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Chapter 11

*Federalist and Republican Mudslingers

* The Jeffersonian "Revolution of 1800"

* Jeffersonian Restraint

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* The "Dead Clutch" of the Judiciary

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* Jefferson, a Reluctant Warrior

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Thomas Jefferson became the victim of The Federalists accused him of having an affair with one of his slaves. Thomas Jefferson beat John Adams in the election of 1800 by majority of 73 to 65 electoral votes. Jefferson pardoned prisoners of the Sedition Acts. The Naturalization Law of 1802 reduced requirement of 14 years of residence to 5 years. Jefferson also did away with excise tax. Albert Gallatin believed that national debt wasn't a blessing; he reduced the national debt with strict economy. Judiciary Act of 1801- created 16 new federal judgeships and other judicial offices. The new RepublicanDemocratic Congress repealed the act, kicked out 6 newly seated judges. Chief Justice John Marshall was not removed. Served under presidents including Jefferson and others for 34 years. James Madison was Secretary of State. Judge Samuel ChaseDemocratic-Republican Congress tried to remove because of John Marshall's decision with Marbury. Not removed due to a lack of votes in Senate. Forced to bend his thoughts of not using military force when leader of Tripoli informally declared war on the U.S. Jefferson sent new navy to Tripoli After 4 years of fighting, a deal was reached.

one of America's first "whispering campaigns."

Election of 1800

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Naturalization Law of 1802 Albert Gallatin- Secretary of Treasury to Jefferson

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Judiciary Act of 1801 Republican-Democratic Congress Chief Justice John Marshall Shaped American legal tradition more than any other person. James Madison Marbury vs. Madison (1803)Judge Marbury sued Madison for cutting his salary.They ruled in Marburys favor. -showed that Supreme Court had final say so.

Preferred to make military smaller.

The U.S. paid Tripoli $60,000 for release of captured Americans.

* The Louisiana Godsend

Napoleon Bonaparte convinced king of Spain to give Louisiana to France in 1800. Jefferson sent James Monroe to join Robert Livingston in

Napoleon Bonaparte

James Monroe


1803 to buy as much land as he could for $10 million. Napoleon decided to sell Louisiana and abandon his dream of a New World Empire for 2 reasons: He failed to reconquer the island of Santo Domingo. Napoleon didn't want Britain to take over Louisiana. He wanted the money from the Americans. y Robert Livingston- along with James Monroe, negotiated in Paris for the Louisiana land area; signed a treaty on April 30, 1803 ceding Louisiana to the United States for $15 million. Jefferson sent his personal secretary, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark to explore the northern part of the Louisiana Purchase. Aaron Burr- Jefferson's firstterm vice president; after being dropped from Jefferson's cabinet, he joined a group of extremist Federalists. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel and Hamilton accepted. Hamilton refused to shoot and was shot and killed by Burr. General James Wilkinson made an allegiance with Burr to separate western part of the U.S. from the East Expand their new confederacy with invasions of Spanishcontrolled Mexico and Florida.

Chapter 11
Robert Livingston Louisiana Purchase

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Lewis and Clark Expedition

*The Aaron Burr Conspiracies

Plotted the secession of New England and New York

General James Wilkinson- the corrupt military governor of Louisiana Territory

Betrayed Burr when he learned that Jefferson knew of the plot; Burr was acquitted of the charges of treason by Chief Justice John Marshall and he fled to Europe. England was the power of seas, and France had power of land.

* America: A Nutcrackered Neutral

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Jefferson was reelected in 1804, capturing 162 electoral votes Federalist opponent (Charles Pinckney) only received 14 votes. England issued a series of Orders in Council in 1806. Closed the European ports under French control to foreign shipping.


