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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol.

2(7), 2010, 2982-2996


Department of Civil Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore -641006, INDIA.


Department of Civil Engineering, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore-641013, INDIA. ABSTRACT An adequate knowledge of the soil at a site proposed for a new structure is essential. The selection of type of foundation and its performance depend on the characteristics of underlying soil. The depth at which the foundation can be laid, the allowable bearing pressure of soil and swell potential of the soil are the three important parameters carried out to asses the general suitability of the site for construction. A Soil Characteristics Prediction Model (SCPM) is developed to estimate the above parameters at locations for Coimbatore city. 138 locations were investigated for the development of the model. The model involves multiple regression equation, chi-square test and k-nearest neighbour classification. The GIS was used to manage the database and to develop thematic maps for depth, N value, free swell, liquid limit, plastic limit, plastic index, percentage gravel, percentage sand and percentage slit and clay. Field and laboratory studies were conducted in four locations and are compared with the predicted values. The developed model will be useful for the prediction of the parameters at any locations for the given Latitude Longitude values. Key Words: GIS, Soil Characteristics Prediction Model, Free Swell, N Value, Foundation Depth.

INTRODUCTION For any civil engineering project, the Depth at which the foundation can be laid, the Allowable Bearing Pressure (ABP) of soil and the swell potential of the soil are the important parameters to be determined for the design of foundation. The type of foundation will also depend on the bearing capacity of soil and the detrimental effects like swelling and settlement. The depth and the type of foundation selected will have an impact on the cost aspects as well. Allowable bearing pressure is calculated based on N value from shear strength failure consideration and also settlements consideration. The N value is obtained from Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The Swell potential can be judged from Differential Free Swell. Due to expensive and time consuming process of subsoil investigation works, the present research was undertaken to develop a model in order to predict the important geotechnical related parameters such as N value, differential, free swell and the depth of foundation taking advantage of the spatial continuity and data mining technique using Microsoft access data base.

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 Fayer et al. (1995) carried out a study to estimate the recharge using GIS. It was used to identify all possible combinations of soil type and vegetation and to assign to each combination, an appropriate estimate of recharge. Procedures to assess erosion in a catchment in Northwest Iran were evaluated using GIS and Remote Sensing (Meijerink et al.1996). The spatial segmentation of the catchment and derivation of the physical parameters related to erosion in the cells are performed through a GIS technique using the Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) package (Kothyari 1997). Rahman et al (1997) evaluated an alternative methodology for producing soil maps through a process of model construction and projection into a map base using ARC/INFO geographical information system. Soil Salinization risk at regional level was assessed using geographical information system by Bui et al (1995). Assessment of the risk of regional salinization involves integration of hydrology, hydrogeology, soil, and land management issues. The article discusses an example of the use of soil survey data integrated with water resources and digital elevation data in GIS, to estimate the risk of salinization after tree clearing at upper Burdekin river basin in the wet /dry tropics of North Queensland. Burrough P.A. et al. (1998) find GIS integrating different elements like automated mapping (AM) facilitates management (FM), Remote sensing, Land information systems (LIS) and spatial statistics. Paul.F.Anderson (2004) has done GIS descriptive modeling of soil suitability for agriculture. S.Rajesh (2003) has developed use friendly foundation suitability maps using surfer based kringing interpolation technique of bore-hole data using are view. Trefor Williams (2002) has conducted a successful pilot study to investigate the development of geographic information system (GIS) to better manage and disseminate soils information as developed from test boring results. The pilot study resulted in a GIS system that makes it easier to obtain information regarding soil types at a specific project location. The construction activities in the city Coimbatore, which is named as south Indias Manchester, are in very good shape, with rapid progress on industrial developments. This city is also tipped to be an ideal place for IT industry, in southern India as all other prominent cities are in a level of saturation. The cosmopolitan environment and pleasantness of the city has attracted peace loving citizens to settle down here by building their own hamlets. The banks are also lending housing loans at cheaper rate of interest. Planning for housing for IT professionals is already on, which are very much in the city or closer to the city in order to save time on travel. All these factors have contributed to rapid progress in the construction activity. The city having been brought under zone III of seismic classification, awareness has been created to do sub soil investigation for every construction. But, the professionals available in private in Coimbatore to take up such investigations are almost nil. Only a few established engineering colleges are extending the consultancy services for such works. Coimbatore is considered to be problematic for construction activities due to the presence of Black cotton soil. But this is not exactly correct because the black cotton soil extends only to shallow depths and it is followed by good stratum of soils. The black cotton soil is so deep only in certain locations warranting thorough analysis and provision of deep foundations. In the light of the above, it was considered necessary to create a data base for sub soil conditions and to make use of GIS for spatial analysis to obtain the required soil parameters for any location in the city once the longitude and latitude of that location is known. The plan was to carry out the research in the following steps: (1). Study area location. (2). Soil Investigation. (3). Soil characteristics prediction model (SCPM). (4). Validation. (5). Geographical Information System. (6). Results and discussion.

