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Synthesis of nano-structured carbon by microwave cold plasma cracking of methane

Mi Tiana, Congxiao Shanga*, Simon Battyb


School of Environmental Sciences, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK EnPlas Ltd, Dev Farm, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK

* Corresponding Author: Tel: + 44-1603-593123; Fax: +44-1603-591327. E-mail:

One of the attractive methods for production of hydrogen and carbon is reforming of hydrocarbons using a high energy plasma source. In this work, nano-structured carbon was produced by cracking the chemical bonds of methane to form carbon and hydrogen in a relative low-energy cold plasma reactor. The carbon produced was collected at different positions in the reactor. The surface area and microstructure of the materials are characterized by BET method (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller, 1938), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM). The flow rate, temperature and power were recorded to identify the effect of various parameters on carbon structure formation and changes. The results showed that temperature differences at the same sample collection position with and without methane were an important factor with regards of characteristics of surface area and pore volume. The highest surface area achieved from this study was 111 m2/g at the collecting position of 17 cm from the plasma source with the power of 1500W. The HRTEM shows the mixture of amorphous structures and highly crystalline graphite sheets.

Table of Contents

Abstract................................................................................................................................2 1 2 3 Introduction..................................................................................................................4 Experimental methods..................................................................................................6 Results and discussion..................................................................................................8 3.1 3.2 3.3 4 XRD results of plasma carbon..............................................................................8 TEM of plasma carbon..........................................................................................9 BET surface area and Porosity............................................................................11


Acknowledgements............................................................................................................17 References..........................................................................................................................18 References

1 Introduction
Porous carbon materials, such as activated carbons, carbon black and carbon nanotubes, have been widely used for gas separation, water purification, catalyst supports, and electrodes for batteries and fuel cells[1, 2]. This is due to their stable physicochemical properties, good conductivity, low cost, and high surface area or porosity [3]. Recently, porous graphitic carbons with high crystalline structure and large surface area were used as catalyst supports and have attracted extensive attention. Porous graphitic carbons are usually prepared by two methods: 1) utilising a conventional method requiring high temperature (>2500 C) to form carbons with well-developed graphitic order[4]; 2) carbon containing graphitic structures can be also prepared at a relatively low temperature (<1000 C) by means of heterogeneous graphitization with the aid of catalysts e.g. Fe, Co, Ni, etc. [2, 5]. However, although such materials exhibit graphitic structure, they have low surface areas[6]. In addition, the synthetic procedures employed to produce these materials are quite complicated: the operational temperatures are between 500 and 1800 C; the corresponding aerogels used in the process need to be prepared by the solgel method from polymerization of resorcinol with formaldehyde[7]. Recently the development of high energy plasma systems has become an attractive method for reforming hydrocarbons into hydrogen and carbon. This is a single-stage and non-catalytic reaction, CnHmnC+m2 H2

PEVuZE5vdGU+PENpdGU+PEF1dGhvcj5KYXNpbnNraTwvQXV0aG9yPjxZZWFyPjI wMDg8L1llYXI+ PFJlY051bT4xODwvUmVjTnVtPjxyZWNvcmQ+PHJlYy1udW1iZXI+MTg8L3JlYy1u dW1iZXI+PGZv 4

