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1. Selection and recruitments of suitable employees is a major task of the HRM Department. Discuss in your case study: 1.

1 What is Human Resource Planning, the information required and the different stages of planning? Future labor requirement can be forecasted by using information such as resignations, retirements; strategic plans of the company, production methods whereas analysis of current labor supply generates skill inventory & management inventory which include skills, qualifications of both managerial & non managerial employees. Basically HRP is carried out in 4 different stages such as auditing, forecasting, planning & controlling resources. The auditing stage involves the analysis of the strategic environment of the specific organization whereas forecasting stage involves analysis of the labor demand & supply in terms of number, quality & type of available human resource. Planning stage consists of policies to recruit, train & develop human resource whilst the effective use of such human resource is measured in the controlling stage.

2.2 Explain the structured process of recruitment and compare two different organizations.

The recruitment process differs from one organization to another depending upon their requirements. Most of the organizations in the apparel industry attract ideal candidates for their job vacancies through internal & external references where as companies in the IT sector attracts job candidates through online websites & other different online sources. As an example Brandix Lanka applies internal employee references to attract candidates. The low cost & the easiness are some of the advantages and the main disadvantage is that it limits the number of candidates that can be attracted. Companies like Virtusa uses online advertising systems such as top jobs etc. to encourage potential employees to apply for their available vacancies. This is mainly due to the low cost. Different

organizations use different technique in attracting job candidates due to the type of the industry that they engaged in, the level & the type of job considered, Cost factor or may be due to top management decisions. This indicates that recruitment process of different industries differ based on the type of applicants they wish to attract. 2.3 Discuss your views on Interview techniques. The type of job, level of management, Time & cost factor etc. are some of those factors that affect the selection of interview technique. Assessment centers can be used in interviewing management trainees because it provides the opportunity for them to show their actual skills. This technique requires high cost and it is time consuming. But it enables employers to select the ideal candidate. Apart from that stress interviews are useful in selecting managerial level employees as the candidate himself intentionally put forward with stress situations. This reflects their level of tolerance & their actual behavior in similar situations. In basket technique is also used in many organizations. In this technique candidates are given particular information about an actual or hypothetical situation and they are required to put them in order and make their own decisions. This is also useful in interviewing managerial level employees. This technique consumes a considerable amount of money & time but it also help managers to identify appropriate candidates to fill their job vacancies. 2.4 Evaluate selection practices in comparison with Best Practices The use of multiple selection practices provides the basis to select the ideal candidate. Before conducting the interview it is useful to screen the applications of the candidates so that candidates with required qualifications can only be called for interviews. And at the same time a reference check of the candidates can be done to have a sound picture of the given particulars in their resumes. After interviewing the candidates it is advisable to conduct different tests such as aptitude tests, attitude tests, and proficiency tests to make judgments about their specific skills. The use of a combination of the said practices generates high results with regard to the selection of an appropriate candidate when compared with the use of a single selection practice.

2. Monitoring and rewarding is a way of Motivating employees. To perform the above task with effectiveness, outline the principles and procedures. 2.1 Evaluate job evaluation and pay structure. (elaborate on pay structure little bit more) This reflects the link between compensation packages & the available job types. Unbiased, attractive & competitive pay structure assist an organization to attract best potential candidates for their available job vacancies & at the same time it helps managers to retain appropriate employees since they are assured that they will be granted better salaries if they perform well. Job evaluation assists in providing salary equity among all jobs in a salary administration. After a job is evaluated, it is assigned to the appropriate salary group and corresponding salary range. Therefore it is inevitable to evaluate jobs in an organization so that a fair and unbiased salary structure can be developed and maintained within the organization. 2.2 Identify different reward systems and benefits. Reward systems should focus on positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is the most effective tool for encouraging desired behavior because it stimulates people to take actions so that they get something of value (internally or externally) for doing it. An effectively designed and managed reward program can drive an organization's change process by positively reinforcing desired behaviors. Performance based reward systems are more popular among new companies since it motivates employees to perform their maximum in order to be rewarded. This type of a rewarding system generates mutual benefits for both employer & employee. Apart from that there are reward systems which are not linked with performance rather it provides a fixed amount to the particular employee. Employee benefits could be provided in different ways such as transportation, meals, welfare facilities, medical facilities etc. These types of benefits help employers to retain their best employees within the organization so that a high level of productivity can be attained with the optimum use of available human resources. 2.3 Discuss relationship of Motivational theories and rewards.

Abraham Maslow has put forwarded a motivational theory which illustrate five different stages of human needs that needs to be filled an employee at work. Physiological needs, Safety needs, Social needs, Esteem needs &Self-actualization needs are the basic needs that have been explained in the said theory. All of the needs are structured into a hierarchy and only once a lower level of need has been fully met, would a worker be motivated by the opportunity of having the next need up in the hierarchy satisfied.A business should therefore offer different incentives to workers in order to help them fulfill each need in turn and progress up the hierarchy. Herzberg two factor theory also states that an employee should be provided with two categories of factors so that they will be motivated such as Hygiene factors & motivational factors. Motivational factors directly motivate an employee whereas absence of hygiene factors demotivates an employee. As an example an employee should be paid with a basic salary so that he performs his job, the absence of such a basic pay encourage the employee to withdraw his service. Therefore it is essential to link pay with the performance. Elton Mayos scientific management theory indicates that an employee is only motivated by the pay. Thus the above explanation reflects the link between motivational theories & rewards. 2.4 Explain procedures for monitoring performances. PE objectives are establishes with specific purposed in mind and accordingly PE policies should be developed. PE criteria & standards are very important as those specify the conditions upon which the evaluation would be carried out. Graphic rating scale, critical incident method, multiple choice method are some of the techniques that can be used in conducting PE which have their own pros & cons. PE forms should be develop separately for different categories of employees with the procedures that should be followed in conducting PE. Evaluator errors could be minimized by providing proper training for evaluators. The actual appraisal can be conducted after these steps so that PE results could be discussed to make necessary decisions. The final step involves the revision of the entire PE process as any process requires modification with the time. Therefore it is evident that the use of a proper performance evaluation assists organizations to monitor their overall performance in order to achieve a high level of productivity.

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