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Discrete vector on-site vortices

P.G Kevrekidis and D.E Pelinovsky Proc. R. Soc. A 2006 462, 2671-2694 doi: 10.1098/rspa.2006.1693

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Proc. R. Soc. A (2006) 462, 26712694 doi:10.1098/rspa.2006.1693 Published online 4 April 2006

Discrete vector on-site vortices




Department of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-4515, USA 2 Department of Mathematics, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1, Canada

We study discrete vortices in coupled discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations. We focus on the vortex cross conguration that has been experimentally observed in photorefractive crystals. Stability of the single-component vortex cross in the anticontinuum limit of small coupling between lattice nodes is proved. In the vector case, we consider two coupled congurations of vortex crosses, namely the charge-one vortex in one component coupled in the other component to either the charge-one vortex (forming a double-charge vortex) or the charge-negative-one vortex (forming a, so-called, hiddencharge vortex). We show that both vortex congurations are stable in the anticontinuum limit, if the parameter for the inter-component coupling is small and both of them are unstable when the coupling parameter is large. In the marginal case of the discrete two-dimensional Manakov system, the double-charge vortex is stable while the hidden-charge vortex is linearly unstable. Analytical predictions are corroborated with numerical observations that show good agreement near the anti-continuum limit, but gradually deviate for larger couplings between the lattice nodes.
Keywords: discrete nonlinear Schrodinger equations; vortices; persistence and stability; LyapunovSchmidt reductions

1. Introduction In the past few years, the developments in the nonlinear optics of photorefractive materials (Fleischer et al. 2005) and of BoseEinstein condensates (BECs) in optical lattices (Brazhnyi & Konotop 2004) have stimulated an enormous amount of theoretical, numerical and experimental activity in the area of discrete nonlinear Hamiltonian systems. A particular focus in this effort has been drawn to the prototypical lattice model of the discrete nonlinear Schrodinger (DNLS) equation (Kevrekidis et al. 2001). The latter, either as a tight binding limit (Almov et al. 2002) or as a generic discrete nonlinear envelope wave equation (Kivshar & Peyrard 1992) plays a key role in unveiling the relevant dynamics within the appropriate length and time scales. One of the principal directions of interest in these lattice systems consists of the effort to analyse the main features of their localized solutions. In the particular case of two spatial dimensions, such structures can be discrete gap
* Author for correspondence (
Received 23 November 2005 Accepted 13 February 2006


q 2006 The Royal Society

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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

solitons (Christodoulides & Joseph 1988; Kivshar 1993) or discrete vortices (i.e. structures that have topological charge over a discrete contour; Malomed & Kevrekidis 2001; Yang & Musslimani 2003). The study of these types of coherent structures has made substantial leaps of progress in the past two years with the numerical and experimental observation of regular discrete solitons (Fleischer et al. 2003a,b), dipole solitons (Yang et al. 2004), soliton-trains (Chen et al. 2004a), soliton-necklaces (Yang et al. 2005) and vector solitons (Chen et al. 2004b) in photorefractive crystals and experimental discovery of robust discrete vortex states (Neshev et al. 2004; Fleischer et al. 2004). On the other hand, the recent years were marked by the experimental developments in soft condensed-matter physics of BECs. Among the important recent observations, one can single out the experimental illustration of the dark (Burger et al. 1999), bright (Strecker et al. 2002) and gap (Eiermann et al. 2004) solitons in quasi-one-dimensional BECs. The experimental capabilities seem to be on the verge of producing similar structures in a two-dimensional context (Greiner et al. 2001). In both of the above contexts (nonlinear optics and atomic physics), multicomponent systems were recently studied due to their relevance to applications. In particular, the rst observations of discrete vector solitons in nonlinear waveguide arrays were reported in Meier et al. (2003), while numerous experiments with BECs were directed towards studies of mixtures of different spin states of 87 Rb (Myatt et al. 1997) or 23 Na (Stamper-Kurn et al. 1998) and even ones of different atomic species such as 41 KK87 Rb (Modugno et al. 2001) and 7 LiK133 Cs (Mudrich et al. 2002). While the above BEC experiments did not include the presence of an optical lattice, the addition of an external optical potential could be manufactured within the present experimental capabilities (Brazhnyi & Konotop 2004). It is the purpose of the present work to address these recent features of the physical experiments, namely discrete systems with multiple components. In particular, we aim at addressing the fundamental issue of how localized excitations are affected by the presence of two components which are coupled (nonlinearly) to each other. While our results will be presented for the specic example of two coupled DNLS equations with cubic nonlinearities, we believe that similar features persist in a variety of other models. We should note here that rather few studies have focused on the two-dimensional vector generalization of the DNLS equation (Ablowitz & Musslimani 2002; Hudock et al. 2003; Vicencio et al. 2004). To the best of our knowledge, these earlier studies did not address vortices in coupled discrete systems. For vortices in coupled systems, a number of interesting questions emerges concerning the stability of particular vortex congurations (e.g. the so-called vortex cross; Neshev et al. 2004; Fleischer et al. 2004) including the case of equal charges in both components and the case of opposite charges between the two components. The former state has a double vortex charge, while the latter has a hidden vortex charge. It has been shown for the continuous NLS equation with cubic-quintic (Desyatnikov et al. 2005) and saturable (Ye et al. 2004) nonlinearities that these two states have different stability windows. In the present setting, we examine the stability of such vortex structures in the discrete case, both analytically and numerically. We use the method of LyapunovSchmidt (LS) reductions developed earlier in Pelinovsky et al. (2005a,b). This method allows for direct analytical calculations of eigenvalues
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Discrete vector on-site vortices


of the linear stability problem as functions of the system parameters (such as the coupling between adjacent lattice sites and the coupling between the two components). Our presentation is structured as follows. In 2, we introduce the setup and the vortex cross congurations. In 3, we study the stability of such congurations in the one-component model. In 4, we generalize the vortex cross conguration to the two-component case and compare our results with numerical computations of the parameter continuations. In 5, we deal with a special Manakov case of the system of two DNLS equations. Finally, in 6, we summarize our ndings. Appendix A presents technical details for the case of the single-component vortex cross. 2. Setup We write the coupled system of DNLS equations in the form: _ iun;m C eunC1;m C unK1;m C un;mC1 C un;mK1 C jun;m j2 C bjvn;m j2 un;m Z 0; 2:1 _ iv n;m C evnC1;m C vnK1;m C vn;mC1 C vn;mK1 C bjun;m j2 C jvn;m j2 vn;m Z 0; 2:2 where bR 0 and eR 0. Parameter b is often referred to as the cross-phase modulation coefcient in optics. The self-phase modulation has been set to unity in the systems (2.1) and (2.2). As is discussed in detail in Hudock et al. (2003; see also references therein), typical values of b in the optical setting are bZ 2=3 for two linear mutually orthogonal polarization modes in each waveguide and bZ2 for two circular polarizations (or two different carrier wavelengths). On the other hand, for binary condensates this coefcient is of the order of unity (Myatt et al. 1997) producing at bZ1 the discrete (non-integrable) analogue of the well-known continuum integrable Manakov system. Hence, we will particularly focus on these values of b in our numerical results in what follows, even though our analysis will be kept as general as possible. Localized modes of the coupled systems (2.1) and (2.2) take the form, un;m t Z fn;m eit ; vn;m t Z jn;m eiut ; 2:3 where u is a parameter of time-periodic solutions and fn;m ; jn;m satisfy the system of nonlinear difference equations, 1Kjfn;m j2 K bjjn;m j2 fn;m Z efnC1;m C fnK1;m C fn;mC1 C fn;mK1 ; uK bjfn;m j2 Kjjn;m j2 jn;m Z ejnC1;m C jnK1;m C jn;mC1 C jn;mK1 : 2:4 2:5

