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Mobile Computing iphone/ipad Android and Blackberry Application and Game Development

Course Syllabus

Catalyzing Mobile Computing Revolution

Complete Mobile application Development Training company

Module 1 Advanced C++ Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

An STL Roadmap, Web STL references: concepts, man pages, samples.

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Practicing sample code based on library of STL and its Algorithm

Topic 1 : Generic Programming and the C++ Standard Library

Topic 2 : Exception-Safety Issues and Techniques

Exceptions from the C++ library reference, Exception Bugs found, The golden rule of exceptions.

Writing safe program using Exceptional Handling

Topic 3: Class Design and


Object land terminology (adopting one language), types verses objects,

Design Object oriented based UML diagram for software system.

Topic 4: Memory Management

Intro to design by color, Overwrite new and delete, Create a memory pool,



Writing complex software module to use custom allocation and reallocation of memory. Writing Complex Software Module using memory pool.

Topic 5: Hands On

Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Continue same Project

Module 2 Core JAVA

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

- Class introduction - Revision of basic Java - IDE (Eclipse), Packages, and Jar Basics

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

1. Understand course structure and objectives 2. Get a broad understanding of Java technologies and its applications 3. Prepare for the advanced Java topics covered in this course

Topic 1 : Introduction

Topic 2 : Streams and File


- Streams - Various Stream classes - Using Streams - Object Streams - File Management
- What are Threads - Thread Properties - Thread States: Life Cycle of a Thread - Interrupting Threads - Thread Priorities - Thread Groups - Synchronization - Animation - Timers - Runnable Interface - Arrays - Collection Interfaces - Concrete Collections - The Collections Framework - Algorithms - Legacy Collections

1. Learn about the Streams framework of Java 2. Learn how to read from and write to files in Java 3. Walk through an example of doing File I/O 1. Learn about threads in Java 2. Write a Java Applet that uses threads to perform animation

Topic 3: Multithreading

Topic 4: Collections

1. Learn how to use Arrays in Java 2. Learn about Collection classes available in Java 3. Applications of Collections in programming 4. Use a collection in an example Continue same Project

Topic 5: Hands On

Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Module 3 Basic Objective C Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Introducing architecture of Mac OS Architecture of iOS Introduction to Xcode and Objective C. Hello World program. Primitive Data Type and Operators Flow control Statements, Arrays and Structures

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

a. b. c. Creating and compiling project on xcode Writing Hello iphone program. Writing complex program in objective C.

Topic 1 : Introduction to Mac OS, iOS and Objective C

Topic 2 : Classes, Objects and Messaging

a. Objective C Classes and Objects The @interface, The @Implementation, Class Interaction, The @class Directive, Allocating and Initializing Objects, Initializing Objects and writing custom Initializer. b. Methods and Messaging Defining Methods, Calling methods, Multiple Argument Methods and sending messages to objects. a. Memory Management Manual Memory Management, Retain Count, Release, Encapsulation and Memory Management, Autorelease and pool, Garbage collector, Turning Garbage collector on and Off. b. Properties Declaring Properties, Dot Notation and Properties Attributes a. Inheritance Inheritance explained, Ancestry Inheritance, Inheriting Properties, Extension,Overriding Methods, No Overriding Instance Variables and NO Method Overloading, Inheritance and UIViewController. b. Protocol Modelling Protocol, Syntax, Adopting a protocol, Properties and Protocols, Optional Methods, Properties and id, Adopting Multiple Protocols, Extending Protocols, Protocols and Delegates in UIKits. c. Categories and pose extending class without source code, Accessing child class method from parent class. Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Writing object oriented program in objective C

Topic 3: Memory Management

and Properties



Writing program to manage memory using retaincount and autorelease. Writing program to implement properties, setter and getter method.

Topic 4: Inheritance, Protocol

and Categories

Writing program which require implementation of Method overriding, Protocol, Categories and Pose.

Topic 5: Hands On

Continue same Project

Module 4 Objective C Programming Foundation Framework

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. Foundation Framework Classes NSString, NSMutableString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSDateFormatter, NSArray, NSMutableArray, NSEnumerator , Fast Enumeration, NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary. b. File I/O and Handling NSHomeDirectory, NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains, NSTemporaryDirectory, NSBundle, NSFileManager, NSString,Paths, Text Files and NSData Delaying a Selectors, Background Thread, MultiThreading, Notifications, Delegates and Target-Action, Some commonly used Subclasses of NSControl, Implementing the AppController Class.

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

a. Writing code to practice on Foundation Framework classes Writing code to practice on File I/O .

Topic 1 : Some Foundation Framework Classes and File Handling


Topic 2: Selectors and


a. b.

Writing code to practice on Selector and Targets. SpeakLine example

Topic 3: Helper Objects

Delegates, The NSTableView and its dataSource, How Delegates Work, Make a Delegate, Make a Data Source

Writing code to practice on delagates and DataSource.

