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Tim Millison Period 1

Final Exam Study Guide Vocabulary:

Panama Canal Shorter route between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. Roosevelt Corollary President Theodore Roosevelt s 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine in which he asserted the right of the United States to intervene in Latin American nations. Dollar Diplomacy President Taft s policy of encouraging American investment abroad. Imperialism Policy by a stronger nation to create an empire by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally, or militarily. Muckrakers Journalist who uncovers wrongdoing on the part of politicians or corporations. Progressivism Militarism Policy of aggressively building up a nation s armed forces in preparation for war. Central Powers In World War 1, Germany and Austria-Hungary. Allies In World War 1, Russia, France, Great Britain, and later the United States; in World War 2, the alliance of Great Britain, the United States, the Soviet Union, and other nations. U-boat A German submarine. Sussex Pledge Pledge by the German government in 1916 that its submarines would warn ships before attacking. Zimmerman Note 1917 note by a German diplomat proposing an alliance with Mexico. Selective Service Act 1917 law authorizing a draft of young men for military service. Convoy Group of armed and unarmed ships deployed to protect merchant shipping from attack. Armistice - Cease-fire or truce. Genocide deliberate murder of an entire people. Daylight saving time turning clocks ahead one hour for the summer. League of Nations International organization, formed after World War 1, that aimed to promote security and peace for all members. Reparations Payment from an enemy for economic injury suffered during a war. Versailles Treaty 1919 treaty that ended World War 1. Woodrow Wilson created 14 points which was his plan for reaching peace, avoid entangling alliances, established territory for war-torn countries, 14th point: established a league of nations.

Tim Millison Period 1

*Red Scare* A period of intense fear of communism and other extreme ideas. This is significant because Americans called for known communists to be jailed or driven out of the country. Communism Official ideology of the Soviet Union, characterized there by complete government ownership of land and property, single-party control of the government, the lack of individual rights, and the call for worldwide revolution. *Sacco and Vanzetti* Two Italian immigrants arrested for being in connection to a crime. They were soon convicted and sentenced to die. This is significant because they were killed with out sufficient evidence, and many though they were accused because they were immigrants. *Isolationism* Policy of avoiding political or economic alliances with foreign countries. This is significant because Harding made no further attempt to join the League of Nations. *Disarmament* - program in which nations voluntarily give up their weapons. This is significant because several major nations signed treaties limiting the size of their navies. Warren G. Harding president before Calvin Coolidge. Calvin Coolidge made president after Harding dies, tried to make the government smaller, criticized for his failure to take action, continued policy of isolationism. *Installment Plan* A system that lets customers make partial payments (installments) at set intervals over a period of time. This is significant because it fueled the growth of the consumer economy and encouraged people to buy who otherwise would not, even though they had to pay interest charges. *Flapper* term coined during the 1920 s to describe a young woman with a fondness for dancing and brash actions. This is significant because the symbol of a flapper had a wide impact on fashion and manners. It also stood for a longing to make a break with the past. *Jazz Age* term used to describe the 1920 s. This is significant because it summed up an expression of the times, of the breathless, energetic, super active times in which they were living. *Harlem Renaissance* African American literary awakening of the 1920 s, centered in Harlem. This is significant because the number of African Americans living in Harlem grew, and also became a national center for jazz. 18th Amendment banned the sale, production, and transportation of alcohol in the USA. *Bootleggers* during prohibition, a supplier of illegal alcohol. This is significant because the term had changed greatly over the time, and successful bootleggers often expanded into other illegal activities, such as gambling. *Scopes Trial* 1925 trial in Tennessee on the issue of teaching evolution in public schools. This is significant because it was the first trial to ever broadcast over American radio. Black Tuesday October 29, 1929, the day on which the Great Crash of the stock market began. Over Speculation stock market boom was based on borrowed money. Hoovervilles shelters that homeless people made (making fun of the president). Dust Bowl region in the Great Plains where drought and dust storms took place for much of the 1930 s.

Tim Millison Period 1

Dorothea Lange Photographed the Great Depression, pictures got the public interested, helped get aid for workers. 21st Amendment prohibition is repealed. New Deal President Franklin Roosevelt s program of relief, recovery, and reform programs to combat the Great Depression. Fireside Chats radio addresses to the nation. FDR Franklin Delano Roosevelt, easily won election, he was ready to try new things in government, he was in a wheel chair, he would change the role of government in society. 2nd New Deal 1935, even more legislation Works Progress Administration (WPA) agency that gave work to over 8 million citizens. Wagner Act legalized practices like collective bargaining, and closed shops. Social Security System regular payments to people who could not support themselves. 1936 election another landslide for FDR. Fascism Political philosophy that places the importance of the nation over that of the individual. Axis Powers In World War 2, the alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan. Adolf Hitler Austrian painter, enraged by peace settlement at end of WW1, joined small group: the national socialist German workers party (Nazi party), believed Germany was weakened by certain groups who lived there, blamed the Jews for WW1, wanted to strengthen the military and expand borders and purify the Aryan race (blonde hair, blue eyes), took control of the Reichstag (German parliament) and was given dictatorial powers. Appeasement Policy of giving in to someone s demands in order to preserve the peace. Blitzkrieg kind of warfare emphasizing rapid, mechanized movement (lightning war). Lend-lease Act 1941 law that authorized the president to provide aid to any nation whose defense he believed was vital to American security. Pearl Harbor *D-Day* code name for the allied invasion of France on June 6th, 1944. Largest landing by sea in history crossed English Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy. This is significant because it helped us establish territory and got us a step closer in winning the war. Hiroshima was bombed by the United States on august 6th, 1945 during World War 2, first city in history subjected to nuclear warfare. Holocaust Nazi Germany s attempt to murder all European Jews. Kristallnacht The name given to the night of violence on November 9th, 1938, when the Nazi storm troopers attacked Jews in Germany and Austria.

Tim Millison Period 1

Concentration Camps Place where prisoners of war and other prisoners are confined usually under harsh conditions. Death Camps In World War 2, a German camp created solely for mass murder. *War Bonds* Government savings bond that is sold to raise money for a war. This is significant because it helped raise money for the war effort. Double V Campaign An effort, launched by an African American newspaper, for victory against the Axis powers and victory inn winning racial equality at home. Internment Camps a camp to which Japanese Americans were forcibly sent during World War 2. *Yalta Conference* 1945 meeting between Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt in which the leaders discussed plans for the postwar world. This is significant because it helped start the cold war and created a vision of western and eastern Germany. Nuremburg Trials 1945, 24 Nazi s were tried for crimes against humanity. 12 received the death sentence; people were accountable for their actions during war. G.I. bill law passed in 1944 that helped returning veterans buy homes and pay for college. Franchise right to open a restaurant using a parent company s brand name and system. Levittown The family that had the greatest impact on postwar housing in the United States was Abraham Levitt and his sons, William and Alfred, who ultimately built more than 140,000 houses and turned a cottage industry into a major manufacturing process. Babyboom dramatic increase in birthrate during and after World War 2.

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