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Chapter 6: Classical China

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This chapter explores the unification and expansion of China during the Qin and Han dynasties (221 B.C.E. to 220 C.E.). I. A rich tradition of the social and political philosophies of Confucians, Daoists, and Legalists was the foundation on which these and later dynasties rested. y Some of the significant elements contributing to the unification of China in this period were o The building of a centralized bureaucracy staffed with professionals educated in Confucian thought and values o A prosperous economy based on technological and industrial development and long-distance trade o The standardization of the written language y In Search Of Political And Social Order: o Confucius (551-479 B.C.E.) And His School  Confucius Educator and political advisor Sayings were compiled in the Analects by his disciples  Confucian ideas Fundamentally moral and ethical in character Thoroughly practical: how to restore political and social order Concentrated on formation of junzisuperior individuals Edited and compiled the Zhou classics for his disciples to study  Key Confucian values Ren--a sense of humanity, kindness, benevolence Li--a sense of propriety, courtesy, respect, deference to elders Xiao--filial piety, familial obligation Cultivate personal morality and junzi for bringing order to China  Mencius (372-289 B.C.E.), spokesman for the Confucian school Believed in the goodness of human nature (ren)

Advocated government by benevolence and humanity  Xunzi (298-238 B.C.E.) had a less positive view of human nature Believed that humans selfishly pursue own interests Preferred harsh social discipline to bring order to society Advocated moral education and good public behavior o Daoism  Preferred philosophical reflection and introspection, a life in harmony with nature  Laozi, 6th century B.C.E., founded Daoism (Taoism), allegedly wrote the Daodejing (Classic of the Way and of Virtue)  The Dao--the way of nature, the way of the cosmos Elusive concept: an eternal principle governing all the workings of the world Dao = passive & yielding, does nothing yet accomplishes everything Humans should tailor their behavior to the passive and yielding nature of the Dao Ambition and activism had only brought the world to chaos Doctrine of wuwei: disengagement from worldly affairs, simple life Advocated small, self-sufficient communities Political implications: counterbalance to Confucian activism o Legalism  The doctrine of practical and efficient statecraft No concern with ethics and morality No concern with the principles governing nature  Shang Yang (ca. 390-338 B.C.E.) Qin minister & Legalist writer  Han Feizi (ca. 280-233 B.C.E.) Synthesized Legalist ideas in essays

Legalist doctrine The states strength was in agriculture and military force Discouraged commerce, education, and the arts Harnessing self-interest of the people for the needs of the state Called for harsh penalties even for minor infractions Advocated collective responsibility before the law Not popular among Chinese, but practical; put end to Period of Warring States II. The Unification of China y The Qin Dynasty o Qin, Located in west China, adopted Legalist policies  Encouraged agriculture, resulted in strong economy  Organized a powerful army equipped with iron weapons  Conquered other states and unified China in 221 B.C.E. o The first emperor was Qin Shihuangdi (221 B.C.E.)  Established centralized imperial rule  Project of connecting and extending the Great Wall  Buried 460 scholars alive because of their criticism of the Qin  Burned all books except some with utilitarian value o Policies of centralization  Standardization of laws, currencies, weights, measures, scripts o Tomb of the First Emperor, died 210 B.C.E.  Tomb was underground palace with army of life-size terra- cotta figures  Excavation of the tomb since 1974 o The collapse of the Qin dynasty  Massive public works generated tremendous ill will among the people.  Waves of rebels overwhelmed the Qin court in 207 B.C.E.  Short-lived dynasty, but left deep marks in Chinese history y The Early Han Dynasty 

