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Topic and Method a) Topic: the attitude of those who live in Timisoara towards this city. b) Relevance: the place that we live in has a great influence on our personality and our expectations. In order to progress a city needs a good management that seeks for the contentment of its citizens, that is why finding out what bothers them or what satisfies them is an important process. c) Method: questionnaire. It conains 12 questions, out of which: 6 close ending questions; 3 open ending questions; 2 combines questions (with pre-formulated answers, and with the possibility to motivate the choice that has been made). 1 question refering to social features (gender, age, studies, ocupation, adress). The close ending questions have the purpose to shorten the aplication time and ease the reading process. The open ending questions provide a feeling of liberty to the person that completes it, allowing him/ her to compose his/ hers own answers.


Administration and Population a) The administration of the questionnaire has been done: face to face; with the help of 2 delegates; through the Internet. The locations where the questionnaires have been applied: the student campus (persons that havent been living for a long time in Timisoara); some persons homes (through the Internet); the gym (the chance of greater variety of people). On the other hand, the locations were chosen for the people to be in a relaxed environment.

2 b) The population have been chosen in order to: live permanently or temporarily in Timisoara;

be of different ages, ocupations and education, so that some distinctions to be made on these bases. 3. Data Analysis and Findings I have analysed the 27 questionnaires: by hand; by couning the answers; by using double-crossed tabels; by calculating the scores.
Less than 1 year 3 10- 20 years 5 21- 30 years 10 Over 30 years 2

The answers to the 1st question are rendered in the following table.
Years in Timisoara Number of persons 1- 2 years 3 3-4 years 4

Out of all the persons questioned, 18 live permanently in Timisoara, and 9 live temporarily (10th question). The answers to the 2nd question (refering to the familiarization with the citys areas) are depicted in the following pie-chart.
deloc aproape deloc foarte bine

bine mediu

Perhaps surprisingly, half of those that have been living in Timisoara for maximum 4 years have answered that they know the city very well and well, and half of those that have been living here for at least 10 years have answered in the same manner. I would have expected to

find more persons that have been living here for so many years and know the city better. For those who answered the 3rd question (16 persons; the rest: either they did not have unknown areas, or they did not care to answer), neighbourhoods like Freidorf, Plopi, or Rona are districts of Timisoara that they heard of, but have not seen yet.

The preference towards a particular area has been expressed by all the questionnaired and this is rendered in the following chart.


9 12 15 18 21 24 27
numbe r of persons

A= the areas where their homes are; B= the areas where their homes are+ the Victorys Square; C= the Victorys Square+ the Unions Square; D= the areas where they live+ other areas (parks, the Unions Square). As far as for their arguments, the persons questioned reply: Because I live here; There are a lot of shops and many people; There are many places one to entertain him/herself; For the architecture. It results that, regardless they live there temporarily or permanently, people have a tendency to prefer the areas where they live. They are subjective: their neighborhood might not be the greatest in the city, but for them is the best. A few of them are objective: they prefer the Old Citadel.

When asked to estimate their degree of involvement with the citys life (5th question): a little more than a third of them (10 persons) answered not at all (deloc); a third of them (8 persons) answered almost not at all (aproape deloc); a third of them (9 persons) answered much and medium (mult si medium), out of which, more than a half (5 persons) were the ones that have been living in Timisoara for maximum 4 years; no one answered very much (foarte mult).

The means of being involved in the citys life (6th question) have been getting votes and the following table shows their ranks according to the temporarily living in Timisoara persons, and to the permanently living here persons.
Rank- for temporarily living Voting for mayor house 0 Occupation 1st Buying local newspapers 3rd Attending the local football teams matches 4th Participating to Ruga Banateana or 4th Timisoaras Day Watching/listening local programs 3rd Participating to different festivals held in 2nd Timisoara Others 0 Means of involvement (activities) Rank- for permanently living 1st 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 3rd 1st 0

As we can see in the chart, the principal activities that involve those who live here temporarily or permanently in the citys life are related to their occupation: they work or go to school in Timisoara (this is the minimal level of involvement), or to entertainment: they take part to festivals (this is the joyful level of involvement). Praiseworthy, those who live in Timisoara permanently do vote when the elections for mayor house are organized.

Regarding some aspects of the city of Timisoara (7th question), the persons that completed this questionnaire have given certain marks. The following chart renders the ranks that these aspects obtained, after having accumulated some points.

1st A

2nd B

3rd C

4th 5th D E

a) For those who have been living in Timisoara for more than 10 years: A: ethnical diversity; B: transports, entertainment; C: culture, architecture, education; D: career opportunities, landscape; E: cleanness.
b) For those who have been living in Timisoara for maximum 4

years (students): A: career opportunities; B: entertainment, landscape; C: cleanness, transport, ethnical diversity; D: culture, education; E: architecture. The arguments for the highest mark given to the ethnical diversity are more or less the same: a multitude of ethnics have their representatives in Timisoara and usually they live in harmony.

The arguments for the lowest mark given to the cleanness are that there are not enough trash bins in Timisoara, in parks or forests is a lot of garbage. The arguments for the highest mark given to the career opportunities prove that outside students come here looking for and expecting to find good jobs. The arguments for the lowest mark given to the architecture of the city of Timisoara prove little knowledge of the citys finest buildings (because the students live mainly in the campus). At the 9th question, about their feelings related to the city of Timisoara: a) From those who have been living for more than 10 years in Timisoara: A half feel satisfaction; A third feel pride; 3 persons feel indifference; 2 persons feel others: at the most content, state of wellbeing. b) From those who have been living for maximum 4 years in Timisoara: A half feel enthusiasm; A third feel pride; 1 person feels discontent; 1 person feels others: confusion. Being inquired about their future plans with regard to remaining or not in Timisoara (11th question): a) From those who live here temporarily (9 persons): 7 want to remain in Timisoara (motivation: career opportunities); 2 do not want to remain in Timisoara (motivation: preference of the Capital). b) From those who live here permanently (18 persons): 15 want to still remain in Timisoara (motivation: is their home, absence of no other alternative); 3 do not want to remain in Timisoara any longer (motivations: emigration, returning to birthplace).

A very good thing is that the majority of those who stay in Timisoara feel positive things for this city (pride, enthusiasm), and most of the people stated they wanted to remain in Timisoara. 4. Limitations The limitations of the questionnaire are the following: The population; A small number of indicators to investigate such a complex concept as the attitude towards a city.

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