Topic 4: Key-Value Coding:

Key-Value Observing

Key-Value Coding, Bindings, Key-Value Observing, Making keys Observable, Key Paths, Key-Value Observing.

Writing code based on key-value coding, binding and key-value Observing.

Topic 5: Hands On
Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project

Module 5 Advanced Objective C Programming Foundation Framework Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. NSArrayController Key-Value Coding and nil, Add sorting, Sorting without NSArrayController b. NSUndoManager NSInvocation, How the NSUndoManager Works, Key-Value Observing, Undo for Edits, Begin Editing on Insert, Windows and the Undo Manager. c. NSTimer What is NSTimer, NSRunLoop Writing a Property List, Reading a Property List, NSCopy, NSCoding and NSCoder, NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver, The Document Architecture, Preventing Infinite Loops

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

a. b. Starting the RaiseMan Application Adding Undo to RaiseMan Application

Topic 1 : NSArrayController, NSUndoManager and NSTimer

Topic 2 : Property Lists, NSCopy and Archiving



Writing code to serialize single data type in to .plist File. Writing code to serialize objects and reinitializing objects through serialized file.

Topic 3: Basic Core Data

NSManagedObjectModel, Interface and How Core Data Works

Writing simple program for core Data.

Topic 4: User Defaults and


a. User Defaults NSDictionary and NSMutableDictionary, NSUserDefaults, Registering Defaults, NSUserDefaultsController b. Notification What are Notifications are, NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter, Posting a Notification, Registering as an Observer, Handling the Notification when it Arrives, The UserInfo Dictionary, Delegates and Notifications

a. b.

Writing simple application with user default. Writing simple application which send and receive Notification.

Topic 5: Hands On
Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project

Module 6 iphone GUI Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Views Geometry - Geometric type definition, UIScreen Class , The Frame and center properties , The Bound Property , The View Hierarchy The Multitouch Interface - UITouch class,UIEvent class,UIResponder class,Handling a swipe and More Advanced gesture recognition Animation - UIView class animation, sliding view, Flip Animation, Transition animation a. controls - The Foundation of all controls , UIControl attributes and Targetaction mechanism, The Text Field , Interacting with the keyboard, The delegate, Creating and working with a UITextField, Other Controls like sliders, Switches, Buttons, Segmented Controls, page controls and Date Pickers b. View Controllers - The Simple View Controller, The view controller, The view, The application Delegate and creating simple MVC application, Radio Interfaces, Navigation Controllers, Modal View Controllers and Tab Bar controller a. Special Purpose view picker view, progress views, scroll views, Text View, Alert View, Action sheet and web view b. Custom UI Components Text Field Alert View, Table Alert View and Progress Alert View simple table View Application , Table View with both Images and Text, Table View with Section Headers and Footers , Table view with ability to Delete Rows, Table View with the ability to Insert Rows , Reordering Table Rows, Presenting Hierarchical Information, Grouped Table Views , Indexed Table Views , Dynamic Table Views , Whitening Text in Custom Cells a. a. Developing Professional User Interface with Apple Guideline Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Developing View Based application .

Topic 1 : The View

Topic 2 : controls and View Controllers

a. b. c.

Implementing different control in a application. Developing Navigation based application Developing Tab bar based application.

Topic 3: Special-Purpose Views

and custom UI Components

Developing custom innovative view .

Topic 4: Table View Controller

Developing application based on Table view controller.

Topic 5: Developing Professional User Interface with Apple Guideline and Hands on

Continue same Project

Module 7 iphone/ipad Device Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. Core Location Framework b. Google Maps API - Developing tracking application with Maps, Working with ZIP Codes, c. Working with Map Kit API MKMapView Class, MKCoordinateRegion Structure, MKAnnotation Protocol, MKAnnotationView class, MKUserLocation class and MKPinAnnotation View class a. Working with accelerometer - Getting Device Orientation, Getting Shakes from the UIResponder Chain, Getting Raw Accelerometer Data, Filtering Accelerometer Data Working with Audio - playing and recording audio file, using media picker controller class and searching the ipod library. Working with video - Playing, recording and streaming video. Accessing Device Information Taking and selecting Pictures Monitoring Device Battery - Battery level, Battery state, Battery state and level notifications Accessing the proximity sensor - Enabling proximity monitoring, subscribing to proximity change, Subscribing to proximity change notification and Retrieving the proximity state. Working With Addressbook database - property Types, Accessing Single-Value Properties, Accessing Multi-Value Properties, Person and Group Records, Addressbook, Multithreading and Identifiers, Person photo Retriever Application, ABUnknownPersonViewController class, ABPeoplePickerNavigationController class, ABPersonViewController class and ABNewPersonViewController class

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

A Simple Location-aware Application with GMAP integration.