o Liu Bang; persistent and methodical; by 206 B.C.E. restored order o Early Han policies  Sought a middle way between Zhou decentralization & Qin over-centralization  Han Wudi, the Martial Emperor (reigned 141-87 B.C.E.), emphasized centralization and expansion o Han centralization; adopted Legalist policies  Built an enormous bureaucracy to rule the empire  Continued to build roads and canals  Levied taxes on agriculture, trade, and craft industries  Imperial monopolies on production of iron and salt  Established Confucian educational system for training bureaucrats o Han imperial expansion  Invaded and colonized northern Vietnam and Korea  Han organized vast armies to invade Xiongnu territory (nomads from steppes)  Han enjoyed uncontested hegemony in east and central Asia o Productivity And Prosperity During The Former Han  Patriarchal social structure Womens subordination; Ban Zhaos Admonitions Children obey and honor parents  Vast majority of population were cultivators  Iron metallurgy: farming tools, utensils, and weapons  Silk textiles; sericulture spread all over China during the Han  Paper production; replaced silk and bamboo as writing material  Population growth: from 20-60 million from 220 B.C.E. to 9 C.E.  Economic And Social Difficulties Expeditions consumed the empires surplus Raised taxes and confiscated land of some wealthy individuals Taxes and land confiscations discouraged investment in manufacture and trade

Social tensions, caused by stratification between the poor and rich Problems of land distribution The reign of Wang Mang (9-23 C.E.) y Land reforms by the socialist emperor y Overthrown by revolts, 23 C.E. o The Later Han Dynasty (25-220 C.E.)  Yellow Turban Uprising: revolt due to land distribution problems  Collapse of the Han Factions at court paralyzed the central government Han empire dissolved; China divided into regional kingdoms

Chapter 7: Classical India

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Key Points: y A high volume of manufacture and trade with regions as far east as China and as far west as the Mediterranean basin. y The consolidation of the social traditions of patriarchal families and caste distinctions, the latter becoming more elaborated with the appearance of subcastes called jati usually based on occupation. y The emergence and spread of salvation-based religions: Jainism, Buddhism, and popular Hinduism. The Fortunes of Empire in Classical India y The Mauryan Dynasty and the Temporary Unification Of India o Magadha kingdom filled power vacuum left by withdrawal of Alexander of Macedon o Chandragupta Maurya began conquest in 320s B.C.E.  Founded Maurya dynasty stretching from Bactria to Ganges  Kautalas advice manual, Arthashastra, outlined administrative methods o Ashoka Maurya (reigned 268-232 B.C.E.)peak of empire  Conquered the kingdom of Kalinga, 260 B.C.E.  Ruled through tightly organized bureaucracy  Established capital at Pataliputra  Policies were written on rocks or pillars  Empire declined after his death because of financial problems y The Emergence of Regional Kingdoms and the Revival of Empire o Greek-speaking Bactrians ruled in NW India for 200 yrs o Kushans (nomads from C Asia) conquered and ruled, 1-300 C.E.  High point was Emperor Kashika, 78-103 C.E.  Crucial role in Silk Road trading network o The Gupta Dynasty, founded by Chandra Gupta (375-415 C.E.)  Smaller and more decentralized than Maurya  Invasion of White Huns weakened the empire  After 5th century C.E., Gupta dynasty continued in name only  Large regional kingdoms dominated political life in India Economic Development and Social Distinctions

Towns And Trade o Towns dotted the India countryside after 600 B.C.E.  Towns provided manufactured products and luxury goods  Active marketplaces, especially along Ganges o Trade w/ Persia, China, Indian Ocean rim, Indonesia, SE Asia, Mediterranean basin Family Life And The Caste System o Gender relations: patriarchal families, female subordination, child marriage o Development of caste system  With trade and commerce new social groups of artisans, craftsmen, and merchants appeared These social groups functioned as subcastes, or jati Vaishyas and shudras saw unprecedented wealth Old beliefs and values of early Aryan society became increasingly irrelevant Religions of Salvation in Classical India o Jainism And The Challenge To The Established Cultural Order  Vardhamana Mahavira (Jina) founded Jain religion in 5th century B.C.E.  Jainist doctrine and ethics Inspired by the Upanishads: everything in universe has a soul Striving to purify ones selfish behavior to attain a state of bliss Principle of ahimsa, nonviolence toward all living things Too demanding, not a practical alternative to the cult of the brahmans  Appeal of Jainism Social implication: individual souls equally participated in ultimate reality Jains did not recognize social hierarchies of caste and jati o Early Buddhism