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 1 Study area location The Corporation of Coimbatore is the study area selected which is situated in the Southern part of the Peninsula at a longitude of 770400 and 765400 and latitude of 110330 and 105730. The total geographical area of the city is 105.5 A total of 138 bore hole locations were identified for the purpose of this study. Soil samplings were taken at each layer to analyse the soil for its grain size distribution, plasticity characteristics and differential free swell in the laboratory. The bore hole locations were selected such that it covers the entire area of Coimbatore City Corporation. It was also ensured that the four zones of the corporation namely Coimbatore North, Coimbatore South, Coimbatore West and Coimbatore East were also individually well covered. The zone wise number of bore hole investigation points are shown in Table-1.
Table-1 Zone Wise Bore Hole Locations

Sl.No 1. 2. 3. 4.

Description of Zone Coimbatore North Coimbatore South Coimbatore West Coimbatore East

Number of bore hole locations 43 27 44 24

The lesser number of bore hole locations in Coimbatore East and Coimbatore south when compared to Coimbatore West and Coimbatore North is due to the presence of water bodies in these regions. The locations of bore hole are shown in Fig.1 2 SOIL INVESTIGATION At all the above said 138 bore-hole locations, field testing and laboratory analysis were carried out, to study the characteristics of the soil. Advancement of bore-holes was done by augering using Post Hole Auger of 150 mm diameter. The auger was manually operated at a steady rate of penetration. Bulk samples of every stratum in the locations were carefully collected and transported to the laboratory in sealed plastic bags duly numbered. Field identification tests were conducted to identify the name of soils. The advancement of bore hole was terminated, upon refusal of penetration at shallow depths in most of the cases and at 3 to 4 m in a few cases where plastic clay continued for considerable depths. A handheld Penetration needle was used to measure the correlated unconfined compressive strengths (UCC) of soil at every change of stratas, to decide about the suitability of depths for resting foundations. This penetration needle gives the UCC strength corresponding to the penetration of the needle in the soil. Open excavation was done at certain locations for this purpose. If the stiffness of any underlying soil was found to decrease, the bore hole was advanced further and terminated at depths where the stiffness was found to be greater than the overlying stratum. The bottom of bore hole was prepared by cleaning the borehole for conducting Standard Penetration Test (SPT). The test was performed following Indian Standard. The test consists of driving a standard split spoon 50.8 mm outside diameter and 35 mm inside diameter, into soil under the blows of a hammer of 65 kg falling freely through 75 cm. The number of blows required for 30 cm penetration of samples in the soil is designated as N value and is termed as standard penetration blow count.

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 The SPT value gives indirectly the Allowable Bearing Pressure (ABP) of soil. The ABP is obtained by various approaches including Tengs equation taking into consideration the limiting settlement and shear strength failure criterion. The N value is reliably correlated with cohesive and cohesion less soils. The bulk samples collected at different layers of soil and at the terminated depths were analysed in the laboratory for its classification and differential free swell. For classification of soil, particle size distribution and plasticity characteristics were studied. The result of the tests conducted on the samples obtained only from the depth proposed for foundation are taken into detailed consideration for this study. The particle size distribution is obtained by sieve, analysis test on the sample collected. Plasticity characteristics are studied from the Atterberg limits. Atterberg limits are the water contents at which soil consistency changes from one state to another. Results of the above investigation is tabulated in table-2. 3 SOIL CHARACTERISTICS PREDICTION MODEL (SCPM) Statistical Modeling on the prediction of the soil characteristics was developed by using Microsoft Access database and data mining technique called k-nearest neighbour. This model constitute of multiple regression equation, chi-square test and k- nearest neighbour classification. The correlation analysis measures the degree of association between two sets of quantitative data, while regression analysis explains the variation in one variable, based on the variation in one or more of these variables. The variable, of which the variation is explained, is called dependent variable while the variables which are used to explain the variation are called the independent variables. If there is only one dependent variable and only one independent variable is used to explain the variations in it, then the model is known as simple regression model. If the multiple independent variables are used to explain the variations in a dependent variable, it is called multiple regression models and the process of analysis is called multiple regression analysis. The general regression model is of the type Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + ..+bn xn Where, Y is the dependent variable and x1, x2, .., xn are the independent variables expected to be related to Y and expected to explain or predict Y. b1, b2,..,bn are the coefficients of the respective independent variables, which will be determined from the input data. Y- Variable X1-Sand X2- Gravel X3- Silt and Clay X4 Liquid limit X5- Plastic limit X6 - Plasticity Index X7 -Depth X8- N value X9 Free Swell

