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Controlling / Controller Style

People whit this style are mostly active, independent and ambitious. They radiate self-confidence. They take initiative with individuals as well as in groups and love to organize things. Usually they naturally take the lead upon them. They like information and take it upon them to clarify the who, what, where and how in certain situations. Generally speaking they are powerful people with a strong will, prepared to confront others with their ideas and attitudes. They usually decide easy and quick, so that they look efficient, which sometimes gives a desperate feeling to mankind. As a consequence of a strong task orientated approach it can be difficult for them to show their emotions. Because they prefer order and organization, they are able to easily structure chaos. They prefer to have the lead and dislike it if others are in charge of them. They want to have every aspect of their own life in their own hands. They judge others on their results. They can be demanding, striving to reach their personal goals without realizing that their behavior can irritate others. They are looked at as competitive and determent. Sometimes they push too far and have too much criticism to others. They like to finish their work prior to taking the time to build personal relationships and therefore do experience the 'lonely-at-the-top' syndrome. They are at risk of being inpatient and it is useful to enlarge their listening-skills to others and recognize the importance of feelings next to their sometimes pitiless logic. In general, they are very punctual and keep their promises as if they were holy vows.

In their job, these people like a challenge with thrills and get bored if the pace is too slow. Their need for personal success can limit their ability to cooperate with others by striving to realize the organization goals. They can get scared if they dont have the situation under control. They usually set goals and work towards them step by step. Others easily accept their authority and leadership, because they offer guidance, leadoff and help to transform everybody's effort into concrete results.

Promoting / Promoter style

People with this style usually get involved with others in lively situations where something happens. In general, they love inspiring and exciting activities. Because detailed analyzing doesnt suit them, they easily generalize based upon sporadic factual information. They tend to exaggerate. They are mostly stimulating company, social, friendly, lively and personal. They want to have pleasure and search people who like to play the game and who are spontaneous. Somewhat leaning to drama, they loudly present things to convince others. Meanwhile this person has thought up another idea or proposal. Their enthusiasm can be interpreted as unbalanced or egocentric. Although they are seen as very social and powerful, other people experience them as manipulative and nonchalant. They are aware of and feel involved with feelings and ideas of others. They try to involve others with their plans and activities, when it is about work, tasks, relaxing and entertainment. These persons are usually very competitive. They don't hide their feelings and like to help in interpersonal situations. They can try to achieve status and prestige by binding to certain people, of which they think that these have leadership qualities or charisma. People with this style usually don't care about details and go on enthusiastic, without completely finishing their tasks. They draw conclusions based on intuition or inspiration. Because they step up to things quite careless, organization and structure can work motivating for them. These people, on management positions, profit by a well organized and methodically supporting team around them, to prevent them from wandering and to compensate their lack of conscientiousness. In their job, they want to be liked by others, especially those who are sensitive to their loud or extravagantly way of acting. They attach themselves to leaders (who they admire and want recognition from). Approval and support motivates them mostly. Usually they are loved persons to work with. Their imagination and enthusiasm motivates very much. Within their jobs, they want recognition from their colleges as well as from and

their superiors. Because they don't want to stand still at a task too long, they take pleasure with less quality in order to keep going on. They work effectively in an environment that offers them some structure through planning and process, which aren't natural points of attention for them.

Supporting / Supporter style People whit this style are seen by others as easy-going and nice, you will almost never get a dispute with supporters. Although they respond to people interactively, in social situations they tend to leave the initiative with others. They find it hard to refuse a request, because they want to be helpful. They give way, even if it conflicts with their personal interest. Their understanding and friendly approach to people makes them non-threatening and nice company. Usually they don't have the need to impress others, to compete or to convince someone of their being right. They tend to pay more attention to feelings and relationships than to logic or tasks. They dont have pretences and do have an indulgent attitude to others. They usually search for close, warm and long lasting relationships. Supporters are good listeners who take time to make someone feel comfortable and to support them. They approach others more based on relation than in need for a task and accept all kinds of people. Partly because they want to be liked. Sensitive for praise they eagerly focus on wanting to be liked, and can pretend to agree with people, even if they don't and they are not planning to agree. At any price, they try to prevent that feelings of people get hurt and therefore they often have feelings of resentment afterwards. They appear to have little interest for planning and setting goals and usually need structure and a specific description of what has to be done. They will do everything possible to complete tasks as desired, because they want to serve others. It will do them well to give honest and direct feedback to others. They should learn to bring their ideas more profound upfront and

take the risk that other won't agree with them. They can be more effective if they use their relation skills for their task. In work, they are focused at co-operating and servicing others or the company. They work according the rules to avoid that there will be misunderstandings between people and that is why they will easily accept leadership. They try to become liked by doing what is expected from them. They want the approval that what they do is good and they are sensitive for personal attention from their superiors. Supporters are loyal employees when an emotional connection exists. Because they hate conflicts, they are reluctant to tell unpleasant information. They like to be lead by others. If they think that there idea will benefit others, than they will propose that idea in a non-threatening manner.

Analyzing / Analyzer style People with this style are inclined to problem researching behavior. They are more aimed at ideas and concepts than relationships and feelings. Above immediate action, they prefer study and a very careful consideration. They make a thoughtful or even a hesitating impression. They bring calmness in a group through their moderate and modest behavior. Thoughtful and not aggressive, they mostly wait until others address them instead of coming in front with their own opinion. They often need a lot of facts and opinions before they make a decision. They are often very 'regrettable' because they keep busy with collecting information, even after the choice is made. The role of an adviser fits well with their serious and precise way of handling. Others see them as academic and people who take themselves very serious. With relationships, they usually wait 'to see which way the cat jumps'. They find it very hard to talk openly about their feelings because those are very deep. Although they don't create friendships themselves, others like to knock on their door because they are good listeners. When they have an emotional bond / connection with someone, it will be forever, in principle. They are not after personal recognition, they rather work in the background, with the task:

analyze and problem resolution. They like to use their ability to resolve problems or getting information as a basis for relationships. They usually wait with giving their opinion until they can defend it thoroughly. They think it's terrible to be wrong and want to prevent that at any price. Although they seem sensitive, they can be hard and decisive when necessary. They rather avoid confrontation and conflicts with others. These persons are inclined to be formal also in personal relationships and, because of that, are considered as distant or even boring. Things take a long time with them; they are busy with analysing and collecting more information, while it becomes time to make a decision and action. They could be more affective if they try to be less serious, loosen up, and enjoy things more. In their work, they take the task usually orderly and systematic. Aimed at details and thorough has they are, they like it when business is rational and well organized. They wait until they have certainty and the task is clear. Then they go determined, scrupulous, and industrious to work. Clear, written down rules and regulations provide an environment where their methodical approach can be very effective. When they are confronted with chaos and half-heartedness, they can be tense and even get paralyzed. Because a hard competition doesn't work for them very well, they naturally go more in the direction of an advisers role. Their solid and calm way of acting makes that others come to them for getting advice, the exact facts and precision.

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