Siddhartha Gautama (563-483 B.C.E.) became the Buddha Gave up his comfortable life to search for cause of suffering. Received enlightenment under the bo tree First sermon about 528 B.C.E. at the Deer Park of Sarnath Organized followers into a community of monks Buddhist doctrine: the dharma The Four Noble Truths and the Noble Eightfold Path are the way to end suffering Suffering is caused by desire Religious goal: personal salvation, or nirvana, a state of perfect spiritual independence Appeal of Buddhism Appealed strongly to members of lower castes because it did not recognize social hierarchies of castes and jati Was less demanding than Jainism, which made it more popular Used vernacular tongues, not Sanskrit Holy sites venerated by pilgrims The monastic organizationsextremely efficient at spreading the Buddhist message and winning converts to the faith. Ashoka converted and became important patron of Buddhism Mahayana Buddhism Early Buddhism made heavy demands on individuals Development of Buddhism between 3rd century B.C.E. and 1st century C.E. Buddha became a god The notion of boddhisatvaan enlightened being Monasteries began to accept gifts from wealthy individuals These changes became known as Mahayana Buddhism

Educational institutions (like Nalanda) promoted new faith o The Emergence Of Popular Hinduism  The epics Mahabharata, a secular poem revised by Brahman scholars to honor the god Vishnu, the preserver of the world; Ramayana, a secular story of Rama and Sita, was changed into a Hindu story.  The Bhagavad Gita A short poetic work: dialogue between Vishnu and a warrior Illustrated expectations of Hinduism and promise of salvation Hindu ethics Achieve salvation through meeting caste responsibilities Lead honorable lives in the world Hinduism gradually replaced Buddhism in India

Greece and Rome

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Greece: y Although the Greeks did not build a centralized state until the short reign of Alexander of Macedon, they did serve to link the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions through colonization, commerce, and cultural interaction. y Greeks left a rich cultural legacy of politics, philosophy, art, literature, and science that would go on to shape the European and Islamic worlds for centuries. Greeks are known for: y The earliest of form of democracy, the best realization of which was found in Athens under the leadership of the statesman Pericles. y The establishment of hundreds of cities throughout the Mediterranean basin and southwest Asia. y Unique contributions to literature in the forms of mythology, poetry, drama, and essays. y The contributions of the rational philosophical thought of Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle and later the Epicureans, the Skeptics, and the Stoics. Location and Growth y Developed on the banks of the Tiber River. y Grew to encompass much of Europe and northern Africa. y A tight administrative structure and organized trade network promoted the movement of people, goods, and ideas throughout the empire. y The Romans had a significant impact on later Mediterranean, European, and southwest Asian cultures. y The concept of a republican form of government governed by a constitution and a fixed body of law that guaranteed the rights of citizens. y Elaborate transportation and communications networks with sophisticated roads, sea lanes linking port cities, and an imperial postal system. Early Development Of Greek Society y Economically specialized regions, either in the development of cash crops for export or in localized industries. y New cities built throughout the empire with unprecedented levels of sanitation, comfort, and entertainment opportunities.