We are interested in a particular vortex solution, called the vortex cross. An example of this solution is obtained numerically for bZ 2=3, uZ1 and eZ 0:1 and it is shown in gure 1. Let us consider the diagonal square discrete contour on the grid n; m 2Z2 , S 0 Z fK 0; 0;K 1; 0; 0; 1g 3Z2 ; 1; 1; 2:6 enumerated in the same order by j Z 1; 2; 3; 4. We shall assume that the vortex cross of gure 1 bifurcates from the limiting solution at the anti-continuum
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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

5 2 m 2 0 5 5 2 m m 0.5 0 0 5 5 0 5 0 2 2 0 n 2 n 2 0 2 2 0 n 2 m m 0.5 0 0 2 0 2 m 5 0 5 5 0 5 5 0 5

2 0 2 m m

2 0 2

Figure 1. The contour plots show the amplitude and phase (left and right panels, respectively) of the two components (top and bottom, respectively) for a (1, 1) (left four subplots) and a (1, K1) (right four subplots) vortex conguration, in the case of bZ 2=3, uZ1 and eZ 0:1.

limit eZ0: f0 n;m Z

2:7 Z 0; n; m ;S 0 ; 0; n; m ;S 0 ; where the set of phase parameters fqj ; nj g4Z1 is yet to be determined, while the j set of amplitude parameters (a, b) is determined from solutions of the system a 2 C bb2 Z 1; ba 2 C b2 Z u: 2:8

a eiqj ;

n; m 2S 0 ;

( j0 n;m

b einj ;

n; m 2S 0 ;

When b s1, there exists a unique solution of the system (2.8), a2 Z 1K bu ; 1Kb2 b2 Z uK b : 1Kb2 2:9

The solution is meaningful only if a 2 O 0 and b2 O 0, which dene the domain of existence minb; bK1 % u% maxb; bK1 : 2:10

When bZ1, the domain of existence shrinks into the line uZ1 and the solution of the system (2.8) forms a one-parameter family, a Z cos d; b Z sin d; d 20; 2p: 2:11

The vortex cross, if it exists, is dened by the phase congurations along the discrete contour S 0 , qj Z pj K1 ; 2 nj ZG pj K1 ; 2 j Z 1; 2; 3; 4: 2:12

The upper sign corresponds to the (1, 1) coupled state called the double-charge vortex, while the lower sign corresponds to the (1, K1) coupled state called the hidden-charge vortex. Persistence and stability of the vortex congurations (2.7), (2.9) and (2.12) are addressed separately in the cases bZ0, 0! b! 1, bZ1 and bO1.
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Discrete vector on-site vortices


3. Scalar vortex cross We apply the method of LS reductions developed in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b) to the scalar nonlinear difference equation 1KjFn;m j2 Fn;m Z eFnC1;m C FnK1;m C Fn;mC1 C Fn;mK1 :


This scalar equation corresponds to the reduction jn;m Z 0, cn; m 2Z of the systems (2.4) and (2.5). Local existence of a single-component vortex cross in the scalar problem (3.1) is proved in appendix A for small values of e (on the basis of proposition 2.9 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b)). This result is formulated as follows. Proposition 3.1. There exists a unique (up to the gauge invariance) continuation in e of the limiting solution at eZ0: ( iq e j ; n; m 2S 0 ; 0 Fn;m Z 3:2 0; n; m ;S 0 ; where S 0 is given by equation (2.6) and the values of qj are given by equation (2.12). The family of vortex solutions Fn;m e, n; m 2Z2 is a smooth (real analytic) function of e. To address spectral stability of the vortex cross in the time-evolution of the single-component DNLS equation, we consider the linearization problem with the explicit formula   un;m t Z eit Fn;m C an;m elt C bn;m elt ; and derive the linear eigenvalue problem from the DNLS equation, 1K2jFn;m j2 an;m KF2 bn;m KeanC1;m C anK1;m C an;mC1 C an;mK1 Z ilan;m ; n;m 3:3  1K2jFn;m j2 bn;m KFn;m an;m KebnC1;m C bnK1;m C bn;mC1 C bn;mK1 ZKilbn;m ; 3:4 where l is an eigenvalue and an;m ; bn;m are components of an eigenvector. Symbolically, we write the linear eigenvalue problem as He4 Z ils4; 3:5

where He is the linearized Jacobian matrix for the systems (3.1), s is a diagonal matrix of (1, K1) and 4 is an eigenvector consisting of an;m ; bn;m . The linear 0 eigenvalue problem for the limiting solution Fn;m Z Fn;m at eZ0 has a set of ^ double zero eigenvalues with the eigenvectors ej and generalized eigenvectors ej , ^ such that H0 ej Z 0 and H0 ej Z 2isej , where H0 Z H0. The index j ^ enumerates the set S 0 and the eigenvectors ej and ej have non-zero components 0 only at the corresponding nodes of the set S , ! ! eiqj eiqj ^ ; ej Z : 3:6 ej Z i KeKiqj eKiqj
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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

The kernel of He for e s0 includes at least one eigenfunction, ! Fn;m ; n; m 2Z2 ; 4n;m Z  n;m KF


which follows from the gauge invariance of the DNLS equation with respect to rotation of the complex phase in Fn;m , Fn; m 2Z2 . It is easy to show that a generalized kernel for zero eigenvalue is non-empty as it includes a solution of the ~ inhomogeneous equation He4Z 2is4 exists, where 4 is given by equation (3.7). Using the perturbation series expansion for Fn;m e, we dene the expansion HeZ H0 C eH1 C e2 H2 C Oe3 . By lemma 4.1 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b), computations of appendix A determine the splitting of zero eigenvalues of He as e s0. The splitting of zero eigenvalues of sHe is formulated and proved as follows. Proposition 3.2. Let Fn;m e, n; m 2Z2 be a family of vortex solutions dened by proposition 3.1. The linearized problem (3.3)(3.4) has zero eigenvalue of algebraic multiplicity two and geometric multiplicity one and three small pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues of negative Krein signatures1 with the asymptotic approximations l1;2 ; l3;4 ZG2ie C Oe2 ; l5;6 ZG4ie2 C Oe3 : The rest of the spectrum is bounded away from the origin as e/ 0 and it is located on the imaginary axis of l. Proof. We supplement the general proof of lemma 4.2 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b) with the explicit perturbation series expansions for small eigenvalues of the linear eigenvalue problem (3.5), 4 Z 40 C e41 C e2 42 C Oe3 ; where 40 Z
4 X

l Z el1 C e2 l2 C Oe3 ;


cj ej ;

