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Croatia EU referendum: Voters back membership Referendum pentru aderarea la Uniunea Europeana in Croatia : Alegatorii sustin aderarea Near

complete results from Croatia's referendum on European Union membership suggest that a large majority of people want to join the EU in 2013. Rezultatele aproape complete ale referendumului din Croatia legat de aderarea la UE arata ca o mare majoritate a populatiei vor sa adere la UE in 2013. With nearly all the votes counted, 66% of voters backed the membership. About 33% were against. Aproape toate voturile numerate, arata ca 66% din votanti sustin aderarea, iar 33% sunt impotriva. But officials expressed disappointment at the low turnout of about 44%. Oficiali si-au exprimat dezamagirea fata de participarea la vot de 44%. Croatia signed an EU accession treaty last year and should join in July 2013, once all 27 existing members of the union have ratified the deal. Croatia a semnat tratatul de aderare la UE anul trecut insa va adera in iulie 2013, atunci cand toti cei 27 de membri vor ratifica acordul. It would come more than 20 years after Croatia broke away from Yugoslavia, which triggered a 1991-95 war to secure its independence. Se vor implini mai mult de 20 de ani de cand Croatia a iesit din Iugoslavia, ceea ce a declansat un razboi intre anii 91-95 pentru asigurarea independentei. 'Historic decision' O decizie istorica On Sunday, voters in Croatia were asked "Do you support the Republic of Croatia's membership of the European Union?" Duminica, alegatorii din Croatia au fost intrebati Sprijiniti Republica Croatia in aderarea la UE? A simple majority was required for membership to be approved. There was no minimum threshold in order for the poll to be valid. Simpla majoritate era necesara pentru ca aderarea sa fie aprobata. Nu exista un prag minim pentru ca rezultatul sa fie valid. "The turnout shows that Croatia has turned its back on the EU," said war veteran Zeljko Sacic, one of the leaders of the "no" campaign. Participarea la vot a aratat ca Croatia sprijina aderarea la UE, spune veteranul de razboi Zeljko Sacic, unul din lideri campaniei nu. Croatia itself is currently suffering from high unemployment and other economic problems. Croatia insasi are in acest moment o problema cu somajul mare si probleme economice. "Croatia will not lose its sovereignty or natural resources, nor will it be ruled by the EU," President Ivo Josipovic said in a written statement. Croatia nu isi va pierde suveranitatea asupra resurselor naturale, si nici nu va fi condusa de UE, spune presedintele Ivo Josipovic intr-o declaratie scrisa.