Predication of N value is given by the equation, N Value = 1625.0577*X1 - 545.0223* X2 + 0.5367* X3+ 0.4972* X4+0.4309* X5+ 0.7287* X6 -0.5967* X7 - 1.2586* X8 - 0.1178* X9+ 2284.5463 Prediction of Depth is given by the equation, Depth= -208.6702* X1 - 43.6708* X2 - 0.0031* X3 - 0.0035* X4 - 0.006* X5 -0.0054* X6+ 0.0035* X7 0.0238* X8 + 0.0032* X9 +292.0515

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 Prediction of Free Swell is given by the equation, Free Swell = 7162.1547* X1 -1648.0475* X2 - 2.0628* X3- 2.3616* X4-1.8845* X5 + 2.0963* X6 - 0.6052* X7 - 2.1195* X8 + 4.0621* X9- 9068.4318 The regression output gives the coefficients of the independent variables. The coefficients of independent variables are substituted in the above model. 4 Validation A very powerful test for testing the significance of discrepancy between theory and experiment is known as Chi-square Test of Goodness of Fit. It enables us to find the deviation of the experiment from theory is just by chance or is it really due to inadequacy of the theory to fit the observed data. The value of the test-statistic is

n X2 =


(Oi Ei)2 ----------Ei

where X2 = the test statistic that asymptotically approaches a 2 distribution. Oi = an observed frequency; Ei = an expected (theoretical) frequency, asserted by the null hypothesis; n = the number of possible outcomes of each event.

The chi-square fitness test shows that, the calculated value for N value as 29.9934, for depth as 8.55 and for free swell as 124.78 and are less than standard tabulated value (140.2 for more than 100 degree of freedom). Hence the model developed is adequate.

5 Geographic Information System

When the base map with scanned using a scanner, it automatically captures map features, text and symbols in the map as pixels of vary grey scales (0-255) and produces an automated digital image in raster format. The map was registered and more than with five Ground Control Points (GCP). The longitude and latitude of the bore-hole locations were measured using Global Positioning System (GPS). The locations of boreholes were given as input to the vector map, as point feature. A database is then created for this point features with details of Lat Long, sample identification number and the attributes. The attributes are percentage gravel, sand, silt and clay, depths, differential free swell, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index, soil classification and N value. All the digitized data are imported and processed using Arch view. The digitized images with various layers are added to create thematic map. Thematic maps are the maps pertaining one particular theme. The thematic maps are overlaid and analysed using relational tables. Grid maps are developed for thematic maps of each attribute, and were analysed using spatial analysis tools. Grid maps display

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 data of each attribute as continuous color gradations across the map. This color gradation is produced by an interpolation of point data from the source. Digital Terrain Modeling (DTM) was developed using Triangular Irregular Network (TIN). In the TIN model of a surface, the variations of the triangles produced represent terrain features such as peaks, depressions and passes, and the edges represent ridges and valleys. DTM was developed for the various such attributes. The spatial variation models and digital elevation models of various attributes were presented in Fig. 2 to Fig. 7. 6 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

