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Identified hazard Slip hazards from stock spillages People Affected Staff & customers Level of Risk Low/Medium / High low Control Measures 1. spillage treated as priority 2. cleaning up is immediate 3. Enterprise staff present during trading hours and keeping an eye on slip/trip hazards. 1. Deliveries removed as a priority 2. Single boxes moved to storeroom to await unpacking. Floor area kept as clear as possible 3. Enterprise staff present during trading hours and keeping an eye on slip/trip hazards. 1. Staff briefed on health and safety issues each day. Written copies of briefing available in shop and students directed to this in briefing. 2. Accident book maintained and copies of University accident forms kept in shop by enterprise

Trip hazards from deliveries, cages or unattended boxes

Staff and customers


Bruises, cuts and strains from goods in duties, lifting and moving



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staff. 3. First aid kit available in shop 4. Students briefed and directions to NHS Walk-in centre clearly displayed in shop 1. Staff briefed on food hygiene standards and good practise leaflet on display in shop and on website. 2.

Food hygiene

Staff & customers


Risks associated with fire

Staff & customers


1. No smoking policy 2. Two exits available to leave the shop 3. Fire door unobstructed 4. Fire extinguisher available in shop 5. Fire procedures included in daily briefing including evacuation meeting point. Daily briefing to include staff briefed to comply with demands at incident and keep calm 2. Information available on website and written copies available in shop and staff directed to these in daily briefing. 3. Minimum levels of cash kept in tills and takings removed at end of day and placed in SU night safe by 2 people 4. Minimum of 2 people in the shop at any one time.

Risks associated from robbery, shoplifting, abusive and threatening customers

Staff and customers


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5. PLI extended to cover shop contents.

Burns and scalds from hot water for coffeemaking facilities

Staff and customers


Cleaning of premises and risks associated with rubbish

Medium Staff and customers

1 Staff briefed on correct procedure. 3. Equipment maintained during course of day to avoid unnecessary hazards 4. First aid kit available in shop 5. Staff briefed on location of walkin centre and directions on display in shop 1. Staff briefed daily on cleaning and rubbish procedures by Enterprise Staff 2. Rota established daily for individual teams to cover cleaning, rubbish removal, etc 3. Rubbish sorted and recycled where possible via SU 4. Enterprise staff to do final clean and checking of shop prior to handing back to council.

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Disability access

Customers in wheelchairs


1. Staff on hand to assist 2. Advice sought as necessary from ShopMobility premises next door. 1. Appropriate measures taken depending on individual projects. 2. Staff required to read this risk assessment and and to/complete own if business idea not completely covered by current assessment. Staff briefed to challenge sale of age restricted products where appropriate. 2. No ID confirming age = no sale policy 3. Record kept of incidents

Risks from specific projects RA will be updated when projects are chosen

TBA Staff, Customers,

Inappropriate purchases made by children



Risk of electrical shock from faulty appliances

Staff and customers


1. Annual PAT of appliances 2. Fixed and portable appliances are tested as per Students Union Health & Safety Policy 3. Self repair of electrical items is forbidden 4. An appliance found to be faulty is removed and reported to the Estates Department 5. Electrical equipment brought to Paul Brooks in preceding week for PAT certificate check/testing

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Risk of injury/scalds/food poisoning from sales of items in the shop

Staff and customers


Staff Risk of theft or loss of money or stock


Complaints or exchanges from previous days trading to be dealt with by Enterprise staff

Enterprise staff


1. Student projects involving food checked with Council Environmental Health officer (Charles Worral) 01225 477671 2. Students briefed on food and drink safety and hygiene practises. 1. Students briefed on correct SU financial procedures. 2. Students required to document financial expenditure as part of experience. 3. Enterprise staff/mentor present during trading hours to support student teams 1. Enterprise staff to establish procedure for exchanges and record against takings for teams concerned.

NB Staff = student teams staffing the Stalls Enterprise Staff = SU staff Customers = general public

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