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Learn the most powerful and easy way to meditate deeper then a Zen Monk.

Part 1 How to feel and move your energy Chapter 1: What is meditation? How can it help me? Chapter 2: What is consciousness and energy. Whats the difference between them? Chapter 3: Why does it seem so hard to meditate or quite my mind? Chapter 4: So what is the most powerful and easiest way to meditate deeper than a Chapter 5: The Technique Chapter 6: Whats next Chapter 7: Conclusion
zen monk?

Chapter 1: What is meditation? How can it help me?

What is meditation? There are many answers to this question, just type the guestion into Google and you will see. The problem is that most all of them are wrong, dont get me wrong they mean well and are generally nice people that want to help you. Unfortunately they where taught by people like themselves, that had water down versions of the truth. I will put it as simple as I can, but you will see it is difficult to understand by pure intellect alone. Meditation is not something you can do, you can not sit down and meditate, it is not an action. Meditation is a state of being, the state of being in the present moment. Meditation becomes who you are, a way of living your life. Most of what people teach as meditation is actually techniques and exercises to bring you into meditation. So if meditation means being in the present moment what does that mean and what will I find when I get there? Being in the present moment means that you are not thinking or day dreaming. You see when you are thinking you are either in the past remembering something or in the future planing something and when your day dreaming about the way you wish things to be you are creating a totally separate reality in your mind. Either of the three you are not in the present moment.

The diagram above shows us what I mean. Your mind can only operate inside the cirles, of course the circles can be expanded in either directions. Now the present moment operates outside the circles and I mean everything outside the circles. Sounds a little confuseing right, unless you been exspoused to this concept before, but stay with me I will explain it better to you. You see in the present moment you will discover energy, chi, prana, qi or what ever you wish to call it. The masters of the old days spent many years quieting the mind and they found after they spent enough time not thinking that they could feel something in their bodies. They notice it was moving or pulsating, they began to focus more and soon realize that they could feel this energy outside themselves. This didnt happen in one person this was found out over many generations of teacher teaching the student and then the student building upon that knowledge. We owe a great deal of gradatude to the masters of the past for paveing the road for us, because of them we dont have to work so hard at it as they did as you will soon find out. Getting back to the point, everything in this world is made of energy, everything you can see and everything you cant see like thoughts, emotions, radio waves, light waves. You are actually swimming through it, your consciousness, your awareness gives you the ability to feel this energy. You see the masters of the past did not realize that what was happening when they were focusing on not thinking is that they were building their consciousness, their awareness. The more consciousness you have the more you can feel, and yes you build enough and you can feel the energy outside your body. Which means you can connect with things outside you actually with everything. You cant feel the energy when youre thinking, well at least not in the beginning. That is because you only have a small amount of consciousness and when you are thinking it is taking up your consciousness almost all of it. So that is why in the beginning it is important to quiet the mind. The problem with that is, it is very hard to accomplish this at least until now. I have discovered a short cut that will give you the ability to not only feel your energy but to be able to move it too in the same day guaranteed.

How can it help me? This is a very good question, why else would we spend the time to learn how to meditate. The benefits are far and wide indeed, I cant think of one thing, one situation, one problem that learning to meditate would not help or make you better at it. Lets look at the most common reason people want to learn how to meditate and some not so common. Im not talking about the common so call meditations you can find on youtube. Im talking about the meditations Im teaching you, I have travel the world looking for the most powerful meditations. The three most common request I hear is will meditations help me with my emotions, stress, and health. As I stated before your emotions are made of energy and when you learn to feel and move your energy, you will beable to also feel and move your emotions. What I mean is if you dont want to feel lets say fear you can move it outside yourself and bring inside wisdom which is the oppiste of fear. Later on you will beable to transform it from fear into wisdom which is even better, but first thing first. So through meditation you can learn to feel the way you want to when you want to. Stress is a big one, I would say almost everybody that comes to me wants to relieve stress in one way or the other. Stress in its self is not a bad thing, we need stress to grow. Think about it like this we stress our muscles for them to grow stronger, we stress our minds for them to grow smarter, and as you will soon find out we stress our consciousness to grow it too. So we need stress to grow, and that is very important, for us to grow, to learn, most of the stress in your life would be relieved if you concentrated on that alone. The problem with stress as we know it is that it creates tension in our bodies. You can relieve tension in your body by exercising, but the problem with this is that the tension will come back. This happens because the tension is caused by a stressful situation in your life that has not been solved yet. Think about it like this we all have a box that we live in. All of our beliefs are in the box, what we think the world to be is in the box. The edge of the box is our awareness, we are not aware of what is outside of the box. Stress happens when the problem is inside the box and the answer is outside box, outside your awareness. You have to expand your awareness, your consciousness to include the answer to the problem.