Topic 1 : Handling Location

Topic 2 : Working with Devices

a. b. c. d.

b. c. d. e. f. g.

Moving a Ball on screen with accelerometer. Developing audio recorder and Player Developing Video recorder and Player Application which monitor battery level.

Topic 3: Working With

Addressbook database


a. Integrating Address book in a custom application which is multilingual.

Topic 4: Advanced Networking

a. Determining Network Connectivity b. Uploading Multimedia Content c. Computing MD5 Hash Value d. Multithreaded Downloads e. push notification f. peer to peer networking Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

a. Voice chat application development

Topic 5: Hands On

Continue same Project

Module 8 Database and WebServices

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

SQLITE Introduction and Basic Database Operations - Opening, creating and closing databases; table operations, Processing Row Results, Prepared Statements preparation, Execution, Finalization, Putting it together., User defined functions , storing BLOBs and Retrieving BLOBs

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

a. Creating SQLITE Database and executive different types of SQL query. Using SQLITE database in the project.

Topic 1 : Working With Database


Topic 2 : XML Processing/parsing

a. XML and RSS - XML Parsing, working on RSS feeds and configuring XCode Project. b. Document Object Model (DOM) c. Simple API for XML (SAX) d. An RSS Reader Application

Developing simple RSS Reader application.

Topic 3: Core Data

a. Core Data Application Components - Entity, Managed Object Model, Persistent store coordinator, Managed object context and Managed object b. Using the Modeling Tool c. Create, Read, Update and Delete d. Working with Relationships

Developing simple Search Application.

Topic 4: Consuming Web services [SOAP and REST]

a. b.

SOAP - Developing SOAP Client , Consuming and parsing soap response REST consuming REST Web Services, JSON Objects

Developing application which takes data from SOAP and REST API.

Topic 5: Hands On

Continue same Project Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Module 9 Blackberry Development

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

The components of Blackberry UI Handling User Interaction Creating Menu

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Create a simple form Create menu with form Home assignment

Topic 1 : Blackberry : GUIs


Topic 2 : Advance GUI


Working with font Drawing to the Screen Using the Graphics Context Creating Custom Fields Creating Custom Managers Creating a Custom Screen Working with the BlackBerry Storm Creating Basic Animation Storing Data on the BlackBerry Persistance BlackBerry Persistent Store The FileConnection API

Create a fancier form Creating fancy screen Touch based GUI Development Home assignment

Topic 3: Storing Data

Saving form data Application Home assignment

Topic 4: Using LocationBased Services Topic 5: Hands On

The Location API Location Application Using BlackBerry Maps

Friend Locator Application Home assignment

Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Continue same Project

Module 10 Android GUI Development

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Introducing Android Stacking up Android Booting Android development An Android application Summary

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Development environment. The Android SDK Fitting the pieces together Building an Android application in Eclipse The Android Emulator Debugging Summary Create a simple form Application.

Topic 1 : Targeting Android

The Big Picture.

Topic 2 : Android: Guts &


What makes up an Android application Using XML for UI layout Basic widgets Introductions to LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, and TableLayout

Topic 3: Development Tools

Hierarchy Viewer DDMS and log results DDMS and simulating calls DDMS and file upload/download DDMS and screenshots Making and using SD card images

Create a fancier form Home assignment

Topic 4: Selection Widgets

The role and use of adapters Lists Spinners Grids Auto-completion fields

Add a selection list to the form Home assignment

Topic 5: Hands On

Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Continue same Project

Module 11 Advance GUI Development

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Using custom layouts in list entries Populating list entries Recycling views Using the holder pattern

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Add icons to the selection list

Topic 1 : Fancy Lists

Topic 2 : Fancy Widgets

Date and time pickers Tabbed dialogs ViewFlipper Galleries

Make the form span multiple tabs: list on one, details on another

Topic 3: Menus and Messages Topic 4: Threads

Adding option menus Adding popup menus Showing dialogs Raising toasts

Add a menu to the app that raises a toast

The one thread to rule them all rule Handlers Alternatives to Handler Progress bars

Add a menu choice that does fake background processing and updates a progress bar

Topic 5: Hands On
Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module. Continue same Project

Module 12 Advance Android Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

How activities are supposed to behave onCreate() and onDestroy() onPause() and onResume() onSaveInstanceState()

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Stop the fake background processing when the activity is paused, pick up again when resumed

Topic 1 : The Activity Lifecycle Topic 2 : Resources

General theory of resources Drawables Values XML Offering multiple resource sets

Support a different layout for landscape instead of portrait views

Topic 3: Using Multiple Activities Topic 4: Preferences and Files Topic 5: Hands on

Having multiple activities in your project Starting other activities from your project Getting results from activities Using URIs to launch system activities

Remove the tabs, put the list on one activity and the detail form on a sub-activity

Using shared preferences Preference screens Preference XML configuration Preference change notification Simple reading and writing of file

Allow users to configure default values

Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Continue same Project

Module 13 Data Structure Programming

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

Introducing SQLite SQLiteOpenHelper and creating a database Opening and closing a database Working with cursors Inserts, updates, and deletes

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

a. Creating SQLITE Database and executive different types of SQL query. Using SQLITE database in the project.