41 Z

and the is uniquely dened on the set S 1 , where S is the set of adjacent nodes to the set of S 0 . At the secondorder perturbation theory, the problem is written in the form H0 42 C H1 41 C H2 40 Z il1 s41 C il2 s40 : 3:9 Projecting the problem to the kernel of H0 , we nd the reduced eigenvalue problem M2 c Z 1l2 c; 3:10 2 1 where cZ c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 T and M2 is computed in appendix A. Therefore, two negative eigenvalues g1;2 of the Jacobian matrix e2 M2 generate two pairs of imaginary eigenvalues of negative Kreinpsignatures1 in the linear eigenvalue problem by virtue of the relation lZG 2g. The same computation is then extended up to the fourth order, where it is found that the negative eigenvalue g3
A simple eigenvalue of the linear eigenvalue problem (3.5) is said to have the negative Krein signature if the quadratic form for the associated eigenvector H e4;4 is negative.
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jZ1 1 solution 4inhom ZK 0K1 H1 40 ZK 1 40 H H 1

4 l1 X 1 ^ c e C 4inhom ; 2 jZ1 j j

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Discrete vector on-site vortices

(a) 1.0 li 0.5 0 (b) 0.2 l r 0.1 0






Figure 2. Eigenvalues of the scalar vortex cross versus e. (a) Imaginary part and (b) real part of the relevant eigenvalues. The solid lines display the numerical results, while the dashed ones correspond to the asymptotic approximations.

of the extended matrix e2 M2 C e4 M4 determines the third pair of purely p imaginary eigenvalues by virtue of the same relation lZG 2g. & We note that the count of eigenvalues of negative Krein signatures corresponds to the closure theorem for negative index of He (see Pelinovsky et al. (2005a) for details). There are four negative eigenvalues of H0 for the limiting solution (3.2) and three more small negative eigenvalues occur for e s0. The total number of negative eigenvalues is reduced by the gauge symmetry constraint, such that six negative eigenvalues in a constrained subspace match three pairs of imaginary eigenvalues with negative Krein signature. The asymptotic approximations of eigenvalues l are plotted in gure 2 by dashed lines. The numerical computations of the same eigenvalues (up to the prescribed numerical accuracy) versus e are shown by solid lines. The numerical accuracy is excellent for e% 0:1 but it becomes worse for eO 0:2 especially for the smallest eigenvalue. The astute reader will, in fact, observe that this is a general trend in what follows (see gures below), i.e. higher-order predictions may be more sensitive (as may be expected due to their higher-order corrections) to variations of e as e grows. All three pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues bifurcate into complex domains when they collide to other eigenvalues of the stability problem (e.g. with eigenvalues of positive Krein signatures or with the spectral band). The rst collision is numerically detected to occur at e z0:395. 4. Vector vortex crosses for 0! b! 1 and bO 1 In order to consider the coupled vortex congurations in the non-degenerate case b s1, we extend computations of appendix A to the solution of the coupled nonlinear difference equations (2.4) and (2.5). We report here computations for two related problems: (i) bifurcations of small eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix near the zero eigenvalue and (ii) bifurcations of small eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem near the origin. Because of
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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

the computational complexity of the analytical approximations, we shall complement the analytical results of the second-order LS reductions with the symbolic computational results of the fourth-order LS reductions. Similarly to the scalar case, the linearized stability problem for the twocomponent system takes the matrix-vector form He4 Z ils4; 4:1 where He is the linearized Jacobian matrix for the systems (2.4) and (2.5), s is a diagonal matrix of (1, K1, 1, K1) and 4 is an eigenvector consisting of four elements of the perturbation vector at each node n; m 2Z2 . The diagonal block of the matrix He at each node n; m 2Z2 takes the form
0 B B B B B B @ 1K2jfn;m j2 K bjjn;m j2  n;m Kf2  K bfn;m jn;m   K bfn;m jn;m Kf2 n;m 1K2jfn;m j2 K bjjn;m j2 K bfn;m jn;m  K bfn;m jn;m  K bfn;m jn;m   K bfn;m jn;m uK bjfn;m j2 K2jjn;m j2  n;m Kj2 K bfn;m jn;m  K bfn;m jn;m Kj2 n;m uK bjfn;m j2 K2jjn;m j2 1 C C C C: C C A

The non-diagonal blocks of He come from the difference operators in the righthand-side of the systems (2.4) and (2.5). (a ) Bifurcations of zero eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix We extend the perturbation series expansions (A 1) to the two-component case, N N X k k X k k fn;m e Z e fn;m ; jn;m e Z e jn;m ; 4:2
kZ0 kZ0

where the zero-order solution in the anti-continuum limit is given by equation (2.7) and parameters (a, b) are given in equation (2.9). The rst-order corrections are found from the uncoupled system of equations, similarly to the scalar case, 8 8 0 0 > 0; n; m 2S ; > 0; n; m 2S ; > > > > > > < < 1 1 X X iq 1 1 1 fn;m Z a e l ; n; m 2S ; jn;m Z uK1 b einl ; n; m 2S 1 ; > > > > > > l l > > : : 0 1 0; n; m ;S g S ; 0; n; m ;S 0 g S 1 ; where is dened in (A 3). The second-order corrections are found in the form 8 2 8 2 > rj einj ; n;m2S 0 ; > sj eiqj ; n;m2S 0 ; > > > > > > > > > > > 0; n;m2S 1 ; > 0; n;m2S 1 ; > > < < 2 2 jn;m Z fn;m Z 2 2 > K2 X inl > X iql > u b e ; n;m2S 2 ; > a e ; n;m2S 2 ; > > > > > > > > l > > l > > : : 0 1 2 0; n;m;S gS gS ; 0; n;m;S 0 gS 1 gS 2 ;



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Discrete vector on-site vortices


