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Sr No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Abstract Introduction of environmental studies What Is Air Pollution? Air Pollution Facts Types Of Air Pollution Introduction of Vehicular Air Pollution Pollutants Ingredients of Vehicular Pollution Vehicular Emissions That Contribute to Global Warming Effects of vehicular air pollution Emissions Control Pollution Control Technology Role of the judiciary Environmental regulation/standards/Legislation Conclusion References Content Page No.

05 06 08 09 10 11 12 14 16 17 22


The large majority of today's cars and trucks travel by using internal combustion engines that burn gasoline or other fossil fuels. The process of burning gasoline to power cars and trucks contributes to air pollution by releasing a variety of emissions into the atmosphere. Emissions that are released directly into the atmosphere from the tailpipes of cars and trucks are the primary source of vehicular pollution. But motor vehicles also pollute the air during the processes of manufacturing, refueling, and from the emissions associated with oil refining and distribution of the fuel they burn. Primary pollution from motor vehicles is pollution that is emitted directly into the atmosphere, whereas secondary pollution results from chemical reactions between pollutants after they have been released into the air.

While new cars and light trucks emit about 90 percent fewer pollutants than they did three decades ago, total annual vehicle-miles driven have increased by more than 140 percent since 1970 and are expected to increase another 25 percent by 2010. The emission reductions from individual vehicles have not adequately kept pace with the increase in miles driven and the market trend toward more-polluting light trucks, a category


that includes sports utility vehicles (SUVs). As a result, cars and light trucks are still the largest single source of air pollution in most urban areas, accounting for one quarter of emissions of smog-forming pollutants nationwide.

Introduction of Environmental studies:

Environment is indivisible part of living once that gives mirror image of living activities that affect every matter belonging to it. It plays a vital role in controlling human health and society, as far as concerned with human being. It is being a big issue these days. A wave of concern for the environment has been swept all around the world .Fortunately now we have woken up to improve the relationship between nature and we, the citizens .Hence as a step taken, Environment science is implemented for study in curriculum of students -future citizens.

Environment awareness among the public and policy makers has been growing since 1960, when it becomes widely recognized that human activities were having harmful and large scale effects on the environment. Now specific and engineering research is playing an important role in both awareness and protecting the environment. It has demonstrated the importance of environment to human health and well being as well as


the economic, social and aesthetic harm that can stem from poor environmental practices. Environment education is an agent to change wrong activities taking place and a step towards community improvement .It is claimed for public awareness providing fact and skilled opinions to form decisions and take environmental care.

In general it is considered that, Environment is some of social, economical, biological, physical and chemical factor that construct surroundings including all living and nonliving things Our scientists says that, Environment science is the branch of science which deals with the conservation of resources and its management, analysis with respect to the human life It deals with the study of interrelationship and interaction between nature and living.

What Is Air Pollution?

Air pollution is a vast term, and it covers several areas of pollution. Air pollution is the introduction of harmful gases, particulate matter, ozone, chemicals and other industrial gases into the atmosphere. There are several harmful biological materials which are harmful to animals and human beings on Earth. It damages living organisms, the environment and the atmosphere equally.


Chemicals are introduced into the air by factories and industries that use chemicals in their manufacturing process. These can be any kind of chemicals, and they give out several gases when they are burnt. Some of the gases that cause pollution and are a result of chemical production are sulfur, nitrogen, carbon monoxide and particulate matter. They cause the emissions to collect in the form of thick smog. A particulate matter is not gaseous in state, but it is tiny solid particles that float in the air. Even pollen that occurs naturally is a kind of particulate matter. This can be manmade or it can be natural. Vehicle pollution is caused due to the cars and other motorized vehicles. Any vehicle that runs on petrol and diesel is capable of causing pollution. However, when this type of air pollution is caused, it leads to a smog cloud in the vicinity of the city limits. For people living in city with high pollution rate, this could be extremely hazardous. By using lower emission vehicles air pollution can be reduced. These are some of the most popular forms of air pollution and the only way to bring it under control is by using all the resources wisely and also by conserving most of them.

Air Pollution Facts:


Today, most of the cities are covered with a thick layer of smog above their heads. This smog is nothing but a thick layer of polluted air. There are several kinds of pollution, and some are visible to the human eye while others are not. All kinds of pollution contribute to global There are many types of greenhouse gases like carbon monoxide, methane, sulfur and nitrous oxide, and when the composition of these gases increases in the atmosphere, it leads to global warming. One of the direct results of pollution is global warming, which means the earth is becoming a hotter place to live in. This is causing the polar caps to melt and also endangering thousands of species of wildlife and plants. If the earth becomes too hot, even humans will not be able to live on the planet.