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MjA8L3JlYy1udW1iZXI+PGZvcmVpZ24ta2V5cz48a2V5IGFwcD0iRU4iIGRiLWlkPS J6ZHc5ZHZ4 cG14YXM1ZmVhMDJzcDBmZDk1dnNhdzB4NWE1YXIiPjIwPC9rZXk+PC9mb3Jla WduLWtleXM+PHJl Zi10eXBlIG5hbWU9IkpvdXJuYWwgQXJ0aWNsZSI+MTc8L3JlZi10eXBlPjxjb250cml idXRvcnM+ PGF1dGhvcnM+PGF1dGhvcj5KYXNpbnNraSwgTS48L2F1dGhvcj48YXV0aG9yPk1p emVyYWN6eWss IEouPC9hdXRob3I+PGF1dGhvcj5aYWtyemV3c2tpLCBaLjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3 I+T2hrdWJv LCBULjwvYXV0aG9yPjxhdXRob3I+Q2hhbmcsIEouIFMuPC9hdXRob3I+PC9hdXRob 3JzPjwvY29u dHJpYnV0b3JzPjxhdXRoLWFkZHJlc3M+Q2VudHJlIGZvciBQbGFzbWEgYW5kIExh c2VyIEVuZ2lu ZWVyaW5nLCBJbnN0aXR1dGUgb2YgRmx1aWQgRmxvdyBNYWNoaW5lcnksIFBv bGlzaCBBY2FkZW15 IG9mIFNjaWVuY2VzLCBGaXN6ZXJhLCA4MC0yMzEgR2RhbnNrLCBQb2xhbmQm I3hEO0RlcGFydG1l bnQgb2YgRWxlY3RyaWNhbCBhbmQgRWxlY3Ryb25pYyBFbmdpbmVlcmluZywgT2 l0YSBVbml2ZXJz aXR5LCA3MDAgRGFubm9oYXJ1LCBPaXRhIDg3MC0xMTkyLCBKYXBhbiYjeEQ7 RGVwYXJ0bWVudCBv ZiBFbmdpbmVlcmluZyBQaHlzaWNzLCBNY01hc3RlciBVbml2ZXJzaXR5LCBIYW1p bHRvbiwgT250


In this work, a non-thermal microwave plasma process is presented to synthesis nanostructured carbon materials. The relationship between carbon collection position and surface area was studied. The effect of the other production conditions, e.g. temperature and power source on surface area was clarified. X-ray diffraction (XRD), high resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) and BET method (Brunauer, Emmett and Teller, 1938) were used to characterize the microstructure of the produced carbon materials.

2 Experimental methods
The experimental apparatus for the microwave plasma system is schematically shown in Figure 1. An electrodeless atmospheric microwave plasma torch system was assembled using a commercially available magnetron (2) with a maximum power of 6 kW produced by the power supply (1). The microwave radiation passed through a three stub tuner (3), and was then fed into a waveguide (4), which is connected laterally to a cavity. The other end of the waveguide is terminated with an adjustable plunger (6) used for impedance matching. A quartz tube (9) with the diameter of 3.4 cm connected with a sample collector (10) at the end was inserted into the nozzle (5) and intersected with the waveguide.


Figure 1 Sketch of the plasma reactor

The flow rates of CH4 or natural gas and N2, supplied from compressed gas cylinders (8), were adjusted using a mass flow controller (7). The mixture of CH4 and N2 was fed into the discharge zone by the nozzle. Tangential injection of the working gas enabled good mixing, plasma stabilisation, and helped avoid quartz burning. The applied microwave power was set up from 1.2 kW to 2.0 kW; N2 was the buffer gas. Carbon products were collected by a sample collector (10) at the end of different length of quartz tubes of 15, 17, 22, 25, 35, 45 and 55cm, named as POS-15, POS-17, POS-22, POS-25, POS-35, POS-45, and POS-55 respectively. Temperatures were detected at the collecting positions at the end of the quartz tube with and without methane, which were termed as reaction temperature and buffer gas temperature respectively. The produced powder sample was dispersed in acetone and cleaned with an ultrasonator to remove organic impurities from carbon particles, filtered, and then dried in vacuum oven at 160 C for 2 h.


The morphology of the powder mixtures was characterized by a High Resolution Transmission electron microscope (HRTEM), TECNAI, FEI Company. The particle sizes of the powder mixtures were calculated, using the Image Tool v.3.00 software, from the TEM images as the equivalent circle diameter, ECD= 12 (4A), where A represents the projected particle area. X-ray diffraction (XRD) was performed using an XTra manufactured by Thermo ARL (US) diffractometer with Cu K radiation. The BET surface area and porosity of each sample were determined from N2 adsorption at 77 K using AUTOSORB-1 produced by Quantachrome Instruments and TRISTAR II 3020 Instrument. The cleaned carbon samples were degassed for 8 h at 573 K to remove any moisture or adsorbed contaminants that may be presented on their surfaces. The manufacturers software can provide BET surface area of the carbons by applying the BET equation to the adsorption data. The pore size distribution were evaluated by density functional theory (DFT) method[18, 19].


