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NSDI Workshop
Module 4 Lessons Learned
Eribil, Iraq February 2012

National SDI Workshop Presentation

GIS Projects

GIS Systems

Distributed Networks

Public(s) Services

Stand Alone




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. . . Moving to the Internet, GIS Networks Similar underlying GIS Systems GIS Projects principles Spa;al Data Distributed Public(s) Infrastructure Networks Services

Federa;ons Enterprise Projects

Stand Alone Coordinated

Dierent nature and scale of challenges Cloud Cooperative

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Implementation Lessons Learned

30 years of rapid change Huge advances in technology Incredible growth in societal awareness Global connec;vity Internet adop;on faster than any technology adop;on in history.. ..except perhaps the mobile telephone!!

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1970s Mainframe

The T image h part e with relation ship ID rId6 was not found in the le.

1980s Minicomputer

1990s Internet

2000s Mul9-modal

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Moving Towards Internet-Based Portal Architecture




Web Web

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Moving Towards Internet-Based Portal Architecture

Web Portal



Portlet Portlet Portlet

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Portal Architecture is evolving

Content layout, grouping, navigation Colors, outline, shadows, branding Natural language translation Pervasive devices, disconnected support


Web content management
Document management
Integrated content creation workows
Full support for 3rd party WCM
Search & Categorization


Portlet container for integration
User-dened process integration
Congurable application integration (Portlet Builders)
Full Web Services support


Instant messaging
Team work areas
Expertise location

Security Single Sign-On Administration Scalability Performance Clustering Caching Fail-over

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Spatial enabling of web portal architecture opens many new opportunities for E-Service development

Info resource metadata Service metadata Map services Geographic interface Location based services

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A multimodal information revolution is occurring

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GeMng people, organiza;ons and governments to change how they think about what they do and the way they have done it for years is a huge undertaking!!

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And among us we have a wide range of very dierent contexts to contend with

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How do we get there from here?


What? How Far? Basic targets How Fast? oAen similar, but the path to get What Steps? there may vary Who Leads? greatly

Current Reality

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Proponents are almost always over-op;mis;c

Current Reality

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Expecta;ons of stakeholders grow in propor;on to promises and their awareness of the possibili;es
Current Reality

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End-user cynicism grows in propor;on to the non- achievement of expecta;ons

Current Reality


Balance between selling the vision, long term goals, and achieving visible and compelling near term results is cri;cal

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What are we really trying to accomplish?

To do our jobs beXer, faster and with less cost Make myself more visible!! Provide beXer service

Get ecision-making myself promoted!! Support beXer d

Contribute to making our communi;es and Get more responsibility and power!! society beXer

Build my empire!!

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What are we really trying to accomplish?

To do our jobs beXer, faster and with less cost Make our community more visible!! Provide beXer service

Benet our country!! Support beXer decision-making

Contribute to making our communi;es and Build more tbeXer responsible for!! society o be

Build our country and society!!

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The Most Successful GIS Implementa;ons have been Focused on Real and Prac;cal Business Needs

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What is our critical business?

Hardware People
Procedures Policies Protocols Standards

Core SoYware Data


Applica;on SoYware

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Eective technology adoption seems to follow a similar cycle


Monitoring and Adap;ve Management

Awareness Maintenance and Matura;on Commitment Prolifera;on Planning Implementa;on

Current Reality

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Awareness Commitment

Monitoring and Adap;ve Management

How Far? How Fast?


Maintenance and Matura;on

Prolifera;on Planning

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation
Dinars Yr 6 Yr 3 Yr 1
Database CAD Spreadsheet Word Processing Graphics General Applications Corporate Data Enterprise GIS

Yr 10

Local GIS

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation Small Enterprise GIS Incremental Investment General Applications

Local GIS Database Graphics Word Processing CAD Spreadsheet Corporate Data

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation

Benefit Confirmed General Applications At Each Local Step GIS Corporate

Database Graphics Word Processing CAD Spreadsheet Data

Enterprise GIS

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation

Add Technology As Needed

Enterprise GIS

General Applications Corporate Data

Local GIS Database Graphics Word Processing CAD Spreadsheet

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation
General Applications Local GIS Database Graphics Word Processing CAD Spreadsheet Corporate Data Enterprise GIS

Staff Drive the Process

Current Reality

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Evolutionary implementation
Challenges Decision-makers may not be inspired by innovation rate and progress Sta may not be inspired to pioneer business innovations. Do old jobs using new tools

Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation

Non-Automated Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation Big Investment


Non-Automated Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation

High risk

Non-Automated Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation

Technology May Become Outdated

Non-Automated Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation
Requires Careful AXen;on to Human Factors


May Outpace Human Resources

Non-Automated Current Reality

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Revolutionary implementation
Challenges Organiza;on may not be able absorb the technology in ;meframe Problems can become synergis;c People may lose faith in the vision, and become cynical

Current Reality

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The appropriate approach is usually a hybrid that has been tailored to a specic context.