Let me explain it like this. Lets say you lost your job and youre about to lose your house. I would say that is a pretty stressful situation. Lets say you happen to find a job, not only a job but a better paying job. The stress magicly melts away, because now the answer is in your awareness, so it is not a problem any more. Now learning to meditate to truly meditate you will be able to expand your box, your awareness on a regular base. Plus you will have the ability to bring things to you that you want. Have you heard of the law of attraction? Well learning how to go into deep meditation is the missing key that will make it work for you. Now lets look at your health. I can tell you this learning how to go into deep meditation is the easiest and fast way to heal yourself and in some cases the only way. First lets talk about health and western medcine in general. Western society has become very good at diagnosing the body. We can know look inside the body right down to the microscopic level and say ah ha, that is whats wrong, you have this virus or this type of cancer. But unfortunely western society has not yet develop sensory tools as powerful as we ourselves are. For we have the power to sense energy, chi, prana, qi, whatever you wish to call it and technology has not caught up yet, but it will soon. This is why they have not found the cure for cancer it is there looking them in the face but sense they dont have the tools to sense energy they dismiss it. People have come to me with supposely termnial cancer, which means they are going to die there is no hope for recovery, western medcine has given up on them. Well not me, in all cases people that have been told they only have a few months to live have lived for years, and these where sevre cases, most have totally cured themselves no sign of the disease. This hits home because my dad died of cancer I was not there to be with him when he died but he came to me, that is

another story. He went through chemo once and it came back, he did not want to go through that again so he let the disease take him. It is my mission to help as many people as I can. So lets get to the point why did the cancer come back. We have to look at energy to find this out. First energy is flowing through your body, just like a river, it pulsates in and out. Well what happens to that beautiful free flowing river when you dam






All kinds of things start growing there that we dont want. Our bodies are the same, when there is a block in our energy flow things start growing there that we dont want. Look at it like this, you have a room of people, lets say about 10. You have a person with the flu come in to the room, 6 out of the 10 people get sick. We would regularly think that the 4 people that did not get sick just didnt get the virus, but that is not the case. 1 cough or 1 sneeze has the ability to fill whole rooms with the virus. So what happen, the people that got the flu had blocks in their energy and the virus got to one of these blocks and had a situable enviroment to grow. The other 4 that didnt get sick had 1 of 2 things happen. Either they had no blocks for the virus to get a foot hold, or the virus just wasnt able to find the blocks that the person had. You right now have thousands of viruses, bacteria, and yes even cancer cells going through your body right this second, so why

arent you sick. The blocks come from emotional truma that happen to us through out our lives. Refer to the diagram below as I explain. Your body is controlled by your emotions, your emotions are controled by your mind, and your mind is controled by your consciousness, at least in a healthy, emotionally, and mentally stable person. Lets take a look at your body being controlled by your emotions. Have you ever been afraid, when you feel fear your body produces adriline and pumps it through out your body, getting you ready for fight or flight. When you are happy or feel love, your body produces endorphines that make you feel like your walking on cloud 9. Now moving right along, your mind controls your emotions. This one is easy to demostrate, just remember a bad memory with any negative emotions fear, anger, sorrow or a combination of. I want you to see what you saw, hear what you heard, and feel the way you felt. So what did you feel? This shows you that with out a doubt, your mind can control your emotions. This has far reaching effects and combind with other tools, will give us the power to control our emotions. You can feel the way you want to when you want to. That is in another book, first we need the techniques and tools in this book. Next is your consciousness controls your mind, which in return controls everything. The problem is that we have not spent the time or effort to grow our consciousness. That is what I teach how to build your consciousness, all the techniques, all the exercises are design to build your consciousness. This is the most important thing you can do in this life, your whole life is design for you to build your consciousness. All the pain, all the suffering that you have endure is design for you to do this one thing, to learn and grow. You see inorder to stop the suffering you have to learn, you have to grow. We are not suppose to live our lives in pain, the problem comes because we have not been taught to build our consciousness, so our lives are not balanced. We need our consciousness to guide and control our minds, our emotions, and our bodies. The truth is your more powerful then you could ever dream, you have the power to make you life whatever you want it to be, the key is in growing your