Topic 1 : Working With Database


Topic 2 : XML Processing/parsing Topic 3: Using HttpClient

a. XML and RSS - XML Parsing, working on RSS feeds b. Document Object Model (DOM) c. Simple API for XML (SAX) d. An RSS Reader Application Overview of native networking options - Simple HTTP GET using HttpClient - Posting forms - Cookies - Authentication - XML and JSON

Developing simple RSS Reader application.

Writing simple Http Client.

Topic 4: Consuming Web services [SOAP and REST] Topic 5: Hands On

a. b.

SOAP - Developing SOAP Client , Consuming and parsing soap response REST consuming REST Web Services, JSON Objects

Developing application which takes data from SOAP and REST API.

Continue same Project Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Module 14 Game Engine Anatomy Part I

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. Application Framework b. Game State Manager c. Graphics Engine : Introduction Texturing , Animation , Physics Engine , Audio Engine , Player Input , Game Logic

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Compiling codes of COCOS 2D Game samples

Day 1 : Introduction to Game Engine Anatomy

Day2 : Graphics Engine - Texturing

a. Texturing Pixel, Textures and Images , Transparency , Texture Blending , Rotation, Clipping

Writing program to add texture in the game.

Day3: Graphics Engine - Rotation

Rotation Two-dimensional animations:sprites , Three-dimensional animation:Models, Animation Controllers , Particle Systems , Culling , Texture sorting , Texture files , Resource management , Level of detail

Writing program to add and animate sprites/character in the program.

Day4: Physics Engine : Part I

a. Collision detection versus collision resolution b. Two-dimensional collision detection

Write program which simulate 2D Collision detection.

Day5: Hands On
Continue same Project Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Module 15 Game Engine Anatomy Part II

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. Three-dimensional collision detection b. Collision resolution

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Write program which simulate 3D Collision Detection.

Day 1 : Physics Engine : Part II

Day2 : Audio Engine

Sound samples , playing sound , Multichannel sound , Music versus SFX, Output devices and interruptions

Write program which gives MultiChannel sound Output.

Day3: Player Input

a. Touch events b. Resolving into high-level events

Write a program to handle touch event in game.

Day4: Game Logic

a. High-level events b. Artificial intelligence c. Transparent suspend and resume d. Frame-based versus time-based logic e. Game logic Organization

Write a simple Game Logic program.

Day5: Hands On
Continue same Project Small Project based on the knowledge gained during this Module.

Module 16 2D Game Engine Part I

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

a. Feature List b. User Input Scheme c. Learning curve : Level1, Level2, Level3, Level4 etc..

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Design an addictive game.

Day 1 : Game Design

Day2 : Tile Engine

a. b. c.

Unique Tiles Drawing Tiles TileWorld Class : Loading, Rendering, Camera and Physics

Write a program which render the set of Game.

Day3: Animation and sprite


a. Property list b. Animation Class c. Sprite class

Write a program which do different type of animation to sprite.

Day4: Physics

a. Entities b. Entity-to-World c. Special Tiles d. Entity-to-Entity

Write different types of physics simulation to a 2D Game.

Day5: Level 1 Implementation

gsEmuLevel , TileWorld Main Character - Entity, gsEmuLevel and User Input Emu Chicks - Entity, gsEmuLevel Emu Mother , Game Logic , Sound Writing Level 1 of assigned Live project Game

Module 17 - 2D Game Engine Part II

Total Hours = 20 Hours


Theory Scope Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Presentation

gsLionLevel , TileWorld , McGuffin , Main Character , Lion Entities : Entity and gsLionLevel , Sound

Lab Session Duration : 2 Hours Mode : Code

Writing Level 2 of assigned Live project Game

Day 1 : Level 2 Implementation

Day2 : Level 3 Implementation

gsMazeLevel , TileWorld , Buttons , Doors , Cat and Mouse , User Input Game Logic : Initialization, Context action, update Sounds

Writing Level3 of assigned Live project Game

Day3: Level 4 Implementation

gsRiverLevel , TileWorld , Crocodiles , Logs , Tom , User Input Game Logic : Initialization, Update Sounds

Writing Level 4 of assigned Live project Game

Day4: Game State


Initialize Storage End Game Modify UI

Writing program to serialize the Game State.

Day5: Using COCOS2D to Develop Game

Developing sample game using Cocos2D

Continue same Project

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