P2 2 2 where is dened in (A 5). The real parameters sj ; rj satisfy an l inhomogeneous system K 2asj C bbrj Z 4 C 2 cosqjC1 Kqj C 2 cosqjK1 Kqj C cosqjC2 Kqj ; 4:5 K 2basj C brj Z 4 C 2 cosnjC1 Knj C 2 cosnjK1 Knj C cosnjC2 Knj : 4:6 When b s1, the inhomogeneous system (4.5) and (4.6) has a unique solution. Second-order corrections to the bifurcation equations are uncoupled and have the form gj Z 2 sinqj KqjC1 C 2 sinqj KqjK1 C sinqj KqjC2 ; hj Z 2 sinnj KnjC1 C 2 sinnj KnjK1 C sinnj KnjC2 ; where a suitable normalization of gj and hj is made. As a result, the Jacobian 2 2 matrix computed from derivatives of gj ; hj T in qi ; ni is block-diagonal as diagM2 ; M2 , where M2 is dened in appendix A. By lemma 4.1 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b), non-zero eigenvalues of diagM2 ; M2 determine small eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix He, g1;2;3;4 ZK 2 C Oe4 : 2e Two zero eigenvalues of diagM2 ; M2 split into two non-zero eigenvalues in the fourth-order LS reductions, while two other zero eigenvalues of diagM2 ; M2 persist beyond all orders due to the gauge invariance of each component in coupled DNLS equations (2.1) and (2.2). Indeed, the kernel of He for e s0 includes at least two eigenfunctions, 80 19 1 0 0 > > > fn;m > >B > > C B 0 C> <BK f C B C= C ; n; m 2Z2 : B n;m C; B 4n;m Z B 4:7 >@ 0 C B jn;m C> > A> A @ > > > > : ; 0 Kn;m j In order to compute the small non-zero eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix He, we use the symbolic computation package based on Wolframs MATHEMATICA. The projection to the eigenspace of diagM2 ; M2 spanned by eigenvectors p2 ; 04 T and 04 ; p2 T , where p2 Z K 1;K 1 and 04 Z 0; 0; 0; 0, 1; 1; leads to the reduced eigenvalue problem (for uZ1), K8 ~ a Gba2 Z ga1 ; 1 Cb 1 K8 ~ Gba1 C a2 Z ga2 ; 1 Cb ~ where a1 ; a2 are coordinates of the projections, gZ lime/0 eK4 g and the upper/ lower signs refer to the two coupled vortices (1, G1). It is clear that the eigenvalues of the reduced eigenvalue problem are the same for either sign and they dene two small eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix He
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2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

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2680 (for uZ1),

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g5 ZK8e4 C Oe6 ;

81K b 4 g6 ZK e C Oe6 : 1 C b

(b ) Bifurcations of zero eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem We consider the eigenvalue problem (4.1) in the limit of small e. Let HeZ H0 C eH1 C e2 H2 C Oe3 . The set of eigenvectors of H0 ej Z 0 and H0 f j Z 0 takes the form 1 1 0 0 0 eiqj C C B B B 0 C BKeKiqj C C C B B 4:8 ej Z iB C; f j Z iB in C: B e j C B 0 C A A @ @ 0 KeKinj ^ ^ The corresponding set of generalized eigenvectors of H0 ej Z 2isej and H0 f j Z 2isf j takes the form 1 1 0 0 ACeiqj AKeiqj C C B B B ACeKiqj C B AKeKiqj C C C B B ^ 4:9 ej Z B C; f j Z B C; B B einj C B B einj C A A @ C @ K BCeKinj where 1 Kb 1 ; BC Z AK Z ; BK Z 2 ; a2 1Kb2 ab1Kb2 b 1Kb2 Bifurcations of zero eigenvalues of the linear eigenvalue problem (4.1) can be computed with the extended perturbation series expansions (4.2) for fn;m e and jn;m e and extended perturbation series (3.8) for 4 and l, where AC Z 40 Z
1 4 X jZ1


cj ej C

4 X jZ1

dj f j ;

41 Z

4 4 l1 X l X ^ 1 ^ cj ej C 1 d f C 4inhom ; 2 jZ1 2 jZ1 j j

and 4inhom ZK 0K1 H1 40 ZK 1 40 is uniquely dened on the set S 1 . At H H the second-order perturbation theory, we have the same problem (3.9), from which we derive the reduced eigenvalue problem, M2 c Z 1 l2 ACc C AKd; 2 1 M2 d Z 1 l2 BCc C BKd; 2 1 4:10 4:11

where cZ c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 T , d Z d1 ; d2 ; d3 ; d4 T and M2 is the same as in the scalar case. Let g1 Z 1=2l2 . The reduced eigenvalue problems (4.10) and (4.11) has 1 four zero roots for g1 and two double-degenerate non-zero roots for g1 , given from the quadratic equation g1 C 2a 2 g1 C 2b2 Z 4a 2 b2 b2 :
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Discrete vector on-site vortices


If uZ1, such that a2 Z b2 Z 1=1C b, then the two non-zero roots for g1 are found explicitly, 21Hjbj gG ZK : 1 Cb p By using the relation l1 ZG 2g1 , we have just proved that the linear eigenvalue problem (4.1) in the case uZ1 and 0! b! 1 has four small pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues with asymptotic approximations, s 1K b C Oe2 : l1;2 ; l3;4 ZG2ie C Oe2 ; l5;6 ; l7;8 ZG2ie 1 Cb Two pairs of eigenvalues l5;6 and l7;8 become pairs of real eigenvalues in the case bO1. Two pairs of zero eigenvalues of the reduced eigenvalue problems (4.10) and (4.11) split at the fourth-order LS reductions as pairs of non-zero eigenvalues l9;10 and l11;12 . Two other pairs of zero eigenvalues persist beyond all orders for e s0, since the geometric kernel includes two explicit solutions (4.7) and there ~ exists a two-parameter solution of the inhomogeneous equation He4Z 2is4, where 4 is given by equation (4.7). In order to nd the small non-zero pairs of eigenvalues, we apply again the symbolic computation package based on Wolframs MATHEMATICA. The projection to the eigenspace of diagM2 ; M2 spanned by eigenvectors p2 ; 04 T and 04 ; p2 T for l1 Z 0 leads to the reduced eigenvalue problem (for uZ1), K8 1 a1 Gba2 Z l2 a1 K ba2 ; 1 Cb 21K b 2 K8 1 Gba1 C a2 Z l2 Kba1 C a2 ; 1 Cb 21K b 2 where a1 ; a2 are coordinates of the projections and the upper/lower signs refer to the two coupled vortices 1;G1. The eigenvalues of the reduced eigenvalue problem differs between the double-charge vortex (1, 1) and the hidden-charge vortex (1, K1). For the double-charge vortex, the two pairs of small eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem are purely imaginary for any b: 1K b 2 2 3 3 1; 1 : l9;10 ZG4ie C Oe ; l11;12 ZG4i 1 C b e C Oe : For the hidden-charge vortex, the two pairs of small eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem are purely imaginary for 0! b! 1 and real for bO1: s 1K b 2 e C Oe3 : 1;K : l9;10 ; l11;12 ZG4i 1 1 Cb We can specify precisely how many purely imaginary eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem (4.1) have negative Krein signature. When 0! b! 1, there are eight negative eigenvalues of H0 for the limiting solution (2.7) and six more small negative eigenvalues occur for e s0. The total number of negative eigenvalues is reduced by two gauge symmetry constraints, such that 12 negative eigenvalues in a constrained subspace match six pairs of imaginary eigenvalues with negative Krein signature. When bO1, there are four negative eigenvalues of
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(a) 0.8 0.6 li 0.4 0.2 0

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Figure 3. Eigenvalues of the vector vortex cross with uZ1 and bZ 2=3 versus e. (a) (1, 1) and (b) (1, K1). The solid lines show the numerical results, while the dashed lines show the asymptotic approximations. Bold curves correspond to double eigenvalues (that remain indistinguishable within the parametric window examined herein). A good agreement is observed for e! 0:1.