consciousness. I call this emotional truama patterns. This is what happens, you have a truamatic event happen, one the evoles intense negative emotions. Now even after the event is done with and over, the mind will continue to think about it. Which will cause you to keep feeling the emotions, nobody likes to feel negative emotions, so you occupy your time with other things. We try to push the event away from us, but in doing so we are actually pulling it closer and not letting it go. This creates energitic tangles between the mind, emotions, and sometimes even the body. This is what I call patterns and the cause of blocks in the energy in your body. These are the spots that cancer will grow, where disease will manifest. So even if you irradicate the cancer cells, if you dont fix the emotional and mental pattern it will probably come back. In some cases there are higher things at work and some viruses are very aggrasive and dont need the blocks to grow, but that does not happen very often. So by learning how to build your consciousness and take control of your body, emotions, and mind, you can diffendly heal yourself and others through meditation. In some cases it is the only way. Now Im not saying if you have cancer stop your treatments and go sit on a mountian top and meditate. What I suggest is to add deep meditation into your plan. We have to start looking at disease and sickness as a whole, it never is just in the body. Like I said everything is made of energy including viruses and bacteria, healing is a whole body, mind, and spirit event. Now moving on to the not so common benefits, lets start with being able to manifest your desires and

dreams. Most people have heard of the law of attraction or the secret. Well if you havent I will explain briefly. I will be writing a book on this subject too, but you need the tools and abilities in this book for it to work. The secret is a video and a book that is about the law of attraction. The law of attraction basicly states we are creating our own reality by our thoughts. The secret does a very good job explaining this so I advise to watch it, but the problem is that it doesnt give you the biggest part in the law of attraction and that is the ability to go into deep meditation. If you cant do that your basicly knocking on a shut and locked door. Now dont get me wrong you can still use other universal laws to make things happen. Like if you want a new car or new house, well you can still go out there and learn a trade and make money and get what you want, if it was that easy you would already have it right. You see the problem is your already using the law of attraction, everything you have or dont have is yours because of this law. Think of it like this when you are born you are like a manifesting machine, you are a creator. So we got a manulfactoring machine that will produce what we want it to produce. We program this machine to produce cars, so that is what it produces cars day in day out, nothing but cars. If this machine that we program to produce cars, one day wants to produce chairs, for some reason, do you think it is going to be able to? Now remember it has not been program to produce chairs, only cars. Yep you guessed it the machine can only produce what it has been programed to produce, no matter how much the machine dream of chairs or imagine chairs, it will still only produce what it has been programed to. In order for the machine to produce chairs someone has to cancel the old program and reprogram it to produce chairs. Unfortunately we have been programmed since we where very little to produce cars, so this program is interwolven through out our being. Fortunately though, we can reprogram ourselves, although it takes constent work. We have our work 2 folds we have to take out the old faulty programming that we dont want and then install the new programming that we do want. Here is where deep meditation comes in, you can do this with out it but it will take you a long time and is why most people dont meet with success when trying to make the law of attraction work for them. The deeper you can go into meditation the easier and quicker this reprogramming will take. You can actually do it the first time you do it but you have to be able to reach all the way deep inside to the inner most parts of your being, which few people in the world now how to do. It is possible to manifest your every desire no matter what it is. We are all this powerful, but because most of us are so far away from our true self, it takes a lot of time for what you are programming to actually reach your true power. So being able to go into deep meditation is a necsaity if you want the law of attraction to work the way you want it to. Now we are going to talk about a subject that is not commonly assiocate with meditation and when it is, it is totally misunderstood. The subject is sex, so what was your first

