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Physics/D'Amato 2007 Unit 11 Electric Charge

Name ____________________________________ Period ___

Unit 11 Exam Part 2
Explain the behavior of a charged electroscope using the principles of charge and conductors.
1a. Initial state: a neutral electroscope, indicator is down 1b. Explain final state: electroscope has been touched with
negatively charged rod, indicator is up

Count the charges in the electroscope The electroscope now has a net charge of -4.
Number of negative charges shown: _____ Draw the negative charges on the electroscope
Number of positive charges shown: _____ Number of negative charges shown: _____
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____ Number of positive charges shown: _____
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____
Why is the indicator staying up?

2a. Explain experiment 2 initial state: negatively charged 2b. Explain final state: negatively charged electroscope,
electroscope, rod not nearby, indicator is up negative rod below, indicator is down

Draw the charges on a negative electroscope from 1b

Negatively charged rod

Draw the electroscope with the same net charge as in 1b Draw the negative charges in the electroscope.
Number of negative charges shown: _____ Net charge shown on electroscope: _____
Number of positive charges shown: _____ Did the net charge on the electroscope change?
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____
continued …

Physics / Chris D'Amato PTHS 2007

Physics/D'Amato 2007 Unit 11 Electric Charge
3a. Initial state: negatively charged electroscope, rod not nearby, 3b. Explain final state: negatively charged electroscope,
indicator is up negative rod above, indicator is farther up

Negatively charged rod

Draw the electroscope with the same net charge as in 1b Draw the negative charges in the electroscope.
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____ Net charge shown on electroscope: _____
4a. Initial state: negatively charged electroscope, rod not nearby, 4b. Explain final state: positive rod above, indicator is down
indicator is up

Positively charged rod

Draw the electroscope with the same net charge as in 1b Draw the negative charges in the electroscope.
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____ Net charge shown on electroscope: _____
5a. Initial state: negatively charged electroscope, rod not nearby, 5b. Explain final state: positive rod below, indicator is farther
indicator is up up

Positively charged rod

Draw the electroscope with the same net charge as in 1b Draw the negative charges in the electroscope.
Net charge shown on electroscope: _____ Net charge shown on electroscope: _____

Physics / Chris D'Amato PTHS 2007

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