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Widespread dissemination of philosophical beliefs and values, like Stoicism, and religions of salvation, like Christianity. Minoan and Mycenaean Societies o Minoan society arose on Crete, late 3rd millennium BCE  center of Mediterranean commerce 2200-1450 BCE,  Received early influences from Phoenicia and Egypt  Untranslated form of writing, Linear A  By 1100 BCE, Crete fell under foreign domination o Mycenaean society: named after important city, Mycenae  a. Indo-European immigrants settled in Greece, 200 BCE  Adapted Minoan Linear A into their script, Linear B  Stone fortresses in the Peloponnesus (southern Greece) protected agricultural settlements  Overpowered Minoan society, expanded to Anatolia, Sicily, Italy Chaos in the eastern Mediterranean after Trojan War (1200 BCE) The World of the Polis Gradually Emerged in Greece o Sparta began to extend control 8th7th centuries BCE  Reduced neighboring peoples to helots, (semi-free servants)  Maintained domination by a powerful military machine o Spartan society  Discouraged social distinction, observed austere lifestyle  Distinction drawn by prowess, discipline, & military talent o Athens gradually broadened base of political participation  Solon sought to negotiate order by democratic principles  Citizenship open to free adult males, but not foreigners, slaves, or women o Athenian society  Maritime trade brought about prosperity to Athens  Primary beneficiaries = aristocratic landowners  Class tension became intensified in the 6th century BCE  Pericles (443-429 BCE), Athens most popular democratic leader and the Larger World

Greek Colonization o Greeks founded more than 400 colonies  Facilitated trade among Mediterranean lands and people  Spread of Greek language & cultural traditions  Stimulated development of surrounding areas Conflict With Persia o The Persian War (500-479 BCE)  Greek cities on Ionian coast revolted against Persia, 500 BCE  Battle of Marathon, 490 BCE, decisive victory for Athens  Xerxes tried again to seize Athens; his navy lost battle of Salamis (480 BCE)  Persian army retreated back to Anatolia The Delian League o Military & financial alliance among Greek poleis vs. Persia o When Persian threat subsided, poleis, other than Athens, no longer wanted to make contributions The Peloponnesian War (431-404 BCE) o Tensions led to two armed camps, led by Athens & Sparta o Unconditional surrender of Athens, 404 BCE The Macedonians and the Coming of Empire o Philip of Macedon (reigned 359-336 BCE) brought Greece under control o Alexander (The Great) succeeded Philip at age 20, began conquests  By 331 BCE, controlled Syria, Egypt, Mesopotamia  Invaded Persian homeland and burned Persepolis, 331 BCE  Crossed Indus River by 327 BCE, army refused to go farther  Died in 323 BCE at age 33 The Hellenistic Empires o Antigonid empire: Greece and Macedon  Continuous tension between Antigonid rulers & Greek cities  Athens and Corinths Economy flourished again thru trade o The Ptolemaic empire: Egyptthe wealthiest

 The rulers did not interfere in Egyptian society  Alexandria, capital at mouth of the Nile  Cultural center: famous Alexandria Museum & Library y The Seleucid empire: largest, from Bactria to Anatolia o Greek & Macedonian colonists flocked to Greek cities of the former Persia o Colonists created a Mediterranean-style urban society o Bactria withdrew from Seleucids and established independent Greek kingdom The Fruits of Trade: Greek Economy and Society y Trade and the Integration of the Mediterranean Basin o Trade and commerce flourished --> Pop. growth & more colonies o Produced olive oil & wine, in exchange for grain & other items o Led to broader sense of Greek community y Panhellenic festivals (like Olympic Games) became popular y Family and Society o Greek society in Homers works  Heroic warriors and outspoken wives in Homers world  Patriarchal society was the norm Women couldnt own landed property but could operate small businesses Priestess was the only public position for women Spartan women enjoyed higher status than women of other poleis y Sappho: Talented female poet wrote poems of attraction to women o Instructed young women in music and literature at home o Critics charged her with homosexual activity (not acceptable for women) y Slavery: private chattel, property of their owners o Worked as cultivators, domestic servants o Educated/skilled slaves worked as craftsmen & business managers The Cultural Life of Classical Greece y Rational Thought and Philosophy o The formation of Greek cultural traditions: philosophy based on human reason