3 Results and discussion

3.1 XRD of plasma carbon

Figure 2 XRD patterns of plasma carbon samples

The XRD patterns of these plasma carbon samples at different sample collection positions are shown in Figure 2. The XRD peaks at around 2 = 26and 43 are assigned to the (002) and (100) diffractions of the graphitic framework, respectively[1], indicating the formation of the graphitic structures by the plasma system. Moreover, it can be seen that the (002) peaks of all samples have a very low intensity that is superimposed over a broad profile. This suggests the certain amount of amorphous carbon or low level of crystallinity.


3.2 TEM of plasma carbon

The TEM micrographs obtained from the same plasma carbon sample are shown in Figure 3. Both Figure 3b and Figure 3c are the magnified images of Figure 3a at different areas of B and C. From the HRTEM image in Figure 3a, the fine, spherical particles can be observed in nanometer size of about 40.758.72 nm in diameter. And the thin graphite layers also exist in the same image. Figure 3b represents the microstructure of area B, showing carbon nanocoils consisting of graphite sheets. It reveals that the lattice spacing of two adjacent graphite sheets is ~ 0.34 nm, which is consistent with the separation of (002) planes of hexagonal graphite[20]. Figure 3c shows the magnified image of spherical particle in Figure 3a, which presents a certain level of crystallinity from nearly amorphous carbon structure to being very crystalline, in agreement with the XRD results. Both Figure 3b and Figure 3c indicate that there are large amount of defects appeared in the graphite structure.



0.34 nm

Figure 3 a) TEM image of a plasma carbon sample, b) HRTEM image of area B from Figure 3a, c) HRTEM image of area C from Figure 3a



3.3 BET surface area and Porosity

The BET specific surface area and porosity of the carbon powders were determined from the nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm (Figure 4). The N2 isotherms shown in Figure 4 exhibits type III characteristics according to IUPAC classification of adsorption isotherms, which is characteristic of weak adsorbate-adsorbent interactions[21] and is most commonly associated with the porosity from non-pore to macro-pore. The weak interactions between the adsorbate and the adsorbent lead to low uptakes at low relative pressures. However, the adsorbate-adsorbent interaction becomes much stronger at higher relative pressure, which resulting in accelerated uptakes [22]. Figure 5 shows the pore size distribution of plasma carbon collected from different sample collection position evaluated by density function theory (DFT). The samples had a wide pore size distribution, which is mainly consisted of mesopores and macropores. The pore distribution in the wide range of up to 240 nm is presented because the carbon structures consist of disordered carbon and graphitic carbon layers. Due to the existence of the nanosized graphitic sheets (part B in Figure 3), the pore size distribution is partially made up of stacked graphitic sheets. The two dominant peaks at 17 nm and 37 nm are observed in all the curves. The sample collected at 17 cm has maximum surface area of 111 m2/g and much higher pore volume than others, which means the sample collected at this point has better porosity corresponding to higher surface area. The BET surface area, pore volumes and pore sizes are summarized in table 1.

* Corresponding Author: Tel: + 44-1603-593123; Fax: +44-1603-591327. E-mail:

Figure 4 N2 isotherms at 77K of plasma carbon collected from the different length of the quartz tube, black for adsorption and red for desorption.

Figure 5 Pore-size distributions calculated from N2 adsorption isotherms given in Figure 4, using the DFT model


Table 1 Physical properties of plasma carbons

Sample POS-15 POS-17 POS-22 POS-25 POS-35 POS-45 POS-55

a b

SBET (m2/g) 74 111.74 94.7 83.9 74.5 75.7 76.8

Vp (cm3/g)a 0.1245 0.2055 0.1786 0.1953 0.1696 0.1448 0.1422

Pore Size (nm)b 6.7 7.4 7.5 9.3 9.1 7.6 7.4

Single point adsorption total pore volume of pores less than 50 nm width at p/p0 =0.96. Adsorption average pore width (4V/A by BET).