French ordered seizure of all merchant ships that entered British ports. In 1807, Jefferson passed the Embargo Act. With the act, Jefferson planned to force France and England to respect America and its citizens. The embargo significantly hurt profits of U.S. merchants and was hated by Americans. The act was repealed in 1809 Substitute act was enacted: The Non-Intercourse Act. Opened up trade to every country except France and Britain. Embargo failed because Britain and France were not as reliant on America as Jefferson had hoped. Britain was able to trade with Latin American republics France had enough land in Europe to support itself. James Madison became president on March 4, 1809. Congress issued Macon's Bill No. 2. Reopened American trade with the entire world. Napoleon convinced James Madison to give Britain 3 months to lift Orders in Council. Britain chose not to lift its Orders in Council, Madison had to reenact the United States trade embargo, just against Britain.

Chapter 11

y * The Hated Embargo

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It banned the exportation of any goods to any countries. American citizens had been killed and captured by both countries.

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y y * Madison's Gamble y y

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Macon's Bill No. 2 Led to the War of 1812.

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* Tecumseh and the Prophet

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*Mr. Madison's War

Twelfth Congress- met in 1811; eliminate Indian threats to pioneers. Tecumseh and Tenskwatawa, Shawnees unified many Indian tribes in a battle with settlers Allied with the British. William Henry Harrisongovernor of the Indiana territory; defeated the Shawnee at the Battle of Tippecanoe. On June 1, 1812, Madison asked Congress to declare war on the British. Democratic-Republicans who supported the war ("war hawks") felt that the country had to assert American rights

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The "war hawks" wanted to go to war with the British Tecumseh-Shawnee Tenskwatawa-the Prophet They are brothers

The Federalists were opposed because they supported Britain.


to the world. Wanted to invade Canada, the Indians' stronghold, Indians were being armed by British to attack settlers.

Chapter 11

On to Canada over Land and Lakes y y y y y Americans tried to invade Canada from Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain. All were beaten by Canadians. Americans attacked by sea and were more successful. Oliver Hazard Perry- captured a British fleet in Lake Erie. General Harrison's army overtook the British at Detroit and Fort Malden in the Battle of the Thames in October 1813. Thomas Macdonough- naval officer who forced the invading British army near Plattsburgh to retreat on September 11, 1814; he saved upper New York.

Washington Burned and New Orleans Defended y y y Andrew Jackson defended New Orleans. Francis Scott Key- American prisoner aboard a British ship who watched the British fleet bombard Fort McHenry; wrote the "Star Spangled Banner." Washington burned in 1814.

Federalist Grievances and the Hartford Convention y y y y y y y Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island met in 1814 in Hartford, Connecticut for a secret meeting to discuss their disgust of the war and to redress their grievances. Constitutional amendments requiring a 2/3 vote in Congress before an embargo could be imposed, new states admitted, or war declared. Abolition of slavery. President could only serve 1 term. Abolition of the 3/5 clause. Prohibition of the election of 2 successive Presidents from the same state. Hartford resolutions marked the death of the Federalist party.

"The American System" y y y y Congress instituted the 1st protective tariff, the Tariff of 1816. The tariff placed a 20-25% tax on the value of dutiable imports. Over time, the tax price continued to rise, creating problems of no competition between companies. Due to nationalism, Henry Clay developed a plan for a profitable home market. It was called the American System. It had 3 main parts: A strong banking system, to provide easy and abundant credit. A protective tariff, behind which eastern manufacturing would flourish. A network of roads and canals. President Madison vetoed the bill to give states aid for infrastructure, deeming it unconstitutional. The Jeffersonian Democratic-Republicans were strongly opposed to building federally-funded roads .

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The So-Called Era of Good Feelings y y The Federalists ran a candidate for the presidential for the last time in 1816. James Monroe won the election. The time during the administrations of President Monroe was known as the "Era of Good Feelings" because the 2 political parties were getting along.

The Panic of 1819 and the Curse of Hard Times y y The Panic of 1819 was the first financial panic since President Washington took office. The main cause was the over-speculation in frontier lands.



Chapter 11

The Bank of the United States became financial devil to western farmers because it foreclosed many farms.

Growing Pains of the West y y Between 1791 and 1819, 9 states from the West had joined the United States. People moved out west because of cheap land. The Land Act of 1820 authorized a buyer to purchase 80 virgin acres at a minimum of $1.25 an acre.