Carbon monoxide is the main pollutant caused due to burning of fossil fuels like oil and coal. We burn these fossils for various purposes like driving our vehicles, consume power, and also run our everyday lives. Even electricity for domestic usage is generated by burning fossil fuels like coal.


Pollution causes damage to the living environment and also directly harms people. It has altered the growth of several species of plants and also is leading to the extinction of several species. Pollution today is the biggest and the most unanimous problem faced by everyone all over the world.

Types Of Air Pollution:

Air pollution is an umbrella term that includes several types of pollution. Today, air pollution is a very big cause for concern globally, and it is the number one factor contributing to global warming. There are several variations in air pollution, and for every single variation there is a specific cause. Some of the most popular types of air pollution are smog and acid rain We are all well aware of these terms. There are some visible kinds of pollution and some are invisible. The invisible ones tend to cause more damage to the environment and peoples health.

Smog is the kind of air pollution that is caused by factories, industries and also vehicles. Smog is the smoke that is trapped in rain and fog. People who live under smog can face severe health threats. Some experts believe that living under smog can be as damaging as sitting in a room filled with smokers. The effect is the same. Greenhouse effect is another kind of scenario arising from air pollution, and this is caused due to greenhouse gases. There are six greenhouse gases, mainly methane, sulfur, nitrogen, carbon monoxide, ozone and hydrogen. These gases are hot in nature, and they can cause severe damage to the environment. These gases come when fossil fuels are burnt,


or when industries burn chemicals containing these gases. Even growing of some crops in excess like rice for example can cause the greenhouse effect. Acid rain is another kind of pollution that is caused when the rain water absorbs these gases from the atmosphere and causes rain that is acidic in nature. This rain has the ability to destroy plants and animals. It also causes many health-related problems in humans

Introduction of Vehicular Air Pollution:

Vehicle emissions control is the study and practice of reducing the motor vehicle emissions produced by motor vehicles, especially internal combustion engines. Emissions of many air pollutants have been shown to have variety of negative effects on public health and the natural environment. Emissions that are principal pollutants of concern include:

Hydrocarbons - A class of burned or partially burned fuel,

hydrocarbons are toxins. Hydrocarbons are a major contributor to smog, which can be a major problem in urban areas. Prolonged exposure to hydrocarbons contributes to asthma, liver disease, lung disease, and cancer. Regulations governing hydrocarbons vary according to type of engine and jurisdiction; in some cases, "nonmethane hydrocarbons" are regulated, while in other cases, "total hydrocarbons" are regulated. Technology for one application (to meet a non-methane hydrocarbon standard) may not be suitable for use in an application that has to meet a total hydrocarbon standard. Methane is not directly toxic, but is more difficult to break down in a catalytic converter, so in effect a "non-methane hydrocarbon" regulation can be considered easier to meet. Since methane is a greenhouse gas, interest is rising in how to eliminate emissions of it.

Carbon Monoxide (CO) - A product of incomplete combustion,

carbon monoxide reduces the blood's ability to carry oxygen; overexposure (carbon monoxide poisoning) may be fatal. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is a major killer.

Nitrogen Oxides (Nox) - Generated when nitrogen in the air reacts

with oxygen at the high temperature and pressure inside the engine. NOx is a precursor to smog and acid rain. NOx is a mixture of NO, N2O, and NO2. NO2 is extremely reactive. It destroys resistance to respiratory infection. NOx production is increased when an engine runs at its most efficient (i.e. hottest) part of the cycle.


Particulate Matter - Soot or smoke made up of particles in the

micro meter size range: Particulate matter causes negative health effects, including but not limited to respiratory disease and cancer.

Sulfur Oxide (Sox) - A general term for oxides of sulfur, which are
emitted from motor vehicles burning fuel containing sulfur. Reducing the level of fuel sulfur reduces the level of Sulfur oxide emitted from the tailpipe. Refineries generally fight requirements to do this because of the increased costs to them, ignoring the increased costs to society as a whole.

Volatile Organic Compounds (Vocs) - Organic compounds which

typically have a boiling point less than or equal to 250 C; for example chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and formaldehyde. Volatile organic compounds are a subsection of Hydrocarbons that are mentioned separately because of their dangers to public health.

