnd speeds

?aw ConLrol
MosL wlnd Lurblnes are equlpped wlLh yaw mechanlsm Lo keep Lhe blades
faclng lnLo Lhe wlnd as Lhe wlnd dlrecLlon changes
Some Lurblnes are deslgned Lo operaLe on downwlnd Lhese Lurblnes donL
need yaw mechanlsms as Lhe wlnd allgns Lhese Lurblnes

ArrangemenL of Lhe Lurblnes (array effecL)
Lhe blades of Lhe fronL Lurblnes creaLe wakes of LurbulenL wlnd LhaL can reach
Lhe rare Lurblnes
efflclency ls reduced when wlnd ls LurbulenL

8ellablllLy and malnLenance
1he cosL of elecLrlclLy generaLed by Lhe wlnd farm ls a funcLlon of
CaplLal cosL land use malnLenance and conLracLual arrangemenL
1he early deslgns of wlnd Lurblnes were hlgh malnLenance
machlnes as well as cosL lneffecLlve sysLems
newer deslgns have rellablllLy raLe around 98 percenL

Wind Atlas for Egypt

The Wind Atlas Ior Egypt represents a signiIicant step Iorward in the application oI
the wind atlas methodology in Egypt. Not only does it provide a coherent and consistent
overview oI the wind energy resource over the entire land (and sea) area oI
Egypt, the results oI the mesoscale modelling are Iurther available in a database
(numerical wind atlas) that may be employed directly Ior detailed wind resource
assessments and siting oI wind turbines and wind Iarms. Utilising this database
together with elevation maps derived Irom the Space Shuttle Topography Mission and
land-use maps constructed Irom satellite imagery, the wind resource and likely power
production oI a given wind Iarm can be estimated in a matter oI hours anywhere in Egypt.

nshore vs ffshore Wlnd 1urblnes
nshore wlnd farms are ofLen sub[ecL Lo resLrlcLlons and ob[ecLlons ob[ecLlons based on Lhelr negaLlve
vlsual lmpacL or nolse resLrlcLlons assoclaLed wlLh obsLrucLlons (bulldlngs mounLalns eLc) landuse
dlspuLes or llmlLed avallablllLy of lands
1hese reasons may explaln parL of Lhe growlng lmporLance of offshore sysLems buL parL of Lhe
explanaLlon concerns genulne advanLages of Lhe offshore Lurblnes namely hlgher and more consLanL
wlnd speeds and consequenLly hlgher efflclencles
AdvanLages f nshore Wlnd 1urblnes
Powever onshore wlnd sysLems may also have some advanLages over offshore wlnd farms
cheaper foundaLlons
cheaper lnLegraLlon wlLh Lhe elecLrlcalgrld neLwork
cheaper lnsLallaLlon and access durlng Lhe consLrucLlon phase
cheaper and easler access for operaLlon and malnLenance
8esldes small and mlnl wlnd Lurblnes (whlch are necessarlly onshore appllcaLlons) cover a seL of needs
and goals LhaL offshore wlnd farms canL

ind Energy !enetr,tion

Energy !enetr,tion (EP)
8aLlo of Lhe energy dellvered from wlnd generaLlon Lo Lhe LoLal energy dellvered

C,5,city !enetr,tion (P)
8aLlo of Lhe nameplaLe raLlng of Lhe wlnd planL capaclLy Lo Lhe peak sysLem load

nst,nt,neous !enetr,tion (P)
8aLlo of Lhe wlnd planLs ouLpuL Lo sysLem load aL a speclflc polnL ln Llme or over a shorL perlod of Llme

Module 2
Lnergy of Wlnd
klneLlc Lnergy of Alr

Alr uenslLy
T Alr LemperaLure ln Celslus
h elevaLlon of Lhe wlnd above Lhe sea level ln meLers

Alr ower uenslLy () ln W/m2

8eLz LlmlL
noL all of Lhe energy presenL ln a sLream of movlng alr can be exLracLed
8ulldlng a wall would sLop Lhe alr and no more energy can be obLalned
1he maxlmum LheoreLlcal energy LhaL can be exLracLed from a sLream ls 39

1lp speed raLlo (1S8)

CoefflclenL of erformance
1he blades of Lhe wlnd Lurblne only capLure parL of Lhe avallable wlnd energy

lor flxed plLch angle when wlnd speed changes 5 changes

varlable lLch Angle

lor varlable speed wlnd Lurblne when wlnd speed changes
1he plLch angle ls changed Lo keep .lose to maximum

1urblne Wake
Wlnd Lurblnes produce wakes downsLream
1urblne locaLed behlnd anoLher recelve LurbulenL wlnd (wakes)
Wakes roblems
1urblnes are less efflclenL ln LurbulenL wlnds and exposed Lo slgnlflcanL dynamlc