o Socrates (470-399 BCE): An unexamined life is not worth living  Encouraged reflection on questions of ethics and morality  Was condemned to death on charge of corrupting Athenian youths o Plato (430-347 BCE): A zealous disciple of Socrates  The theory of Forms or Ideasworld of ideal qualities  This world is imperfect reflection of world of Forms  His Republic expressed the ideal of philosophical kings o Aristotle (384-322 BCE): Platos student, but distrusted theory of Forms  Devised rules of logic to construct powerful arguments  Philosophers should rely on senses to provide accurate info Legacy of Greek philosophy o Intellectual authorities for European philosophers until 17th C o Intellectual inspiration for Christian and Islamic theologians Popular Religion and Greek Drama o Greek deities: Zeus and scores of subordinates o Various types of religious cults; Cult of Dionysus most popular o Drama was performed at annual theatrical festivals  Great tragedians explored the possibilities and limitations of human action  Comic drama took delight in lampooning the public figures o Hellenistic Philosophy and Religion  The Hellenistic philosophers: search for personal tranquility o Epicureans: identified pleasure as the greatest good  Skeptics: doubted certainty of knowledge, sought equanimity  Stoics: taught individuals duty to aid others and lead virtuous lives o Religions of salvation spread through trade routes  Mystery religions promised eternal bliss for believers; like Cult of Osiris  Speculation about a single, universal god emerged

Rome: From Kingdom to Republic y The Etruscans and Rome o Romulus and Remus: legendary twins rescued by a she-wolf; founded Rome in 753 BCE o The Etruscans dominated Italy 8th5th centuries BCE y The Roman Republic and its Constitution o Establishment of the republic  Rome nobility deposed the last Etruscan king, 509 BCE  Republican constitution included two consuls: civil and military  Consuls were elected by an assembly dominated by the patricians  Senate advised the consuls and ratified major decisions  Both Senate & consuls represented the interests of the patricians o Conflicts between patricians and plebeians  Patricians granted plebeians the tribunes  Tribunes power to intervene and veto decisions  Plebeians tribunes dominated Roman politics, early 3rd C BCE o The expansion of the Republic  Rome consolidated its position in Italy, 5th and 4th C BCE  Conflict w/ Carthage (Punic Wars) and Hellenistic realms  Rome became preeminent power in E & W Mediterranean o From Republic to Empire  Imperial Expansion and Domestic Problems Gracchi brothers supported land redistribution; both assassinated Military commanders recruited rural and urban poorintensely loyal armies Gaius Marius: general who advocated land redistribution Conservative aristocratic class supported general Lucius Cornelius Sulla Civil war

The Foundation of Empire o Julius Caesar: very popular social reformer and conqueror (Gaul)  Seized Rome in 49 BCE  Claimed the title dictator for life, 46 BCE  Social reforms and centralized control  Assassinated in 44 BCE o Octavian brought civil conflict to an end  Senate bestowed title Augustus, 27 BCE  Monarchy disguised as a republic  Created a new standing army under his control  Imperial institutions began to take root y Continuing Expansion and Integration of the Empire o Roman expansion into Med. basin, W Europe, down Nile to Kush o Pax romana, Roman Peace, for ~250 years o Well-engineered Roman roads; postal system o Roman lawtradition: 12 Tables (450 BCE) Economy and Society in the Roman Mediterranean y Trade and Urbanization o Latifundia owners focused on specialized production for export o The Mediterranean became a Roman lake  Sea lanes linked ports of the Mediterranean  Roman navy kept the seas largely free of pirates y The city of Rome o Wealth of the city fueled its urban development o Statues, pools, fountains, arches, temples, stadiums o First use of concrete as construction material o Rome attracted numerous immigrants o Attractions: baths, pools, gymnasia, circuses, stadiums, amphitheaters y Family and Society in Roman Times o The pater familiaseldest male of the family ruled o Women wielded considerable influence w/in their families o Many women supervised family business & wealthy estates y Wealth & social change o Newly rich classes built palatial houses, threw lavish banquets o Cultivators & urban masses lived at subsistence level y

