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Explain the H&S management model called HSG-65 Successful Health & Safety Management


HSG-65 Successful Health & Safety Management is a guidance (H&S management model), developed by HSE (Health & Safety Executive) - UK.

HSG-65 (Brief):

Policy Organizing Implementing & Operation Measuring Performance Reviewing Performance

Feedback loop for continual improvement

Commitment/compliance/improvement/signed by MD All responsibilities to be identified


Risk assessments, OT/LR, Opr. procedures (inspection, training & emergencies )

Active (inspections) + Reactive (Incidents investigation & statistics analysis)

Top management to check the entire system regularly & when required - take actions to improve

Audit is an opportunity to assess your status/It is not about score/help top management to improve

It is required by law (HSAWA 1974 Sec 2(3)) The policy statement should state the company commitment to H&S, compliance as minimum - with legal requirements & continual improvement

Responsibilities (H&S is a top management responsibility + employees main duties in relation to H&S)
Objectives of H&S to be included

All H&S responsibilities should be identified (including the specific responsibilities like RA, First Aid & Emergency related activities. Consider the 4Cs: Competence: Recruitment, training and advisory support Control: Allocating responsibilities, securing commitment, instruction and supervision. Co-operation: Between individuals and groups Communication: Spoken, written and visible


Risk Assessments (Hazards identification/Risk Evaluation/Control measures)

Identification of legal requirements applicable (compliance) Setting H&S objectives (converting the H&S objectives into objectives for different levels)
Develop procedures (emergency, inspection) & set standard for measuring the H&S performance


Actively by inspections

Reactively by incidents/accidents investigation & statistics analysis


Top management should regularly review the entire H&S management system as part of the continuous improvement process (the audit findings can be used as an input to management review) The role of audit is to identify weakness points so it can be fixed (improvement)
Irregular review of the H&S management system also may be required under specific situations (for example in case of major accident)






Web-Based System

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Safeguard Home Page

The home page gives you an immediate overview of compliance for each area within Safeguard.

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Incidents Recording
Click on the Incidents tab to display a list of all accidents, near misses, occurrences of physical abuse and verbal abuse that have been reported.

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Incidents New Records

Multiple types of incident can be recorded

Specific forms for recording Accidents, Near Misses, Physical or Verbal Abuse

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Incidents Employee Details

Accident location drop down list ensures data is stored at the location the incident happened at. Type of injured person drop down list. Click on the Search button to search for Employee details

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Incidents Employee Details Search

Search for employee information to ensure accuracy and reduce time

The selected details will be transferred to the form.

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Incidents Injury Maps

Hand Injuries the Injured body parts and the Foot Injuries maps to ensure continuity and accuracy of data

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Incidents - Checkboxes

PPE, Causes and the Effects selections for accuracy of data

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Incidents Verbal and physical abuse

The templates for accidents, Verbal abuse and Physical abuse include a section to record information on Enforcing agencies involved in the incident

There is a section on deescalation techniques in the templates for Verbal abuse and Physical abuse
The template for Physical abuse also includes sections to record information on Restraints and Weapons involved in the incident

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Incidents Verbal and physical abuse

The templates for Verbal abuse and Physical abuse include a section to record information on Assailants involved in the incident

Click the Add assailant button to enter details about the assailant

Information on each assailant is shown on the incident form

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Incidents - Related Documents

Electronic documents can be attached to records Click on the Browse button and choose the file that you want

Then click on the Upload button to save the file in Safeguard

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Incidents - Tasks
Tasks can be created from Accident reports and from Investigation reports using the Related Tasks section

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Incidents Witness Statements

Details of Witnesses and their statements can be added from Accident reports.

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Incidents RIDDOR
Accidents reportable under RIDDOR are recorded in the RIDDOR Reporting section

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Incidents RIDDOR
F2508 Form can be created from Safeguard, complete with the details from the incident record

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Options Allocating an investigation

If an investigation is required, the incident can be allocated to a user to undertake an investigation.

