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Praise Allah SWT. Due to the grace and the gift of Him so that the preparation of this paper has been resolved.

This paper is one of the requirements to fulfill the requirements in order to get good grades in subjects of Physics in SMP Negeri 1 Limboto Gorontalo regency.

The completion of the preparation of this thanks to support from other parties, therefore, on this occasion the authors convey thanks and highest appreciation to the honorable: 1. Maryam Ui M. Pd As a Junior High School Principal Limboto and all the staff who have given easiness either morally and materially during his education at the Junior High School 1 Limboto 2. Asriyati Payu M. Pd as the Guardian Class IX-1 SMP Negeri 1 Limboto 3. Swirna Kau M.Pd as the Subject Teachers who have taken the time, effort and thought in the implementation of guidance, direction, encouragement in order to completion of the preparation of this paper 4. My colleagues all in the Class IX-1 SMP 1 Limboto 5. In particular the authors would like to thank loved ones who have provided encouragement and assistance and understanding of the author, either during the Learning School and in completing this paper

As well as close relatives and his compatriots are proud author. May Allah SWT reward for the good that has been given to the author. The author realizes this paper is far from perfect, therefore, criticism and suggestions that are constructive is expected by the author. Finally, the authors hope this paper can be beneficial to all parties who are competent. Amin.

Limboto 2011





CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION A. background B. problem formulation C. Destination



A. Background The electrical current is the amount of electrical charge that flows per unit time. Electric charge can flow through wires or other electrical conductor.

B. Problem formulation

1. What is the Definition of Power Flow? 2. What Happens Factors Electricity Flow? 3. How to Identify and Electricity Flow?

C. Destination

1. Explaining Electricity Flow Definition 2. Menjelaska Electricity Flows from Time to time 3. Knowing the Factors Affecting Power Flow

CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ELECTRICAL CURRENT SOURCE To be able to move, requires toy car propulsion. Power comes from a battery in it. On battery changes chemical energy into electrical energy. Battery, as a modifier of a energy into electrical energy, known as a source of electric current. The phenomenon of change of a type of energy into electrical energy that you will learn in this chapter. In this chapter you will learn the terms electromotive force and electric current source, and its application in everyday life.

A. Electromotive force

Have you ever noticed writing on the 1.5 V battery, or 6 V and 12 V to the ACC? Magnitude 1.5 V, 6 V or 12 V was written on the body of the battery or accumulator indicates it has an electric potential difference. This is often called the electromotive force (emf). To help you understand the terms electromotive force, consider Figure 9.1, and also note the explanation.

If the switch (sk) is closed, electrons at the negative pole of the battery will move through the conductor to the positive pole. During the journey, get extra energy electrons from the positive pole of attraction. However, that energy will be depleted due to the collision antarelektron; in the collision that resulted in the lamp filament incandescent and give off light. Arriving at the positive pole, the electrons still tend to move toward the negative pole again. However, it is difficult if there is no external energy assistance. External energy in the form of chemical energy from the battery. The energy required to move electrons in the current source that is called electromotive force (emf).

In Figure 9.1 the voltage measured at the point of AB (eg using a voltmeter) when the switch is open is the emf of the battery. The measured voltage when the switch is closed the voltage clamp. Clamp voltage value is always smaller than the electromotive force. Do you know why?


You already know how the electric current. In addition you also already know the components that can assist the movement of electrons in a circuit. A component that serves as a place to convert one type of energy, such as chemical energy and motion energy, into electrical energy is called electrical current source. For example batteries, accumulators, and generators.

Electric current source can be divided into two, namely the source of alternating electrical current (AC) and the source of electric current (DC). Source of AC electrical current generated by the dynamo currents and the AC generator. There are several kinds of direct current sources, such as voltaic cells, dry element (battery), accumulators, solar cells, and direct current dynamo. Voltaic elements, batteries, and accumulators are a source of direct current produced by chemical

reactions. Therefore, the voltaic elements, batteries, and accumulators are often called electrochemistry. It is said electrochemical device for converting chemical energy into electrical energy.

Divided into two elements, namely elements of primary and secondary elements. The primary element is the element that the expiration of its cargo can not be refilled. For example voltaic elements and batteries. Secondary elements are elements that once discharged its cargo can be loaded again. For example the accumulator (battery). In the voltaic elements, batteries, and accumulators there are three main parts, namely

a. anode, the positive electrode has a high potential, b. cathode, the negative electrode which has a low potential, c. electrolyte solution, a liquid that can conduct electrical current.