o Poor classes became a serious problem in Rome & other cities o No urban policy developed, only bread & circuses y Slavery1/3 of the population y Spartacus uprising in 73 BCE y Urban slaves saw better conditions & possible manumission The Cosmopolitan Mediterranean y Greek Philosophy and Religions of Salvation o Roman deities: gods, goddesses, and household gods o Greek influenceStoicism  Appealed to Roman intellectuals  Cicero (106-43 BCE) persuasive orator and writer on Stoicism  Religions of salvation gave sense of purpose & promised afterlife o Roman roads served as highways for religious spread o Mithraism was popular with Roman soldiersmen only o Cult of Isis very popular y Judaism and Early Christianity o Monotheistic Jews considered state cults to be blasphemy o The Essenes, sect of Judaism; Dead Sea Scrolls o Jesus of Nazareth  Charismatic Jewish teacher, taught devotion to God and love for human beings  Attracted large crowds w/ his wisdom & miraculous powers  Teaching the kingdom of God is at hand alarmed Romans  Crucifixion in early 30s CE  Became Christ, or the anointed one o The New Testament and the Old Testament became the holy book of Christianity  Paul of Tarsus was principle figure in spread of Christianity o Rapid growth of early Christianity  Strong appeal to lower classes, urban population, and women  Became the most influential faith in the Mediterranean by the 3rd century CE

Cross-Cultural Exchanges on the Silk Roads10/10/2011 7:52:00 PM

Key Points: y The Classical Era witnessed the growth and consolidation of vast empires such as Rome, China, and Parthia. y The relative political stability, economic prosperity, and close proximity of their borders encouraged an unprecedented growth in long-distance trade. y Regular land and sea trading routes, collectively known as the silk roads, became established thoroughfares for the spread of goods from the coast of China to Western Europe. y This extensive trading network had several consequences, both intended and unintended. Consequences: y Regions began to specialize in certain products that were particularly valuable as trade goods. y Merchants, traders, mariners, and bankers became much more wealthy and influential than they had ever been before. y Merchants, travelers, and missionaries carried popular religious beliefs to distant lands via the silk roads. o Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, and Mithraism (cult of the god Mithras) in particular became much more widespread. y Disease pathogens were carried to populations that had no immunities to them, causing widespread epidemics throughout Eurasia. o Inadvertently these epidemics contributed to the downfall of the Han and Roman Empires. Long-Distance Trade and the Silk Roads Network y Zhang Qians Mission to the West o Held by Xiongnu for years o Told Han Wudi of possibility of establishing trade relations to Bactria o Han Wudi subdued Xiongnu, opening up region to safe trade routes y Trade Networks of the Hellenistic Era o Important developments of the classical era that reduced risks  Rulers invested in constructing roads and bridges  Large empires expanded until borders were closer

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o Exchanges between India/Bactria in east and Mediterranean basin in west o Ptolemies learned about the monsoon system in Indian Ocean o Maritime trade included East Africa--Rhapta The Silk Roads o Trade routes  Overland trade routes linked China to Roman empire  Sea lanes joined Asia, Africa, and Mediterranean basin into one network o Trade goods  Silk and spices traveled west  Central Asia produced large horses and jade, sold in China  Roman empire provided glassware, jewelry, artworks, perfumes, textiles o The organization of long-distance trade  Merchants of different regions handled long-distance trade in stages  On the seas, long-distance trade was dominated by different empires and Biological Exchanges Along the Silk Roads The Spread of Buddhism and Hinduism o Buddhism in central Asia and China  1st present in oasis towns of central Asia along silk roads  Further spread to steppe lands  Foreign merchants as Buddhists in China, 1st century BCE  Popularity of monasteries and missionaries, 5th century CE o Buddhism and Hinduism in SE Asia The Spread of Christianity o Christianity in the Mediterranean basin  Missionaries, like Gregory the Wonderworker, attracted converts  Christian communities flourished in Mediterranean basin by late 3rd century CE o Christianity in Southwest Asia followed the trade routes