A substance in the air that can cause harm to humans and the environment is known as an air pollutant. Pollutants can be in the form of solid particles, liquid droplets, or gases. In addition, they may be natural or man-made. Pollutants can be classified as primary or secondary. Usually, primary pollutants are directly emitted from a process, such as ash from a volcanic eruption, the carbon monoxide gas from a motor vehicle exhaust or sulfur dioxide released from factories. Secondary pollutants are not emitted directly. Rather, they form in the air when primary pollutants react or interact. An important example of a secondary pollutant is ground level ozone one of the many secondary pollutants that make up photochemical smog. Some pollutants may be both primary and secondary: that is, they are both emitted directly and formed from other primary pollutants. Major primary pollutants produced by human activity include:

Sulphur oxides (SOx) - especially sulfur dioxide, a chemical

compound with the formula SO2. SO2 is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes. Since coal and petroleum often contain sulfur compounds, their combustion generates sulfur dioxide. Further oxidation of SO2, usually in the presence of a catalyst such as NO2, forms H2SO4, and thus acid rain. This is one of the causes for concern over the environmental impact of the use of these fuels as power sources.


Nitrogen oxides (NOx) - especially nitrogen dioxide are emitted

from high temperature combustion, and are also produced naturally during thunderstorms by electrical discharge. Can be seen as the brown haze dome above or plume downwind of cities. Nitrogen dioxide is the chemical compound with the formula NO2. It is one of the several nitrogen oxides. This reddish-brown toxic gas has a characteristic sharp, biting odor. NO2 is one of the most prominent air pollutants. Carbon monoxide (CO)- is a colorless, odorless, non-irritating but very poisonous gas. It is a product by incomplete combustion of fuel such as natural gas, coal or wood. Vehicular exhaust is a major source of carbon monoxide. Carbon dioxide (CO2) - a colorless, odorless, non-toxic greenhouse gas also associated with ocean acidification, emitted from sources such as combustion, cement production, and respiration. It is otherwise recycled in the atmosphere in the carbon cycle. Volatile organic compounds - VOCs are an important outdoor air pollutant. In this field they are often divided into the separate categories of methane (CH4) and non-methane (NMVOCs). Methane is an extremely efficient greenhouse gas which contributes to enhance global warming. Other hydrocarbon VOCs are also significant greenhouse gases via their role in creating ozone and in prolonging the life of methane in the atmosphere, although the effect varies depending on local air quality. Within the NMVOCs, the aromatic compounds benzene, toluene and xylene are suspected carcinogens and may lead to leukemia through prolonged exposure. 1, 3-butadiene is another dangerous compound which is often associated with industrial uses.

Particulate matter - Particulates alternatively referred to as

particulate matter (PM) or fine particles, are tiny particles of solid or liquid suspended in a gas. In contrast, aerosol refers to particles and the gas together. Sources of particulate matter can be manmade or natural. Some particulates occur naturally, originating from volcanoes, dust storms, forest and grassland fires, living vegetation, and sea spray. Human activities, such as the burning of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants and various industrial processes also generate significant amounts of aerosols. Averaged over the globe, anthropogenic aerosols those made by human activitiescurrently account for about 10 percent of the total amount of aerosols in our atmosphere. Increased levels of fine particles in the air are linked to health hazards such as heart disease,[3] altered lung function and lung cancer.

Persistent free radicals connected to airborne fine particles could

cause cardiopulmonary disease.


Toxic metals, such as lead, cadmium and copper. Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) - harmful to the ozone layer emitted
from products currently banned from use. Ammonia (NH3) - emitted from agricultural processes. Ammonia is a compound with the formula NH3. It is normally encountered as a gas with a characteristic pungent odor. Ammonia contributes significantly to the nutritional needs of terrestrial organisms by serving as a precursor to foodstuffs and fertilizers. Ammonia, either directly or indirectly, is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals. Although in wide use, ammonia is both caustic and hazardous. Odors such as from garbage, sewage, and industrial processes Radioactive pollutants - produced by nuclear explosions, nuclear events, war explosives, and natural processes such as the radioactive decay of radon.