A database is created for the various soil characteristics from 138 borehole studies spread all over Coimbatore City Corporation to manipulate the data as part of a modeling and interpretation exercise. It is concluded that good soil stratum is available at shallow depths in almost the entire study area, except in some pockets. The presence of black cotton soil in the study area is mainly limited to shallow depths only. In a few pockets like TamilNadu Agri University, Ganapathy and Singanalllr,the thickness of clay layer extends beyond the depth of exploration and in such cases deep foundations or any other suitable foundation can be considered. The range of free swell values obtained indicates that the black cotton soil in the study area is of highly swelling type. It implies that conventional foundations should be avoided. Framed structure will be compound walls foundations should not also be of conventional type. Any utility platforms or pipe lines should be provided with due care. A Soil Characteristics Predication Model (SCPM) is developed for the predication of the parameters required for foundation design. It gives the predicated values based on regression analysis and K-nearest neighbour.The values predicated using SCPM are found to have close agreement with actual values. The SCPM has flexibility to include additional parameters and additional data for any other specific purpose oriented studies. The good performance of SCPM is confirmed by Chi-Square test for goodness of fit where the calculated values are well within the tabulated values. Spatial variation maps for important characteristics like depth value, free swell and Index properties like sand, silt, clay, Liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index, are developed using GIS. The values obtained from GIS approach, for unknown locations are found to be in good agreement with the actual values. This GIS Maps and SCPM are having wide practical applications. For example, when a new building is proposed, the followed steps are suggested.

The required Soil Characteristics can be known with the following steps. The latitude and Longitude of the proposed site are obtained using GPS.

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 By inputting the Lat-Lon values in the respective spatial variation maps, the depth suitable for foundation, the allowable bearing pressure and the free swell value can be obtained from the respective spatial variation maps. By inputting the Lat-Lon values in SCPM, the depth suitable for foundation, the allowable bearing pressure and the free swell values can be obtained from regression analysis and K-nearest neighbor. The values obtained from the spatial variation maps and also SCPM can be compared. If the values obtained are in good agreement with each other a simple filed verification is sufficient. If a large difference is observed actual values may be obtained and then compared before taking a final decision.

Fig.1 Bore-Holes location map Coimbatore Corporation

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

Fig.2 Spatial Variation of N Value

Fig.3 Digital Elevation model of N Value

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

Fig.4 Spatial Variation of Foundation Depth

Fig.5 Digital Elevation model of Foundation Depth

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

Fig.6 Spatial Variation of Free Swell

Fig.7 Digital Elevation model of Free Swell

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

Table-2 Results

Sl.NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Longtitude 76.9494 76.9595 76.9831 76.9919 76.9951 76.9896 76.9466 76.9936 77.0525 77.0517 77.0553 77.0517 77.0347 77.0269 77.0303 76.9611 76.9681 76.9439 76.9912 76.9747 77.0247 76.9641 76.9737 76.9444 76.9392 76.9306 76.94 76.9328 76.9361 76.9397 76.9372 76.9717 76.9964 76.9969 76.95

Latitude 10.9875 10.9772 10.9725 10.9705 10.975 10.9949 10.996 10.9689 11.0075 11.0094 11.0111 11.0119 10.9989 11.0003 10.9983 11.0058 10.9975 11.0197 11.0467 11.0053 11.0289 11.0133 11.0164 11.0264 11.0289 11.0156 11.0136 11.0122 11.0108 11.0094 11.0122 11.0222 10.9955 10.9889 11.02

Sand(%) 17 40.6 37.6 41 54.4 49 62 39.6 65.3 33.1 38.9 42.5 75.2 41.9 46.5 39.5 23 27 38 34 58.1 73 67 68 61 41.2 41 66 53 63 33.1 69 55 55.4 55

Gravel(%) 5 15.4 2 2.1 8.7 6 18 3.5 16.5 17.9 8 9.4 1.2 29.5 12 23.1 42 51 48 0 39.8 2 14 6 14 7.4 22 11 11 9 30.5 0 1.6 7.7 7

Silt & Clay(%) 78 44 60.4 56.9 36.9 45 20 56.9 18.2 49 53.1 48.1 23.6 38.6 41.5 37.4 35 22 14 66 2.1 25 19 26 25 51.4 37 23 36 28 36.4 31 43.4 36.9 38

Liquid_limit (%) 92 38 37 42 42.3 0 0 56 31.5 37.5 43.5 36 26 44 52.5 44 59 60 37 48 0 0 0 34 46 32 0 30 37 42.4 55 31 55.2 52.3 29

Plasticity intex(%) 69.49 20.47 20.14 18.47 22.5 0 0 36 18.09 19.78 19.76 27.93 14.19 25.88 23.82 24 36 37 23 24 0 0 0 23 28 20 0 17.5 16.8 26 30 15 32.9 32.5 19

