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Colegio Alberto Blest Gana Jvenes emprendedores para el siglo XXI Coordinacin Acadmica


Hacer referencia a hbitos en pasado (past simple/continuous) Hacer y responder preguntas de informacin con adverbios interrogativos (what, where, when, who, why, how) Reconocer y hacer comparaciones (more than/ the most) Leer textos comprensivamente, identificando ideas principales y detalles

Part 1: Reading Comprehension

How to grow healthy

Tip 1 First of all, you should get enough sleep for a Young person who needs lots of energy in the morning. Next, get some good breakfast. Breakfast is a meal that fills your "empty tank" after a long night without food and it can help you do better in school. You can eat easy-to prepare breakfasts that include cold cereal with fruit and low-fat milk, whole-wheat toast, yoghurt with fruit, or an egg sandwich. Tip 2 Would you rather take a bus or ask your parents to drive you to school? But if your school is not too far why don't you invite a group of friends who can all walk with you when you go to school? It can be fun talking along the way. Tip 3 What's your favourite snack: chocolate or cookies? If you snack all the time on salty crisps or sugary cookies it's not the right kind of food in the middle of the morning. Choose snacks that come from different food groups which may be a glass of low-fat milk, an apple or celery sticks with peanut butter and raisins, or some dry cereal. If you eat smart at most meals then cookies, chips and candy are OK for occasional snacking Tip 4 Do you prefer exercising or sitting in front of a TV? Would you rather go for a bike ride or read a book? Vigorous work-out is good for you because when you breathe hard your heart works better, you have more energy and you look and feel your best. Start with warm-up exercises that stretch your muscles and include 20 minutes of aerobic activity, such as running or dancing. Do it in a gym or in the park, where you can also meet your friends Tip 5 You don't have to give up foods like hamburgers, and ice cream to eat healthy. But choose the ones you like the best and be smart about how often and how much you healthily. Your body needs nutrients, which are products such as protein, carbohydrates, fat and many different vitamins and minerals such as vitamins C and A, iron and calcium from avariety of foods. You can talk to a nutritionist who can tell you about different types of food Tip 6 Your dad is probably sitting in front of the TV and maybe your mum is reading a paper. Come on, mum and dad! Let's get going because being active is much more fun with friends or family. People who are active live longer and happier lives

I) Answer the questions (responde las preguntas) a. Why is it important to eat breakfast? _______________________________________________________________________________ b. Who can you invite to walk to school with you? _______________________________________________________________________________ c. What kind of nutrients does your body need _______________________________________________________________________________ II) Choose the title for every Tip (responde las preguntas) a. Get Moving! __________ c. Balance your food choices.___________ e. Snack Smart. ________________ g. Foods aren't good or bad.____________ b. Start your day with breakfast._________ d. Get fit with friends or family.____________ f. Work up a sweat. _____________

Part 2: Past Simple

Esta forma verbal del ingls es un poco ms complicada, porque ya obliga a asimilar otros aspectos que son ms abstractos, como los verbos irregulares por ejemplo. El presente simple se suele utilizar para referirnos a acciones que tuvieron lugar en un momento concreto del pasado. En este caso se utilizan partculas como yesterday (ayer) o last year (el pasado ao). She finished school last year -> Acab el colegio el pasado ao. Tambin se utiliza el pasado para acciones que ocurrieron en el pasado y que han finalizado, aunque no se mencione el momento preciso. Who wrote that letter? -> Quin escribi esta carta? Para formar el pasado debemos poner el verbo en su forma pasada, y es aqu donde viene la difilcultad. Lo primero, tenemos que distinguir dos clases de verbos: los regulares y los irregulares. Estos ltimos, por su dificultad, los dejaremos para una prxima leccin y nos centraremos en los regulares.

Reglas para los verbos regulares

Los verbos regulares, para pasarlos al pasado, tienen que acabar en -ed. Esto como regla general, porque existen las ecepciones que veremos enseguida. to listen (escuchar) -> listened Solo tenemos que aadir la d cuando el verbo ya acaba en e. to change (cambiar) -> changed Si la ltima vocal del verbo est formada por consonante-vocal-consonante, y es en esta ltima consonante donde recae el acento, tenemos que doblar dicha consonante. Tambin si el verbo acaba en l tenemos que doblarla. to stop (parar) -> stopped to travel (viajar) -> travelled

Negacin e interrogacin del pasado simple

Para formar las preguntas en el pasado simple tenemos que valernos del auxiliar do en su forma pasada, que es DID para todas las personas de la conjugacin. Los verbos que no necesitan auxiliar, como to have, se utilizarn en pasado (son irregulares). Did you go to the party? -> Fuiste a la fiesta? Como se aprecia en el ejemplo, el verbo est en presente. Esto es as porque el auxiliar es el que indica el pasado, con lo que el verbo principal se pone en presente. Esto hay que tenerlo muy en cuenta. Para negar tambin utilizamos el auxiliar do en su forma pasada., acompandolo con el verbo principal en presente. El verbo auxiliar se contrae con la partcula not. I didnt go to the party -> No fui a la fiesta.

Part 3: WH- Questions -Estas palabras no varan con el nmero (singular o plural) del sustantivo al que se refieren:
Para hacer una frase con un pronombre interrogativo: Se pone la frase en forma de pregunta, y luego se pone el pronombre al principio. "What" significa Qu y se refiere a cosas " Sujeto/objeto What is this? Qu es esto?