Secondary pollutants include:

Particulate matter formed from gaseous primary pollutants and compounds in photochemical smog. Smog is a kind of air pollution; the word "smog" is a portmanteau of smoke and fog. Classic smog results from large amounts of coal burning in an area caused by a mixture of smoke and sulfur dioxide. Modern smog does not usually come from coal but from vehicular and industrial emissions that are acted on in the atmosphere by ultraviolet light from the sun to form secondary pollutants that also combine with the primary emissions to form photochemical smog. Ground level ozone (O3) formed from NOx and VOCs. Ozone (O3) is a key constituent of the troposphere. It is also an important constituent of certain regions of the stratosphere commonly known as the Ozone layer. Photochemical and chemical reactions involving it drive many of the chemical processes that occur in the atmosphere by day and by night. At abnormally high concentrations brought about by human activities (largely the combustion of fossil fuel), it is a pollutant, and a constituent of smog. Peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) - similarly formed from NOx and VOCs.

Minor air pollutants include:


A large number of minor hazardous air pollutants. Some of these are regulated in USA under the Clean Air Act and in Europe under the Air Framework Directive. A variety of persistent organic pollutants, which can attach to particulate matter.

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) are organic compounds that are resistant to environmental degradation through chemical, biological, and photolytic processes. Because of this, they have been observed to persist in the environment, to be capable of long-range transport, bioaccumulation in human and animal tissue, biomagnified in food chains, and to have potential significant impacts on human health and the environment.

Ingredients of Vehicular Pollution:

The following are the major pollutants associated with motor vehicles:

Ozone (O 3 ). The primary ingredient in urban smog, ozone is created when hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides (NO x )both of which are chemicals released by automobile fuel combustionreact with sunlight. Though beneficial in the upper atmosphere, at the ground level ozone can irritate the respiratory system, causing coughing, choking, and reduced lung capacity. Particulate matter (PM). These particles of soot, metals, and pollen give smog its murky color. Among vehicular pollution, fine particles (those less than one-tenth the diameter of a human hair) pose the most serious threat to human health by penetrating deep into lungs. In addition to direct emissions of fine particles, automobiles release nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and sulfur dioxide, which generate additional fine particles as secondary pollution. Nitrogen oxides (NO x ). These vehicular pollutants can cause lung irritation and weaken the body's defenses against respiratory infections such as pneumonia and influenza. In addition, they assist in the formation of ozone and particulate matter. In many cities, NO x pollution accounts for one-third of the fine particulate pollution in the air.


Carbon monoxide (CO). This odorless, colorless gas is formed by the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline. Cars and trucks are the source of nearly two-thirds of this pollutant. When inhaled, CO blocks the transport of oxygen to the brain, heart, and other vital organs in the human body. Newborn children and people with chronic illnesses are especially susceptible to the effects of CO. Sulfur dioxide (SO 2 ). Motor vehicles create this pollutant by burning sulfur-containing fuels, especially diesel. It can react in the atmosphere to form fine particles and can pose a health risk to young children and asthmatics.

Hazardous air pollutants (toxics). These chemical compounds, which are emitted by cars, trucks, refineries, gas pumps, and related sources, have been linked to birth defects, cancer, and other serious illnesses. The EPA estimates that the air toxics emitted from cars and trucks account for half of all cancers caused by air pollution.

Vehicular Emissions That Contribute to Global Warming:



Carbon monoxide, ozone, particulate matter, and the other forms of pollution listed above can cause smog and other air quality concerns, but there are vehicular emissions that contribute to a completely different pollution issue: global warming.

The gases that contribute to global warming are related to the chemical composition of the Earth's atmosphere. Some of the gases in the atmosphere function like the panes of a greenhouse. They let some radiation (heat) in from the sun but do not let it all back out, thereby helping to keep the Earth warm. The past century has seen a dramatic increase in the atmospheric concentration of heat-trapping gasses, due to human activity. If this trend continues, scientists project that the earth's average surface temperature will increase between 2.5F and 10.4F by the year 2100. One of these important heat-trapping gasses is carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). Motor vehicles are responsible for almost one-quarter of annual U.S. emissions of CO 2. The U.S. transportation sector emits more CO 2 than all but three other countries' emissions from all sources combined.

Effects of vehicular air pollution:



The following table summarizes some sources and effects of these air pollutants. Sources and Effects of Common Air Pollutants Pollutant Anthropogenic Sources Health Effects Environmental Effects

Ozone (O3)

Breathing problems, Secondary reduced lung Damages crops, pollutant formed function, asthma, forests, and other by chemical irritates eyes, stuffy vegetation; damages reaction of VOCs nose, reduces rubber, fabric, and and NOx in the resistance to colds other materials; presence of and infections, smog reduces sunlight. premature aging of visibility. lung tissue.