H0 for the limiting solution (2.7) and ve more small negative eigenvalues occur for e s0. The total number of negative eigenvalues is reduced by one2, such that eight negative eigenvalues in a constrained subspace match two real eigenvalues and three pairs of imaginary eigenvalues with negative Krein signature for the double-charge vortex and four real eigenvalues and two pairs of imaginary eigenvalues with negative Krein signature for the hidden-charge vortex. Therefore, the last pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues l11;12 for the doublecharge vortex has positive Krein signature for bO1. We obtain numerically small eigenvalues l for small values of e and uZ1. The results are shown in gure 3 for bZ 2=3 and in gure 4 for bZ2. The left plot corresponds to the vortex pair (1, 1), while the right plot corresponds to the vortex pair (1, K1). We note that the degeneracy of the pairs l1;2 Z l3;4 and l5;6 Z l7;8 is preserved for the case (1, K1), such that each bold curve is double. The degeneracy of these eigenvalues is broken for the case (1, 1) and it is also broken for the pair l9;10 sl11;12 for the case (1, K1). In the case of bZ 2=3, shown in gure 3, all six pairs of neutrally stable eigenvalues bifurcate to the complex plane for larger values of e due to the HamiltonianHopf (HH) bifurcation. The rst HH bifurcation happens earlier for the case (1, 1) at e z0:395, due to the broken degeneracy between the two pairs of eigenvalues l1;2 and l3;4 . For the case (1, K1), the rst HH bifurcation occurs at e z0:495, i.e. the hidden-charge vortex has a larger stability window for 0! b! 1 (a similar observation is reported for continuous systems in Desyatnikov et al. (2005) and Ye et al. (2004)). In the case of bZ2, shown in gure 4, both cases (1, 1) and (1, K1) are always unstable due to the pairs of eigenvalues l5;6 and l7;8 . There are also additional observations. In the case (1, 1), the pairs of double real eigenvalues in the second-order LS reductions l5;6 and l7;8 split as a quartet of complex eigenvalues, similarly to our computations in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b). Real and imaginary
When b is increased from b!1 to bO1, the Hessian matrix related to two gauge symmetry constraints loses one positive eigenvalue that passes through zero at bZ1 to the negative eigenvalue for bO1 (Pelinovsky & Kivshar 2000).
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(a) li 0.5 (b)


0 0.5 lr 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Figure 4. Eigenvalues of the vector vortex cross with uZ1 and bZ2 versus e. (a) (1, 1) and (b) (1, K1). The solid lines show the numerical results, while the dashed lines show the asymptotic approximations. Bold curves in (a) correspond to the real and imaginary parts of complex eigenvalues, while bolded curves in (b) correspond to double eigenvalues.

parts of the quartet of complex eigenvalues are shown in gure 4a by bold curves. Only three HH bifurcations out of four pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues occur for larger values of e. In the case (1, K1), two more pairs of real eigenvalues occur such that the hidden-charge vortex is more unstable compared to the double-charge vortex for bO1. Only two HH bifurcations occur for large values of e.

5. Vector vortex cross for bZ1 The coupled DNLS system in the symmetric case bZ1 is referred to as the discrete Manakov system. In the case bZ1, the existence domain of the coupled vortex congurations shrinks to the line uZ1. The zero-order solution in the anti-continuum limit is given by equation (2.7), where parameters (a, b) are given by equation (2.11). The second-order solution of the linear inhomogeneous systems (4.5) and (4.6) with a singular matrix exists provided that the values of qj and nj are dened by equation (2.12). The arbitrary parameter in the second2 2 order solution sj and rj renormalizes the arbitrary parameter d in the representation (2.11). When bZ uZ 1, the existence problem (2.4)(2.5) is symmetric with respect to components fn;m ; jn;m such that the systems (2.4) and (2.5) can be reduced to the scalar difference equation (3.1) with the two independent transformations 1; 1 : fn;m Z cos dFn;m ; jn;m Z sin dFn;m ;  1;K : fn;m Z cos dFn;m ; jn;m Z sin dFn;m : 1 The existence result for the scalar vortex cross is formulated in proposition 3.1. We will need the following non-degeneracy condition for the scalar vortex cross: 0 12 0 10 1 X X X @ 2 5:1 jFn;m j2 A s @ F2 A@ Fn;m A: n;m
n;m2Z2 n;m2Z2 n;m2Z2

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It is clear from the limiting solution (2.7) that the constraint (5.1) is satised for small e. The stability problem (4.1) is different between the cases (1, 1) and (1, K1). (a ) Eigenvalues of the (1, 1) vortex cross In this case, the stability problem (4.1) is block-diagonalized under the following transformation of the four components of the vector f on the lattice node n; m 2Z2 , 0 1; 1 : an;m 1 0 cos d 0 cos d 0 Ksin d sin d 0 cos d 0 Bb C B B n;m C B 0 B C B B C C Z BKsin d @ cn;m A @ cK n;m 0 10 1 41 CB C sin d CB 42 C CB C : 0 C@ 43 A A 44 n;m cos d 0

The components an;m ; bn;m satisfy the linear eigenvalue problem for scalar vortices (3.3) and (3.4). The components cC ; cK satisfy two uncoupled n;m n;m self-adjoint eigenvalue problems,
G G G G 1KjFn;m j2 cG KecG n;m nC1;m C c nK 1;m C c n;mC1 C c n;mK ZGilc n;m : 1


Using the result of proposition 3.2 and equivalent computations for the uncoupled self-adjoint problems (5.2), we prove the following result. Proposition 5.1. Let Fn;m e, n; m 2Z2 be a family of vortex solutions dened by proposition 3.1. The linearized problem (4.1) in the case bZ1 for the (1, 1) vortex cross has a zero eigenvalue of algebraic multiplicity six and geometric multiplicity ve and ve small pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues given asymptotically by l1;2 ; l3;4 ZG2ie C Oe2 ; l7;8 ZG6ie2 C Oe3 ; l5;6 ZG2ie2 C Oe3 ; l9;10 ZG4ie2 C Oe3 :