Sizable communities in Mesopotamia and Iran, 2nd century CE  Sizable number of converts in SW Asia until the 7th century CE  Their ascetic practices influenced Christian practices in the Roman empire  Nestorians emphasized human nature of Jesus, 5th century CE  Nestorian communities in central Asia, India, and China by 7th century CE The Spread of Manichaeism; Best Example of Religion Spread on Silk Roads o Mani and Manichaeism (dualism, basically)  Prophet Mani, a Zoroastrian, drew influence from Christianity and Buddhism  Dualism: perceived a cosmic struggle between light and darkness, good and evil  Offered means to achieve personal salvation  Ascetic lifestyle and high ethical standards  Differentiation between the elect and the hearers o Spread of Manichaeism; appealed to merchants  Attracted converts 1st in Mesopt. & E Mediterranean region  Appeared in all large cities of Roman empire, 3rd century CE o Persecuted by Sasanids and Romans but survived in central Asia The Spread of Epidemic Disease o Common epidemics in Rome and China: smallpox, measles, bubonic plague o Roman empire: population dropped by 25% from t1st-10th century CE o China: population dropped by 25% from the 1st to 7th century CE o Effects of epidemic diseases:  Both Chinese and Roman economies contracted  Small regional economies emerged  Epidemics weakened Han and Roman empires 

China After the Han Dynasty y Internal Decay of the Han State o Problems of factions and land distribution led to rebellions o Generals usurped political authority; the emperor became a puppet y By 220 CE, generals abolished the Han, divided the empire into 3 kingdoms o Nomadic peoples came in; China became even more divided for 350 years y Cultural Change in Post-Han China o Gradual sinicization of nomadic peoples o Withering of Confucianism in light of political instability o Popularity of Buddhism; nomadic rulers embraced it The Fall of the Roman Empire y Internal Decay in the Roman Empire o Barracks emperors: series of generals seizing throne (235284 CE) o The emperor Diocletian (284-305 CE)  Divided the empire into two administrative districts  A co-emperor ruled each district with the aid of a powerful lieutenant (the tetrarchs) o The emperor Constantine and new capital Constantinople y Germanic Invasions and the Fall of the Western Roman Empire o Germanic migrations from northern Europe to eastern and northern part of Roman empire  Visigoths--settled agriculturalists; adopted Roman law and Christianity  Roman authorities kept Germanic peoples on the borders as a buffer o The Huns under Attila attacked Europe mid-5th century CE y The collapse of the western Roman empire o Under the Huns pressure, Germanic peoples streamed into the Roman empire o Established settlements in Italy, Gaul, Spain, Britain, & N Africa o Germanic general Odovacer deposed the Roman emperor, 476 CE

o Imperial authority survived in the eastern half of the empire (Byzantium) Cultural Change in the Late Roman Empire o Christianity most prominent survivor of the collapse of the empire  With Constantines Edict of Milan, Christianity became a legitimate religion, 313 CE  Emperor Theodosius proclaimed Christianity the official religion, 380 CE  St. Augustine (baptized Plato) harmonized Christianity with Platonic thought o The Church became increasingly institutionalized  Conflicting doctrines and practices among early Christians  Established standardized hierarchy of church officials  The Bishop of Rome, known as the Pope, became spiritual leader  As Roman empire collapsed, Christianity served as a cultural foundation