1ypes of Wlnd 1urblne SysLems
Wlnd 1urblne 1echnologles
Asynchronous eneraLor (lnducLlon Machlne)
Squlrrel Cage lnducLlon eneraLor (SCl)
Wound 8oLor lnducLlon generaLor (W8l)
Synchronous eneraLor (S)

no ConLrol
llxed vA8 compensaLlon
lnLernal volLage and var conLrol
LxLernal fllcker and reacLlve power conLrols
lLch conLrol
AC parLlclpaLlon
SLablllLy and rlde Lhrough faulL
1ypes of W1

%ype 1:
Squlrrel cage lnducLlon generaLor
dlrecLly coupled Lo Lhe grld May have
plLch conLrol

%ype 2:
Wound roLor lnducLlon machlne wlLh
exLernal roLor reslsLance conLrol

%ype 3:
Wound roLor uoublyfed lnducLlon
generaLor (volLage ln[ecLed ln Lhe roLor

%ype 4:
Synchronous or lnducLlon generaLor
Lhe sLaLor ls connecLed Lo Lhe grld vla
power converLer

Module 3
8aslc ower LlecLronlc ConverLers for Wlnd 1urblnes

Types oI Converters

1- AC/DC Converter

a) 3-phase, AC/DC Rectifier

DC Voltage (V rms)


b) 3-phase, AC/DC Converter


When S5 and S6 are closed

- DC/AC Converter

Fist time interval Second time interval

Voltage WaveIorms across Load

- AC/AC Converters

Control Parameters


Module 4
Wlnd eneraLors
1ypes of Wlnd 1urblne eneraLors (W1)

Asynchronous eneraLor (lnducLlon Machlne)
Squlrrel Cage lnducLlon eneraLor (SCl)
Wound 8oLor lnducLlon generaLor (W8l)

Synchronous eneraLor (S)
nduction Generator
1ype1 Squlrrel Cage 8oLor

8aslc 8elaLlonshlps

Maln AdvanLages of SCl
- Maln AdvanLages
8ugged machlne requlres llLLle malnLenance
1he leasL expenslve opLlon among all oLher wlnd sysLems
Selfsynchronlzed wlLh Lhe power grld no synchronlzaLlon equlpmenL

- Maln dlsadvanLages
8eacLlve power demand ls hlgh
llucLuaLlons ln volLage
LlmlLed conLrol acLlons
8eacLlve ower
1he lnducLlon machlne has no fleld clrculL
draws slgnlflcanL amounL of reacLlve power from Lhe grld
1he magnlLude of Lhe reacLlve power lmporLed from Lhe grld
Could exceed Lhe magnlLude of Lhe generaLed real power

1he reacLlve power ls dependenL on Lhe speed of Lhe Lurblne
So lL ls conLlnuously changlng
1he volLage aL Lhe wlnd farm could sag and fllcker

ound Rotor Gener,tor (RG)
Maln ConflguraLlons
1ype2 WlLh roLor reslsLance
1ype3 uoubly led lnducLlon eneraLor (ull)

1ype 2 W8l wlLh 8oLor 8eslsLance

1ype 3 ull

ullM / SLlLnergy 8ecovery

8eacLlve ower ConLrol
8eacLlve power p aL Lhe Lermlnals of Lhe generaLor can be conLrolled
1he source of Lhe reacLlve power ls from Lhe capaclLor ln Lhe dc llnk of Lhe ac/dc/ac converLer

Synchronous eneraLor

uLpuL power can be generaLed aL any frequency
1he AC/AC converLer converLs Lhe frequency of Lhe ouLpuL power Lo Lhe
frequency of Lhe grld
1o effecLlvely capLure Lhe power Lhe generaLor should be a low speed Lype
1he generaLor has large number of poles
1he dlameLer of Lhe generaLor ls large (410m)
1he generaLor can be qulLe heavy
1o reduce Lhe slze of Lhe generaLor rare earLh permanenL magneL can be used
36 pole 4m dlameLer machlne ls belng LesLed
SamarlumCobalL maLerlal can produce sLrong magneLlc fleld
1hese maLerlal are used ln several appllcaLlons LhaL requlres reduced machlne
AlrcrafL conLrol
Medlcal equlpmenL
AdvanLages of rare earLh permanenL magneL maLerlal
roduces sLrong magneLlc flelds
Plgh power/volume raLlo LhaL makes Lhem among Lhe smallesL machlnes
unllke Lhe ferrlLe maLerlal Lhe rare earLh permanenL magneL be easlly
demagneLlzed cannoL
lL can be used for appllcaLlons LhaL requlre heavy currenLs or lnrush currenLs
durlng sLarLlng and braklng

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