The rest of the spectrum is bounded away the origin as e/ 0 and it is located on the imaginary axis of l. Proof. It remains to study bifurcations of zero eigenvalues in the self-adjoint problem (5.2) as e s0. Let us dene the perturbation series for the problem (5.2), cG Z c0 C ec1 C e2 c2 C Oe3 ; l ZGie2 l2 C Oe3 :

The zero-order solution is spanned by unit vectors ej at the jth component that correspond to the node n; m 2S 0 , c0 Z
4 X jZ1

aj ej :

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The rst-order correction c1 takes the form 8 0 > 0; n; m 2S ; > > > < 1 X 1 cn;m Z al ; n; m 2S 1 ; > > > l > : 0; n; m ;S 0 g S 1 ; P1 where the sum l is dened in equation (A 3). At the second-order in e, we nd a set of non-trivial equations at the nodes n; m 2S 0 , aj C ajC2 C 2ajC1 C ajK1 Z l2 aj ; j Z 1; 2; 3; 4:

The reduced eigenvalue problem has a double zero eigenvalue and two non-zero eigenvalues K2 and 6. Two zero eigenvalues of the problem (5.2) persist at all orders of e, because of the exact solutions: cG Z Fn;m and n;m  & cG Z Fn;m . n;m We note that the pairs of eigenvalues l1;2 , l3;4 and l9;10 continue the eigenvalues of the vortex cross (1, 1) from b s1 to bZ1. The pairs of eigenvalues l5;6 and l7;8 match with the zero values of the Oe corrections to the corresponding eigenvalues of the vortex cross (1, 1) for b s1. Finally, the pair of non-zero eigenvalues l11;12 for b s1 is forced to remain at the origin for bZ1 due to the polarizationrotation symmetry. We can now specify how many purely imaginary eigenvalues l have negative Krein signature. When bZ1, there are 4 negative and 12 zero eigenvalues of H0 for the limiting solution (2.7). Out of the 12 zero eigenvalues, three small negative eigenvalues bifurcate in the subspace for components an;m ; bn;m , two small positive and two small negative eigenvalues bifurcate in the subspace for components cC ; cK and ve eigenvalues remain at zero as e s0. The total n;m n;m number of negative eigenvalues is reduced by one symmetry constraint3, such that eight negative eigenvalues in a constrained subspace match four pairs of imaginary eigenvalues with negative Krein signature. The only pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues with positive Krein signature is the pair l5;6 that is related to the two small positive eigenvalues in the subspace for components cC ; cK . n;m n;m (b ) Eigenvalues of the (1, K1) vortex cross Since the stability problem (4.1) has no block-diagonalization for the (1,K1) vortex cross, the results of the second-order LS reductions give only two pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues l1;2 and l3;4 . We shall study the eigenvalues of the fourth-order LS reduction by using the symbolic computation package based on Wolframs MATHEMATICA. In order to prepare for symbolic computations, we note that the eigenvalues of He in the case (1, K1) are exactly the same as eigenvalues of He in the case (1, 1), due to the equivalent transformation of the
The Hessian matrix related to two gauge symmetry constraints has a zero eigenvalue for bZ1, while only positive eigenvalues are counted in a reduction of the negative index of H e.
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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

vector 4 in the eigenvalue problem He4Z g4: 1 0 0 an;m cos d 0 0 Bb C B cos d sin d B n;m C B 0 C B 1;K : B 1 B C C ZB 0 Ksin d cos d @ cn;m A @ cK n;m Ksin d 0 0

10 1 41 CB C 0 CB 42 C CB C : 0 C@ 43 A A 44 n;m cos d sin d

As a result of this transformation, we immediately nd the ve-dimensional kernel of He for e s0, which can be spanned as follows:
80 10 10 19 10  10 0 > cos d Fn;m > Ksin d Fn;m Ksin d Fn;m 0 > > > > >B CB >B > CB CB C> CB < Kcos d Fn;m C B   0 0 C BKsin d Fn;m C B C BKsin d Fn;m C= CB B C; B C;B C ; C; B 4n;m Z B C; B C B cos d F CB C CB >B Ksin d Fn;m C @  0  0 >@ > A@ A @ cos d Fn;m A> n;m A @ > > A > > > > : ;  cos d Fn;m 0 cos d Fn;m sin d Fn;m 0


for n; m 2Z2 . The algebraic multiplicity of zero eigenvalue for e s0 is dened ~ by the solution of the inhomogeneous equation He4Z 2is4, which is equivalent to the projection equations X h4j ; s4i Z 0; j Z 1; 2; 3; 4; 5;

where 4 is spanned by ve eigenvectors 4j in the decomposition (4.7). Solving this system of linear equations, we have found under the non-degeneracy condition (5.1) that there is a one-parameter solution of the inhomogeneous system for d sp=4 and a three-parameter solution for dZ p=4. Thus, the zero eigenvalue has algebraic multiplicity six for d sp=4 and eight for dZ p=4. In the limit eZ0, when H0 Z H0, we construct explicitly three sets of linearly independent eigenvectors of H0 , 1 1 1 0 0 0 cos d eiqj cos d eiqj sin d eiqj C C C B B B BKcos d eKiqj C BKcos d eKiqj C B sin d eKiqj C C C C B B B C K ej Z iB C; f j Z iB C; f j Z B C: 5:4 B sin d eKiqj C B Ksin d eKiqj C BKcos d eKiqj C A A A @ @ @ Ksin d eiqj sin d eiqj Kcos d eiqj Only the set of eigenvectors ej generates the set of generalized eigenvectors of the ^ problem H0 ej Z 2isej , where 1 0 cos d eiqj C B B cos d eKiqj C C B ^ 5:5 ej Z B C: B sin d eKiqj C A @ sin d eiqj Thus, the zero eigenvalue of H0 has algebraic multiplicity sixteen and geometric multiplicity twelve. Two pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues of negative Krein
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signatures bifurcate at the second-order LS reductions as l1;2 ; l3;4 ZG2ie C Oe2 : In order to study bifurcations of non-zero eigenvalues at the fourth-order LS reductions, we consider the extended perturbation series (3.8) for 4 and l with l1 Z 0 and 4 4 4 X X C C X K K cj ej C d j fj C d j fj : 5:6 40 Z
jZ1 jZ1 jZ1

