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. MCQ Name:_______________________________________Computer #:__________ 1. In an audiogram speech frequencies are: a. b. c. d. 2.

2. 125, 250, 500 Hz 250, 500,1000 Hz 500, 1000, 2000 Hz 1000, 2000, 3000 Hz

Following are the features of acute mastoidectomy EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. Earache Post-auricular swelling Conductive deafness Painful movements of the pinna


All of the following statements are correct about facial nerve EXCEPT: a. b. c. It crosses lateral to styloid process Lies below horizontal semicircular canal Lies behind the pyramid in the posterior wall of the middle ear


Chorda tympani branch arises from its tympanic segment


All of the following muscles are supplied by facial nerve EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. Masseter Buccinator Stylohoid Orbicularis Oculi


All of the following muscles are supplied by VIIth nerve EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. Stapedius Posterior belly of digastric Platysma Tensor Tympani


Ramsay Hunt syndrome includes all EXCEPT: a. b. Facial paralysis Vesicles in the external ear canal and tympanic membrane Vesicles on soft palate Pharyngeal paralysis

c. d.


Facial paralysis in acute otitis media is due to the following EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. Cholesteatoma Bony erosion of fallopian tube Pre-existing dehiscence of facial canal Infection of retrofacial cells


All are true about otosclerosis EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. Onset is between 20 40 years of age Causes slowly progressive hearing loss Endolymphatic pressure is raised More common in white races


Which of the following statement(s) is/are true concerning Menieres disease? a. b. Other name for the disease is Hydrops of middleear. It is characterized by attacks of vertigo, tinnitus and conductive hearing loss. It is common in females With repeated attacks of vertigo, cochlear function gets reduced. Main constituents of the nasal septum are:

c. d.


a. b. c. d.

Quadrangular cartilage Vomer Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Perpendicular plate of palatine bone Which of the following is NOT true to nasal

11. synechia a. b. c. d.

Often follows intranasal surgery Epistaxis is the presenting feature Can lead to sinusitis Recurrence is common after removal Following are the features of atrophic rhinitis

12. EXCEPT: a. b. c. d.

Crusting and bleeding from nose Offensive smell Anosmia Narrow nasal chambers Purulent discharge in superior meatus is due to

13. infection of: a. b.

Maxillary sinus Anterior ethmoid sinuses

c. d. 14. a. b. c. d. 15. is: a. b. c. d. 16. a. b. c. d.

Posterior ethmoid sinuses Sphenoid sinus Septal performation is NOT seen in: Leprosy Wegeners granuloma Tuberculosis Rhinoscleroma Most common malignancy of paranasal sinuses

Adenocarcinoma Adenoid cystic carcinoma Squamous cell carcinoma Malignant Melanoma Abduction of vocal cord is brought about by: Thyroarytenoid Vocalis Cricothyroid Posterior cricoarytenoid

17. External laryngeal nerve supplies which of the following muscle(s): a. b. c. d. Posterior cricoarytenoid Thyroarytenoid Oblique arytenoid Cricothyroid

18. The following laryngeal cartilages may show calcification EXCEPT: a. b. c. d. 19. a. b. c. d. Cricoid Thyroid Arytenoid Epiglottis Contact ulcer of the larynx is caused by: Tuberculosis Syphilis Vocal abuse Fungal infection

20. All are true about Plummer-Vinson syndrome (Sideropenic dysphagia) EXCEPT:


May be associated with carcinoma of hypopharynx or oesophagus. Dysphagia is due to cervical oesophageal web. Associated with iron-deficiency anaemia. More common in males.

b. c. d.

21. Most common benign tumour of the parotid gland in an adult is: a. b. c. d. Haemangioma Warthins tumour Pleomorphic adenoma Oxyphil adenoma

22. The most common malignant tumour of the salivary glands is: a. b. c. d. Squamous cell carcinoma Muco-epidermoid carcinoma Malignant mixed tumour Cylindroma

23. Which of the following is NOT true of Pleomorphic adenoma? a. It is slow-growing painless tumour

b. c.

Local recurrence is common after enucleation Most of the benign submandibular gland mixed tumours occur in


Treatment is wide surgical excision Which of the following is NOT true of Warthins

24. tumour? a. b. c. d. 25. a.

Seen more often in men Affects age group of 40 - 60 Rapidly growing Affects tail of parotid gland All are true about Thyroglossal cyst EXCEPT: Presents as smooth, cystic swelling at or just below the hoid bone. Should be removed because of danger of infection and malignant change. Requires excision of mid-portion of hoid bone if recurrence is to be avoided.d. Originates from the 2nd brachial cleft.



26. A cystic midline swelling in the neck can be result of the following EXCEPT:

a. b. c. d.

Branchial cyst Dermoid cyst Thyroglossal cyst Sebaceous cyst

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