Ozone (smog) effects; precursor of acid rain which Burning of damages trees, gasoline, natural Lung damage, lakes, and soil; Nitrogen gas, coal, oil. respiratory illnesses, aerosols can reduce Oxides ozone (smog) visibility. (NOx) (Cars are a major effects. source of NOx.) Acid rain also causes buildings, statues, and monuments to deteriorate. Reduces ability of Carbon Burning of blood to bring Monoxide gasoline, natural oxygen to body cells (CO) gas, coal, oil. and tissues. Fuel combustion, Volatile Ozone (smog) solvents, paint. Organic effects, cancer, and Compoun other serious health (Cars are a major ds (VOCs) problems. source of VOCs.) Particulat e Matter Ozone (smog) effects, vegetation damage.

Emitted as Eye, nose, and throat Source of haze which particles or irritation; lung reduces visibility. formed through damage; bronchitis; chemical cancer; early death. Ashes, smoke, soot, reactions; burning and dust can dirty


of wood, diesel, and other fuels; industrial processes; agriculture (plowing, field burning); unpaved roads. Burning of coal and oil, especially high-sulfur coal; industrial processes (paper manufacturing, metal smelting).

and discolor structures and property, including clothes and furniture. Precursor of acid rain, which can damage trees, lakes, Respiratory illness, and soil; aerosols breathing problems, can reduce visibility. may cause permanent damage Acid rain also causes to lungs. buildings, statues, and monuments to deteriorate.

Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)


Brain and nervous Combustion of system damage (esp. fossil fuels and children), digestive leaded gasoline; and other problems. Harm to wildlife and paint; smelters Some leadlivestock. (metal refineries); containing chemicals battery cause cancer in manufacturing. animals. Fossil fuel combustion, waste disposal, industrial processes (incineration, smelting, chloralkali plants), mining.


Liver, kidney, and brain damage; neurological and developmental damage.

Accumulates in food chain.

Health Effects of the Pollution We Cause


Exposure to emissions of lead, mercury, sulfur dioxide, particulate matter, carbon dioxide, and ozone-forming nitrogen dioxides are hazardous to public health. Toxic compounds, like mercury and lead, poison organ systems and can lead to brain damage and death. In parts of the country where lakes and waterways have been contaminated with mercury from electric power plants, fish are no longer safe to eat because they, too, are contaminated with heavy metal pollutants. Other pollutants, like ozone and particulate matter, cause respiratory and other health problems, particularly in children and the elderly.

Environmental Effects


Climate change on a global scale has been attributed to increased emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), a greenhouse gas. A global average temperature rise of only 1C could have serious implications. Possible consequences include melting of polar ice caps; an increase in sea level; and increases in precipitation and severe weather events like hurricanes, tornadoes, heat waves, floods, and droughts. Indirect effects include increases in infectious disease, weather-related deaths, and food and water shortages. All these effects put a stress on ecosystems and agriculture, and threaten our planet as a whole.

Other atmospheric effects of air pollution include urban smog and reduced visibility, associated with ozone-forming nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compound emissions. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides combine with water in the atmosphere to cause acid rain, which is detrimental to forests and other vegetation, soil, lakes, and aquatic life. Acid rain also causes monuments and buildings to deteriorate.


Economic Effects The effects of air pollution on human health and the environment have economic impacts. According to the Healthy People 2000 report [5], each year in the United States:

The health costs of human exposure to outdoor air pollutants range from $40 to $50 billion. An estimated 50,000 to 120,000 premature deaths are associated with exposure to air pollutants. People with asthma experience more than 100 million days of restricted activity, costs for asthma exceed $4 billion, and about 4,000 people die of asthma.

The Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) article, "Why is it Better to Buy Green Electricity?"[1], states that acid rain causes $6 billion a year in damage to crops, forests, lakes, and buildings. The potential economic impact of global warming is estimated to be in the billions of dollars. While green sources of electricity may cost more, they do not incur the external costs of traditional fossil fuel-based generation. The EDF article states that: "Increasing reliance on green sources reduces financial risks such as future regulations, taxes on greenhouse gases, and price fluctuations associated with fossil fuels. Green resources increase U.S. energy self sufficiency, and thus economic security, by reducing reliance on fossil fuel imports. They also help reduce current rapid depletion of natural resources. Green resources are a good source of jobs and income because they rely on local labor, land, and resources. Rural communities would probably benefit the most from renewable energy development, as wind and biomass energy production is likely to take place in rural areas."

Emissions Control:
Engine efficiency has been steadily improved with improved engine design, more precise ignition timing and electronic ignition, more precise fuel metering, and computerized engine management.