Plastic_Limit (%) 22.51 17.53 16.86 23.53 19.8 0 0 20 13.41 17.72 23.74 8.07 11.81 18.12 18 20 22 22 14 24 0 0 0 11 18 19 0 12.5 20.2 16.4 25 16 22.3 19.8 10

Free_swell (%) 145 75 40 75 110 0 0 115 60 80 81 91 50 30 60 75 40 90 0 120 0 0 0 0 60 20 0 20 40 140 50 40 100 110 25

Depth (m) 2.4 2.4 1.5 2.4 2.1 2 2 2.5 1.5 1.7 1.6 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.1 1.5 2.1 1.6 1.5 1.6 2.3 2.4 2.3 2.8 1.85 2.8 2 2.5 3 1.6 3 1.9 2.1 1.6

N_value 14 34 18 29 19 29 40 18 32 19 15 16 36 32 32 37 31 27 32 12 60 44 17 30 24 50 70 22 27 24 12 25 11 19 40

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74

76.9562 76.9839 76.9581 76.9833 76.9244 76.9443 76.9358 76.9419 76.9678 76.9594 76.9783 76.9622 76.9847 76.9736 76.9636 76.9772 76.9581 76.9466 76.9414 76.9436 76.9592 76.9975 77.0041 77.0089 77.0013 77.0056 76.9995 77.0075 77.0111 76.9467 76.9756 76.9628 76.9503 77.0136 76.9281 76.9489 76.9856 77.0033 76.9636

11.0437 11.0422 11.0283 11.0111 11.0092 11.0135 11.0175 11.0333 11.0003 11.0169 11.0239 10.9936 11.0097 11.0256 11.0172 10.9953 11.0189 10.996 11.0172 11.011 11.0253 11.0472 11.0483 11.0473 11.0449 11.0433 11.0488 11.0219 11.0239 11.0208 11.0103 11.0106 11.0372 11.0014 11.031 11.0122 10.9981 11.0483 10.9939

57 40 41.3 44 36.4 58 38.2 47 45 52 49 68 50 51 29 49 20 44 68 62 58 17 24 13 12 15 30 34 35.1 43 64 60 59.4 40 32 45 48.8 42 62

13 21 4.8 22.5 19.6 28 7.1 0 28 14 1 29 42 14 43 6 52 29 10 17 6.1 61 59 66 69 63 52 11.6 47.4 38 32 10 1.8 42 43 36 2.3 46.8 18

30 39 53.9 33.5 44 14 54.7 53 27 34 50 3 8 35 28 45 28 27 22 21 35 22 17 21 19 22 18 54.4 17.5 19 4 30 38.8 18 25 19 48.9 11.2 20

45 61.5 59 52 40 42 99 41 45 45 33 0 0 37 55 0 41 39 0 48 0 72 60 97 95 90 36 56 65 58 0 32 40 38 40 50 47 58 0

26 45.2 35 35 28 28 66 23 22 23 18 0 0 21 30 0 22 21 0 22 0 49 36 70 65 62 20 33 46 36 0 18 22 22 30 25 29 36 0

19 16.3 24 17 12 14 33 18 23 22 15 0 0 16 25 0 19 18 0 26 0 23 24 27 30 28 16 23 19 22 0 14 18 16 10 25 18 22 0

50 75 90 80 10 30 80 76 70 60 40 0 0 80 40 40 60 20 0 20 20 70 95 120 95 110 60 25 40 40 0 20 40 30 45 40 27 60 20

1.5 2.5 1.6 1.5 1.5 2.1 1.7 2.5 1.8 1.9 2.3 1.5 1.8 2 1.7 2 2.1 2.1 2.7 1.5 3.2 2 1.9 2 2.1 1.7 2 1.5 1.7 2 2.2 1.5 2 1.5 2.15 2.4 1.3 2.4 2

11 20 12 25 13 28 14 16 35 11 10 70 70 19 31 29 15 30 30 20 25 20 22 21 19 19 28 14 16 33 30 17 39 25 11 26 22 11 40

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113

76.9606 76.9419 76.9894 76.9453 76.9453 76.9478 76.9917 76.9742 76.9381 76.9356 76.9931 76.9697 76.9461 77.0014 77.0075 76.9894 76.9214 76.9247 76.9275 76.9264 76.9309 76.9475 76.9452 76.942 76.95 76.9204 76.9172 76.916 76.9217 76.9322 76.9185 76.9175 76.9413 76.9511 76.9382 76.09511 76.954 76.955 76.9549