"What" se traduce como "Que" What is the time? Qu hora es?

A veces se puede traducir as: What is your name? What are you eating? What do you read? Cul es tu nombre? Qu ests comiendo? Qu lees?

Who y what pueden funcionar como objeto o como sujeto en una oracin interrogativa. Si actan como sujeto no utilizarn auxiliar (do,will,be...) para preguntar. En cambio, si actan como objeto debern usar el auxiliar o usar la forma interrogativa de la oracin. "Why" significa Por qu? Las preguntas que se formulan con why deben contestarse con: Because Porque.... Por qu se comi la naranja? Porque tena hambre

Why did she eat the orange? Because she was hungry

"When" Significa cundo When will she eat the orange? "Where" Significa Dnde Where did she eat the orange? Dnde comi la naranja? Cundo se comer la naranja?

"How" tiene varios significados dependiendo a la palabra que lo acompaa: How? How many? How much? How long? How old? How often? Cmo? Cuntos? Cuntas? Cunto? Cunto tiempo? Qu edad tienes? Con que frecuencia? Cuantas naranjas se comi? Cunto costaron las naranjas? Cunto tardo en comerse la naranja?

How many oranges did she eat? How much did the oranges cost?

How long was she eating the orange?

How often did she ate oranges? Con que frecuencia coma manzanas? Which significa Qu,cul,cuales: Puede ser sujeto u objeto. Se refiere a personas o cosas. Which orange is she eating? Qu naranja se est comiendo? Quin de vosotras chicas est comiendo las naranjas?

Which of you girl is eating the oranges?

La diferencia entre What y Which - es la siguiente: Cuando nos referimos a personas se suele utilizar 'what'. Sin embargo, empleamos 'which' cuando queremos ser ms precisos y dar una eleccin entre dos o ms cosas: "Who" Significa Quin y puede ser sujeto u refiere siempre a personas o a cosas personificadas. Who is eating the orange? Quin est comiendo la naranja? Who bought the orange? Quin compr la naranja?

Part 4: Comparatives and Superlatives

En ingls cuando comparamos dos cosas usamos los adjetivos y sus tres grados: positivo, comparativo y superlativo. El positivo es simplemente la forma natural del adjetivo Adjetivos Largos expensive caro modern moderno beautiful hermoso elegant elegante interesting interesante dangerous peligroso Comparativo more + adj more expensive ms caro more modern ms moderno more beautiful ms hermoso more elegant ms elegante more interesting ms interesante more dangerous ms peligroso Superlativo the most + adj the most expensive el ms caro the most modern el ms moderno the most beautiful el ms hermoso the most elegant el ms elegante the most interesting el ms interesante the most dangerous el ms peligroso

Part 5: Past Continuous (se reemplaza el am, is y are por was y were)
FORMA AFIRMATIVA I was studyng Yo estoy estudiando you were studying Tu estas estudiando he was studying l est estudiando she was studying ella est estudiando it was studying l est estudiando we were studying nosotros estamos estudiando you were studying Vosotros estais estudiando they were studying ellos estn estudiando FORMA NEGATIVA I was not studying Yo no estoy estudiando you were not studying Tu no estas estudiando he was not studying l no est estudiando she was not stuying ella no est estudiando it was not studying l no est estudiando we were not studying nosotros no estamos estudiando you were not studying Vosotros no estais estudiando they were not studying ellos no estn estudiando FORMA INTERROGATIVA was I studying? estoy yo estudiando? were you studying? ests tu estudiando? was he studying? est el estudiando? was she studying? est estudiando ella? was it studying? est el estudiando? were we studyng? estamos nosotros estudiando? were you studying? estais vosotros estudiando? were they studying estan ellos estudiando?

Part 6: Exercises

I) Put he verbs into the correct form using simple past (Coloca los verbos en la forma correcta usando pasado simple) 1) Last year I (spend) _______________my holiday in Ireland. 2) It (be) _____________ great. 3) I (travel) ___________ around by car with two friends and we (visit) ______lots of interesting places. 4) In the evenings we usually (go) __________ to a pub. 5) One night we even (learn) ____________ some Irish dances. 6) We (be) __________ very lucky with the weather. 7) It (not / rain) ___________ a lot. 8)But we (see) __________ some beautiful rainbows. 9)Where (spend / you)___________ your last holiday?

II) Put he verbs into the correct form using simple continuous (Coloca los verbos en la forma correcta usando pasado continuo)

1) When I phoned my friends, they (play) ____________ monopoly. 2) Yesterday at six I (prepare) _____________ dinner. 3) The kids (play) _______________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. 4) I (practise) ________________ the guitar when he came home. 5) We (not / cycle) _________________ all day. 6) While Aaron (work) ___________ in his room, his friends (swim) ____________in the pool. 7) I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not)_____________. 8) What (you / do) ______________yesterday? 9) Most of the time we (sit) _____________in the park.

III) Use comparatives and superlatives when correspond (Usa comparativo y superlativoss cuando corresponda) Completa con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito entre parntesis.

1. William Shakespeare is (famous) _________________ writer in England.

2. The surf is (extreme) __________________ sport in the region

3. Apple is (Delightful) ________________________ fruit in the world

4. Our house is (brilliant)__________________ construction in the city

5. That book is (interesting) ____________________ than the newspaper.

6. This cake is (delicious) _____________________ than that one.

7. This is (dangerous) _______________________ place in history

8. That proffesor is (tallented) ________________________ person in the university

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