Advances in engine and vehicle technology continually reduce the toxicity of exhaust leaving the engine, but these alone have generally been proved insufficient to meet emissions goals. Therefore, technologies to detoxify the exhaust are an essential part of emissions control.

Air injection
One of the first-developed exhaust emission control systems is secondary air injection. Originally, this system was used to inject air into the engine's exhaust ports to provide oxygen so unburned and partially-burned hydrocarbons in the exhaust would finish burning. Air injection is now used to support the catalytic converter's oxidation reaction, and to reduce emissions when an engine is started from cold. After a cold start, an engine needs a fuel-air mixture richer than what it needs at operating temperature, and the catalytic converter does not function efficiently until it has reached its own operating temperature. The air injected upstream of the converter supports combustion in the exhaust headpipe, which speeds catalyst warmup and reduces the amount of unburned hydrocarbon emitted from the tailpipe. Air Injection is a secondary technology, used in support of the main technologies on some engines.

Exhaust gas recirculation

In the United States and Canada, many engines in 1973 and newer vehicles (1972 and newer in California) have a system that routes a metered


amount of exhaust into the intake tract under particular operating conditions. Exhaust neither burns nor supports combustion, so it dilutes the air/fuel charge to reduce peak combustion chamber temperatures. This, in turn, reduces the formation of NOx.

Catalytic converter
The catalytic converter is a device placed in the exhaust pipe, which converts hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and NOx into less harmful gases by using a combination of platinum, palladium and rhodium as catalysts. There are two types of catalytic converter, a two-way and a three-way converter. Two-way converters were common until the 1980s, when threeway converters replaced them on most automobile engines. See the catalytic converter article for further details.

Evaporative emissions control

"EVAP" redirects here. EVAP may also refer to Evaporation. Evaporative emissions are the result of gasoline vapors escaping from the vehicle's fuel system. Since 1971, all U.S. vehicles have had fully sealed fuel systems that do not vent directly to the atmosphere; mandates for systems of this type appeared contemporaneously in other jurisdictions. In a typical system, vapors from the fuel tank and carburetor bowl vent (on carbureted vehicles) are ducted to canisters containing activated carbon. The vapors are adsorbed within the canister, and during certain engine operational modes fresh air is drawn through the canister, pulling the vapor into the engine,where it burns.

Emission testing
In 1966, the first emission test cycle was enacted in the State of California measuring tailpipe emissions in PPM (parts per million). Some cities are also using a technology developed by Dr. Donald Stedman of the University of Denver, which uses lasers to detect emissions while vehicles pass by on public roads, thus eliminating the need for owners to go to a test center. Stedman's laser detection of exhaust gases is commonly used in metropolitan area.


Vehicle Emission Performance Standard:

An emission performance standard is a limit that sets thresholds above which a different type of emission control technology might be needed. While emission performance standards have been used to dictate limits for conventional pollutants such as oxides of nitrogen and oxides of sulfur (NOx and SOx),[1] this regulatory technique may be used to regulate greenhouse gasses, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2). In the US, this is given in pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt-hour (lbs. CO2/MWhr), and kilograms CO2/MWhr elsewhere in the world...

Emission Standard:
Emission standards are requirements that set specific limits to the amount of pollutants that can be released into the environment. Many emissions standards focus on regulating pollutants released by automobiles (motor cars) and other powered vehicles but they can also regulate emissions from industry, power plants, small equipment such as lawn mowers and diesel generators. Frequent policy alternatives to emissions standards are technology standards (which mandate Standards generally regulate the emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides, particulate matter (PM) or soot, carbon monoxide (CO), or volatile hydrocarbons (see carbon dioxide equivalent).

Curbing Vehicular Pollution:

Vehicular emissions that contribute to air quality problems, smog, and global warming can be reduced by putting better pollution-control technologies on

Fuel Economy by Model Year


cars and trucks, burning less fuel, switching to cleaner fuels, using technologies that reduce or eliminate emissions, and reducing the number of vehicle-miles traveled.

Pollution Control Technology:

Federal and California regulations require the use of technologies that have dramatically reduced the amount of smog-forming pollution and carbon monoxide coming from a vehicle's tailpipe. For gasoline vehicles, "threeway" catalysts, precise engine and fuel controls, and evaporative emission controls have been quite successful. More advanced versions of these technologies are in some cars and can reduce smog-forming emissions from new vehicles by a factor of ten. For diesel vehicles, "two-way" catalysts and engine controls have been able to reduce hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions, but nitrogen oxide and toxic particulate-matter emissions remain very high. More advanced diesel-control technologies are under development, but it is unlikely that they will be able to clean up diesel to the degree already achieved in the cleanest gasoline vehicles.