Performing computations symbolically, we have 12 homogeneous equations at the order of Oe2 for 12 variables cj ; d C; d K, j Z 1; 2; 3; 4, which can be converted j j and simplied to the following determinant equation: g2 C 41 C 4 cos 4dg2 C 36 Z 0; 2 p 2 where g2 Z 1=2l2 . By using the inverse relation l2 ZG 2g2 and nding the roots for g2 explicitly, we obtain four small pairs of eigenvalues with asymptotic approximations, q p l5;6 ZG2ie2 1 C 4 cos 4dK 8cos 4d C cos 8d C Oe3 ; q p l7;8 ZG2ie2 1 C 4 cos 4d C 8cos 4d C cos 8d C Oe3 : When dZ0 or dZ p=2, we obtain the same pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues as in the case (1, 1) (see proposition 5.1). When dZ p=4, we obtain two degenerate pairs of real eigenvalues, p l5;6 ; l7;8 ZG2 3e2 C Oe3 : The instability domain is found analytically from the condition that complex-valued roots for g2 coalesce and become a double negative root. This happens when cos4dC cos8dZ 0, which is solved on the interval d 2 0; p=2 at dZ p=12 and dZ 5p=124. Thus, the instability domain of the (1, K1) vortex cross in the case bZ1 is bounded by the interval d 2p=12; 5p=12. In order to capture the remaining pair of non-zero eigenvalues l9;10 , we shall reorder the perturbation series expansions and to move the last two sums in the decomposition (5.6) to the order of Oe2 , while the coefcients of the vector cZ c1 ; c2 ; c3 ; c4 T should be projected to the vector p2 Z K 1;K 1 of the 1; 1; kernel of M2 , such that cZ x1 p2 . Performing computations symbolically, we have twelve homogeneous equations at the order of Oe4 for eight variables in the vectors d C and d K and the coordinate x1 . The homogeneous system is satised j with the choice d CZ 0 and d KZ x2 p2 , where x2 is another coordinate. The coordinates x1 ; x2 solve a homogeneous system with the determinant equation 16 l2 ZK cos2 2d. Therefore, a small pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues of 2 negative Krein signatures has the asymptotic approximation l9;10 ZG4ie2 cos2d C Oe3 :
Another solution exists at dZp=4, but it corresponds to the case when complex-valued roots coalesce and become a double positive root for g2.
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(a) 0.8 0.6 l i 0.4 0.2 0

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(b) li 0.5

0 0.4 l r 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

Figure 5. Eigenvalues of the vector vortex cross with uZ bZ 1 and dZ p=4 versus e. (a) (1, 1) and (b) (1, K1). The solid lines show the full numerical results, while the dashed lines show the asymptotic approximations. Bold curves show double eigenvalues.

When dZ0 and dZ p=2, the pair l9;10 matches to that in the case (1, 1) (see proposition 5.1). When dZ p=4, the pair remains at the origin as it follows from the study of algebraic multiplicity of zero eigenvalue. According to the count of negative eigenvalues, the total number of negative eigenvalues of He for small e reduced by one symmetry constraint is eight. These eigenvalues match two pairs of imaginary eigenvalues l1;2 and l3;4 and two real positive eigenvalues l5;6 and l7;8 5. Asymptotic and numerical approximations of small eigenvalues l for small values of e for uZ bZ 1 and dZ p=4 are shown in gure 5. Figure 5a corresponds to the vortex pair (1, 1), while gure 5b corresponds to the vortex pair (1, K1). We can see that the (1, 1) vortex cross is linearly stable in the anti-continuum limit, according to the results of proposition 5.1. On the other hand, the (1, K1) vortex cross becomes unstable because of the double pairs of real eigenvalues l5;6 Z l7;8 . The other double pair of purely imaginary eigenvalues remains double for all eO0, such that l1;2 Z l3;4 . Therefore, the stability changes drastically in the case bZ1: the (1, 1) vortex cross is stable near the anti-continuum limit while the (1, K1) vortex cross is linearly unstable. 6. Conclusion We have examined analytically and numerically the existence and stability of vortex cross congurations in the single-component and two-component DNLS equations. We have used the LyapunovSchmidt theory, to obtain the bifurcation functions and the solvability conditions that allow persistence of such congurations near the anti-continuum limit. Additionally, the theory gives analytical expressions for eigenvalues of the linearized stability problem as functions of the system parameters (namely, the coupling between adjacent
Eigenvalues l5,6 and l7,8 are real only in the case dZ p=4. For other values of d, these eigenvalues are either complex-valued or purely imaginary. The count is not affected, since two pairs of real eigenvalues are equivalent to four complex eigenvalues which may coalesce due to the inverse HamiltonHopf bifurcation to two pairs of purely imaginary eigenvalues with positive and negative Krein signatures.
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lattice nodes eR 0 and the coupling between the two components bR 0). We believe that similarly to what was experimentally shown for the scalar vortexcross conguration in Neshev et al. (2004) and Fleischer et al. (2004), the stable vector vortex-cross congurations can be observed experimentally either in waveguide array experiments (Meier et al. 2003) or in atomic physics experiments of coupled hyperne states of BECs in deep optical lattices (Myatt et al. 1997). While in the former context, specic values of the nonlinear coupling b are selected by the nature of the physical model, in the latter there is even the versatile capability of tuning b at will via the so-called Feshbach resonance (Brazhnyi & Konotop 2004) and observing a wide range of phenomena presented herein.
P.G.K. is supported by NSF through the grants DMS-0204585, DMS-CAREER and DMS-0505663. D.E.P. is supported by NSERC and PREA grants.

Appendix A. Continuation of the single-component vortex cross We apply the algorithm of LS reductions (see Pelinovsky et al. (2005b) for details) and compute the rst few terms of the perturbation series expansions, N X k k Fn;m e Z e Fn;m : A 1

8 > 0; n; m 2S 0 ; > > > < 1 X iq 1 Fn;m Z A 2 e l ; n; m 2S 1 ; > > > l > : 0; n; m ;S 0 g S 1 ; P1 1 where S is the set of adjacent nodes to the set S 0 and l eiql is a schematic notation for the following solution: 8 > eiq1 C eiq2 C eiq3 C eiq4 ; n; m Z 0; 0; 1 < X iq e l Z eiqj C eqjC1 ; n; m Z fK 1; 1;K 1; 1; K 1g; A 3 1;K 1; 1; > : iqj l e ; n; m Z fK 0; 0;K 2; 0; 0; 2g: 2; 2; 0 The index j enumerates nodes in the set S that are adjacent to the nodes in the set S 1 listed in the gured brackets of (A 3). No non-trivial bifurcation equations arise at the rst-order reductions, i.e. the rst-order correction to the bifurcation function g 1 q is zero, where qZ q1 ; q2 ; q3 ; q4 and notations of Pelinovsky et al. (2005b) are used. The second-order correction is found in the form 8 > sj2 eiqj ; n; m 2S 0 ; > > > > > 0; n; m 2S 1 ; > < 2 Fn;m Z X A 4 2 > iql 2 > > e ; n; m 2S ; > > > l > : 0; n; m ;S 0 g S 1 g S 2 ;
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The zero-order solution obtained in the explicit form