"Europe will not solve all our problems, but it's a great opportunity." Europa nu ne va rezolva problemele noastre, insa este o mare oportunitate. E&Y: Romania se mentine la mijlocul clasamentului intre tarile cele mai deschise catre globalizare. E&Y: Romania remains on middle ranking among the countries most open to globalization. Romnia se menine la mijlocul clasamentului ntre rile cele mai deschise ctre globalizare, n urma vecinilor Ungaria i Bulgaria, dar n faa unor ri precum Japonia sau China, conform indicelui de globalizare calculat de Ernst&Young pentru 2011. Romania remains on middle ranking among the countries most open to globalization, behind Hungaria and Bulgaria, but ahead to some countries like Japan or China, accordind globalisation index calculated by Ernst&Young for 2011. Indicele de globalizare realizat pentru acest raport msoar performana celor mai mari 60 de economii la nivel internaional, lund n considerare 20 de indicatori care evalueaz aspecte cheie ale integrrii transfrontaliere ale activitilor economice. The globalization index realized for this report measures the performance of the biggest 60 economies at international level, taking into account 20 indicators to evaluate key aspects of cross-border integration of economic activities Aceti indicatori se nscriu n cinci categorii, respectiv deschiderea ctre activiti de comer, micrile de capital, schimbul de idei i tehnologii, mobilitatea forei de munc i integrarea cultural. These indicators entered into five categories, respectively openness to trade activities, capital movements, exchange of ideas and technologies labor mobility and cultural integration. Primele locuri sunt ocupate de Hong Kong, Irlanda i Singapore, n vreme ce Venezuela, Algeria i Iran ocup ultimele trei poziii. Romnia se afl la jumtatea clasamentului, pe locul 32, imediat dup Italia i n faa Greciei, Turciei, Ucrainei sau Rusiei. First places are occupied by Hong Kong, Ireland and Singapore, while Venezuela, Algeria and Iran occupies the last three places. Romania is placed at the middle of the rank, ranked 32, just after Italy and in front of Greece, Turkey, Ukraine and Russia. Indicele a fost calculat n urma unui sondaj realizat cu 922 executivi de top implicai n afaceri internaionale. The index was calculated after a poll realized with 922 top executives involved in international business. Compania de consultan arat c dei procesul de globalizare s-a relansat pe cretere dup scderea nregistrat n ultimii doi ani, tensiunile economice i sociale amenin capacitatea statelor i guvernelor de a rezista presiunilor protecioniste. The consulting company shows that although globalization has revived after deducting the increase registered in the past two years, economic and social tensions threaten the ability of states and governments to resist protectionist pressures. Totui, pieele emergente sunt cele care au cea mai mare nevoie s continue procesul de globalizare pentru a atrage investiiile strine. However, emerging markets are those that most need to continue the process of globalization in order to attract foreign investment.

Ernst & Young a identificat patru provocri majore pentru companii n procesul de globalizare, una dintre acestea fiind reprezentat de dificultile dezvoltrii pe pieele emergente. Ernst&Young identified four major challenges for companies in the globalization process, one of these is represented by the difficulties of development in emerging markets. "n trecut, companiile finanau investiiile n pieele emergente din profiturile semnificative obinute pe pieele dezvoltate. In the past, the companies financed the investments in emerging markets from significant profits obtained in developed markets. Odat cu ncetinirea creterii acestora i cu nevoia meninerii competitivitii n rile dezvoltate prin investiii dedicate, orientarea capitalului ctre pieele cu cretere rapid nu mai este posibil n aceeai msur. Along with downturn and the need to maintain their competitiveness through investments in developed countries by dedicated investments, the orientation of the capital to rapid growth markets is no longer possible as well. n plus, creterea costurilor i intensificarea competiiei, att din partea multinaionalelor, ct i a companiilor locale de pe pieele emergente, necesit o nou abordare pentru cei care doresc s intre pe aceste piee. In addition, rising costs and intensifying competition from both multinational and local companies in emerging markets requires a new approach for those wishing to enter these markets. n loc s transfere toate procesele operaionale i modelele de business, corporaiile vor fi nevoite s renune la o parte din bagajul organizaional i s-i regndeasc abordarea de jos n sus, acionnd ca un start up", se arat ntr-un comunicat al Ernst & Young. Rather than transfer all operational processes and business models, corporations will have to give up some organizational baggage and rethink the approach from bottom-up, acting as a start up ", it said in a statement Ernst & Young. Aceste constrngeri ofer ns managerilor ansa de a dezvolta modele de business inovative i soluii care s permit un ctig mult mai rapid dect n cazul n care ar urma modelul corporatist standard aplicat n pieele dezvoltate, potrivit sursei citate. But these constraints gives managers the chance to develop innovative business models and solutions wich will allow a profit more rapidly than if they will follow the standard corporate model applied in developed markets, according to the source. Totodat, consultanii arat c aceeai abordare nu se mai potrivete tuturor pieelor, companiile multinaionale fcnd eforturi s gseasc echilibrul ntre dimensiunea global i cea local, astfel nct s i pstreze relevana pentru consumatorii din fiecare pia. However, consultants shows that the same approach no longer fits all markets, multinational companies making efforts to find balance between global and local dimension in order to maintain their relevance to consumers in each market.

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