Added concerns surround the difference between new vehicle emissions and the emissions of a car or truck over a lifetime of actual use. Vehicles with good emission-control technology that is not properly maintained can become "gross polluters" that are responsible for a significant amount of existing air-quality problems. New technologies have also been developed to identify emission-equipment control failures, and can be used to help reduce the "gross polluter" problem. It can be achieved by following methodBurning Less Fuel The key to burning less fuel is making cars and trucks more efficient and putting that efficiency to work in improving fuel economy. The U.S.


federal government sets a fuel-economy standard for all passenger vehicles. However, these standards have remained mostly constant for the past decade. In addition, sales of lower-fuel-economy light trucks, such as SUVs, pickups, and minivans, have increased dramatically. As a result, on average, the U.S. passenger-vehicle fleet actually travels less distance on a gallon of gas than it did twenty years ago. This has led to an increase in heat-trapping gas emissions from cars and trucks and to an increase in smog-forming and toxic emissions resulting from the production and transportation of gasoline to the fuel pump. This trend can be reversed through the use of existing technologies that help cars and trucks go farther on a gallon of gasoline. These include more efficient engines and transmissions, improved aerodynamics, better tires, and high strength steel and aluminum. More advanced technologies, such as hybrid-electric vehicles that use a gasoline engine and an electric motor plus a battery, can cut fuel use even further. These technologies carry with them additional costs, but pay for themselves through savings at the gasoline pump. Zero-Emission Vehicles As more cars and trucks are sold and total annual mileage increases, improving pollution-control technology and burning less fuel continues to be vital, especially in rapidly growing urban areas. However, eliminating emissions from the tailpipe goes even further to cut down on harmful air pollutants. Hydrogen fuel-cell and electric vehicles move away from burning fuel and use electrochemical processes instead to produce the needed energy to drive a car down the road. Fuel-cell vehicles run on electricity that is produced directly from the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen. The only byproduct is waterwhich is why fuel-cell cars and trucks are called zeroemission vehicles. Electric vehicles store energy in an onboard battery, emitting nothing from the tailpipe. The hydrogen for the fuel cell and the electricity for the battery must still be produced somewhere, so there will still be upstream emissions associated with these vehicles. These stationary sources, however, are easier to control and can ultimately be converted to use wind, solar, and other renewable energy sources to come as close as possible to true zero-emission vehicles.

Cleaner Fuels


The gasoline and diesel fuel in use today contains significant amounts of sulfur and other compounds that make it harder for existing control technology to keep vehicles clean. Removing the sulfur from the fuel and cutting down on the amount of light hydrocarbons helps pollution-control technology to work better and cuts down on evaporative and refueling emissions. Further large-scale reductions of other tailpipe pollution and CO 2 can be accomplished with a shift away from conventional fuels. Alternative fuels such as natural gas, methanol, ethanol, and hydrogen can deliver benefits to the environment while helping to move the United States away from its dependence on oil. All of these fuels inherently burn cleaner than diesel and gasoline, and they have a lower carbon contentresulting in less CO 2 . Most of these fuels are also more easily made from renewable resources, and fuels such as natural gas and methanol help provide a bridge to producing hydrogen for fuel-cell vehicles.

Reducing Driving Because we are still dependent on fossil fuels and the number of cars on the road is expected to double, a significant reduction in vehicular pollution requires more than gains in fuel efficiency. Measures that encourage us to drive less can help curb vehicular pollution and protect natural resources and public health. Alternatives that can reduce the number of vehicle-miles traveled include providing transportation alternatives to cars, including mass transit, bicycle, and pedestrian routes; promoting transit-oriented, compact developments in and around cities and towns; and adopting policies to improve existing roads and infrastructure. Personal Contributions Individuals can also make a difference in the effort to reduce pollution from cars and trucks. How we drive and how we take care of our vehicles affects fuel economy and pollution emissions. The following are several ways people can reduce the harmful environmental impact of cars.