To better understand the working principle of electrochemical few examples, follow the following descriptions.

1. Elements Volta

Volta element was first developed by Italian physicist named Allesandro Volta (1790-1800) by using a vessel filled with a solution of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and two metallic copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn). The main part of Volta elements, namely a. the positive pole (anode) made of copper (Cu), b. negative pole (cathode) made of zinc (Zn), c. electrolyte solution is made of sulfuric acid (H2SO4).

Copper plate has a high potential, while the zinc plate has a low potential. If the two metal plates were connected through a lamp, the lamp will light. This proves the existence of electric currents flowing in the lamp. When the lights come on, an electrolyte solution will react with metallic copper and zinc to produce a number of electrons flow from zinc to copper. Meanwhile, the chemical reaction on the element of Volta is as follows.

In the reaction of H2SO4 electrolyte solution On the positive reaction of Cu + 2H + On the negative pole reaction Zn + SO 4

2H + + SO2-4

H 2 polarization ZnSO4 + 2e

Chemical reactions in the Volta element will produce bubbles of hydrogen gas (H2). Hydrogen

gas can not react with copper, so that hydrogen gas just stick to the copper plate and cover are electrical insulators. This causes obstruction of the flow of electrons from zinc to copper as well as the electrical current of copper to zinc. The incident closed the copper plate by hydrogen gas bubbles is called polarization. The presence of hydrogen gas polarization on copper plates Volta elements capable of causing electrical current only briefly. The voltage generated every element Volta about 1.1 volts. The use of a liquid electrolyte solution which is a weakness because it can wet the Volta element other equipment.

2. Elements Dry

Element is also called the battery dry. Dry element was first made by Leclance. The main part of the dry element is

a. the positive pole (anode) made of carbon rods (C), b. negative pole (cathode) made of zinc (Zn), c. electrolyte solution made of ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), d. dispolarisator made of manganese dioxide (MnO2).

The battery is called dry element, because electrolyte is

mixture of carbon powder, manganese, and a tangible salmiak pasta (dry). Carbon rod (rod charcoal) has a high potential, while the zinc plate has a low potential. If both electrodes were connected to the light and the lamp will light. This proves the existence of electric currents flowing in the lamp. When the lights come on, an electrolyte solution will react with zinc. Meanwhile, the chemical reactions in the batteries is as follows.

In the electrolyte solution reaction Zn + 2NH4Cl dispolarisasi)

Zn2 + + 2NH3 + H2 + 2Cl (captured

In the reaction of H2 + dispolarisator 2MnO2 Mn2O3 + H2O

Chemical reactions in the batteries will produce bubbles of hydrogen gas (H2). Hydrogen gas will be captured and reacted with dispolarisator the form of manganese dioxide (MnO2) produces water (H2O), so the batteries do not occur polarization of hydrogen gas that disrupt the electrical current. Materials that can eliminate the polarization of hydrogen gas called dispolarisator. Presence of stone dispolarisator on the battery, causing an electric current that flows longer. Each voltage batteries produce 1.5 volts. Dry element (batteries) are sold in stores because it has advantages such as long-lasting (durable), practical because of the shape as needed, and do not wet the equipment because the electrolyte in the form of pasta (dry).

3. Accumulator

Accumulators are often called battery. Either accumulator anode electrode and cathode is made of lead (Cu) porous. The main part of the accumulator, ie

a. positive pole (anode) made of lead dioxide (PbO2), b. negative pole (cathode) made of pure lead (Pb), c. electrolyte solution is made of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with a concentration of 30%.

Plate pure lead and lead dioxide prepared will have an insert with each other to form a single pair of accumulator cells are close together and separated by an insulating material in the form of an insulator. Potential difference generated every single cell accumulator 2 volts. In everyday life, there are 12 volt accumulator is used to turn the starter car or turn signal to turn on the front and back of the car. 12 volt accumulator is composed of 6 pairs of accumulator cells are in series. The ability of the electrical current accumulator called accumulator capacity is expressed as units of Ampere Hour (AH). AH capacity of the accumulator 50 accumulator means capable of 1 ampere electrical current that can last for 50 hours without charging again.

a. The process of discharging accumulators

At the time of the accumulator is used, there is a change of chemical energy into electrical energy and changes in anode, cathode and electrolyte. At the anode there is a change of lead dioxide (PbO2) into lead sulfate (PbSO4). Changes that occur at the cathode is a pure lead (Pb) into lead sulfate (PbSO4). The changes in the electrolyte solution, which is a dilute sulfuric acid, due to the emptying of the accumulator is formed of water (H2O). The composition of the accumulator is as follows.

a. The positive pole (anode) made of lead dioxide (PbO2). b. Negative pole (cathode) made of pure lead (Pb). c. Electrolyte solution is made of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) with a concentration of 30%.