Figure 6 Surface area and temperature change vs. power source at 22cm distance from power source with a gas mixture of 12 L/min N2 and 0.75 L/min CH4

Figure 6 shows the relationship between power, surface area and temperature difference between the buffer gas temperature and reaction temperature with a gas mixture of 12 25

L/min of N2 and 0.75 L/min of CH4 at a collecting position of 22 cm. The buffer gas temperature was measured without introducing methane. The reaction temperature was then measured when CH4 was introduced into the plasma. It is shown that the surface area increases with the increase of the power from 1200 W to 2000 W, which is coincident with the trend of temperature differences. The temperature difference between buffer gas temperature and reaction temperature is around 400 to 500 C. The black curve shows the relationship between power and temperature difference. From this curve, the temperature difference increases as the power increases. It is also interesting to note that the highest surface area of 125 m2/g is produced by 2000 W power, which gives the maximum difference of reaction temperature and buffer gas temperature, 496 C. It could be concluded that the BET surface area increases with an increase of temperature differences. The BET surface area of the sample collected at different distance from the plasma source at 1500 W with a gas mixture 12 L/min of N2 and 0.75 L/min of CH4 are shown in Figure 7. It is indicated that the sample collecting at about 17 cm from plasma source has highest surface area of 111 m2/g, which is associated with highest temperature difference between buffer gas temperature and reaction temperature. The sample collected at greater distance from the plasma source has lower BET surface area. The BET surface area shows the same trend with the temperature difference that is in good coincidence with the results in Figure 6. Thus temperature difference between reaction temperature and buffer gas temperature is an important factor that influences the surface area. Moreover the result could be explained by thermal energy which is generated and measured by heat of any kind[23]. The thermal energy input is the amount by which the thermal energy changes, Et[23].



Equation 1

m is mass, C is specific heat capacity and T is the change in temperature during the energy-input process. According to the Equation 1, the thermal energy input increases with the increase of temperature differences since m and C are constants of corresponding substance. The thermal energy change E involved in the reaction is the result of cracking the C-H bond and reforming the new bonds which influence the carbon structures and surface area.

Figure 7 BET surface area and temperature vs. sample collection position with the power of 1500 W and a gas mixture of 12 L/min N2 and 0.75 L/min of CH4

CH4+ 75.6 kJ/mol C(s)+ 2H2

Equation 2

The cracking of methane to form carbon and hydrogen is overall an endothermic reaction with a reaction enthalpy of 75.6 kJ/mol [24]. The breaking of bonds is an endothermic 27

process and the formation of bonds is an exothermic process. C-H bonds are broken into ions/radicals and electrons as methane passes though the electromagnetic field where the plasma is produced. When these species pass out of the plasma zone, they are no longer excited and start to recombine in what is called the afterglow region [25]. One observable effect is a decrease in temperature when CH4 is introduced into plasma due to the endothermic nature of the process. Then the carbon starts bonding with each other in the afterglow region along the quarts tube, which releases certain amount of thermal energy. It should be noticed, that along the quarts tube from the plasma source, high-energy charged particle/atoms/molecules still exist and gradually reduce with the distance from the plasma. The existence of high-energy charged particle/atoms/molecules causes bonds recombination and re-breaking till the system energy drops down to minimum potential energy. The endothermic and exothermic reactions coexist at the same time. Thus the temperature difference is becoming smaller with the increase of distance from the plasma.

4 Conclusion
A synthetic method for successfully obtaining carbon materials is illustrated. The methodology employed to obtain these carbon powders is based on the cold plasma reactor. TEM images reveal that the formed carbon structures involve various degrees of amorphous phase, crystallinity and graphite sheets. The sample collected at 17 cm distance from the plasma source has maximum surface area of 111 m2/g and much higher pore volume than others, which means the sample collected at 17 cm has better porosity. The surface area increases with the increase of temperature differences between reaction temperature and buffer gas temperature.


The research was supported by Council of Norway through the project Gassmaks. We gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Research Council of Norway and the technical assistance of GasPLas team.


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