Driving as little as possible is the best way to reduce the harmful environmental impact of transportation needs. Carpooling, mass transit, biking, and walking are ways to limit the number of miles we drive. Choosing a place to live that reduces the need to drive is another way. Driving moderately and avoiding high-speed driving and frequent stopping and starting can reduce both fuel use and pollutant emissions. Simple vehicle maintenancesuch as regular oil changes, air-filter changes, and spark plug replacementscan lengthen the life of your car as well as improve fuel economy and minimize emissions. Keeping tires properly inflated saves fuel by reducing the amount of drag a car's engine must overcome. During start-up, a car's engine burns extra gasoline. However, letting an engine idle for more than a minute burns more fuel than turning off the engine and restarting it. During warm periods with strong sunlight, parking in the shade keeps a car cooler and can minimize the evaporation of fuel.


Vehicle inspection Vehicle inspection is a procedure mandated by national or subnational governments in many countries, in which a vehicle is inspected to ensure that it conforms to regulations governing safety, emissions, or both. Inspection can be required at various times, e.g., periodically or on transfer of title to a vehicle. If required periodically, it is often termed periodic motor vehicle inspection; typical intervals are every two years and every year. The stickers that are on car's winshields are called inspection decals or inspection stickers. In some jurisdictions, proof of inspection is required before a vehicle licence or license plate can be issued or renewed. In others, once a vehicle passes inspection, a decal is attached to the windshield, and police can enforce the inspection law by seeing whether the vehicle displays an up-todate decal. In the case of a vehicle lacking a windshield (e.g., a trailer or motorcycle), the decal is typically attached to the vehicle body or license plate. There is some controversy over whether periodically inspecting motor vehicles is a cost-effective way to improve road-traffic safety Reducing Dependence on the Motor Vehicle Reducing dependence on the motor vehicle is an essential strategy for reducing air pollution from personal transportation. This strategy requires a rethinking of the way our communities are designed, and will result in countless benefits for our communities, and for our environment. Major themes to be addressed are: 1. The land use - transportation connection Land use and transportation decisions are intimately connected; improvements in one will promote more effective decision making in the other. Land use decisions, such as the expansion of low-density suburban areas, profoundly affect transportation choices and consequently, our air quality as well. Similarly, wiser policy choices concerning the role of the transit service, municipal zoning laws, and how transportation dollars are invested will encourage more sustainable land use options. 2. Creating complete communities and reduced car dependency


There are several steps that governments can take to improve transportation choices, reduce reliance on the car, and encourage more complete urban developments. These options include:

Improved planning - transportation infrastructure development and land use must be guided by a plan that considers long term goals and benefits for the region and long term costs of different transportation and land use choices Changing land use regulation - municipalities and regional governments can dramatically enhance air quality by passing zoning bylaws that encourage compact growth patterns and that are amenable to transit Parking management - the price and availability of parking spaces directly correlates with single occupancy vehicle use. Governments and employers must take steps to expose the true costs of parking spaces and reduce car use

Role of the judiciary

In recent years, the judiciary has played a prominent role in environmental protection. A number of judgements relating to stringent vehicle emission norms, fuel quality, introduction of cleaner fuels, phasing-out of older vehicles, and shifting of hazardous industries have provided a great deal of momentum to the efforts for improvement of air quality.

Environmental regulation/standards/Legislation:

The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 provides for the control and abatement of air pollution. It entrusts the power of enforcing this act to the CPCB


The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 states that all hazardous waste is to be properly packaged, labeled, and then transported National Air Quality Monitoring Programme Ambient Air Quality Standards Vehicular Emission Norms Fuel Quality Specifications National Biofuels Policy, 2008

The salient features of the National Biofuel Policy are as under: An indicative target of 20% by 2017 for the blending of biofuels bioethanol and bio-diesel has been proposed. Bio-diesel plantations on community/ Government/forest wastelands would be encouraged while plantation in fertile irrigated and would not be encouraged. The National Biofuel Policy envisages that bio-fuels, namely, biodiesel and bio-ethanol may be brought under the ambit of Declared Goods by the Government to ensure unrestricted movement of biofuels within and outside the States. It is also stated in the Policy that no taxes and duties should be levied on bio-diesel.

OUR HELP IN REDUSING POLLTION We can help to reduce global air pollution and climate change by driving a car that gets at least 35 miles a gallon, walking, bicycling, and using mass transit when possible. Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs, make your home more energy efficient, and buy only energy efficient appliances. Recycle newspapers, aluminum, and other materials. Plant trees and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contain CFCs. Support much stricter clean air laws and enforcement of international treaties to reduce ozone depletion and slow global warming.


Earth is everybody's home and nobody likes living in a dirty home. Together, we can make the earth a cleaner, healthier and more pleasant place to live.

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