thoughts? Unless youve been trained in what Im about to talk about, you thought of tantra. Im about to reveal to you a whole other world you didnt even now exisited, like I said before unless youve already been exposed to this. First lets set the record straight, most people relate tantra to sex. They think of this because the western world has related tantra with the kama sutra, which they are very different, Kama sutra is a set of sexual postions, made by a monk name Mallanaga that never had sex before (well I cant say that for sure, I didnt know him, but he was a monk), for the ruling class of india. Now dont get me wrong the man was a great teacher in his days and you should diffidently study his work, but it is not what Im talking about. Even tantra is far from what most people think. Tantra is not even about sex, let me explain, tantra is 112 meditations that will led you to enlightenment. Now there is like 7 or so meditations in there that is sexual in nature, but even them, its not about the sex it is about enlighenment. So people get misinform all the time about this subject, what Im talking about is totally different. We are going to talk about sexual energy, which is very powerful and the easiest energy to feel since it is so thick and dense. Many people sufer from sexual dysifunction, men and womaen a like. Learning how to control your sexual energy will cure all most any dysfunction like preejaculation (meaning ejaculating before you would like to), erectile dysfunction, and even if the man has what some people call lazy sperm (meaning it is hard for his sperm to produce a child) and for women if you are having problems with your menstral cycle, going through metapaulse, considered infertile or many other problems. This sound like a very bold statement right, well I would agree it is, even if your sexual life leaves something to be desire this will help you more than you ever thought possible. The problem is just because you have sex even if you had sex a lot it doesnt make you an expert, even if you went to school and are a sexologist. There are things about the body that even doctors are ingorant of. Let me use one thing to demostrate my point. Lets take erectile dysfunction, what is the most common cure that a doctor will give a patient? Yes it will be a pill or a cream, some pharmasutical drug like viagra. The reason is that in erectile dysfunction the problem is that there is not enough blood being supplied to the penis for an erection to accure, since a male erection is cause from blood filling the penis, this would cause a problem indeed. So viagra works by stopping cGMP which regulates how much blood goes to the penis, but the problem, which is the problem for all pharamsuticals, is the side effects. What if I tell you that I can solve your problem, but with no bad side effects, actually just the oppossite, with good side effects. First you have to understand awareness and energy are directly connected to your blood. Where your blood goes your awareness, your consciousness will follow and the other way around where your awareness goes blood follows. Think about it like this lets say you get a injury a broken finger. Normally you dont even notice your finger as you go through out your day, but now you cant think of anything else and not

only your finger but your whole hand why is this. Most doctors will tell you this happens because of damge done to your nervous system, but what about the whole hand it is not on just one nerve. This is true when the injury just happen but this effect soon wears off. You have to have constent erataion to a nerve for you to have constant pain through your nervous sytem like a tooth ache or a pinch nerve in your back. This sensation we are talking about is totally different, this happens because like I stated earlier your awareness is connected to your blood. What happens when you break a bone or with most common injuries? You bleed internally and because you have a large amount of blood sitting in one area you also have a large amount of awareness sitting in that area. This means you can feel not only the injury but the whole area. So what does all this information have to do with erectile dysfunction? Well think about it, we just proved that awareness follows your blood and if so it works the other way around blood will follow your awareness. So all you have to do is practice bringing your awareness down to your sexual center and with enough practice you will cure the problem. Being able to control your blood flow is very powerful just ask your doctor. And this doesnt just apply to the problem we discuss. Some of my women students have had amazing results with practicing these techinques, totally cures hot flashes or greatly reduces them. Menstrual cycles can be control, meaning you can reduce the amount of blood released and reduce the amount of time on the cycle. This means a lot to women that have menstrual cycles of a week or more. Like I said these are not the meditations you will find on youtube, they are so powerful that you have to be careful and listen to all the warning first. For instance if you have a sexually transmitted disease do not practice the sexual meditations it will make it spread, and that goes for cancer too. Im not trying to scare you but you need to pay attention and dont skip anything I write. With all power it can be use for good or bad, with knowledge comes responsiblity.

Chapter 2: What is consciousness and energy? Whats the difference between them?

This is a exciting and important subject, for it lays the ground for underestanding the techniques Im about to teach you and more advance techniques I will teach you later on. I have traveled the world learning from different cultures how they go in to deep meditation and they all have their own unqiue way of looking at things. All of them have powerful techniques to build your consciousness if you can find someone that knows and is willing to teach you. For some reason most of the teachers that know will only teach

the most powerful techniques to a select few, or charge an arm and a leg for the most advance techniques, not all but most. Through all my travels and studying I have found that the chinese explain this subject in the easiest way to understand, so I will use their model of looking at it to explain this to you. I used energy and consciousness but the chinese break it down into 3 parts Jing, Chi, and Shen. Jing is very dense energy and is most commonly refered to as sexual energy. I will take this even further and say that jing also represents the physical, for us that means the physical body. People refer to your sexual energy as jing and not your body because we are suppose to be talking about energy, but we now know through science that your body is also made of energy. Everything that we consider as physical, meaning things you can see and touch, is actually energy. Let me explain better for you, as it is above it is below. This statement is really misunderstood and has many meanings. Lets take a look at our solar system Im talking about the size.