Current Reality

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Regional E-Service Portal

Current Reality

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>50 organiza;ons, only a handful of whom have more than basic compu;ng capacity Regional ITC spoXy Public access to Internet spoXy Few federa;ons already in place LiXle framework data available

Current Reality

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Many organiza;ons not yet familiar with GIS, much less SDI and Portal principles Current capacity to build and maintain own components low Resources probably not a constraint

Current Reality

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Current Reality

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Gaining and Sustaining Ini;al Support for GIS Requires a Team of Two

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Awareness and Commitment

Awareness Establishing Commitment

Top-Down Execu;ve Visionary

BoXom-Up Early Adopters

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Awareness and Commitment

Awareness Establishing Full Life-Cycle Commitment Support

Team of Two

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The Most Successful GIS Implementa;ons Require More of Managers Than They Expect

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GIS Technology Implementa;on

Management and Organiza;on

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Given the right mo;va;on, sta with the interest and basic ap;tude can make a great contribu;on

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Determining Sta Readiness for Change


Motivation Propensity for Change Aptitude

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Strong founda;ons are built around framework issues, organiza;ons, and data

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Foundation built through key stakeholders

Oce of the Execu;ve Local Governments Central Sta;s;cal Org
Ministry of Municipali;es & Public Works

Cabinet of Ministers Ministry of Environment Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Water Resources

Regional Governments
Na;onal Mapping Organiza;on

Ministry of Planning Ministry of Transporta;on

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and leveraged through involvement of other key stakeholders

Private Industry NGOs

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Sustainable SDI ini;a;ves recognize that organiza;ons must rst respond to their primary mission, and can improve that through par;cipa;on

Current Reality

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Foundation built to address key issues

Poverty Health Government Transparency Economic Development Safety and Security Government Eciency Environmental Quality Social Equity Basic Services

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GIS Implementa;on Tends to Force Communica;ons Across Tradi;onal Boundaries Where it May Not Have Previously Existed

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Communication is critical at all levels

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.. and across many Departments.


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.. and among many Organizations. Oce of the Execu;ve Local Governments Central Sta;s;cal Org
Ministry of Municipali;es & Public Works

Cabinet of Ministers Ministry of Environment Ministry of Agriculture

Ministry of Water Resources

Regional Governments
Na;onal Mapping Organiza;on

Ministry of Planning Ministry of Transporta;on

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.. across geopolitical boundaries.

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.. and ultimately around the world.

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Requires a Culture of Coopera;on Achieving This Requires Inspired and Involved Leadership

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Building real enterprise systems and federa;ons is a process, not an event or single project

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and there are many obstacles to overcome

Tradi;onal administra;ve boundaries and efdoms Entrenched interests Outdated mandates and aMtudes Technophobia Drive for revenue Legal deni;ons of security and privacy

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and there are many obstacles to overcome

Lack of crea;ve and innova;ve problem solving Fear of change Complacency and lack of will Lack of ini;al budget Jurisdic;on conicts

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and there are many obstacles to overcome Many formal SDI ini;a;ves are started as top-down, high rhetoric-driven, and highly publicized aairs


Current Reality

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and there are many obstacles to overcome It usually takes 3-5 years before the reality and substan;ve impact of any given ini;a;ve can be measured


Current Reality

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and there are many obstacles to overcome .and if it doesnt measure up to original expecta;ons, the failures may be covered for another 3-5 years before someone else decides to reinvent the program.


Current Reality

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and there are many obstacles to overcome Sustainable SDI ini;a;ves recognize that organiza;ons must ul;mately respond to their primary mission, and can improve that through long term partnerships with others


Current Reality

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Mandate War
No Clearly Dened and Accepted Roles and Responsibili@es

Org A

Org B

Zone of Conict

Departments in transi@onal situa@ons oCen struggling to keep up with near term, urgent needs

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Mandate War
No Clearly Dened and Accepted Roles and Responsibili@es

Org A

Org B

Zone of Conict Ar@cially Enlarged even before there is any real business being done

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Mandate War

Organiza;ons oYen see mandate, roles and resources as a one-pie bakery.

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Mandate War

.where somebody wins and somebody loses

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Invent New Opportunities

We Need A New Paradigm For How We Work Together and Focus on Building New Opportuni;es

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Invent New Opportunities

This Requires Strong Leadership, Self- Condence, and Inter-Dependent Thinking

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Road Ahead Technology will con;nue to advance and present a con;nuous stream of new opportuni;es

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Taking maximum advantage of technology means con;nuous evalua;on and evolu;on of our organiza;ons
Awareness Establishing Commitment

Monitoring and Adap;ve Management Maintenance and Matura;on

Prolifera;on Planning Implementa;on

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What Role Can Each of Us Play?

In many countries, the SDI playing eld is s;ll being dened Many organiza;ons adop;ng GIS technology Much investment in useful data Eorts like the GSDI helping to establish dialog at the highest levels of government

Current Reality

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What Role Can Each of Us Play?

Many standards and tools emerging that can help to support data sharing and interoperability ICT infrastructure growing quickly in most parts of the world Internet open new opportuni;es for crea;ng federa;ons and leveraging SDI

Current Reality

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What Role Can Each of Us Play?

Level 1

Stay focused exclusively on what we have always done, in the way we have always done it. Become involved with SDI only as it aects our current mandates React to change only when absolutely necessary Allow constraints and setbacks to overcome our will to progress

Current Reality

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What Role Can Each of Us Play?

Level 2 ole in community context Re-assess our r

Help to ini;ate and par;cipate in country, regional and global SDI development Push for the adop;on of policies for widespread, low or no cost dissemina;on of basic framework data Take a leadership role in breaking down legal and administra;ve barriers to data sharing

Current Reality

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What Role Can Each of Us Play?

Level 3

Re-invent ourselves to take a leadership role in promo;ng and suppor;ng SDI development Get directly involved in facilita;ng, promo;ng and suppor;ng framework communi;es Lead our organiza;ons and our communi;es in a process of adapta;on to new principles, prac;ces, and technologies into the future

Current Reality

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Requires inspired vision, leadership, courage, persistence, empathy, knowledge, exper9se, poli9cal savvy, and boundless pa9ence and energy.


What Role Can Each of Us Play?

Level 3

Re-shape mission to take a leadership role in promo;ng and suppor;ng SDI development Facilitate and coordinate framework communi;es Lead the community in a process of adapta;on to new principles, prac;ces, and technologies into the future

Are we up to the challenge??

Current Reality

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Communicate Coordinate Cooperate Collaborate

Are we up to the challenge??

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