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The Incarnation What no one could imagine T hroughout the ages God revealed fragments of His mind.

d. The Old Testament is a record of the many prophets, priest and scholars, scattered throughout many generations, who perceivedportions of Gods purpose. The best scholars steeped themselves into detailed studies, trying to piece together this puzzle. The priests diligently performedtheir rituals, aware that the very repetition of these rituals pointed towards an event and meaning that would eclipse their activities.A picture started to emerge and it was shocking.All the fragments joined together, all the prophetic utterances stitched together painted a picture of ashadow! However amazing these revelations were,they were still only a shadow of what God was about to unleash. The substance behind the shadow wasabout to appear! Despite the thousands of years of inspired utterance and scholastic studies, there remained a mystery which no eye had seen, no ear had heard a mystery beyond the capability of any imagination! No one except God could ever have conceived such

enter space. God would become a man! The Word, the expression of God, the exact represen-

attempt by which God simply disguised Himself in a human body. This was a permanent commitment by which God forever joined Himself to humanity His eternal destiny bound up in the destiny of man. He became man in the fullest sense possibleand would remain a man forever. The authentic Creator, the true light that enlightens every man was coming into this world. His mission was nothing less than shattering our illusions, expo-sing the unreal, unoriginal and fake identity that we embraced outside of Him. He came with the clear message to darkness that its time was up. Darkness has had all the opportunity it needed and failed to

The incarnation reveals that our true selves, our true humanity can only be found in union with God.

the law failed to bring: judgement on the ignorance and lies that man so desperately embraced. Theemptiness and futility of separation is exposed byChrist.Simultaneously He introduces us to our true substance, to our existence in Him. The Creator became part of creation to redeem it from the grasp of cor-ruption. In the incarnation He draws His creation

nal origin and destiny in Him. Fully God Jesus represents God in the fullest, truest sensepossible. Jesus not only represents God, He is God.What He says, God says; what He does, God does. Jesus Himself said if youve seen me, youve seenthe Father. Paul wrote in 2 Cor 5:19 that God wasin Christ reconciling the world to Himself. The implications of this incarnation are staggering! God became man without ceasing to be God. Jesus boldly declares before Abraham was, I AM. Neither did this transformation, this form of existence as a man, frustrate God. In fact Col 1:19 shows thatthis was a pleasure! Col 2:9 reveals that God in all

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