Vocab and Maps

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People y Confucius: 551-479 BCE Chinese thinker and philosopher, created Confucism y Mencius: 372-289 BCE Confucius successor, also influential in Confucism y Laozi: 600s BCE Created Taoism, considered a god by some of its followers y Shang Yang: 200 BCE Important statesman during the period of Warring States y Han Feizi: 200 BCE Chinese philosopher, developed doctrine of the School of Law y Qin Shihuangdi: 221 BCE First emperor of the Qin Dynasty, was buried with a terra cotta army y Han Wudi: 141-87 BCE Han Dynastys greatest and most energetic ruler, ruled for 54 years y Xiongnu: 210 BCE Nomadic people from the steppes of central Asia, a threat to the Han Dynasty y Wang Mang: 6 BCE Powerful and respected minister of the Han, starts political reform. y Chandragupta Maurya: 320 BCE Adventurer who laid a foundation for the Mauryan Dynasty y Ashoka Maurya: 268-232 BCE Son of Chandragupta, his rule was the high point of the empire y Chandra Gupta: 320 CE Founder of the Gupta Empire y Siddhartha Guatama: founder of Buddhism y Pericles: 461-429 BCE Beloved Greek statesman and leader of Athens, at the time of his leadership Athens was at its most sophisticated y Alexander the Great: 330s BCE- 323 BCE Great Macedonian leader, son of Phillip II, conquered land for Macedon y Socrates: 470-399 BCE Influential Greek philosopher, advocated examining ones life to try to understand it. y Plato: 430-347 BCE Socrates disciple, who recorded his theories and created a Theory of Forms y Aristotle: 384-322 BCE Platos disciple, who had ideas of a similar magnitude to his y The Senate: 6th-5th Century BCE A powerful group of Roman Aristocrats who advised the Consuls and ratified major decisions

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Julius Caeser: 60s BCE Roman man who tried to ease the suffering of the poor by centralizing power, later named himself dictator for life Octavian Augustus: Man originally named Octavian, given the name Augustus by the government. Ruled for 45 years in a monarchy disguised as a republic Spartacus: An escaped slave who organized and led and uprising of 70,000 slaves Paul of Tarsus: A Jew from Anatolia who spread Christianity through the Roman Empire Ren: Idea in Confucism of kindness or benevolence Li: Confucist idea of propriety Xiao: Confucist idea of filial piety Dao: The underlying force of everything in the Daoist religion Wuwei: Chief moral virtue of Doaism- disengagement from world affairs Yellow Turban Uprising: A revolt during the Han Dynasty that weakened it Ramayana: A great Indian epic, sexist Boddihisattva: Buddhists who have reached Nirvana but choose to stay and help others. Bhagavad Gita: Short poetic work summarizing main aspects of Hinduism Mahabharata: Great Indian Epic about warrior named Arjuna Helots: Slaves of the Spartan State; people of neighboring areas who were forced into agricultural labor; outnumbered Spartans 10:1 Persian Wars: 500-479 BCE A period lasting 100+ years, consisting of constant and unresolved conflicts between the polis of Greece and the Persian Empire Hellenistic/ -ism: Anything describing the Greek era after Alexander, when they opened their view of the world to encompass more of the earth. Battle of Marathon: 493 BCE Battle in the Persian Wars where the Athenians won though they were outnumbered.

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Peloponnesian War: 431-404 BCE A bitter civil conflict that was the result of the Persian Wars, because the Athenians no longer needed to be superior to the other polis Dictator: A position in Rome where one person was given unlimited power for a period of six months to resolve problems Consul: Two elected Roman officials who held civil and military power Patricians: Roman wealthy/upper class Plebeians: the Roman poorer/lower class Tribunes: 2-10 representatives selected to represent the Plebeians in government after their uprisings Carthage: City-State located in modern-day Tunus, that was the predominate power in North Africa, excluding Egypt Punic Wars: 264-146 BCE Three wars between Rome and Carthage because of Political and Economic competition, Rome won Latifundia: a large plantation created on conquered land by the upper classes, usually use slave labor, so therefore the operation costs were very low Twelve Tables: Basic law code for citizens of early Roman republic. Helped to integrate the diverse lands, and influenced the area even after the Roman empire fell Pax Romana: ended 180 CE, period of Roman tranquility Manumission: to free ones slave

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