When the accumulator is used, the reaction occurs between an electrolyte solution with pure lead and lead dioxide to produce electrons and water. Chemical reactions in the accumulator is discharged are as follows.

In the electrolyte: H2SO4

2H + + SO4 2 PbSO4 +2 H2SO4 + H2O

At the anode: PbO2 + 2H + + 2e At the cathode: Pb 42

PbSO4 + SO

At the time of the accumulator is used, both the anode and cathode will slowly turn into lead sulfate (PbSO4). If that occurs, then both poles have the same potential and the electric current stops flowing. The formation of water on chemical reactions cause the concentrations of sulfuric acid is reduced, thus reducing its density. This situation is said to be the accumulator is empty (discharged).

b. Accumulator Charging Process

Accumulators including secondary elements, so that after it can be refilled. Charging the accumulator is often called a shock accumulators. At the time of shock accumulators changes electrical energy into chemical energy. Changes that occur at the anode, the lead sulfate (PbSO4) turns into lead dioxide (PbO2). Changes to the anode, the lead sulfate (PbSO4) turns into pure lead (Pb). Concentration of sulfuric acid will be changed from dilute to concentrated, because when the accumulator is recharged water evaporation occurs. How to shock an accumulator?

Accumulator is necessary to shock the other DC voltage source which has a greater potential difference. Eg 6 volt accumulator empty current source should be shocked with a voltage of more than 6 volts. Poles of the accumulator is connected with the poles of a voltage source. Positive pole of a voltage source connected to the positive pole of the accumulator. Meanwhile, the negative pole voltage source connected to the negative pole of the accumulator. This circuit causes the DC voltage source electron flow opposite to the direction of electron flow accumulator.

The electrons in the accumulator accumulator forced to return to the original electrode, so as to reverse the chemical reaction on both elektrodenya. In order for accumulator shock better results, then the current is used to fill small and long charging time. The amount of electric current is set with reostat. At the time charging occurs evaporation of sulfuric acid, thereby increasing the concentration of sulfuric acid and sulfuric acid surfaces down. Therefore, it should be added back to the water accumulator.

The composition of the accumulator to be recharged (filled) in the state empty, ie

a. the positive pole (anode) made of lead dioxide (PbSO4), b. negative pole (cathode) made of pure lead (PbSO4), c. electrolyte solution is made of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) diluted.

Chemical reaction when the accumulator is filled, ie

the electrolyte: H2SO4

2H + + SO4 2 PbO2 + 2H2SO4

at the anode: PbSO4 + SO 4 2 - + 2H2O at the cathode: PbSO4 + 2H +

Pb + H2SO4

So, when the shock accumulators in principle change the anode and cathode in the form of lead sulfate (PbSO4) to lead dioxide (PbO2) and pure lead (Pb).

C. VOLTAGE MEASUREMENT You already know that the measuring instruments lsitrik penitng enough, other than ammeters, is a voltmeter. Ammeters are used to determine the strong electric current in a circuit is closed. Meanwhile, the voltmeter used to measure the potential difference. For example the potential difference between the poles of the battery or the potential difference at two points an electrical

circuit. In a circuit, use a voltmeter in parallel. That is, the voltmeter positive terminal (red) is connected to the positive pole of the batteries. The negative pole of the voltmeter is connected with the negative pole of the batteries. One example is the use of a voltmeter on the measurement of electromotive force and a voltage clamp circuit. For more details, do activities in groups 9.1. Previously, form a group of 4 students, 2 boys and 2 girls. The difference between the magnitude of emf with a voltage clamp gave rise to voltage loss. Battery or other source of electric current has a bottleneck in. In one series, barriers (r) are always arranged in series with the external resistance (R). Consider Figure 9.8. Based on the picture, Ohm's Law formula can be written as follows.

For some of elements are installed in series applies

The existence of barriers that cause cause voltage loss. Voltage loss is denoted by N units of volts. The relationship between emf, voltage clamp, and voltage losses formulated. E = V + U with: E = electromotive force unit volt (V) V = voltage clamp unit volt (V) U = voltage loss unit volt (V)

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