11.0061 11.0322 11.01 10.9967 11.0125 11.0128 11.0292 11.0272 11.0114 11.0361 10.9961 10.995 11.0019 10.9864 10.9969 11.0083 11.0306 11.0364 11.0266 11.0399 11.9307 11.0405 11.0401 11.0397 11.0401 11.018 11.0159 11.0107 10.9933 11 10.9938 10.9995 10.9932 11.0017 11.0031 11.0304 11.0256 11.056 11.0536

28 40 48 18 71 21 64 23 32.5 38 64 48 30 48 29 17 23 32 32 55 51 45 44 59 59 46 46 46 62 62 29 52 49 78 30 59 32 47 32

42 16 32 67 9 58 8 0 16.8 18 9 22 0 21 52 8 58 43 51 5 2 19 3 2 6 2 2 2 7 13 4 8 2 7 0 16 43 12 34

30 44 20 15 20 21 28 77 50.7 44 27 30 70 31 19 75 19 25 17 40 47 36 53 39 35 52 52 52 31 25 67 40 49 15 70 25 25 41 34

44 45 52 0 0 32 0 45 129 38 54 42 95 32 46 65 45 40 0 29 42 0 45 40 0 49 49 49 42 0 54 37 47 0 95 46 42 42 49

32 37 28 0 0 22 0 27 107 26 34 17 68 25 32 42 22 22 0 19 21 0 22 22 0 28 28 28 24 0 30 18 29 0 68 28 25 23 28

12 18 24 0 0 10 0 18 22 12 20 25 27 7 14 23 23 18 0 10 21 0 23 18 0 21 21 21 18 0 24 19 18 0 27 18 17 19 21

30 30 40 0 20 20 0 40 400 20 55 30 70 40 20 50 40 45 0 20 25 10 55 40 0 50 50 50 10 10 80 38 27 0 180 30 40 40 50

2.3 2.6 2.7 2.5 2.5 2.7 2.6 2.7 1.9 1.5 1.6 1.8 2.1 1.7 2.7 2.9 2.1 2.15 1.75 1.6 1.2 1.2 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 1.75 2.5 1.4 1.2 2.5 4 2.8 2 2 1.2

32 15 44 22 15 21 47 10 10 30 20 25 18 28 48 14 66 11 17 43 22 50 16 50 71 14 14 14 31 38 34 27 50 22 10 24 18 34 70

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996

114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138

76.9597 76.9006 76.9545 76.9727 76.98 76.9766 76.9664 76.9742 76.9613 76.9641 76.981 76.9861 76.9944 76.997 76.0017 76.9976 77.0267 77.0279 77.0298 76.9619 76.958 77.0282 77.0253 77.0175 77.0289

11.054 11.054 11.0433 11.0529 11.052 11.049 11.0398 11.0371 11.0219 11.0213 11.0314 11.0219 11.0311 11.0259 11.0214 11.0172 11.023 11.0265 11.0287 11.0001 11.0007 10.99 11.0061 10.9914 10.9805

42 32 45 18 38 40 25 51 20 52 69 35 38 40 34 41 58 27 41 24 22 43 72 16 39.6

1 38 19 67 48 13 20 14 52 14 0 50 45 10 30 24 40 36 24 46 42 32 6 8 3.5

57 30 36 15 14 47 55 35 28 34 31 15 17 50 36 35 2 37 35 30 36 25 22 76 56.9

60 48 0 34 37 0 45 37 41 45 31 46 77 44 0 0 0 40 40 42 40 38 37 58 56

33 28 0 21 23 0 24 21 22 23 15 24 49 24 0 0 0 21 21 26 22 22 22 41 36

27 20 0 13 14 0 20 16 19 22 16 22 28 20 0 0 0 19 19 16 18 16 15 17 20

100 45 15 45 50 0 40 40 60 50 40 50 100 63 0 0 0 45 50 30 60 36 20 80 115

2.4 2 2.3 1.8 1.4 2.4 2.4 2 1.7 1.9 3.8 2.7 1.5 1.7 2 3 1.6 2 1.6 1.7 2.1 1.7 1.5 1.7 2.4

19 12 60 13 13 17 20 19 10 11 12 10 10 20 46 47 15 22 11 32 28 28 42 19 18

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Gandhimathi et. al. / International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Vol. 2(7), 2010, 2982-2996 References
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