Select the person who will undertake the investigation

These details are automatically added to the task. They can be changed if required

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Incidents - Investigations
Complete the Investigation Report with details of the accident scene, and any machinery or equipment that was involved in the incident.
The underlying root causes, and any recommended remedial action can be given.

Related documents and tasks can be added.

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Tasks My Tasks List

Red = Overdue Amber = Outstanding Green = Complete

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Tasks Task Details

To schedule a due date for the task click on the calendar icon

To add notes to the task click the Add Note button

Select the person for the task to be allocated to

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Tasks Overdue tasks

If a task becomes overdue, you will receive an email reminder and the link to the task on the Safeguard homepage will change from blue to red Overdue tasks in Red

Overdue tasks in Red

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Tasks - Calendar

Choose to view a week or a month at a time

To view the details of a task, click on the link

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Tasks Recurring tasks

Select the task owner/allocation and schedule the task

Set the recurrence pattern for the task

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Risk Assessments Risk Assessment Folder

Click on the Risk Assessments tab to show the risk assessment folder for your location. For each Risk Assessment, this shows the ID, Title, Rating, Type, Review Date, and Status

In the Status column the green tick symbol = complete and up-to-date. The yellow exclamation mark symbol = incomplete and/or overdue
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Risk Assessments Creating a new risk assessment

Select the type of risk assessment that you want to create and click the Create Assessment button

Each type of risk assessment has a specific purpose, and the information that is required differs according to the purpose.

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Risk Assessments Completing a risk assessment

Click on the blue ? icon to show the Help text

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Risk Assessments Completing a risk assessment

The hazards that you add are listed on the risk assessment form The Risk rating and number of tasks raised against the hazard are shown

Click the Edit button to add or change the hazard information

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Risk Assessments risk rating

The risk rating for a hazard is calculated from the risk rating responses given before control measures.


No injury or illness (Rating 0) 0 0 0

First aid injury or illness (Rating 1) 0 1 2

Minor injury or illness (Rating 2) 0 2 4

3 day injury or illness (Rating 3) 0 3 6

Major injury or illness (Rating 4) 0 4 8

Likelihood Zero to very low (Rating 0) Very unlikely (Rating 1) Unlikely (Rating 2)

Fatality, disabling injury, etc (Rating 5) 0 5 10

0-8 low risk

9-19 medium risk

Likely (Rating 3)
Very likely (Rating 4) Almost certain (Rating 5)

0 0

4 5

8 10

12 15

16 20

20 25

20-25 high risk

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Risk Assessments Manual Handling

In Manual Handling risk assessments, the Hazards section is pre-populated with hazards that need to be considered as part of the manual handling assessment. Click the Edit button to enter information for each hazard

Click the page numbers to move through the list of hazards

Click the Add new hazard button if you need to add a hazard to the list

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Risk Assessments Related Tasks

Set the date by which the task is to be completed

Related tasks will be shown on the hazard and the status of the task, the scheduled date and a link to the task will be given

Select the person who is to be allocated the task. This person will receive a notification email

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Risk Assessments Related Documents

Documents can be attached to the risk assessment using the Related documents box

Attached files can be viewed by clicking on the filename link, and can be deleted using the Delete button
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Risk Assessments Review and Sign Off

All reviews and sign offs are recorded here

Click this button to show that the risk assessment has been reviewed and is ready for sign off

People with permission to sign off risk assessments will see this button

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Risk Assessments Copying to other location(s)

Risk assessments can be copied to one or more locations

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Risk Assessments Printing

Safeguards risk assessment print facility produces PDF documents that can be viewed, saved and printed.

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Reporting Select report

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Reporting Trend Analysis

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Pro-Active Reporting

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Reporting by Category

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Reporting - List
Some reports are in a list format e.g. View all Tasks Sort the report by clicking on column headings that are underlined Filter the report using these drop down lists and click on the Go button

Drill down into the data using these links

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Reporting Exporting data from lists

Data from a list style report can be exported to Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, in PDF format or to your clipboard

Click on the Export button and select the type of output required

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