Slavery and the Sectional Balance y y y The House of Representatives slowed the plans of the Missourians of becoming a state by passing Tallmadge Amendment. Called for no more slaves to be brought into Missouri and called for the gradual emancipation of children born to slave parents already there. The amendment was later defeated by the slave states in Congress.

The Uneasy Missouri Compromise y y y y y y Henry Clay introduced the compromise that decided whether or not Missouri would be admitted as a slave state. Congress decided to admit Missouri as a slave state in 1820. But, Maine, which was apart of Massachusetts, was to be admitted as a separate, free state. There were 12 slave states and 12 free states. The Missouri Compromise by Congress forbade slavery in the remaining territories in the Louisiana Territory except for Missouri. James Monroe was elected again as President in 1820.

John Marshall and Judicial Nationalism y y y y y McCulloch vs. Maryland (1819) involved an attempt by the state of Maryland to destroy a branch of the Bank of the United States by imposing a tax on the Bank's notes. John Marshall declared the U.S. Bank constitutional by invoking the Hamiltonian doctrine of implied powers. He strengthened federal authority and slapped at state infringements when he denied the right of Maryland to tax the Bank. Cohens vs. Virginia (1821) involved the Cohens appealing to the Supreme Court for being found guilty of illegally selling lottery tickets by the state of Virginia. Virginia won and the conviction was withheld. Gibbons vs. Ogden (1824) grew out of an attempt by the state of New York to grant to a private concern a monopoly of waterborne commerce between New York and New Jersey. New York lost.

Judicial Dikes Against Democratic Excesses y y y y Fletcher vs. Peck (1810) Georgia legislature granted 35 million acres to private speculators; the next legislature cancelled the bribery-induced transaction. John Marshall let the state give the acres to the private speculators calling it a contract and constitutional. The decision protected property rights against popular pressures. Dartmouth College vs. Woodward (1819) Dartmouth College was given a charter by King George III but New Hampshire wanted to take it away. John Marshall ruled in favor of the college. Daniel Webster- "Expounding Father"; served in both the House and Senate.

Sharing Oregon and Acquiring Florida y y John Quincy Adams- Secretary of State to James Monroe. Treaty of 1818 permitted the Americans to share the Newfoundland fisheries with the Canadians and provided for a 10-year joint occupation of the Oregon Country without a surrender of the rights or claims of either America or Britain.



Chapter 11

With the many revolutions taking place in South America, Spain was forced to take many of its troops out of Florida. General Andrew Jackson went into Florida saying he would punish the Indians and recapture the runaways who were hiding away in Spanish Florida. He did this, but captured St. Marks and Pensacola, the 2 most important Spanish posts in the area. The Florida Purchase Treaty of 1819, Spain ceded Florida, as well as Spanish claims to Oregon in exchange for America's abandonment of claims to Texas.

The Menace of Monarchy in America After Napoleon's fall from power in 1815, the Europeans wanted to completely eliminate democracy. George Canning- British foreign secretary; asked the American minister in London if the United States would band together with the British in a joint declaration renouncing any interest in acquiring Latin American territory, and specifically warning the European dictators to keep their harsh hands off the Latin American republics.

Monroe and His Doctrine Secretary Adams thought the British feared that the Americans would one day seize Spanish territory in the Americas; jeopardizing Britain's possessions in the Caribbean. Monroe Doctrine (1823) - President Monroe, in his annual address to Congress, stated a stern warning to the European powers. Its two basic features were non-colonization and nonintervention. Monroe stated that the era of colonization in the Americas was over. Monroe also warned against foreign intervention. He warned Britain to stay out of the Western Hemisphere, and stated that the United States would not intervene in foreign wars.

Monroe's Doctrine Appraised The Europeans powers were offended by the Monroe Doctrine; in a big part because of America's soft military strength. President Monroe was more concerned with the security of America when he issued the Monroe Doctrine. He had basically warned the Old World power to stay away. The Doctrine thrived off nationalism.

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