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Please try to remember the topics discussed in tho c/, he torn you attempt to answer these questions.

Ills an easy test, and has been designed to reiterate certain ground level

understanding of the subject.

Closed book examination Time -1 hour 25 objective questions: 251 marks = 50 marks And two short question/answer: 2'15 marks = 30 marks 1. Human Resource Management seeks alignment of the employment system of the firm with: a. Business strategy - Internal context - External context (nature of circumstances) that the firm faces b. B u s i n e s s s t r a t e g y - I n t e r n a l c o n t e x t / E xt e r n a l c o n t e x t - Entrepreneur's desire c. HR strategy - vision and mission - Business strategy d. HR strategy - vision and mission - philosophy and values 2. From the case "Microsoft Competing on the talent", we come to the conclusion that vision of a company is: a. An eternal truth b. Can change according to changing context 3. Employment: nature of relationship between individual and firm has components that make it different from other contractual relationship. The (our dimensions are: a. ___________ b. Legal c. Social d. Psychological 4. Increasingly, employment contract is defined as a psychological contract t h a t i s s h a p e d b y t h e s o c i a l a n d e co n o mi c co n t e xt , l e a d e r sh i p , communication and HR practices. Certain things are liable to create dissonance in this delicate balance between employee and employers. Which onets? a. Managing expectations b. Communication through different voices c. Anticipated exchange of value not happening d. All four 5. Management could be defined as: a. Science b. Practice c. Control d. __________ 6. In the class, it was discussed that each FIR strategy represents a distinctive HR paradigm, or a set of beliefs. assumptions and values that guide the managers. The following are the four: a. Commitment b. Collaboration c. Paternalistic d. Traditional True or False

7. In this type of organization, there are core group of workers with critical jobs, outside consultants performing key jobs, and part-time workers. What is the correct name that defines this type of organization? This idea is also described in the article "Learning Excellence: Southwest Airlines' Approach". a. Shamrock (three petal) b. Virtual c. Up-side down d. Confederation 8. Selection is a process of gathering and assessing information about candidates, and ultimately, making decisions about their being taken into the organization. Any selection process looks for two things: individual differences and g . One is bothered about four types of matches while taking a person on board. Which one is correct? i. Matching competencies: Person - job role fit ii .Matching value system: Person culture fit iii. Matching need: Person his need iv. Matching image: Person his image of the organisation a. All four b. First three c. First two and (Quill) d. First, third and fourth 10."W hat does a star performer looks like in a specific setting?" This statement is used to capture a very important ter m in today's FIR practices. It is known as . It could also be defined as an underlying characteristic of a person that results in effective or supei or performance". (Mansfield, 1999) 11. People generally confuse between two terms; one that is the correct answer for question 10, and another term that is defined as what people have to know and be able to do (knowledge and skills) to cart) , out their roles effectively. This term is known as __________________________________________________ 12. A good selection method should succeed in following three criteria: a. Reliability b. Validity C. __________________ 13. Which is the true statement: a. Job keeps changing in a dynamic envilonment but role remains. Ii Job and role both keeps changing in a dynamic environment c. Role keeps changing in the dynamic environment 14.Microsoft started off with recruiting -smart people. Eventually, it became the acronym for performance objectives of its people. This also is the hallmark for any good performance management system: a. S: Specific b. M: __________ c. A: Attainable d. R: Results Based e. T: Time Bound

15. In the case "Every Employee an owner (Really)?", which is the true statement? a. The "old guard" in the management were openly critical about the scheme of employee ownership. b. The "old guard" in the management were not critical about the scheme of employee ownership. 16. From the case "Every Employee an owner (Really)?", one can come to the conclusion that reward strategy has to take into account: a. context of particular management system and philosophy b. tailored to particular work situations and internal and external contexts c. a system of trust operating d. t h e me s sa g e s se n t b y t h e r e wa r d sy st e m a l i g n e d t o o t h e r management practices e. what does people value with regard to pay and benefit f. universal acceptance by the work force From the a. b. structure c. information provided in the case, we can state that the following is true: the reward strategy failed on all six counts the company patently failed in getting all workforce to accept the new reward the reward strategy failed due to reasons cited in (14, (c), (d)

17. In the case cited above, the following statement is not a likely reason for the failure of ESOPs: a. In a big organization like UA, employees cannot see link between their effort and company's results. b Free rider problem. c More interest in short term benefit at the expense of investment in future growth and profitability. d Employees understood the meaning of ownership, and were eager to own responsibilities and downsides (risks) of being an owner, as evinced by the rise and fall of share prices on the bourses.
18, Microsoft hats a long tradition of promoting people who were in charge of failed projects. It basically means learning through experience; as they say in Microsoft, "If you fire the person who failed, you are throwing away the learning". In the case. and otherwise, this type of learning initiative is known as ______________________________ learning. 19. ________________________ is a relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. It aims at internalising and not acquiring facts.

20. refers "broadly to an organisation's acquisition of understanding, know how, techniques and
practices of any kind and by any means" (Argyris, 1996) whereas refers to one 'where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and where people are continually learning how to learn together". (Senge, 1990).

21. The case of Microsoft provides a powerful example of learning programmes, by which
the employees learn from guidance, pragmatic advice and continuing support of other employees, most likely seniors. This process is known as

22. In the case of Ulaganath Madan, it was discussed that the company tried out Ulga on a job profile with wider canvass by appointing him Sales and Commercial Manager at Mumbai. The company was hoping that Ulga will learn on the job. This type of learning theory is known as learning. The answer is same as that of Q 18. Remember, this is a very important means of employee development. 23. In the case Blackman-Dodds, Dr Richard Dodds, physics research worker was looking into a new opportunity. On his part, it was a deliberate process for (1) becoming aware of self, opportunities, constraints, choices and consequences; (2) identifying career related goals; (3) programming of work, education, and related developmental experiences to provide the direction, timing, and sequence of steps to attain specific career goal. We may call this as on his part. Most of you are also on this course, because of similar reasons.
2 4 . I n t h e a b o v e c a s e , we d i s c u s s e d a b o u t t h r e e d i f f e r e n t c a r e e r development interventions for people like Dodd: a. To build career resilience b. To build career insight c. To build career __________ 25. W e have discussed that today, mo st professional lives outlive the companies in which they work. Hence, there is a breakdown in traditional psychological contract that harped on employment and progression through the working life. of an individual. In the changed scenario of today, the psychological contract provides importance to e mployment and

Please give a short answer to the following question: 1. In the company where you work now, identify any one HP. system or process that you would like to improve and cite reasons. Try to integrate your answer with the definition of human resource management given in question 1. 2. In the company where you work now, please comment if the selection process in existence takes care to achieve fits between company and candidate as described in question 9. (Those who are now self employed professionals may identify with any past company where they have worked. Those who are entrepreneurs may use example of their own company)

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