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APUSH Ch 1-5 Topic Outline

1. Discovery and Settlement oI the New World, 1492-1650

A. Europe in the 16
a. Basic Rendition oI what went down
i. Crusades make Europe Iond oI Asian stuII
ii. Transport oI Asian goods to Europe is expensive
iii. Portugal sails to many places i.e. AIrica and Asia Ior slaves, gold, spices, etc.
iv. Europeans really want sugar
v. Spain unites and becomes a power
vi. Wanting to compete with Portugal, Spain starts sailing
vii. Columbus tries to sail to Asia (Fails)
viii. New world is 'discovered
B. Spanish, English, and French exploration
a. Spanish
i. Enslaved a whole ton oI N.A`s, killed the rest with disease or via conquering
ii. 90 oI N.A`s died Irom diseases
iii. Spain got a ton oI gold, as well as bringing back crops like potatoes and corn, as well as embarrassing diseases such as
iv. Pretty much just conquered everyone Irom Latin America to around New Mexico and Arizona
b. English
i. Establish colonies Irom various charters
ii. Most people were 'gentlemen who couldn`t do work so they all died (almost)
iii. Ransacks N.A`s and takes their land (a lot)
iv. Rather unsuccessIul except Ior Tobacco
c. French
i. Most were Iur traders
ii. Did their work in Canada Ior the most part
iii. Were rather successIul at coexisting with the Natives
1. They interbred
2. Pretty much the only place where conversion was actually successIul
iv. Got very little proIit
v. Rather unsuccessIul compared to Spain and England, although it`s probably a personal Iavorite oI mine iI that counts Ior
C. First English settlements
i. Jamestown
a. Very unsuccessIul initially
b. Most people hired to come were gentlemen hunting Ior gold
c. Most colonials died Irom diseases or hunger
d. A man actually salted and ate his wiIe
e. John RolIe basically came in and smacked some sense into them and made them do work
I. John RolIe also Iigured out how to make Tobacco grow the way he wanted, and thereIore, Jamestown became
economically successIul
ii. Plymouth
a. Settled by pilgrims seeking religious Ireedom
b. The pilgrims thought that the protestant reIormation was not complete
c. 'First Thanksgiving occurred here
d. Mainly traded wood/logs
D. Spanish and French settlements and long-term inIluence
a. Spain
i. InIluenced the majority oI Latin America into their language
ii. Created a new race oI Spanish Aztecs (Mexicans)
iii. Converted much oI the people into Christianity
iv. A lot oI cultural inIluence on the area
b. French
i. Rather little long term inIluence
ii. Learned Iur trading I suppose
E. American Indians
a. Majority died Irom disease
b. Were killed by English and Spanish colonies
c. North American N.A`s Irequently had battles with the English colonies
d. Spanish conquests ransacked most oI the N.A`s land.
2. America and the British Empire, 1650-1754
A. Chesapeake country
a. Low Death Expectancy, i.e. halI oI the people didn`t see their twenties
b. Grew a ton oI tobacco
c. Initially had a lot oI white indenture servants, however, aIter wages increased in Britain, the use oI black slaves became more
d. A bunch oI men took part in what is considered the Bacon Rebellion due to the nice government policies towards the N.A`s
B. Growth oI New England
a. New England was a lot more church based
b. Rather against Slavery
c. Ground was not Iertile
d. Relied mostly on wood and Iishing Ior economy
e. Salem Witch trials occurred due to mostly social and economic tensions
C. Restoration colonies
a. Pennsylvania
i. Very tolerant oI other races and religions
ii. Ruled by Quakers
iii. This actually led to their downIall as their openness actually invited people to abuse them
iv. Penn`s son also wasn`t as tolerable as he was
b. Carolina
i. More agriculture based
ii. Needed a lot oI slaves to run the stereotypical plantation
iii. Not as open as Pennsylvania was
D. Mercantilism; the Dominion oI New England
a. Basically, the Colonies were only allowed to trade with England
b. The Colonies had to buy English goods Ior a much higher price
c. It was not an equilibrium leading to the later shiIt into Capitalism
d. The Colonies really hated this, especially when Britain started enIorcing various restriction acts and prohibited smuggling
E. Origins oI Slavery
a. Mainly came Irom Arab and AIrican customs
b. Portuguese expanded on this idea when they had a lot oI power
c. Spain used slaves Ior various West Indies sugar plantations
d. British colonies grew accustomed to slaves when the wages Ior white British workers increase.
e. The British colonies also used slaves Ior labor on cotton plantations as well as tobacco ones.
I. Northern English Colonies did not rely on slaves as much
3. Colonial Society in the Mid-Eighteenth Century
A. Social Structure
a. Family
i. Males held the most power
ii. Females were baby making machines
iii. Family was very much stressed in New England
iv. In the Chesapeake area, most men died in their 20`s
b. Farm and town liIe; the economy
i. New England did not have much oI a Iarm liIe
ii. They depended more on Iishing Ior example
iii. Virginia was based heavily on Tobacco
iv. Southern Colonies had an economy based more on Cotton
v. Don`t Iorget other Iun Iacts like their trade oI indigo or the Colonists` tendency to smuggle
B. Culture
a. Great Awakening
i. Jacobus said that people went to heaven Ior their Iaith, not their deeds
ii. This increased competition between churches
b. The American mind
i. The Colonies became more democratic than their British counterparts
ii. Although it wasn`t a pure democracy, white male, property owners, under the correct religion could vote on issues
c. 'Folkways
i. Contrary to popular belieI, Colonial liIe was rather tedious and had various downsides oI their time
ii. There were *some* holidays
C. New Immigrants
a. The Americas became a sort oI melting pot
b. Most people started having a mix oI various European ancestries
c. European culture was diIIused (more or less)

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