0 Fn;m

is given by (3.2). The rst-order correction is

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2690 where

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K j Z 4 C 2 cosqjC1 Kqj C 2 cosqjK1 Kqj C cosqjC2 Kqj : 2s The set S 2 contains outward adjacent nodes to the set S 1 nf0; 0g and is a schematic notation for the following solution: 8 iq 2;K 2; 1; > 2e j C eiqjC1 ; n; m Z fK 1; 1;K 2; 1; K 2g; > 2 < X iq e l Z eiqj C 2eqjC1 ; n; m Z fK 2; 2;K 1; 2; K 1g; 1;K 1; 2; > > l : iqj n; m Z fK 0; 0;K 3; 0; 0; 3g: 3; 3; e ; The second-order corrections to the bifurcation function take the form gj Z 2 sinqj KqjC1 C 2 sinqj KqjK1 C sinqj KqjC2 ;



A 5

j Z 1; 2; 3; 4:

A 6

The bifurcation equations g 2 qZ 0 are satised with the one-parameter family of asymmetric vortices, q1 Z 0; q2 Z q; q3 Z p; q4 Z p C q; A 7 where q 20; p. When qZ p=2, the family (A 7) reduces to the vortex cross conguration (2.12). The Jacobian matrix M2 of the second-order bifurcation function g 2 q is obtained by differentiation of g 2 in q. At the family of asymmetric vortices (A 7), the Jacobian matrix M2 takes the form 1 0 K 1 K cos q 2 1 2 cos q C B 2 K 1 2 cos q 1 C BK cos q C: B M2 Z B 1 2 cos q K 1 K cos q C 2 A @ 2 cos q 1 K cos q 2 K 1 It has two zero eigenvalues and two non-zero eigenvaluesK 4 cos q. In the case 2G of the vortex cross (qZ p=2), it has two zero eigenvalues and two negative eigenvalues K2. The third-order correction satises the inhomogeneous equation,
1 1  1K2jF0 j2 F3 KF02 Fn;m ZFnC1;m CFnK1;m CFn;mC1 CFn;mK1 CjFn;m j2 Fn;m ; n;m n;m n;m 3 2 2 2 2

where we have shortened nonlinear terms, since Fn;m Fn;m Z Fn;m Fn;m Z 0 for all n; m 2Z2 . The third-order correction is found in the form 8 0 > 0; n; m 2S ; > > > > > 1 1;3 > 1 X 2 iq X iq > > jF j2 F1 C > n;m n;m sl e l C e l ; n; m 2S 1 ; > > > > l l < 3 2 Fn;m Z 0; n; m 2S ; A 8 > > > > 3 >X > > > > eiql ; n; m 2S 3 ; > > > l > > : 0; n; m ;S 0 g S 1 g S 2 g S 3 ;
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P1 2 P3 where the sum l sl eiql is dened similarly to the sum (A 3), the sum l eiql P1;3 is not used for further computations and the sum l eiql is dened as follows: ( iq 1;3 X iq 1;K 1; 1; 3e j C 3eqjC1 ; n; m Z fK 1; 1;K 1; 1; K 1g; l A 9 e Z 5eiqj C eiqjC1 C eiqjK1 ; n; m Z fK 0; 0;K 2; 0; 0; 2g; 2; 2; l No non-trivial bifurcation equations arise at the third-order reductions, i.e. g 3 qZ 0. The fourth-order correction satises the inhomogeneous equation,
02   1K2jF0 j2 F4 KFn;m Fn;m Z 2jF2 j2 F0 C F22 Fn;m C FnC1;m C FnK1;m n;m n;m n;m n;m n;m 4 0 3 3

C Fn;mC1 C Fn;mK1 : Solving the inhomogeneous equation for the third-order corrections, we obtain the bifurcation equations at the fourth order of LS reductions in the form gj Z4C2cosqjC2 KqjC1 C2cosqj KqjC1 CcosqjK1 KqjC1 sinqjC1 Kqj C4C2cosqjK2 KqjK1 C2cosqj KqjK1 CcosqjC1 KqjK1 sinqjK1 Kqj C 1 4C2cosqjK1 KqjK2 C2cosqjC1 KqjC2 Ccosqj KqjC2 sinqjC2 Kqj 2 C 1 4C2cosqjC1 KqjC2 C2cosqjK1 KqjK2 Ccosqj KqjK2 sinqjK2 Kqj 2 C21CcosqjC1 Kqj sinqj KqjC1 C21CcosqjK1 Kqj sinqj KqjK1 C22Ccosq2 Kq1 Ccosq3 Kq1 Ccosq4 Kq1 Ccosq3 Kq2 Ccosq4 Kq2 Ccosq4 Kq3 sinqj KqjC1 Csinqj KqjK1 Csinqj KqjC2 C4sinqj KqjC1 C4sinqj KqjK1 : For the asymmetric vortex, we have gj Z K j 2 sin2q; 1
4 4

j Z 1; 2; 3; 4:

The Jacobian matrix M2 has two zero eigenvalues with orthogonal eigenvectors, 0 1 0 1 1 K 1 B C B C B1C B 1 C p1 Z B C; p2 Z B C: B1C BK C @ A @ 1A 1 1 It is clear that the vector g 4 Z 2 sin2qp2 is not orthogonal to the eigenvector p2 of the kernel of M2 , unless qZ f0; p=2; pg. By proposition 2.10 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b), the family of asymmetric vortices (A 7) terminates at the
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fourth-order reduction. The exceptional cases include discrete solitons for qZ f0; pg and the vortex cross at qZ p=2. In order to consider persistence of the vortex cross, we compute the Jacobian matrices M2 and M4 from the bifurcation functions g 2 and g 4 explicitly, 0 1 0 1 K 1 0 1 0 3 2 K 7 2 B C B C 1 0 1 C 3 2 K C 7 B 0 K B 2 B C; M4 Z B C: M2 Z B BK 0 K 1 0 C 3 2 C @ 1 @ 7 2 A A 0 1 0 K 1 2 K 7 2 3 Since M4 p1 Z 0 and M4 p2 s0, the zero eigenvalue of M2 with the associated eigenvector p2 bifurcates. By proposition 2.9 in Pelinovsky et al. (2005b), this implies that the family of the vortex cross is continued from the anti-continuum limit uniquely up to the rotational transformation q/ qC q0 p1 that corresponds to the gauge symmetry of the DNLS equation (3.1). Proposition 3.1 is hence proved. Small eigenvalues of the linearized Jacobian matrix He are dened by an extended eigenvalue problem for the Jacobian matrices M2 and M4 , e2 M2 C e4 M4 C Oe6 c Z gc: There exist four eigenvalues of the extended problem which admit the asymptotic approximations, g1;2 ZK 2 C Oe4 ; 2e g3 ZK8e4 C Oe6 ; g4 Z 0:

The eigenvalue g3 is obtained by the perturbation theory for the zero eigenvalue of M2 associated with the eigenvector p2 (orthogonal to the eigenvector p1 ), lim eK4 g3 Z

p2 ; M4 p2 ZK 8: p2 ; p2

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Discrete vector on-site vortices


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Proc. R. Soc. A (2006)

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P. G. Kevrekidis and D. E. Pelinovsky

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Proc. R. Soc. A (2006)

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