There is so much space inbetween our planets and sun that it is hard for people to imagine it. We see pictures of our solar system or models and think that is it,but the truth is in order to make our solar system to scale and still be able to fit it on a regular piece of paper you would not be able to see the sun not to mention the planets. Think about it like this, the earth is 8,000 miles across, the sun is 800,000 miles across, so if we where going to make this to scale, so you can understand how much space there is use this:
Sun-any ball, diameter 8.00 inches

Mercury-a pinhead, diameter 0.03 inch Venus-a peppercorn, diameter 0.08 inch Earth-a second peppercorn Mars-a second pinhead Jupiter-a chestnut or a pecan, diameter 0.90 inch Saturn-a hazelnut or an acorn, diameter 0.70 inch Uranus-a peanut or coffeebean, diameter 0.30 inch Neptune-a second peanut or coffeebean Pluto- a third pinhead (or smaller, since Pluto is the smallest planet)

Now from the sun to Pluto is about 2/3 of a mile, a little over a km. If you went in a helicopter high enough to see the whole square km with a soccer ball in the middle to represent the 8 inch sun, you would not beable to see it. Now that brings things into

prespective. So what does this have to do with energy, you might be asking. Well like I said, as it is above it is below, what does our solar system look like? It is very, very small think the smallest, yes you got it an atom. Our solar system looks like this, not the picture above with all the planets in a row. So the reason we had the little science lesson is so we can see how much space is in between the actual substance. So what keeps the planets from

flying off into outer space? Its the same thing that keeps the electrons from flying away from the nucleus of an atom. Yes we call it gravity, but what is gravity? Its a energy field, look at it like this; you got the sun in the middle and gravity is like a fog the closer you are to the sun the denser the fog, the further away the less dense the fog. All energy fields are like this. So the point to this is we are mostly made of energy, and Im not talking about chi or anything like that, I mean the flesh and bones, the actual material. We can look all the way down to the smallest thing we can see (which we really cant even see it only the effects of it) and that is particals and it seems that they are blinking off and on, meaning one second their there and the next their not. So as I was saying jing is your body and sexual energy. Jing is the tickest energy, chi is lighter energy, and shen is the lightest. So Jing is everything you can see and a lot of things you cant like light waves, radio waves. Chi is just about everything else, you might be asking well what else is there? How about thoughts, emotions, and everything that has jing has chi. I know that last part made more confusing right, Ill explain. Have you ever seen one of these Pin Point Impression Needle Art Frames? Well you take anything and push it from behind and it well make a exact dupilcate with the pin heads in the front. Chi is like the hand that is pushing the jing from behind to make thing in this dimension. This is what makes the law of attraction possible. What else is chi besides everything jing is? Thats right you remember thoughts, and emotions. If you ever read a book about the law of attraction like the secret then you know

your thoughts and emotions control your reality. So what that really means is chi controls jing. Chi is very

light it vibrates a lot faster then jing, that is why western scientist have a hard time accepting its exisitence, because until now we didnt have the technology to prove it or disprove it. Things have change and very soon chi, prana, qi, or whatever you wish to call it will start to be accepted all over the world. In China they have done over 3,000 scientific studies on chi and have proven that it does exsit and it is every where. Know this is not your mom and pop go into the garage and lets experiment. This is multi million dollar labortaries with real scientist that where paid by their government to find the truth. Plus because more and more people are starting to accept it, more people are willing to experiment with it and see for them selves if it is true. Next up is Shen or what you probably call spirit or soul. Your Shen can be thought of as consciousness or awareness. You can think of your consciousness like that ever constant silent observer

Your Shen or consciousness is closely related to chi as close as chi is related to jing. Let me put it to you like this, Jing is like ice, chi is like water, and shen is like steam. They can change back and forth just like ice, water, and steam. Jing is very thick and heavy like ice, chi is lighter like water, and shen is the lightest like water vapor.

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